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Det finns 1335 texter i mötet EVOLUTION, 105-1335 visas
Textnr: Datum: Tid: Skrivet av: Ärende:
105 2004-09-19 06:23:00 Tomhendricks474 Re: what is life
106 2004-09-20 21:55:00 Tim Tyler Re: Testing Evolution Via
107 2004-09-20 21:55:00 Michael Ragland Re: Replicating What?
108 2004-09-20 21:55:00 R Norman Re: A Question About Inse
109 2004-09-20 21:55:00 John Edser Self-Organization of Comp
110 2004-09-20 21:55:00 Melvin Re: Patterns of evolution
111 2004-09-20 21:55:00 John Edser Re: Replicating What?
112 2004-09-20 21:55:00 William Morse Re: Patterns of evolution
113 2004-09-20 21:55:00 Bob O'Hara Re: Population Genetics M
114 2004-09-20 21:55:00 Michael Ragland Dom World
115 2004-09-20 21:55:00 Michael Ragland Aggression in fish, lobst
116 2004-09-20 21:55:00 Anthony Campbell Re: A Question About Inse
117 2004-09-20 21:55:00 Guy Hoelzer Re: Replicating What?
118 2004-09-20 21:55:00 Guy Hoelzer Re: Population Genetics M
119 2004-09-21 16:55:00 Wirt Atmar Re: A Question About Inse
120 2004-09-21 16:55:00 Paul Re: the why question
121 2004-09-21 16:55:00 Phillip Smith Fixation rates for mutati
122 2004-09-21 16:55:00 Peter F Mutationrate increases wh
123 2004-09-21 16:55:00 Peter F Re: Patterns of evolution
124 2004-09-21 16:55:00 Phil Roberts, Jr. Re: Patterns of evolution
Textnr: Datum: Tid: Skrivet av: Ärende:
125 2004-09-21 16:55:00 Michael Ragland Self-Organization and Can
126 2004-09-22 06:05:00 Brett Aubrey Re: Different Forms of Li
127 2004-09-22 13:39:00 Phillip Smith Re: Fixation rates for mu
128 2004-09-22 13:39:00 Anon. Re: Fixation rates for mu
129 2004-09-22 13:39:00 Anthony Cerrato Re: the why question
130 2004-09-22 13:39:00 Anthony Cerrato Re: Self-Organization and
131 2004-09-22 13:39:00 Michael Ragland Plasma as the Origin of L
132 2004-09-22 13:39:00 Anthony Cerrato Re: Different Forms of Li
133 2004-09-23 16:56:00 Tomhendricks474 Re: Different Forms of Li
134 2004-09-23 16:56:00 Guy Hoelzer Re: the why question
135 2004-09-23 16:56:00 Brett Aubrey Extinction of anaerobes /
136 2004-09-23 16:56:00 John Edser Re: Replicating What?
137 2004-09-23 16:56:00 Phillip Smith Re: Fixation rates for mu
138 2004-09-23 16:56:00 John Edser Re: Population Genetics M
139 2004-09-23 16:56:00 Phil Roberts, Jr. Re: Patterns of evolution
140 2004-09-23 16:56:00 John Edser Re: Testing Evolution Via
141 2004-09-23 16:56:00 Michael Ragland Natural Selection and Can
142 2004-09-23 16:56:00 Erland Gadde Re: Kin altruism
143 2004-09-23 16:56:00 Tomhendricks474 Why Early?
144 2004-09-23 16:56:00 Anthony Campbell Book review: In the Blink
Textnr: Datum: Tid: Skrivet av: Ärende:
145 2004-09-23 16:56:00 Michael Ragland Darwin's morality
146 2004-09-24 05:56:00 Malcolm Re: Fixation rates for mu
147 2004-09-24 05:56:00 Tomhendricks474 Re: Different Forms of Li
148 2004-09-24 05:56:00 Guy Hoelzer Re: Population Genetics M
149 2004-09-24 05:56:00 Brett Aubrey Re: Different Forms of Li
150 2004-09-24 12:56:00 Brett Aubrey Re: Why Early?
151 2004-09-24 12:56:00 Brett Aubrey Re: Different Forms of Li
152 2004-09-24 12:56:00 Anon. Re: Population Genetics M
153 2004-09-24 12:56:00 Anthony Cerrato Re: the why question
154 2004-09-24 12:56:00 Anon. Re: Testing Evolution Via
155 2004-09-24 12:56:00 John Edser Re: Population Genetics M
156 2004-09-25 21:57:00 Phil Roberts, Jr. Re: Darwin's morality
157 2004-09-25 21:57:00 Guy Hoelzer Re: the why question
158 2004-09-25 21:57:00 Dean J Garrett Darwin's sexual selection
159 2004-09-25 21:57:00 Phil Roberts, Jr. Re: the why question
160 2004-09-25 21:57:00 Guy Hoelzer Re: Population Genetics M
161 2004-09-25 21:57:00 Malcolm Re: Fixation rates for mu
162 2004-09-25 21:57:00 John Edser Re: Population Genetics M
163 2004-09-25 21:57:00 Tomhendricks474 Re: Why Early?
164 2004-09-25 21:57:00 John Edser Re: Testing Evolution Via
Textnr: Datum: Tid: Skrivet av: Ärende:
165 2004-09-25 21:57:00 Tomhendricks474 Re: Origins of Life on Ea
166 2004-09-25 21:57:00 Tim Tyler Re: Kin altruism
167 2004-09-25 21:57:00 Tomhendricks474 Re: Different Forms of Li
168 2004-09-25 21:57:00 Phillip Smith Re: Fixation rates for mu
169 2004-09-25 21:57:00 Michael Ragland The uncertainty of evolut
170 2004-09-25 21:57:00 Tim Tyler Re: Testing Evolution Via
171 2004-09-25 21:57:00 Tim Tyler Re: Why Early?
172 2004-09-25 21:57:00 Michael Ragland The religion of sociobiol
173 2004-09-27 05:58:00 Michael Ragland Challenge to our Darwinia
174 2004-09-27 05:58:00 Michael Ragland Re: Darwin's morality
175 2004-09-27 05:58:00 John Leonard Does restriction to sexua
176 2004-09-27 05:58:00 Brett Aubrey Re: Different Forms of Li
177 2004-09-27 05:58:00 Tomhendricks474 Re: the why question
178 2004-09-27 05:58:00 Tomhendricks474 Re: Why Early?
179 2004-09-27 05:58:00 Michael Ragland Re: Darwin's sexual selec
180 2004-09-27 05:58:00 Phillip Smith Re: Fixation rates for mu
181 2004-09-27 05:58:00 Anon. Re: Population Genetics M
182 2004-09-27 05:58:00 John Edser Re: Testing Evolution Via
183 2004-09-27 05:58:00 Anthony Cerrato Re: the why question
184 2004-09-27 05:58:00 Anon. Re: Testing Evolution Via
Textnr: Datum: Tid: Skrivet av: Ärende:
185 2004-09-27 05:58:00 Matt Lewis Why are mammals warm bloo
186 2004-09-27 05:58:00 Michael Ragland Tiny genetic changes have
187 2004-09-27 05:58:00 Robert Karl Stonjek Article: Following Phylog
188 2004-09-27 05:58:00 Robert Karl Stonjek New Discipline: Synthetic
189 2004-09-27 05:58:00 Michael Ragland Hawking on "stages of evo
190 2004-09-27 05:58:00 John Edser Re: Population Genetics M
191 2004-09-27 12:15:00 Joe Felsenstein Re: Extinction of anaerob
192 2004-09-27 12:15:00 Erwin Moller Mutationrate increases wh
193 2004-09-27 12:15:00 Tim Tyler Re: Different Forms of Li
194 2004-09-27 12:15:00 Tim Tyler Re: Why Early?
195 2004-09-27 12:15:00 Tim Tyler Re: Why are mammals warm
196 2004-09-27 12:15:00 Reason Re: Why are mammals warm
197 2004-09-27 12:15:00 Michael Ragland Re: Does restriction to s
198 2004-09-27 12:15:00 Tim Tyler Re: New Discipline: Synth
199 2004-09-28 13:34:00 Guy Hoelzer Re: the why question
200 2004-09-28 13:34:00 Tim Tyler The Ancestor's Tale
201 2004-09-28 13:34:00 R Norman Re: Why are mammals warm
202 2004-09-28 13:34:00 Tomhendricks474 Re: Different Forms of Li
203 2004-09-28 13:34:00 Tomhendricks474 Re: Why are mammals warm
204 2004-09-28 13:34:00 Michael Ragland Directed evolution of pro
Textnr: Datum: Tid: Skrivet av: Ärende:
205 2004-09-28 13:34:00 Michael Ragland Directed evolution of lif
206 2004-09-28 13:34:00 Brett Aubrey Re: Different Forms of Li
207 2004-09-28 13:34:00 John Edser Re: Population Genetics M
208 2004-09-28 13:34:00 Brett Aubrey Re: Why Early?
209 2004-09-28 13:34:00 G. Stewart Re: Why are mammals warm
210 2004-09-28 13:34:00 William Morse Re: Extinction of anaerob
211 2004-09-28 13:35:00 Anon. Re: Population Genetics M
212 2004-09-28 13:35:00 Elie Gendloff Re: Does restriction to s
213 2004-09-28 13:35:00 Michael Ragland Re: Extinction of anaerob
214 2004-09-29 06:06:00 Anthony Cerrato Re: the why question
215 2004-09-29 06:06:00 Tomhendricks474 Four Bases and UV Absorpt
216 2004-09-29 06:06:00 Tomhendricks474 Where's the C
217 2004-09-29 06:06:00 Phil Roberts, Jr. Re: the why question
218 2004-09-29 06:06:00 Name And Address Supplied Re: Why are mammals warm
219 2004-09-29 06:06:00 Anthony Cerrato Re: New Discipline: Synth
220 2004-09-29 06:06:00 Tomhendricks474 Re: Different Forms of Li
221 2004-09-29 06:06:00 Michael Ragland Re: Does restriction to s
222 2004-09-29 06:06:00 Robert Karl Stonjek Article: Taxonomy isn't b
223 2004-09-29 06:06:00 R Norman Re: Does restriction to s
224 2004-09-29 06:06:00 Robert Karl Stonjek Paper: For Gene Activatio
Textnr: Datum: Tid: Skrivet av: Ärende:
225 2004-09-29 06:06:00 Brett Aubrey Re: Extinction of anaerob
226 2004-09-29 06:06:00 John Edser Re: Population Genetics M
227 2004-09-29 06:06:00 Robert Karl Stonjek Article: Ancient Long-Nec
228 2004-09-29 06:06:00 Robert Karl Stonjek Papers: DNA Barcoding: Pr
229 2004-09-29 06:06:00 Brett Aubrey Re: Different Forms of Li
230 2004-09-29 06:06:00 John Edser Re: Testing Evolution Via
231 2004-09-29 16:43:00 Anon. Re: Population Genetics M
232 2004-09-29 16:43:00 Michael Ragland Ultra Deep Field reveals
233 2004-09-29 16:43:00 Peter F Re: Population Genetics M
234 2004-09-29 16:43:00 Anon. Re: Testing Evolution Via
235 2004-09-29 16:43:00 Tomhendricks474 Re: Different Forms of Li
236 2004-09-29 16:43:00 Brett Aubrey Re: Different Forms of Li
237 2004-09-29 16:43:00 Tim Tyler Re: New Discipline: Synth
238 2004-09-29 16:43:00 Rob Direction of Evolution?
239 2004-09-29 22:00:00 Anon. Re: Direction of Evolutio
240 2004-09-29 22:00:00 R Norman Re: Direction of Evolutio
241 2004-09-29 22:00:00 Brett Aubrey Re: Different Forms of Li
242 2004-09-29 22:00:00 Tim Tyler Re: Darwin's morality
243 2004-09-29 22:00:00 Tim Tyler Re: Testing Evolution Via
244 2004-09-29 22:00:00 Tim Tyler Re: Direction of Evolutio
Textnr: Datum: Tid: Skrivet av: Ärende:
245 2004-09-29 22:00:00 John Edser Re: Population Genetics M
246 2004-10-01 17:29:00 John Edser Re: Testing Evolution Via
247 2004-10-01 17:29:00 John Edser Re: Direction of Evolutio
248 2004-10-01 17:29:00 Peter F Re: Direction of Evolutio
249 2004-10-01 17:29:00 Tim Tyler Re: Direction of Evolutio
250 2004-10-01 17:29:00 Reason Re: Direction of Evolutio
251 2004-10-01 17:29:00 Anthony Cerrato Re: Different Forms of Li
252 2004-10-01 17:29:00 Tomhendricks474 Re: Different Forms of Li
253 2004-10-01 17:29:00 Reason Re: Four Bases and UV Abs
254 2004-10-01 17:29:00 Erwin Moller Re: Direction of Evolutio
255 2004-10-01 17:29:00 Tomhendricks474 Re: Darwin's morality
256 2004-10-01 17:29:00 Tomhendricks474 Re: Direction of Evolutio
257 2004-10-01 17:29:00 Robert Karl Stonjek Article: Evidence for lif
258 2004-10-01 17:29:00 Michael Ragland Re: Direction of Evolutio
259 2004-10-01 17:29:00 Brett Aubrey Re: Why are mammals warm
260 2004-10-01 17:29:00 Perltcl Re: the why question
261 2004-10-01 17:29:00 Peter F Apropos "Directed evoluti
262 2004-10-01 17:29:00 Tv Girlie Question about skin color
263 2004-10-01 17:29:00 Philipp Rohlfshagen Re: Direction of Evolutio
264 2004-10-01 17:29:00 Michael Ragland Challenges for Evolutiona
Textnr: Datum: Tid: Skrivet av: Ärende:
265 2004-10-01 17:29:00 Perltcl physical basis of memory
266 2004-10-02 06:07:00 Brett Aubrey Re: Different Forms of Li
267 2004-10-02 06:07:00 Anon. Re: Testing Evolution Via
268 2004-10-02 06:07:00 Reason Re: Question about skin c
269 2004-10-02 06:07:00 Malcolm Re: Challenges for Evolut
270 2004-10-02 06:07:00 Reason Re: Challenges for Evolut
271 2004-10-02 06:07:00 Guy Hoelzer Re: the why question
272 2004-10-02 06:07:00 Tomhendricks474 Re: Four Bases and UV Abs
273 2004-10-02 06:07:00 Tim Tyler Re: Direction of Evolutio
274 2004-10-02 06:07:00 Anthony Cerrato Re: Re: Cool photos of mo
275 2004-10-02 06:07:00 Tomhendricks474 Re: the why question
276 2004-10-02 06:07:00 Tomhendricks474 Re: Direction of Evolutio
277 2004-10-02 06:07:00 John Edser Re: Testing Evolution Via
278 2004-10-02 17:06:00 Tim Tyler Re: Testing Evolution Via
279 2004-10-02 17:06:00 Michael Ragland Re: Challenges for Evolut
280 2004-10-02 17:06:00 Peter F Re: physical basis of mem
281 2004-10-02 17:06:00 Anon. Re: Testing Evolution Via
282 2004-10-02 17:06:00 Anthony Cerrato Re: the why question
283 2004-10-02 17:06:00 Fabrizio J. Bonsignore Search `Fabrizio J Bonsig
284 2004-10-02 17:06:00 Brett Aubrey Re: Different Forms of Li
Textnr: Datum: Tid: Skrivet av: Ärende:
285 2004-10-02 17:06:00 Anthony Cerrato Re: New Discipline: Synth
286 2004-10-02 17:06:00 Malcolm Re: physical basis of mem
287 2004-10-02 17:06:00 Reason Re: Origins of Life on Ea
288 2004-10-02 17:06:00 Reason Re: The uncertainty of ev
289 2004-10-03 06:07:00 Reason Re: Challenges for Evolut
290 2004-10-03 06:07:00 Michael Ragland Re: The uncertainty of ev
291 2004-10-03 06:07:00 John Edser Re: Testing Evolution Via
292 2004-10-03 06:07:00 Elie Gendloff Re: Challenges for Evolut
293 2004-10-03 06:07:00 Tomhendricks474 Re: Origins of Life on Ea
294 2004-10-03 06:07:00 Wirt Atmar Re: Origins of Life on Ea
295 2004-10-03 06:07:00 Peter F Re: Direction of Evolutio
296 2004-10-03 06:07:00 Michael Ragland Re: Search `Fabrizio J Bo
297 2004-10-03 06:07:00 Tomhendricks474 Re: Article: Evidence for
298 2004-10-03 06:07:00 Michael Ragland The Evolution of Despair
299 2004-10-03 06:07:00 Michael Ragland Interview with Mayr
300 2004-10-03 22:27:00 Tv Girlie Re: Question about skin c
301 2004-10-03 22:27:00 Anon. Re: Testing Evolution Via
302 2004-10-03 22:27:00 Tim Tyler Re: Interview with Mayr
303 2004-10-03 22:27:00 Tim Tyler Re: Testing Evolution Via
304 2004-10-03 22:27:00 Tim Tyler Re: The uncertainty of ev
Textnr: Datum: Tid: Skrivet av: Ärende:
305 2004-10-03 22:27:00 Tinyurl.Com/uh3t Re: the why question
306 2004-10-03 22:27:00 Tim Tyler Smart folk figure they kn
307 2004-10-03 22:27:00 Reason Re: Challenges for Evolut
308 2004-10-03 22:27:00 Tim Tyler Re: New Discipline: Synth
309 2004-10-03 22:27:00 Tim Tyler Re: physical basis of mem
310 2004-10-03 22:27:00 Tinyurl.Com/uh3t Re: The uncertainty of ev
311 2004-10-03 22:27:00 Michael Ragland Re: Challenges for Evolut
312 2004-10-03 22:27:00 Phil Roberts, Jr. Re: Darwin's morality
313 2004-10-03 22:27:00 Fabrizio J. Bonsignore Re: Challenges for Evolut
314 2004-10-05 06:29:00 Michael Ragland Re: Challenges for Evolut
315 2004-10-05 06:29:00 Tim Tyler Re: Interview with Mayr
316 2004-10-05 06:29:00 Tim Tyler Re: New Discipline: Synth
317 2004-10-05 06:29:00 John Edser Re: Direction of Evolutio
318 2004-10-05 06:29:00 John Edser Re: Testing Evolution Via
319 2004-10-05 06:29:00 Inman Harvey Re: New Discipline: Synth
320 2004-10-05 06:29:00 Phil Roberts, Jr. Re: Darwin's morality
321 2004-10-05 06:29:00 Aquatic Dubmonkey Why do Caucasians have th
322 2004-10-07 06:06:00 Tim Tyler Re: Interview with Mayr
323 2004-10-07 06:06:00 Tomhendricks474@cs.Com There Was No Grace Period
324 2004-10-07 06:06:00 Brett Aubrey Fat
Textnr: Datum: Tid: Skrivet av: Ärende:
325 2004-10-07 06:06:00 Tomhendricks474 DNA Pioneer Has Died
326 2004-10-07 06:06:00 John Edser Re: Interview with Mayr
327 2004-10-07 21:54:00 Country Loon Alien Life
328 2004-10-07 21:54:00 Anthony Cerrato Re: Direction of Evolutio
329 2004-10-07 21:54:00 John Edser Re: Challenges for Evolut
330 2004-10-07 21:54:00 Fabrizio J. Bonsignore Re: There Was No Grace Pe
331 2004-10-07 21:54:00 Lennart Kiil Re: Interview with Mayr
332 2004-10-07 21:54:00 Anon. Re: Testing Evolution Via
333 2004-10-08 06:07:00 Lennart Kiil Re: Interview with Mayr
334 2004-10-08 06:07:00 John Edser Re: Testing Evolution Via
335 2004-10-08 06:07:00 Peter F Re: Alien Life
336 2004-10-08 06:07:00 Wirt Atmar Re: Alien Life
337 2004-10-08 06:25:00 Michael Ragland Re: Alien Life
338 2004-10-08 13:28:00 Anon. Re: Alien Life
339 2004-10-08 13:28:00 Tim Tyler Re: Alien Life
340 2004-10-08 13:28:00 Tim Tyler Re: Interview with Mayr
341 2004-10-08 13:28:00 John Edser Re: Interview with Mayr
342 2004-10-08 13:28:00 Anthony Cerrato Re: Alien Life
343 2004-10-08 13:28:00 John Edser Darwinism=Capitalism
344 2004-10-09 06:36:00 Guy Hoelzer Re: Alien Life
Textnr: Datum: Tid: Skrivet av: Ärende:
345 2004-10-09 06:36:00 William L Hunt Re: Article: Chemical and
346 2004-10-09 06:36:00 Guy Hoelzer Re: There Was No Grace Pe
347 2004-10-09 06:36:00 Tinyurl.Com/uh3t Re: The uncertainty of ev
348 2004-10-09 06:36:00 Tomhendricks474 Re: Alien Life
349 2004-10-09 06:36:00 Brett Aubrey Re: Alien Life
350 2004-10-09 06:36:00 Tomhendricks474 Re: There Was No Grace Pe
351 2004-10-09 06:36:00 John Edser Re: Interview with Mayr
352 2004-10-09 06:36:00 Michael Ragland Re: Alien Life
353 2004-10-09 06:36:00 Lennart Kiil Re: Interview with Mayr
354 2004-10-13 07:37:00 Michael Ragland Re: Interview with Mayr
355 2004-10-13 07:37:00 Country Loon Re: Alien Life
356 2004-10-13 07:37:00 Fabrizio J. Bonsignore Re: There Was No Grace Pe
357 2004-10-13 07:37:00 Supernerdgirl Can You Please Help Me Wi
358 2004-10-13 13:24:00 Tim Tyler Re: Alien Life
359 2004-10-13 13:24:00 Tim Tyler Re: decrepitude
360 2004-10-13 13:24:00 Michael Ragland Re: Can You Please Help M
361 2004-10-13 13:24:00 R Norman Re: Can You Please Help M
362 2004-10-13 13:24:00 Tim Tyler Re: Interview with Mayr
363 2004-10-13 13:24:00 Tragos Re: Can You Please Help M
364 2004-10-13 13:24:00 Peter F Re: decrepitude
Textnr: Datum: Tid: Skrivet av: Ärende:
365 2004-10-13 13:24:00 John Edser (PartI) Re: Progress on C
366 2004-10-13 13:24:00 John Edser (Part2) Re: Progress on C
367 2004-10-16 21:48:00 Peter F Re: decrepitude
368 2004-10-16 21:48:00 Tomhendricks474 Re: Article: Dinosaurs we
369 2004-10-16 21:48:00 John Edser Re: decrepitude
370 2004-10-16 21:48:00 John Edser InEPT evolution-theoretic
371 2004-10-16 21:48:00 Tomhendricks474 Re: There Was No Grace Pe
372 2004-10-16 21:48:00 John Edser Re: Interview with Mayr
373 2004-10-16 21:48:00 Tim Tyler Re: decrepitude
374 2004-10-16 21:48:00 Michael Ragland Darwin's mental illness
375 2004-10-16 21:48:00 Joachim Dagg How about a "sci.bio.sex"
376 2004-10-16 21:48:00 Tim Tyler Re: Interview with Mayr
377 2004-10-16 21:48:00 Michael Ragland Re: Alien Life
378 2004-10-16 21:48:00 Tim Tyler Re: the why question
379 2004-10-16 21:48:00 Tomhendricks474 Re: No Grace Period for M
380 2004-10-16 21:48:00 Tomhendricks474 Re: Not Hydrothermal Vent
381 2004-10-16 21:48:00 Tomhendricks474 Re: Origins of Life on Ea
382 2004-10-16 21:48:00 William Morse Re: decrepitude
383 2004-10-16 21:48:00 Reason Re: Article: Did volcanoe
384 2004-10-16 21:48:00 Michael Ragland Worker ants from differen
Textnr: Datum: Tid: Skrivet av: Ärende:
385 2004-10-16 21:48:00 Argos_waits Origins of life--early re
386 2004-10-16 21:48:00 Michael Ragland Discriminating against "a
387 2004-10-16 21:48:00 Michael Ragland The oxymoron of a democra
388 2004-10-18 22:15:00 Tim Tyler Re: Interview with Mayr
389 2004-10-18 22:15:00 Catherine Woodgold Re: decrepitude
390 2004-10-18 22:15:00 Catherine Woodgold Re: There Was No Grace Pe
391 2004-10-18 22:15:00 Tomhendricks474 Re: Article: Did volcanoe
392 2004-10-18 22:15:00 John Edser Claims Of Abuse
393 2004-10-18 22:15:00 Rebecca Moise Re: Aggression, human nat
394 2004-10-18 22:15:00 Tomhendricks474 Re: Origins of life--earl
395 2004-10-18 22:15:00 Michael Ragland Re: Interview with Mayr
396 2004-10-18 22:15:00 Rebecca Moise , Myth and the Decision t
397 2004-10-18 22:15:00 Country Loon Re: Alien Life
398 2004-10-18 22:15:00 Catherine Woodgold Re: No Grace Period for M
399 2004-10-18 22:15:00 Erwin Moller Re: No Grace Period for M
400 2004-10-18 22:15:00 Tomhendricks474 Metabolism Forced Not Eme
401 2004-10-18 22:15:00 Reason Re: Origins of life--earl
402 2004-10-18 22:15:00 Country Loon Why are blacks better spr
403 2004-10-18 22:15:00 Guy Hoelzer Re: Can You Please Help M
404 2004-10-18 22:15:00 Guy Hoelzer Re: the why question
Textnr: Datum: Tid: Skrivet av: Ärende:
405 2004-10-18 22:15:00 Robert Karl Stonjek Article: Giant virus qual
406 2004-10-18 22:15:00 Robert Karl Stonjek Article: Amphibians face
407 2004-10-18 22:15:00 Robert Karl Stonjek Article: Fossil dinosaur
408 2004-10-18 22:15:00 Robert Karl Stonjek Article: Square bacteria
409 2004-10-18 22:15:00 Robert Karl Stonjek Article: Molecular clock
410 2004-10-20 16:29:00 Guy Hoelzer Re: Alien Life
411 2004-10-20 16:29:00 Robert Karl Stonjek Bioinformatics Workshop
412 2004-10-20 16:29:00 John Edser Re: Can You Please Help M
413 2004-10-20 16:29:00 Jeff T Re: Why are blacks better
414 2004-10-20 16:29:00 William Morse Re: Aggression, human nat
415 2004-10-20 16:29:00 William Morse Re: decrepitude
416 2004-10-20 16:29:00 Island Re: Alien Life
417 2004-10-20 16:29:00 Anthony Cerrato , Myth and the Decision t
418 2004-10-20 16:29:00 Michael Ragland Re: Aggression, human nat
419 2004-10-20 16:29:00 Michael Ragland Re: Can You Please Help M
420 2004-10-20 16:29:00 Anon. Re: Why are blacks better
421 2004-10-20 16:29:00 Michael Ragland Re: Interview with Mayr
422 2004-10-20 16:29:00 Catherine Woodgold Re: the why question
423 2004-10-20 16:29:00 Anon. Re: Claims Of Abuse
424 2004-10-20 16:29:00 Peter F Re: Why are blacks better
Textnr: Datum: Tid: Skrivet av: Ärende:
425 2004-10-20 16:29:00 Country Loon Can evolution go backward
426 2004-10-20 16:29:00 Tomhendricks474 Re: Article: Molecular cl
427 2004-10-20 16:29:00 Name And Address Supplied Re: decrepitude
428 2004-10-20 16:29:00 Tim Tyler Re: Why are blacks better
429 2004-10-20 16:29:00 Tim Tyler Re: the why question
430 2004-10-20 16:29:00 Tim Tyler Re: decrepitude
431 2004-10-20 16:29:00 Tomhendricks474 Re: There Was No Grace Pe
432 2004-10-20 16:29:00 Tim Tyler Re: Interview with Mayr
433 2004-10-20 16:29:00 Argos_waits Re: Aggression in fish, l
434 2004-10-20 16:29:00 Tomhendricks474 Re: No Grace Period for M
435 2004-10-20 16:29:00 Robert Karl Stonjek Article: Researchers near
436 2004-10-20 16:29:00 Tim Tyler Re: Alien Life
437 2004-10-20 16:29:00 Michael Ragland Re: Why are blacks better
438 2004-10-20 16:29:00 Robert Karl Stonjek Article: Ancient fungus '
439 2004-10-20 16:29:00 William Morse Re: Why are blacks better
440 2004-10-20 16:29:00 Robert Karl Stonjek Article: Amphibians Suffe
441 2004-10-20 16:29:00 Michael Ragland The Fall and Rise of Syst
442 2004-10-21 09:48:00 Tomhendricks474@cs.Com Stop Babying The Prebioti
443 2004-10-21 09:48:00 Anon. Re: Aggression in fish, l
444 2004-10-21 09:48:00 Tim Tyler Re: the why question
Textnr: Datum: Tid: Skrivet av: Ärende:
445 2004-10-21 09:48:00 Tomhendricks474@cs.Com Never a Safe Moment
446 2004-10-21 09:48:00 Tim Tyler Re: Why are blacks better
447 2004-10-21 09:48:00 Guy Hoelzer Re: Can You Please Help M
448 2004-10-21 09:48:00 Guy Hoelzer Re: the why question
449 2004-10-21 09:48:00 Michael Ragland Re: Interview with Mayr
450 2004-10-21 09:48:00 Peter F Re: decrepitude
451 2004-10-21 09:48:00 Robert Karl Stonjek Article: Human gene numbe
452 2004-10-21 09:48:00 Anthony Cerrato Re: Alien Life
453 2004-10-21 09:48:00 John Edser Re: decrepitude
454 2004-10-21 09:48:00 Lennart Kiil Groupthink and indoctrina
455 2004-10-21 09:48:00 John Edser Re: Claims Of Abuse
456 2004-10-21 09:48:00 John Edser Pleiotropy Enforces Coope
457 2004-10-21 09:48:00 Country Loon Re: Alien Life
458 2004-10-21 09:48:00 Lennart Kiil Re: Interview with Mayr
459 2004-10-21 13:18:00 Michael Ragland Re: Can You Please Help M
460 2004-10-21 13:22:00 Bob O'Hara Re: Claims Of Abuse
461 2004-10-21 13:22:00 Erwin Moller Re: No Grace Period for M
462 2004-10-21 13:22:00 Erwin Moller Re: Groupthink and indoct
463 2004-10-21 13:22:00 Erwin Moller Re: Can evolution go back
464 2004-10-21 13:22:00 Michael Ragland (PartI) Re: Alien Life
Textnr: Datum: Tid: Skrivet av: Ärende:
465 2004-10-21 13:22:00 Michael Ragland (Part2) Re: Alien Life
466 2004-10-21 13:22:00 Nazimshah Re: the why question
467 2004-10-21 13:22:00 Nazimshah Re: Never a Safe Moment
468 2004-10-21 13:23:00 Michael Ragland Re: Can You Please Help M
469 2004-10-22 21:42:00 Tim Tyler Re: the why question
470 2004-10-22 21:42:00 Tim Tyler Re: Alien Life
471 2004-10-22 21:42:00 Maurice Barnhill Re: decrepitude
472 2004-10-22 21:42:00 Tomhendricks474 Re: No Grace Period for M
473 2004-10-22 21:42:00 Michael Ragland Re: Article: Human gene n
474 2004-10-22 21:42:00 Rebecca Moise Re: Aggression, human nat
475 2004-10-22 21:42:00 Rebecca Moise , Myth and the Decision t
476 2004-10-22 21:42:00 Michael Ragland Dr. Tim Tyler?
477 2004-10-22 21:42:00 John Edser Re: Claims Of Abuse
478 2004-10-22 21:42:00 Country Loon Re: Why are blacks better
479 2004-10-22 21:42:00 Dan Michaels Re: Article: Amphibians S
480 2004-10-22 21:42:00 Erwin Moller Re: Groupthink and indoct
481 2004-10-22 21:42:00 Brett Aubrey Re: Metabolism Forced Not
482 2004-10-22 21:42:00 Michael Ragland Crossbreeding Pacific Oys
483 2004-10-22 21:42:00 Tinyurl.Com/uh3t Re: The uncertainty of ev
484 2004-10-22 21:42:00 Robert Karl Stonjek Article: Wax discovery su
Textnr: Datum: Tid: Skrivet av: Ärende:
485 2004-10-22 21:42:00 Michael Ragland Special for Guy Hoelzer
486 2004-10-23 16:42:00 William Morse Re: Why are blacks better
487 2004-10-23 16:42:00 Anthony Cerrato Re: Alien Life
488 2004-10-23 16:42:00 John Edser Re: the why question
489 2004-10-23 16:42:00 William Morse Re: decrepitude
490 2004-10-23 16:42:00 William Morse Re: Claims Of Abuse
491 2004-10-23 16:42:00 Malcolm Re: Groupthink and indoct
492 2004-10-23 16:42:00 Michael Ragland Re: The uncertainty of ev
493 2004-10-23 16:42:00 Peter F Re: Groupthink and indoct
494 2004-10-24 22:24:00 Michael Ragland Re: The uncertainty of ev
495 2004-10-24 22:24:00 John Edser Re: decrepitude
496 2004-10-24 22:24:00 Country Loon Re: Alien Life
497 2004-10-24 22:24:00 Michael Ragland Parrot Heartbeat/Cellular
498 2004-10-24 22:24:00 Tomhendricks474 Re: SkEPTical response to
499 2004-10-24 22:39:00 Island Re: Alien Life
500 2004-10-25 06:39:00 Brett Aubrey Re: Metabolism Forced Not
501 2004-10-25 06:39:00 Phillip Smith Re: Is bipedalism neutral
502 2004-10-25 06:39:00 Reason Re: Can evolution go back
503 2004-10-25 06:39:00 William Morse Re: Is bipedalism neutral
504 2004-10-25 06:39:00 William Morse Re: Groupthink and indoct
Textnr: Datum: Tid: Skrivet av: Ärende:
505 2004-10-25 06:39:00 Michael Ragland Re: The uncertainty of ev
506 2004-10-25 06:39:00 Brett Aubrey Re: Time without end: Phy
507 2004-10-25 06:39:00 Reason a puzzling aspect of huma
508 2004-10-25 06:39:00 Michael Ragland Re: Alien Life
509 2004-10-25 22:54:00 Peter F Knit picking Erwin's evol
510 2004-10-25 22:54:00 Peter F Re: Can evolution go back
511 2004-10-25 22:54:00 John Edser Re: Is bipedalism neutral
512 2004-10-25 22:54:00 Erwin Moller Re: No Grace Period for M
513 2004-10-25 22:54:00 Maurice Barnhill Re: Time without end: Phy
514 2004-10-25 22:54:00 Anthony Campbell Re: a puzzling aspect of
515 2004-10-25 22:54:00 Island Re: Alien Life
516 2004-10-25 22:54:00 Robert Karl Stonjek Article: Bacteria fix DNA
517 2004-10-25 22:54:00 Michael Ragland Re: a puzzling aspect of
518 2004-10-25 22:54:00 Guy Hoelzer Re: the why question
519 2004-10-25 22:54:00 Michael Ragland Re: Time without end: Phy
520 2004-10-25 22:54:00 Brett Aubrey Re: a puzzling aspect of
521 2004-10-26 06:01:00 Catherine Woodgold Re: Can evolution go back
522 2004-10-26 06:01:00 Michael Ragland Re: Alien Life
523 2004-10-26 06:01:00 Tomhendricks474 Re: No Grace Period for M
524 2004-10-26 06:01:00 Michael Ragland Re: Time without end: Phy
Textnr: Datum: Tid: Skrivet av: Ärende:
525 2004-10-26 06:01:00 Tomhendricks474 Re: Metabolism Forced Not
526 2004-10-26 13:48:00 Anon. Re: Is bipedalism neutral
527 2004-10-26 13:48:00 Robert Karl Stonjek Article: Duck-billed plat
528 2004-10-26 13:48:00 Larry Moran Re: Can evolution go back
529 2004-10-26 13:48:00 Maurice Barnhill Re: Time without end: Phy
530 2004-10-26 13:48:00 Michael Ragland (PartI) Hawking's Anthrop
531 2004-10-26 13:48:00 Michael Ragland (Part2) Hawking's Anthrop
532 2004-10-26 13:48:00 Tim Tyler Re: the why question
533 2004-10-26 22:51:00 Tim Tyler Re: Can evolution go back
534 2004-10-26 22:51:00 Guy Hoelzer Re: the why question
535 2004-10-26 22:51:00 Earle Jones Re: Time without end: Phy
536 2004-10-26 22:51:00 Tomhendricks474 Re: No Grace Period for M
537 2004-10-26 22:51:00 Brett Aubrey Re: Metabolism Forced Not
538 2004-10-26 22:51:00 Robert Karl Stonjek Article: Fish genes work
539 2004-10-26 22:51:00 Michael Ragland Re: Time without end: Phy
540 2004-10-26 22:51:00 Robert Karl Stonjek Article: Animal genes hel
541 2004-10-27 13:10:00 William Morse Re: Can evolution go back
542 2004-10-27 13:10:00 Tomhendricks474 Re: Metabolism Forced Not
543 2004-10-27 13:10:00 Tomhendricks474 Re: Can evolution go back
544 2004-10-27 13:10:00 John Edser Re: Can evolution go back
Textnr: Datum: Tid: Skrivet av: Ärende:
545 2004-10-27 13:10:00 Erwin Moller Re: No Grace Period for M
546 2004-10-27 13:10:00 Maurice Barnhill Re: Time without end: Phy
547 2004-10-27 13:10:00 Erwin Moller Re: Knit picking Erwin's
548 2004-10-27 13:10:00 Dan meeting: www.orthoptera20
549 2004-10-28 06:18:00 Brett Aubrey Re: Metabolism Forced Not
550 2004-10-28 06:18:00 Tomhendricks474 Re: No Grace Period for M
551 2004-10-28 06:18:00 Robert Karl Stonjek Articles: New species of
552 2004-10-28 06:18:00 Carlos Trevino Robert Karl Stonjek, Than
553 2004-10-28 06:18:00 Michael Ragland Meteor strike may not hav
554 2004-10-28 06:18:00 Vr.R.Bejsak-Colloredo-Man Abbreviation for Insects
555 2004-10-28 06:18:00 Michael Ragland Re: Time without end: Phy
556 2004-10-28 06:18:00 John Edser Re: Can evolution go back
557 2004-10-28 06:18:00 William Morse Re: Can evolution go back
558 2004-10-28 06:18:00 Michael Ragland Genetically Engineering t
559 2004-10-28 06:18:00 Larry Moran Re: Can evolution go back
560 2004-10-28 06:18:00 William Morse Re: Is bipedalism neutral
561 2004-10-28 06:18:00 John Edser Re: Darwinism=Capitalism
562 2004-10-28 16:46:00 John Edser Re: Can evolution go back
563 2004-10-28 16:46:00 Michael Ragland Quantum Theory of Big Ban
564 2004-10-28 16:46:00 Erwin Moller Re: Can evolution go back
Textnr: Datum: Tid: Skrivet av: Ärende:
565 2004-10-28 16:46:00 Michael Ragland Re: Articles: New species
566 2004-10-28 16:46:00 Anon. Re: Is bipedalism neutral
567 2004-10-28 16:46:00 Tim Tyler Re: the why question
568 2004-10-28 16:46:00 Reason Re: Meteor strike may not
569 2004-10-28 16:46:00 Karl-Hugo Weesberg When will humans get tele
570 2004-10-28 16:46:00 Michael Ragland Group Psychology and Adve
571 2004-10-28 16:46:00 Phillip Smith Re: Is bipedalism neutral
572 2004-10-28 16:46:00 Dan Michaels Are hobbits for real?
573 2004-10-29 12:52:00 Robert Karl Stonjek Article: Threatened speci
574 2004-10-29 12:52:00 John Edser Re: Is bipedalism neutral
575 2004-10-29 12:52:00 Peter F Two opposite cognitive at
576 2004-10-30 16:55:00 Peter F Re: Time without end: Phy
577 2004-10-30 16:55:00 Michael Ragland They're messin with your
578 2004-10-30 16:55:00 Guy Hoelzer Re: the why question
579 2004-10-30 16:55:00 Catherine Woodgold Re: No Grace Period for M
580 2004-10-30 16:55:00 Catherine Woodgold First Mutation Was Biggis
581 2004-10-30 16:55:00 Brett Aubrey Re: Time without end: Phy
582 2004-10-30 16:55:00 Malcolm Re: When will humans get
583 2004-10-30 16:55:00 Catherine Woodgold Re: Pleiotropy Enforces C
584 2004-10-30 16:55:00 Anon. Re: Is bipedalism neutral
Textnr: Datum: Tid: Skrivet av: Ärende:
585 2004-10-31 16:54:00 Anthony Campbell Re: When will humans get
586 2004-10-31 16:54:00 Brett Aubrey Re: When will humans get
587 2004-10-31 16:54:00 Reason Re: Are hobbits for real?
588 2004-10-31 16:54:00 Tomhendricks474 Re: When will humans get
589 2004-10-31 16:54:00 Tomhendricks474 Re: First Mutation Was Bi
590 2004-10-31 16:54:00 Tomhendricks474 Metabolism Forced
591 2004-10-31 16:54:00 Michael Ragland (PartI) Are you Conscious
592 2004-10-31 16:54:00 Michael Ragland (Part2) Are you Conscious
593 2004-10-31 16:54:00 John Edser Re: Is bipedalism neutral
594 2004-10-31 16:54:00 Tim Tyler Re: When will humans get
595 2004-10-31 16:54:00 Earle Jones Re: Can evolution go back
596 2004-10-31 16:56:00 Michael Ragland Evolutionary consequences
597 2004-10-31 16:56:00 Michael Ragland Future Comprehensive Brai
598 2004-10-31 16:56:00 Tinyurl.Com/uh3t Re: No Grace Period for M
599 2004-10-31 16:56:00 Tinyurl.Com/uh3t Re: First Mutation Was Bi
600 2004-11-01 06:16:00 William Morse Re: Article: Threatened s
601 2004-11-01 06:16:00 Brett Aubrey Re: Metabolism Forced
602 2004-11-01 06:16:00 Michael Ragland AI Evolution and Human Br
603 2004-11-01 16:35:00 Tomhendricks474 Re: When will humans get
604 2004-11-01 16:35:00 Tomhendricks474 Re: Metabolism Forced
Textnr: Datum: Tid: Skrivet av: Ärende:
605 2004-11-01 16:35:00 Anthony Campbell Re: Are hobbits for real?
606 2004-11-01 16:35:00 John Edser Can Cultural Evolution Go
607 2004-11-01 16:35:00 Johnsuth@acenet.Com.Au Re: AI Evolution and Huma
608 2004-11-01 16:35:00 Robert Karl Stonjek Article: Marine worm spor
609 2004-11-01 16:35:00 Tinyurl.Com/uh3t Re: Metabolism Forced
610 2004-11-01 16:35:00 Tim Tyler Re: Can evolution go back
611 2004-11-02 05:59:00 Catherine Woodgold Re: First Mutation Was Bi
612 2004-11-02 05:59:00 Brett Aubrey Re: Metabolism Forced
613 2004-11-02 05:59:00 Michael Ragland Re: AI Evolution and Huma
614 2004-11-02 05:59:00 Catherine Woodgold Re: Are you Conscious?
615 2004-11-02 05:59:00 Anthony Cerrato Is there a gene for socia
616 2004-11-02 05:59:00 Reason Re: Are hobbits for real?
617 2004-11-03 05:57:00 Michael Ragland Re: AI Evolution and Huma
618 2004-11-03 05:57:00 Judeh Re: Why are blacks better
619 2004-11-03 05:57:00 Michael Ragland Re: Are you Conscious?
620 2004-11-03 05:57:00 Anthony Campbell Re: Are hobbits for real?
621 2004-11-03 05:57:00 Tim Tyler Re: Is there a gene for s
622 2004-11-03 05:57:00 Brett Aubrey Re: Metabolism Forced
623 2004-11-03 05:57:00 John Edser Re: Are you Conscious?
624 2004-11-03 05:57:00 Tomhendricks474 Re: First Mutation Was Bi
Textnr: Datum: Tid: Skrivet av: Ärende:
625 2004-11-03 05:57:00 Tomhendricks474 Re: Metabolism Forced
626 2004-11-03 05:57:00 Tinyurl.Com/uh3t Re: First Mutation Was Bi
627 2004-11-03 05:57:00 Catherine Woodgold Re: First Mutation Was Bi
628 2004-11-03 05:57:00 Michael Ragland Re: Is there a gene for s
629 2004-11-03 05:57:00 Catherine Woodgold Re: No Grace Period for M
630 2004-11-03 05:57:00 Tinyurl.Com/uh3t Re: Metabolism Forced
631 2004-11-03 12:33:00 Reason Re: Are hobbits for real?
632 2004-11-03 12:33:00 John Edser Re: Is there a gene for s
633 2004-11-03 12:33:00 Tim Tyler Re: Can evolution go back
634 2004-11-03 12:33:00 Peter F Watch a crow make and use
635 2004-11-03 22:20:00 Tomhendricks474 Re: Metabolism Forced
636 2004-11-03 22:20:00 Tomhendricks474 Re: First Mutation Was Bi
637 2004-11-03 22:20:00 Tinyurl.Com/uh3t Re: No Grace Period for M
638 2004-11-03 22:20:00 Tinyurl.Com/uh3t Re: First Mutation Was Bi
639 2004-11-03 22:20:00 Brett Aubrey Re: Metabolism Forced
640 2004-11-04 11:50:00 John Edser RE: sci.bio.evolution mai
641 2004-11-04 11:50:00 Michael Ragland Re: The uniqueness of red
642 2004-11-04 11:50:00 Tomhendricks474 Re: No Grace Period for M
643 2004-11-04 11:50:00 William Morse Re: AI Evolution and Huma
644 2004-11-04 11:50:00 Tomhendricks474 Re: First Mutation Was Bi
Textnr: Datum: Tid: Skrivet av: Ärende:
645 2004-11-04 11:50:00 Phillip Smith Cancer and evolution
646 2004-11-04 11:50:00 Michael Ragland Re: Are you Conscious?
647 2004-11-04 11:50:00 Epalaeontology The new international pal
648 2004-11-04 11:50:00 Michael Ragland Gene for Progeria discove
649 2004-11-04 11:50:00 Epalaeontology Free On-line Paleontologi
650 2004-11-04 11:50:00 William Morse Re: Is there a gene for s
651 2004-11-04 11:50:00 Epalaeontology A quick and easy CMS for
652 2004-11-05 05:58:00 Robert Karl Stonjek Article: Largest ever fie
653 2004-11-05 05:58:00 Tinyurl.Com/uh3t Re: Metabolism Forced
654 2004-11-05 05:58:00 Tinyurl.Com/uh3t Re: First Mutation Was Bi
655 2004-11-05 05:58:00 Robert Karl Stonjek Question: Were there ever
656 2004-11-05 05:58:00 Ekurtz99@whoknowswhere.Co Re: Claims Of Abuse
657 2004-11-05 05:58:00 Michael Ragland Re: Is there a gene for s
658 2004-11-05 05:58:00 Catherine Woodgold Re: First Mutation Was Bi
659 2004-11-05 05:58:00 John Edser Re: Is there a gene for s
660 2004-11-05 05:58:00 Tinyurl.Com/uh3t Re: No Grace Period for M
661 2004-11-05 12:26:00 Phillip Smith Re: Cancer and evolution
662 2004-11-05 12:26:00 Michael Ragland Response to Robert Karl S
663 2004-11-05 12:36:00 Anthony Campbell Re: Cancer and evolution
664 2004-11-05 12:36:00 Peter F A possibly too hard quest
Textnr: Datum: Tid: Skrivet av: Ärende:
665 2004-11-05 12:36:00 John Edser Re: Claims Of Abuse
666 2004-11-06 06:11:00 John Edser A Proposal For sbe Peer R
667 2004-11-06 06:11:00 John Edser Re: Cancer and evolution
668 2004-11-06 06:11:00 Wirt Atmar Re: Cancer and evolution
669 2004-11-06 06:11:00 Catherine Woodgold Re: First Mutation Was Bi
670 2004-11-06 06:11:00 Catherine Woodgold Beginning of Transcriptio
671 2004-11-06 06:11:00 Brett Aubrey Tongues, curling into a t
672 2004-11-06 06:11:00 Peter F Correction with missing w
673 2004-11-06 06:11:00 Peter F Re: The uniqueness of red
674 2004-11-06 17:19:00 Tomhendricks474 Re: Beginning of Transcri
675 2004-11-06 17:19:00 Tomhendricks474 Re: First Mutation Was Bi
676 2004-11-06 17:19:00 Robert Karl Stonjek Article: Structured Water
677 2004-11-06 17:19:00 Phillip Smith Re: A Proposal For sbe Pe
678 2004-11-06 17:19:00 R Norman Re: Tongues, curling into
679 2004-11-06 17:19:00 R Norman Re: Correction with missi
680 2004-11-06 17:19:00 Malcolm Re: When will humans get
681 2004-11-06 17:19:00 Tinyurl.Com/uh3t Re: First Mutation Was Bi
682 2004-11-07 21:59:00 Firstjois Re: Tongues, curling into
683 2004-11-07 21:59:00 Tim Tyler Re: Tongues, curling into
684 2004-11-07 21:59:00 Tim Tyler Re: Cancer and evolution
Textnr: Datum: Tid: Skrivet av: Ärende:
685 2004-11-07 21:59:00 Tomhendricks474 Re: First Mutation Was Bi
686 2004-11-07 21:59:00 R Norman Re: Article: Structured W
687 2004-11-07 21:59:00 Tomhendricks474 Re: Metabolism Forced
688 2004-11-07 21:59:00 Malcolm Re: Cancer and evolution
689 2004-11-07 21:59:00 William Morse Re: Cancer and evolution
690 2004-11-07 21:59:00 Peter F Re: Correction with missi
691 2004-11-07 21:59:00 Tinyurl.Com/uh3t Re: Metabolism Forced Not
692 2004-11-07 21:59:00 Tinyurl.Com/uh3t Re: No Grace Period for M
693 2004-11-07 21:59:00 John Edser Re: A Proposal For sbe Pe
694 2004-11-07 21:59:00 Tinyurl.Com/uh3t Re: Not Hydrothermal Vent
695 2004-11-07 21:59:00 John Edser Re: Tongues, curling into
696 2004-11-07 21:59:00 John Edser Re: Correction with missi
697 2004-11-07 21:59:00 Tinyurl.Com/uh3t Re: Metabolism Forced
698 2004-11-07 21:59:00 Malcolm Re: Tongues, curling into
699 2004-11-07 21:59:00 John Edser Article: Structured Water
700 2004-11-07 21:59:00 Lennart Kiil Re: A Proposal For sbe Pe
701 2004-11-07 21:59:00 Catherine Woodgold Re: First Mutation Was Bi
702 2004-11-07 21:59:00 Catherine Woodgold Re: Beginning of Transcri
703 2004-11-07 21:59:00 Reason Re: Question: Were there
704 2004-11-07 21:59:00 John Edser Re: Is there a gene for s
Textnr: Datum: Tid: Skrivet av: Ärende:
705 2004-11-08 21:09:00 Tomhendricks474 Re: Beginning of Transcri
706 2004-11-08 21:09:00 Phillip Smith Re: Cancer and evolution
707 2004-11-08 21:33:00 Tomhendricks474 Re: First Mutation Was Bi
708 2004-11-08 21:33:00 Tinyurl.Com/uh3t Re: Metabolism Forced
709 2004-11-08 21:33:00 Peter F Re: Correction with missi
710 2004-11-08 21:33:00 Tomhendricks474 Re: Not Hydrothermal Vent
711 2004-11-08 21:33:00 Tinyurl.Com/uh3t Re: First Mutation Was Bi
712 2004-11-08 21:33:00 Robert Karl Stonjek Article: Spider webs unta
713 2004-11-08 21:33:00 Tinyurl.Com/uh3t Re: Origins of life--earl
714 2004-11-08 21:33:00 Peter F Re: Are you Conscious?
715 2004-11-08 21:33:00 Tomhendricks474 Re: No Grace Period for M
716 2004-11-08 21:33:00 Ted Shoemaker sterility of hybrids
717 2004-11-08 21:33:00 Robert Karl Stonjek Article: Supernova debris
718 2004-11-08 21:33:00 Phil Sale: Atlas of Invertabra
719 2004-11-08 21:33:00 Robert Karl Stonjek Article: Fish with cleft
720 2004-11-08 21:33:00 Carlos Trevino Global warming is real an
721 2004-11-08 21:33:00 John Edser Re: Cancer and evolution
722 2004-11-08 21:33:00 Earle Jones Re: Cancer and evolution
723 2004-11-08 21:33:00 John Edser RE: sci.bio.evolution mai
724 2004-11-08 21:33:00 R Norman Re: Correction with missi
Textnr: Datum: Tid: Skrivet av: Ärende:
725 2004-11-09 16:57:00 John Edser Re: Correction with missi
726 2004-11-09 16:57:00 Wirt Atmar Re: Cancer and evolution
727 2004-11-09 16:57:00 John Edser Re: Cancer and evolution
728 2004-11-09 16:57:00 Tomhendricks474 Re: Metabolism Forced
729 2004-11-09 16:57:00 Reason Re: Global warming is rea
730 2004-11-09 16:57:00 Tomhendricks474 Re: Not Hydrothermal Vent
731 2004-11-09 16:57:00 Tomhendricks474 Re: Metabolism Forced Not
732 2004-11-09 16:57:00 Peter F Re: Alien Life
733 2004-11-09 16:57:00 John Edser Article: Spider webs unta
734 2004-11-09 16:57:00 Tomhendricks474 Re: Question: Were there
735 2004-11-09 16:57:00 Peter F Correction
736 2004-11-09 16:57:00 Tomhendricks474 Re: Article: Spider webs
737 2004-11-09 16:57:00 Tomhendricks474 Re: First Mutation Was Bi
738 2004-11-10 17:26:00 John Edser Re: Cancer and evolution
739 2004-11-10 17:26:00 R Norman Re: Article: Structured W
740 2004-11-10 17:26:00 John Edser RE: Publishing scientific
741 2004-11-10 17:26:00 John Edser Mosquitoes could mutate b
742 2004-11-10 17:26:00 Tinyurl.Com/uh3t Re: First Mutation Was Bi
743 2004-11-10 17:26:00 Tinyurl.Com/uh3t Re: Metabolism Forced
744 2004-11-10 17:26:00 Tim Tyler Re: Global warming is rea
Textnr: Datum: Tid: Skrivet av: Ärende:
745 2004-11-10 17:26:00 Tim Tyler Re: sterility of hybrids
746 2004-11-10 17:26:00 Malcolm Re: Alien Life
747 2004-11-10 17:26:00 Tom Adams Evolution metrics?
748 2004-11-10 21:40:00 Tinyurl.Com/uh3t Re: Metabolism Forced
749 2004-11-10 21:40:00 Tomhendricks474 Re: First Mutation Was Bi
750 2004-11-10 21:40:00 Tomhendricks474 Re: Metabolism Forced
751 2004-11-10 21:40:00 Carlos Trevino Re: Evolution metrics?
752 2004-11-10 21:40:00 Malcolm Re: Publishing scientific
753 2004-11-10 21:40:00 Tim Tyler Re: Evolution metrics?
754 2004-11-10 21:40:00 Tinyurl.Com/uh3t Re: First Mutation Was Bi
755 2004-11-10 21:40:00 Christian A Re: Evolution metrics?
756 2004-11-11 17:41:00 John Edser Re: Publishing scientific
757 2004-11-11 17:41:00 Peter F Re: Evolution metrics?
758 2004-11-11 17:41:00 John Edser Re: First Mutation Was Bi
759 2004-11-11 17:41:00 Tomhendricks474 Re: Article: Structured W
760 2004-11-11 17:41:00 Phillip Smith Re: Cancer and evolution
761 2004-11-11 17:41:00 Ramala Re: Are hobbits for real?
762 2004-11-11 17:41:00 Tomhendricks474 Re: Metabolism Forced
763 2004-11-11 17:41:00 Phillip Smith Re: sterility of hybrids
764 2004-11-11 17:41:00 Peter F What codes for highly evo
Textnr: Datum: Tid: Skrivet av: Ärende:
765 2004-11-13 02:49:00 Catherine Woodgold Re: First Mutation Was Bi
766 2004-11-13 02:49:00 Catherine Woodgold Re: No Grace Period for M
767 2004-11-13 02:49:00 Catherine Woodgold Re: Metabolism Forced
768 2004-11-13 02:49:00 William Morse Re: Global warming is rea
769 2004-11-13 02:49:00 John Edser Re: Evolution metrics?
770 2004-11-13 02:49:00 Reason Re: Global warming is rea
771 2004-11-13 02:49:00 Robert Karl Stonjek Article: Rogue finger gen
772 2004-11-13 02:49:00 Lennart Kiil An invitation to the user
773 2004-11-13 02:49:00 Tomhendricks474 Re: Question: Were there
774 2004-11-13 02:49:00 Robert Karl Stonjek Article: Moas in decline
775 2004-11-13 02:49:00 Tom Adams Re: Evolution metrics?
776 2004-11-13 02:49:00 Tim Tyler Re: Cancer and evolution
777 2004-11-13 02:49:00 Tim Tyler Re: Pleiotropy Enforces C
778 2004-11-13 02:49:00 Tinyurl.Com/uh3t Re: Metabolism Forced
779 2004-11-13 02:49:00 Stanley Eusociality and Chromosom
780 2004-11-13 02:49:00 Tinyurl.Com/uh3t Re: First Mutation Was Bi
781 2004-11-13 05:55:00 John Edser Sbe Peer Reviewed Papers
782 2004-11-13 05:55:00 William Morse Re: Global warming is rea
783 2004-11-13 05:55:00 A.A@a.Se Re: sterility of hybrids
784 2004-11-13 08:24:00 R Norman Re: Sbe Peer Reviewed Pap
Textnr: Datum: Tid: Skrivet av: Ärende:
785 2004-11-15 05:55:00 Tomhendricks474 Re: Metabolism Forced
786 2004-11-15 05:55:00 Tomhendricks474 Re: No Grace Period for M
787 2004-11-15 05:55:00 Malcolm Re: Publishing scientific
788 2004-11-15 05:55:00 Reason Re: Article: Moas in decl
789 2004-11-15 05:55:00 William Morse Re: Eusociality and Chrom
790 2004-11-15 05:55:00 Ekurtz Re: Publishing scientific
791 2004-11-15 05:55:00 Tim Tyler Re: sterility of hybrids
792 2004-11-15 05:55:00 Daniel Sch?tz formula for estimate rate
793 2004-11-15 05:55:00 Kate Distin New memes book
794 2004-11-15 05:55:00 Tinyurl.Com/uh3t Re: First Mutation Was Bi
795 2004-11-15 05:55:00 Tinyurl.Com/uh3t Re: Metabolism Forced
796 2004-11-15 05:55:00 Dh_ld@nomail.Com Could dinosaurs have set
797 2004-11-15 05:55:00 Name And Address Supplied Re: Sbe Peer Reviewed Pap
798 2004-11-15 05:55:00 Tinyurl.Com/uh3t Re: No Grace Period for M
799 2004-11-15 05:55:00 Jim McGinn Re: Publishing scientific
800 2004-11-15 05:55:00 Malcolm Re: Article: Rogue finger
801 2004-11-15 05:55:00 Number 6 What determines size?
802 2004-11-15 05:55:00 Catherine Woodgold Re: First Mutation Was Bi
803 2004-11-15 05:55:00 Catherine Woodgold Re: No Grace Period for M
804 2004-11-15 06:41:00 Tomhendricks474 Re: Metabolism Forced
Textnr: Datum: Tid: Skrivet av: Ärende:
805 2004-11-15 16:55:00 Tomhendricks474 Re: Metabolism Forced
806 2004-11-15 16:55:00 John Edser Re: Publishing scientific
807 2004-11-15 16:55:00 R Norman Re: Sbe Peer Reviewed Pap
808 2004-11-15 16:55:00 Joachim Dagg Re: New memes book
809 2004-11-15 16:55:00 Reason Re: What determines size?
810 2004-11-15 16:55:00 R Norman Re: What determines size?
811 2004-11-15 16:55:00 Name And Address Supplied Re: Publishing scientific
812 2004-11-16 06:43:00 Tomhendricks474@cs.Com Sun and Water (copy)
813 2004-11-16 06:43:00 Tinyurl.Com/uh3t Re: Metabolism Forced
814 2004-11-16 06:43:00 Anon. Re: Publishing scientific
815 2004-11-16 06:43:00 Tim Tyler Re: Evolution metrics?
816 2004-11-16 06:43:00 Tim Tyler Re: Cancer and evolution
817 2004-11-16 06:43:00 John Edser Re: Publishing scientific
818 2004-11-16 06:43:00 Pokemoto Re: Could dinosaurs have
819 2004-11-16 06:43:00 Malcolm Re: Publishing scientific
820 2004-11-16 06:43:00 John Edser Re: Pleiotropy Enforces C
821 2004-11-16 06:43:00 John Edser Re: First Mutation Was Bi
822 2004-11-16 06:43:00 John Edser An invitation to the user
823 2004-11-16 06:43:00 John Edser Re: Global warming is rea
824 2004-11-16 06:43:00 John Edser Re: Sbe Peer Reviewed Pap
Textnr: Datum: Tid: Skrivet av: Ärende:
825 2004-11-16 06:43:00 John Edser Re: Eusociality and Chrom
826 2004-11-16 06:43:00 Jim McGinn Re: Publishing scientific
827 2004-11-17 09:38:00 William Morse Re: Publishing scientific
828 2004-11-17 09:38:00 William Morse Re: What determines size?
829 2004-11-17 09:38:00 John Edser Re: Publishing scientific
830 2004-11-17 09:38:00 John Edser RE: New memes book
831 2004-11-17 09:38:00 John Edser Re: Sbe Peer Reviewed Pap
832 2004-11-17 09:38:00 Name And Address Supplied Re: Publishing scientific
833 2004-11-17 09:38:00 Joachim Dagg Re: Publishing scientific
834 2004-11-17 09:38:00 Jim McGinn Re: Sbe Peer Reviewed Pap
835 2004-11-17 09:38:00 Name And Address Supplied Re: Sbe Peer Reviewed Pap
836 2004-11-17 09:38:00 Tinyurl.Com/uh3t Re: First Mutation Was Bi
837 2004-11-17 09:38:00 Dan Kim The evolution of homosexu
838 2004-11-17 09:38:00 Lennart Kiil Re: An invitation to the
839 2004-11-17 09:38:00 John Edser Re: Cancer and evolution
840 2004-11-17 09:38:00 Kevin M. Kirby Recovering Ancient DNA
841 2004-11-17 09:38:00 John Edser Eusocials Misused
842 2004-11-17 09:38:00 Peter F Re: formula for estimate
843 2004-11-18 07:39:00 Guy Hoelzer Re: What determines size?
844 2004-11-18 07:39:00 Jim McGinn Re: Publishing scientific
Textnr: Datum: Tid: Skrivet av: Ärende:
845 2004-11-18 07:39:00 Tim Tyler Re: Cancer and evolution
846 2004-11-18 07:39:00 John Edser Re: Sbe Peer Reviewed Pap
847 2004-11-18 07:39:00 Robert Karl Stonjek Article: 15,589 species t
848 2004-11-18 07:39:00 Peter F Re: Which animal on earth
849 2004-11-18 07:39:00 William L Hunt Re: Eusocials Misused
850 2004-11-18 07:39:00 William Morse Re: What determines size?
851 2004-11-18 07:39:00 John Edser Re: Publishing scientific
852 2004-11-18 07:39:00 Wirt Atmar Re: The evolution of homo
853 2004-11-18 07:39:00 William Morse Re: The evolution of homo
854 2004-11-18 07:39:00 Perplexed In Peoria The "fuel" of evolution
855 2004-11-18 07:39:00 Perplexed In Peoria Re: A Proposal For sbe Pe
856 2004-11-18 07:39:00 Wirt Atmar Re: Which animal on earth
857 2004-11-18 07:39:00 Tinyurl.Com/uh3t Re: Metabolism Forced
858 2004-11-18 07:39:00 Tinyurl.Com/uh3t Re: First Mutation Was Bi
859 2004-11-19 06:15:00 Tinyurl.Com/uh3t Re: No Grace Period for M
860 2004-11-19 06:15:00 Tinyurl.Com/uh3t Re: Metabolism Forced
861 2004-11-19 06:15:00 Maurice Barnhill Re: Which animal on earth
862 2004-11-19 06:15:00 Guy Hoelzer Re: The "fuel" of evoluti
863 2004-11-19 06:15:00 Robert Karl Stonjek Article: Running 'key to
864 2004-11-19 06:15:00 Editor@gene-Quantificatio qPCR NEWS November 2004
Textnr: Datum: Tid: Skrivet av: Ärende:
865 2004-11-19 06:15:00 Robert Karl Stonjek Article: Dinosaurs' 'bull
866 2004-11-19 06:15:00 Robert Karl Stonjek Article: Triassic reptile
867 2004-11-19 06:15:00 A.A@a.Se Re: What determines size?
868 2004-11-19 06:15:00 Perplexed In Peoria Re: The "fuel" of evoluti
869 2004-11-19 06:15:00 Peter F Re: Publishing scientific
870 2004-11-19 06:15:00 William Morse Re: Which animal on earth
871 2004-11-19 06:15:00 John Edser Re: The "fuel" of evoluti
872 2004-11-24 21:40:00 Ekurtz Re: The "fuel" of evoluti
873 2004-11-24 21:40:00 Tim Tyler Re: Publishing scientific
874 2004-11-24 21:40:00 Daniel Sch?tz Re: formula for estimate
875 2004-11-24 21:40:00 Jim McGinn Re: Publishing scientific
876 2004-11-24 21:40:00 John Edser Re: The "fuel" of evoluti
877 2004-11-24 21:40:00 John Edser Re: Publishing scientific
878 2004-11-24 21:40:00 Joe@removethispart.Gs.Was Re: Article: Scientists g
879 2004-11-24 21:40:00 Supralover1994@gmail.Com Re: Article: Mass decodin
880 2004-11-24 21:40:00 John Edser Re: Article: Scientists g
881 2004-11-25 16:26:00 John Edser Re: Publishing scientific
882 2004-11-25 16:26:00 William Morse Re: The "fuel" of evoluti
883 2004-11-25 16:26:00 Anon. Re: The "fuel" of evoluti
884 2004-11-25 16:26:00 Reed Query
Textnr: Datum: Tid: Skrivet av: Ärende:
885 2004-11-25 16:26:00 Ekurtz Re: Article: Scientists g
886 2004-11-28 06:18:00 Chris Lofting the roots of meaning
887 2004-11-28 06:18:00 Jim McGinn Holowness of SBE
888 2004-11-28 06:18:00 Jim McGinn John's New Venue
889 2004-11-28 06:18:00 Tomhendricks474 Re: Query
890 2004-11-28 06:18:00 Tomhendricks474@cs.Com Going Backwards (copy)
891 2004-11-28 07:21:00 Josh Hayes ADMIN: outage in the comi
892 2004-11-29 06:19:00 Tim Tyler Re: Holowness of SBE
893 2004-11-29 06:19:00 Catherine Woodgold Re: No Grace Period for M
894 2004-11-29 06:19:00 Catherine Woodgold Re: The "fuel" of evoluti
895 2004-11-29 06:19:00 Malcolm Re: Holowness of SBE
896 2004-11-29 06:19:00 Robert Karl Stonjek Re: ADMIN: outage in the
897 2004-11-29 06:19:00 Malcolm Re: Query
898 2004-11-29 06:19:00 John Edser The Misuse Of Hamilton's
899 2004-11-29 06:19:00 William Morse Re: Holowness of SBE
900 2004-11-29 06:19:00 John Edser RE: John's New Venue
901 2004-11-29 06:19:00 Joe Felsenstein Re: Holowness of SBE
902 2004-11-29 16:21:00 Phillip Smith Re: The "fuel" of evoluti
903 2004-11-29 16:21:00 Tim Tyler Re: Holowness of SBE
904 2004-11-29 16:21:00 Perplexed In Peoria Re: Holowness of SBE
Textnr: Datum: Tid: Skrivet av: Ärende:
905 2004-11-29 16:21:00 Anon. Re: Holowness of SBE
906 2004-11-29 16:21:00 Perplexed In Peoria Re: No Grace Period for M
907 2004-11-29 16:21:00 John Edser Re: Publishing scientific
908 2004-11-29 16:21:00 Larry Moran Re: Holowness of SBE
909 2004-11-29 16:21:00 Ekurtz99@whoknowswhere.Co Re: The "fuel" of evoluti
910 2004-11-29 21:35:00 Jim McGinn Re: John's New Venue
911 2004-11-29 21:35:00 Jim McGinn Re: Holowness of SBE
912 2004-11-29 21:35:00 Jim McGinn Re: The Misuse Of Hamilto
913 2004-11-29 21:35:00 Tim Tyler Re: Holowness of SBE
914 2004-11-29 21:35:00 Robert Karl Stonjek Article: Magnetic field b
915 2004-11-29 21:35:00 Robert Karl Stonjek Article: Cicada invasion
916 2004-11-29 21:35:00 John Edser Re: Holowness of SBE
917 2004-11-29 21:35:00 Robert Karl Stonjek Article: Homing pigeons r
918 2004-11-29 21:35:00 Tim Tyler Re: Sbe Peer Reviewed Pap
919 2004-11-29 21:35:00 Tim Tyler Re: The "fuel" of evoluti
920 2004-11-29 21:35:00 John Wilkins Re: Holowness of SBE
921 2004-12-06 06:36:00 John Edser Re: John's New Venue
922 2004-12-06 06:36:00 John Edser Re: The Misuse Of Hamilto
923 2004-12-06 06:36:00 Perplexed In Peoria Re: Holowness of SBE
924 2004-12-06 06:36:00 John Edser Re: Sbe Peer Reviewed Pap
Textnr: Datum: Tid: Skrivet av: Ärende:
925 2004-12-06 06:36:00 Jim McGinn Re: Holowness of SBE
926 2004-12-06 06:36:00 Anon. Re: Holowness of SBE
927 2004-12-06 06:36:00 Name And Address Supplied Jim's Hamilton's rule pri
928 2004-12-06 06:36:00 Reed Re: Query
929 2004-12-06 06:36:00 Guy Hoelzer Re: The "fuel" of evoluti
930 2004-12-06 06:36:00 Ekurtz99@whoknowswhere.Co Re: John's New Venue
931 2004-12-06 06:36:00 William Morse Re: The "fuel" of evoluti
932 2004-12-06 06:36:00 Carlos Trevino Extinct Bird might be clo
933 2004-12-06 06:36:00 Robert Karl Stonjek Paper: An expanding genet
934 2004-12-06 06:36:00 William Morse Re: Holowness of SBE
935 2004-12-06 06:36:00 Jim McGinn What is R (relatedness) S
936 2004-12-06 06:36:00 Joe Felsenstein Re: Holowness of SBE
937 2004-12-06 06:36:00 Robert Karl Stonjek Article: New dinosaur unc
938 2004-12-06 06:36:00 Robert Karl Stonjek Article: Zapped human egg
939 2004-12-06 13:26:00 John Edser Re: Holowness of SBE
940 2004-12-06 13:26:00 John Edser Re: The "fuel" of evoluti
941 2004-12-06 13:26:00 Perplexed In Peoria Re: Holowness of SBE
942 2004-12-06 13:26:00 Anon. Re: The "fuel" of evoluti
943 2004-12-06 13:26:00 John Edser Re: John's New Venue
944 2004-12-06 13:26:00 Anon. Re: What is R (relatednes
Textnr: Datum: Tid: Skrivet av: Ärende:
945 2004-12-07 06:21:00 Guy Hoelzer Re: The "fuel" of evoluti
946 2004-12-07 06:21:00 John Edser Re: The "fuel" of evoluti
947 2004-12-07 06:21:00 John Edser Re: Holowness of SBE
948 2004-12-07 06:21:00 Ekurtz99@whoknowswhere.Co Re: John's New Venue
949 2004-12-07 06:21:00 William Morse Re: The "fuel" of evoluti
950 2004-12-07 22:09:00 Perplexed In Peoria Re: The "fuel" of evoluti
951 2004-12-07 22:09:00 Name And Address Supplied Re: Holowness of SBE
952 2004-12-07 22:09:00 John Edser Re: The "fuel" of evoluti
953 2004-12-07 22:09:00 Perplexed In Peoria Re: Holowness of SBE
954 2004-12-07 22:09:00 John Edser Re: John's New Venue
955 2004-12-07 22:09:00 Reason Re: Extinct Bird might be
956 2004-12-07 22:09:00 Tim Tyler Re: Holowness of SBE
957 2004-12-07 22:09:00 Tim Tyler Re: Sbe Peer Reviewed Pap
958 2004-12-08 06:22:00 Robert Karl Stonjek Article: DNA Evidence Wei
959 2004-12-08 06:22:00 Guy Hoelzer Re: The "fuel" of evoluti
960 2004-12-08 06:22:00 John Edser Re: Sbe Peer Reviewed Pap
961 2004-12-08 06:22:00 John Edser Re: Holowness of SBE
962 2004-12-08 06:22:00 William Morse Re: The "fuel" of evoluti
963 2004-12-08 17:36:00 Ekurtz99 Re: The "fuel" of evoluti
964 2004-12-08 17:36:00 Carlos Trevino Re: Extinct Bird might be
Textnr: Datum: Tid: Skrivet av: Ärende:
965 2004-12-08 17:36:00 Shawn Higgins Re: Article: New dinosaur
966 2004-12-09 05:57:00 Thomas Isenbarger cluster/distance for unre
967 2004-12-09 05:57:00 John Edser Re: The "fuel" of evoluti
968 2004-12-09 16:36:00 Tim Tyler Re: Holowness of SBE
969 2004-12-10 06:26:00 Robert Karl Stonjek Article: Complete chicken
970 2004-12-10 06:26:00 Robert Karl Stonjek Article: Birds of a feath
971 2004-12-10 06:26:00 John Edser Re: Holowness of SBE
972 2004-12-10 06:26:00 William Morse Re: The "fuel" of evoluti
973 2004-12-10 06:26:00 Syvanen@ucdavis.Edu polyphyletic clades
974 2004-12-10 06:26:00 William Morse Re: Article: DNA Evidence
975 2004-12-10 21:34:00 Tim Tyler Re: Holowness of SBE
976 2004-12-10 21:34:00 Perplexed In Peoria Re: Holowness of SBE
977 2004-12-10 21:34:00 Rna Re: Article: DNA Evidence
978 2004-12-10 21:34:00 Anon. Re: The "fuel" of evoluti
979 2004-12-10 21:34:00 Perplexed In Peoria Re: The "fuel" of evoluti
980 2004-12-11 16:35:00 Guy Hoelzer Re: Holowness of SBE
981 2004-12-11 16:35:00 Cncabej Re: Article: Birds of a f
982 2004-12-11 16:35:00 Tinyurl.Com/uh3t Re: polyphyletic clades
983 2004-12-11 16:35:00 John Edser Re: Holowness of SBE
984 2004-12-11 16:35:00 Perplexed In Peoria Re: Holowness of SBE
Textnr: Datum: Tid: Skrivet av: Ärende:
985 2004-12-11 16:35:00 Reed Richter Re: Query
986 2004-12-11 16:35:00 Innominatetwice@yahoo.Com Exactly what are "recessi
987 2004-12-12 06:22:00 Robert Karl Stonjek Re: Article: Birds of a f
988 2004-12-12 06:22:00 Anon. Re: Holowness of SBE
989 2004-12-12 06:22:00 Wirt Atmar Re: Exactly what are "rec
990 2004-12-12 06:22:00 Wirt Atmar Re: The "fuel" of evoluti
991 2004-12-12 06:22:00 Wirt Atmar Re: Article: Birds of a f
992 2004-12-12 06:22:00 John Edser Re: Holowness of SBE
993 2004-12-12 06:22:00 Larry Severson Re: Cancer and evolution
994 2004-12-12 06:22:00 Larry Severson Acceptance of threatening
995 2004-12-12 06:22:00 Km34@jotenheim.Com Re: Exactly what are "rec
996 2004-12-12 06:22:00 Malcolm Re: Exactly what are "rec
997 2004-12-12 21:43:00 Nickmatzke@gmail.Com Re: Query
998 2004-12-12 21:43:00 Syvanen@ucdavis.Edu Re: polyphyletic clades
999 2004-12-12 21:43:00 Joe Felsenstein Re: What is R (relatednes
1000 2004-12-12 21:43:00 Nickmatzke@gmail.Com Re: polyphyletic clades
1001 2004-12-12 21:43:00 Ekurtz99 Re: The "fuel" of evoluti
1002 2004-12-12 21:43:00 Jim McGinn Re: What is R (relatednes
1003 2004-12-12 21:43:00 Cncabej Re: Article: Birds of a f
1004 2004-12-12 21:43:00 Daniel Sch?tz Measurements for populati
Textnr: Datum: Tid: Skrivet av: Ärende:
1005 2004-12-12 21:43:00 Jim McGinn Hollowness of Hamilton's
1006 2004-12-12 21:43:00 Reed Re: Query
1007 2004-12-12 21:43:00 Malcolm Re: Query
1008 2004-12-13 16:43:00 John Edser Re: Holowness of SBE
1009 2004-12-13 16:43:00 John Edser Re: The "fuel" of evoluti
1010 2004-12-13 16:43:00 Purityofevil Re: Evolution took millio
1011 2004-12-13 16:43:00 John Edser Re: What is R (relatednes
1012 2004-12-13 16:43:00 Wirt Atmar Re: Article: Birds of a f
1013 2004-12-13 16:43:00 John Edser Re: Article: Birds of a f
1014 2004-12-13 16:43:00 Peter F Newsgroup noise and twist
1015 2004-12-13 16:43:00 Anon. Re: What is R (relatednes
1016 2004-12-13 16:43:00 Reed Re: Query
1017 2004-12-13 16:43:00 Perplexed In Peoria Re: Hollowness of Hamilto
1018 2004-12-13 16:43:00 Km34@jotenheim.Com Re: Exactly what are "rec
1019 2004-12-13 16:43:00 Reed Re: Acceptance of threate
1020 2004-12-15 06:28:00 Syvanen@ucdavis.Edu Re: polyphyletic clades
1021 2004-12-15 06:28:00 Tim Tyler Re: Holowness of SBE
1022 2004-12-15 06:28:00 John Edser Re: Article: Birds of a f
1023 2004-12-15 06:28:00 William Morse Re: Evolution took millio
1024 2004-12-15 06:28:00 Cncabej Re: Article: Birds of a f
Textnr: Datum: Tid: Skrivet av: Ärende:
1025 2004-12-15 06:28:00 Syvanen@ucdavis.Edu Re: Exactly what are "rec
1026 2004-12-15 06:28:00 Irr Re: purine/vitamin b9 par
1027 2004-12-15 06:28:00 Robert Karl Stonjek Article: Artificial cells
1028 2004-12-15 06:28:00 Jim McGinn Re: What is R (relatednes
1029 2004-12-15 06:28:00 John Edser Re: Hollowness of Hamilto
1030 2004-12-15 17:36:00 Anon. Re: What is R (relatednes
1031 2004-12-15 17:36:00 John Edser =?iso-8859-1?Q?SPITE:__Ha
1032 2004-12-15 17:36:00 Maarten D. de Jong Biochemical evolution
1033 2004-12-15 17:36:00 Perplexed In Peoria Re: purine/vitamin b9 par
1034 2004-12-15 17:36:00 Servo Question about plants
1035 2004-12-16 12:30:00 Pax Cosmos Re: Query
1036 2004-12-16 12:30:00 Tim Tyler Re: SPITE: Hamilton's La
1037 2004-12-16 12:30:00 Jim McGinn Re: Holowness of SBE
1038 2004-12-16 12:30:00 Jim McGinn Haldane's Pub Rule
1039 2004-12-16 12:30:00 R Norman Re: Question about plants
1040 2004-12-16 12:30:00 Mel Turner Re: Question about plants
1041 2004-12-16 12:30:00 Paul Ciszek Re: Biochemical evolution
1042 2004-12-16 12:30:00 Lam Son 719 Re: Biochemical evolution
1043 2004-12-16 12:30:00 William Morse Re: The "fuel" of evoluti
1044 2004-12-16 12:30:00 Peter F Convergent Evolution of I
Textnr: Datum: Tid: Skrivet av: Ärende:
1045 2004-12-16 12:30:00 Jim McGinn Early Hominid Evolution:
1046 2004-12-16 12:30:00 Innominatetwice@yahoo.Com A new topic.
1047 2004-12-16 12:30:00 Name And Address Supplied Jim's Hamilton's rule pri
1048 2004-12-16 12:30:00 Perplexed In Peoria Re: Biochemical evolution
1049 2004-12-16 12:30:00 Anon. Re: SPITE: Hamilton's La
1050 2004-12-16 12:30:00 Cncabej Re: Biochemical evolution
1051 2004-12-16 22:33:00 Ekurtz99@whoknowswhere.Co Re: The "fuel" of evoluti
1052 2004-12-16 22:33:00 Tim Tyler Re: Biochemical evolution
1053 2004-12-16 22:33:00 Wirt Atmar Re: Exactly what are "rec
1054 2004-12-16 22:33:00 Larry Moran Re: Biochemical evolution
1055 2004-12-16 22:33:00 Carlos Trevino Do we still doubt Global
1056 2004-12-16 22:33:00 Tim Tyler Re: A new topic.
1057 2004-12-16 22:33:00 Robert Karl Stonjek Article: The evolution of
1058 2004-12-16 22:33:00 Robert Karl Stonjek Paper: Do polymorphic loc
1059 2004-12-16 22:33:00 Robert Karl Stonjek Paper: An EM algorithm fo
1060 2004-12-16 22:33:00 Robert Karl Stonjek Paper: A new approach to
1061 2004-12-16 22:33:00 Douga@techline.Com gould
1062 2004-12-16 22:33:00 Jim McGinn Re: Jim's Hamilton's rule
1063 2004-12-17 21:43:00 Rich Re: Article: The evolutio
1064 2004-12-17 21:43:00 Curious In Minneapolis Question regarding the ev
Textnr: Datum: Tid: Skrivet av: Ärende:
1065 2004-12-17 21:43:00 Irr Re: purine/vitamin b9 par
1066 2004-12-17 21:43:00 Syvanen@ucdavis.Edu Re: Exactly what are "rec
1067 2004-12-17 21:43:00 Wirt Atmar Re: The "fuel" of evoluti
1068 2004-12-17 21:43:00 Tinyurl.Com/uh3t Re: Biochemical evolution
1069 2004-12-17 21:43:00 Biotech-Lover Which Resons cause Nightm
1070 2004-12-17 21:43:00 Syvanen@ucdavis.Edu Re: Convergent Evolution
1071 2004-12-17 21:43:00 Biotech-Lover Need Help In Zooplanktons
1072 2004-12-17 21:43:00 Jim McGinn Re: gould
1073 2004-12-17 21:43:00 Wirt Atmar Re: Convergent Evolution
1074 2004-12-18 06:14:00 Peter F Re: Article: Birds of a f
1075 2004-12-18 06:15:00 R Norman Re: Need Help In Zooplank
1076 2004-12-18 06:15:00 R Norman Re: Question regarding th
1077 2004-12-18 06:15:00 William Morse Re: The "fuel" of evoluti
1078 2004-12-18 06:15:00 William Morse Re: Convergent Evolution
1079 2004-12-18 06:15:00 Perplexed In Peoria Re: purine/vitamin b9 par
1080 2004-12-18 06:15:00 R Norman Re: gould
1081 2004-12-18 06:15:00 Tomhendricks474 Diet and Exercise = half
1082 2004-12-18 16:23:00 Robert Karl Stonjek Article: Dog diversity pr
1083 2004-12-18 16:23:00 Robert Karl Stonjek Article: The Birds Are Fa
1084 2004-12-18 16:23:00 Tim Tyler Re: Which Resons cause Ni
Textnr: Datum: Tid: Skrivet av: Ärende:
1085 2004-12-18 16:23:00 Tim Tyler Re: The "fuel" of evoluti
1086 2004-12-18 16:23:00 Tim Tyler Re: Question regarding th
1087 2004-12-18 16:23:00 Malcolm Re: Question about plants
1088 2004-12-18 16:23:00 Perplexed In Peoria Re: Jim's Hamilton's rule
1089 2004-12-18 16:23:00 Perplexed In Peoria Re: Biochemical evolution
1090 2004-12-18 16:23:00 Anon. Re: The "fuel" of evoluti
1091 2004-12-18 16:23:00 Malcolm Re: Which Resons cause Ni
1092 2004-12-18 16:23:00 Perplexed In Peoria Re: Article: Birds of a f
1093 2004-12-18 16:23:00 Perplexed In Peoria Re: What is R (relatednes
1094 2004-12-18 16:23:00 Malcolm Re: Exactly what are "rec
1095 2004-12-18 16:23:00 Paul Ciszek Plants, phylogenetic "tre
1096 2004-12-19 06:16:00 Jim McGinn Re: What is R (relatednes
1097 2004-12-19 06:16:00 Jim McGinn Re: Jim's Hamilton's rule
1098 2004-12-19 06:16:00 Tomhendricks474 Bio-fiction
1099 2004-12-19 06:16:00 R Norman Re: Question regarding th
1100 2004-12-19 06:16:00 Syvanen@ucdavis.Edu Re: Exactly what are "rec
1101 2004-12-19 06:16:00 Malcolm Re: Query
1102 2004-12-19 06:16:00 William Morse Re: A new topic.
1103 2004-12-19 06:16:00 Malcolm Re: A new topic.
1104 2004-12-20 06:18:00 Perplexed In Peoria Re: Jim's Hamilton's rule
Textnr: Datum: Tid: Skrivet av: Ärende:
1105 2004-12-20 06:18:00 Tim Tyler Re: The "fuel" of evoluti
1106 2004-12-20 06:18:00 Tim Tyler Re: Biochemical evolution
1107 2004-12-20 06:18:00 Tim Tyler Methane spurs mars race
1108 2004-12-20 06:18:00 Syvanen@ucdavis.Edu Re: Plants, phylogenetic
1109 2004-12-20 06:18:00 Tim Tyler Re: Question regarding th
1110 2004-12-20 06:18:00 Wolfhnd Re: Do we still doubt Glo
1111 2004-12-20 06:18:00 Wolfhnd Re: gould
1112 2004-12-20 06:18:00 Tomhendricks474 Going Forward
1113 2004-12-20 06:18:00 Cncabej "Genes are followers not
1114 2004-12-20 21:47:00 John Wilkins Re: Music's place in evol
1115 2004-12-20 21:47:00 Perplexed In Peoria Re: gould
1116 2004-12-20 21:47:00 Jim McGinn Re: What is R (relatednes
1117 2004-12-20 21:47:00 Anon. Re: "Genes are followers
1118 2004-12-20 21:47:00 Eric evolutionary origin of an
1119 2004-12-20 21:47:00 Jim McGinn Re: Jim's Hamilton's rule
1120 2004-12-20 21:47:00 Andrew Glasgow Re: gould
1121 2004-12-20 21:47:00 R Norman Re: Question regarding th
1122 2004-12-20 21:47:00 Tim Tyler Re: Music's place in evol
1123 2004-12-20 21:47:00 Name And Address Supplied Jim's Hamilton's rule pri
1124 2004-12-20 21:47:00 Dig.Dug.3030@gmail.Com Re: Which Resons cause Ni
Textnr: Datum: Tid: Skrivet av: Ärende:
1125 2004-12-20 21:47:00 Paul Ciszek Re: Plants, phylogenetic
1126 2004-12-20 21:47:00 Tim Tyler Re: Question regarding th
1127 2004-12-20 21:47:00 Perplexed In Peoria Re: "Genes are followers
1128 2004-12-20 21:47:00 Dig.Dug.3030@gmail.Com Re: Music's place in evol
1129 2004-12-20 21:47:00 Syvanen@ucdavis.Edu Re: "Genes are followers
1130 2004-12-20 21:47:00 Syvanen@ucdavis.Edu Re: Exactly what are "rec
1131 2004-12-20 21:47:00 Earle Jones Evolutionary aspect of or
1132 2004-12-20 21:47:00 Malcolm Re: Music's place in evol
1133 2004-12-20 21:47:00 Paul Ciszek Re: Biochemical evolution
1134 2004-12-20 21:47:00 Ekurtz99 Re: Music's place in evol
1135 2004-12-20 21:47:00 Tim Tyler Re: "Genes are followers
1136 2004-12-21 05:55:00 Wirt Atmar Re: evolutionary origin o
1137 2004-12-21 05:55:00 R Norman Re: Question regarding th
1138 2004-12-21 05:55:00 Syvanen@ucdavis.Edu Re: Plants, phylogenetic
1139 2004-12-21 05:55:00 R Norman Re: evolutionary origin o
1140 2004-12-21 05:55:00 Deowll Re: Which Resons cause Ni
1141 2004-12-21 05:55:00 Deowll Re: Plants, phylogenetic
1142 2004-12-21 05:55:00 Ekurtz99 Re: Music's place in evol
1143 2004-12-21 05:55:00 Tomhendricks474 Re: Biochemical evolution
1144 2004-12-21 22:08:00 Wolfhnd Re: Music's place in evol
Textnr: Datum: Tid: Skrivet av: Ärende:
1145 2004-12-21 22:08:00 William Morse Re: Music's place in evol
1146 2004-12-21 22:08:00 Wolfhnd Re: gould
1147 2004-12-21 22:08:00 Cncabej Re: "Genes are followers
1148 2004-12-21 22:08:00 Anon. Re: What is R (relatednes
1149 2004-12-21 22:08:00 Larry Moran Re: Biochemical evolution
1150 2004-12-21 22:08:00 Paul Ciszek Re: Methane spurs mars ra
1151 2004-12-21 22:08:00 Tim Tyler Re: Music's place in evol
1152 2004-12-21 22:08:00 Eric Re: evolutionary origin o
1153 2004-12-21 22:08:00 Tim Tyler Re: Question regarding th
1154 2004-12-21 22:08:00 Paul Brault SFI Complex Systems Summe
1155 2004-12-21 22:08:00 Malcolm Re: Music's place in evol
1156 2004-12-21 22:08:00 Malcolm Re: Evolutionary aspect o
1157 2004-12-21 22:08:00 Andrew Glasgow Re: Evolutionary aspect o
1158 2004-12-21 22:08:00 Paul Brault SFI Research Experiences
1159 2004-12-21 22:08:00 Malcolm Re: Exactly what are "rec
1160 2004-12-21 22:08:00 Pax Cosmos Re: Query
1161 2004-12-22 17:16:00 Robert Karl Stonjek Paper: The evolution of l
1162 2004-12-22 17:16:00 Robert Karl Stonjek Paper: The place of metab
1163 2004-12-22 17:16:00 Robert Karl Stonjek Paper: MicroRNAs and the
1164 2004-12-22 17:16:00 Syvanen@ucdavis.Edu Re: "Genes are followers
Textnr: Datum: Tid: Skrivet av: Ärende:
1165 2004-12-22 17:16:00 Robert Karl Stonjek Re: Evolutionary aspect o
1166 2004-12-22 17:16:00 Syvanen@ucdavis.Edu Re: Methane spurs mars ra
1167 2004-12-22 17:16:00 Perplexed In Peoria Re: "Genes are followers
1168 2004-12-22 17:16:00 Phil Roberts, Jr. Re: "Genes are followers
1169 2004-12-22 17:16:00 Tim Tyler Re: Methane spurs mars ra
1170 2004-12-23 06:10:00 Brett Aubrey Re: Evolutionary aspect o
1171 2004-12-23 06:10:00 Dniphre Re: Evolutionary aspect o
1172 2004-12-23 06:10:00 Cncabej Re: "Genes are followers
1173 2004-12-23 06:10:00 Roger Re: evolutionary origin o
1174 2004-12-23 06:10:00 Jim McGinn Re: What is R (relatednes
1175 2004-12-23 16:37:00 Anon. Re: What is R (relatednes
1176 2004-12-23 16:37:00 Robert Karl Stonjek Paper: Distance-dependent
1177 2004-12-23 16:37:00 Robert Karl Stonjek Paper: Automimicry destab
1178 2004-12-23 16:37:00 Perplexed In Peoria Re: What is R (relatednes
1179 2004-12-23 16:37:00 Perplexed In Peoria Re: "Genes are followers
1180 2004-12-24 21:46:00 Malcolm Re: Evolutionary aspect o
1181 2004-12-24 21:46:00 Robert Karl Stonjek Paper: Does a tree-like p
1182 2004-12-24 21:46:00 Cncabej "GENES ARE FOLLOWERS NOT
1183 2004-12-24 21:46:00 Jim McGinn Re: What is R (relatednes
1184 2004-12-24 21:46:00 Perplexed In Peoria Re: Paper: Automimicry de
Textnr: Datum: Tid: Skrivet av: Ärende:
1185 2004-12-24 21:46:00 Chuck Cosby Re: Paper: MicroRNAs and
1186 2004-12-24 21:46:00 Cncabej Re: "Genes are followers
1187 2004-12-24 21:46:00 Perkowski Evolution and other plane
1188 2004-12-27 05:51:00 Rich Re: Need Help In Zooplank
1189 2004-12-27 06:03:00 Matt Re: Evolution and other p
1190 2004-12-27 06:03:00 Peter F Re: "GENES ARE FOLLOWERS
1191 2004-12-27 06:03:00 Peter F Re: Music's place in evol
1192 2004-12-27 06:03:00 Robert Karl Stonjek Re: Paper: MicroRNAs and
1193 2004-12-27 06:03:00 Perplexed In Peoria Re: Evolution and other p
1194 2004-12-27 06:03:00 Malcolm Re: Evolution and other p
1195 2004-12-27 06:03:00 Cncabej Re: "GENES ARE FOLLOWERS
1196 2004-12-27 12:58:00 Joe Felsenstein McGinn's disproof of Hard
1197 2004-12-27 12:58:00 Jim McGinn Hamilton's Nonsense
1198 2004-12-27 12:58:00 R Norman Re: Need Help In Zooplank
1199 2004-12-27 12:58:00 Peter F Re: Evolution and other p
1200 2004-12-27 12:58:00 Tim Tyler Re: Methane spurs mars ra
1201 2004-12-27 12:58:00 Tim Tyler Re: "Genes are followers
1202 2004-12-28 06:46:00 Pslant is only one of every chro
1203 2004-12-28 06:46:00 Peter F Twin-research results and
1204 2004-12-29 06:21:00 Wirt Atmar Re: Exactly what are "rec
Textnr: Datum: Tid: Skrivet av: Ärende:
1205 2004-12-29 06:21:00 Perplexed In Peoria Re: is only one of every
1206 2004-12-29 06:21:00 Wirt Atmar Re: The "fuel" of evoluti
1207 2004-12-29 06:21:00 Andrew Glasgow Re: How come every new ra
1208 2004-12-29 06:21:00 Jim McGinn Human Evolution is Catego
1209 2004-12-29 06:21:00 Joe Felsenstein Re: McGinn's disproof of
1210 2004-12-29 06:21:00 Cncabej Re: "Genes are followers
1211 2004-12-29 06:21:00 Name And Address Supplied Jim's Hamilton's rule pri
1212 2004-12-29 06:21:00 Malcolm Re: How come every new ra
1213 2004-12-29 06:21:00 Perplexed In Peoria Re: Hamilton's Nonsense
1214 2004-12-29 06:21:00 Brett Aubrey Re: How come every new ra
1215 2004-12-29 06:21:00 Malcolm Re: Hamilton's Nonsense
1216 2004-12-29 06:21:00 Irr Re: Biochemical evolution
1217 2004-12-29 06:21:00 Deowll Re: Evolution and other p
1218 2004-12-29 06:21:00 Ekurtz99 Re: McGinn's disproof of
1219 2004-12-29 06:21:00 Ekurtz99 Re: Human Evolution is Ca
1220 2004-12-29 06:21:00 Perplexed In Peoria Re: The "fuel" of evoluti
1221 2004-12-29 06:21:00 Shawn Re: How come every new ra
1222 2004-12-29 06:21:00 Ekurtz99 'Pseudo-Relatives' Serve
1223 2004-12-29 14:54:00 Joe Felsenstein Re: McGinn's disproof of
1224 2004-12-29 14:54:00 Perplexed In Peoria Re: Human Evolution is Ca
Textnr: Datum: Tid: Skrivet av: Ärende:
1225 2004-12-29 14:54:00 Tim Tyler Re: Hamilton's Nonsense
1226 2004-12-29 14:54:00 John Edser Re: SPITE: Hamilton's La
1227 2004-12-29 14:54:00 Tim Tyler Re: The "fuel" of evoluti
1228 2004-12-29 14:54:00 Tim Tyler Re: Human Evolution is Ca
1229 2004-12-29 14:54:00 Jim McGinn Re: Human Evolution is Ca
1230 2004-12-29 14:54:00 John Edser Re: What is R (relatednes
1231 2004-12-29 14:54:00 Tim Tyler Re: Exactly what are "rec
1232 2004-12-29 14:54:00 Tim Tyler Re: "Genes are followers
1233 2004-12-29 14:54:00 Peter F Re: How come every new ra
1234 2004-12-29 14:54:00 Tim Tyler Re: How come every new ra
1235 2004-12-29 14:54:00 John Edser Re: Hamilton's Nonsense
1236 2004-12-29 14:54:00 Jim McGinn Re: Hamilton's Nonsense
1237 2004-12-29 14:54:00 John Edser Haldane's Pub Rule
1238 2004-12-29 14:54:00 Larry Moran Re: Biochemical evolution
1239 2004-12-29 14:54:00 Old Father Time A New Species of Man?
1240 2004-12-29 21:29:00 Josh Hayes Re: McGinn's disproof of
1241 2004-12-29 21:29:00 Robert Karl Stonjek Article: Where Are All th
1242 2004-12-29 21:29:00 Ekurtz99 Re: McGinn's disproof of
1243 2004-12-29 21:29:00 Jim McGinn Re: Human Evolution is Ca
1244 2004-12-30 15:57:00 William Morse Re: Need Help In Zooplank
Textnr: Datum: Tid: Skrivet av: Ärende:
1245 2004-12-30 15:57:00 John Edser Re: Exactly what are "rec
1246 2004-12-30 15:57:00 John Edser Re: McGinn's disproof of
1247 2004-12-30 15:57:00 Anthony Cerrato Re: Evolution and other p
1248 2004-12-30 15:57:00 Peter F DebunkingCementig
1249 2004-12-30 15:57:00 Syvanen@ucdavis.Edu Re: How come every new ra
1250 2004-12-31 10:54:00 Perplexed In Peoria Re: Hamilton's Nonsense
1251 2004-12-31 10:54:00 Tomhendricks474 Re: Evolution and other p
1252 2004-12-31 10:54:00 Tomhendricks474 Re: Need Help In Zooplank
1253 2004-12-31 10:54:00 Perplexed In Peoria Re: The "fuel" of evoluti
1254 2004-12-31 10:55:00 Earle Jones Re: Evolutionary aspect o
1255 2004-12-31 10:55:00 Perplexed In Peoria Re: What is R (relatednes
1256 2004-12-31 10:55:00 Anon. Re: McGinn's disproof of
1257 2004-12-31 10:55:00 Brett Aubrey Re: How come every new ra
1258 2004-12-31 10:55:00 Tim Tyler Re: Human Evolution is Ca
1259 2004-12-31 10:55:00 Anon. Re: Human Evolution is Ca
1260 2004-12-31 10:55:00 Tim Tyler Re: Exactly what are "rec
1261 2004-12-31 10:55:00 Tim Tyler Re: A New Species of Man?
1262 2004-12-31 10:55:00 Tim Tyler Re: Plants, phylogenetic
1263 2004-12-31 10:55:00 Deowll Re: Evolution and other p
1264 2004-12-31 10:55:00 Ekurtz99 Re: DebunkingCementig
Textnr: Datum: Tid: Skrivet av: Ärende:
1265 2004-12-31 10:55:00 Anurag.Sethi@gmail.Com Re: Biochemical evolution
1266 2004-12-31 10:55:00 Deowll Re: Human Evolution is Ca
1267 2004-12-31 10:55:00 Douga@techline.Com vaccinology/evolution of
1268 2004-12-31 10:55:00 Deowll Re: How come every new ra
1269 2004-12-31 10:55:00 Tomhendricks474 Re: Evolution and other p
1270 2004-12-31 10:55:00 Tomhendricks474 Re: gould
1271 2004-12-31 10:55:00 Tomhendricks474 Re: Paper: The place of m
1272 2004-12-31 10:55:00 Joe Felsenstein Re: McGinn's disproof of
1273 2004-12-31 10:55:00 Jim McGinn Re: Haldane's Pub Rule
1274 2004-12-31 10:55:00 Tomhendricks474 Re: Music's place in evol
1275 2004-12-31 10:55:00 Deowll Re: A New Species of Man?
1276 2004-12-31 15:03:00 Tim Tyler Re: The "fuel" of evoluti
1277 2004-12-31 15:03:00 Jim McGinn Re: What is R (relatednes
1278 2004-12-31 15:03:00 Ekurtz99 Re: Human Evolution is Ca
1279 2004-12-31 15:03:00 Jim McGinn Re: McGinn's disproof of
1280 2004-12-31 20:25:00 Tim Tyler Re: Human Evolution is Ca
1281 2004-12-31 20:25:00 Brett Aubrey Re: How come every new ra
1282 2004-12-31 20:25:00 Jim McGinn Re: Human Evolution is Ca
1283 2004-12-31 20:25:00 Jim McGinn Re: What is R (relatednes
1284 2004-12-31 20:25:00 Ian Harvey Dinosaurs on a smaller ea
Textnr: Datum: Tid: Skrivet av: Ärende:
1285 2005-01-01 06:01:00 Perplexed In Peoria Re: The "fuel" of evoluti
1286 2005-01-01 06:01:00 Jim McGinn Re: Human Evolution is Ca
1287 2005-01-01 06:01:00 Ekurtz99 Re: What is R (relatednes
1288 2005-01-01 06:01:00 David Iain Greig Re: Dinosaurs on a smalle
1289 2005-01-03 06:32:00 Jim McGinn Hamiton's Rule: Solution
1290 2005-01-03 06:32:00 Jim McGinn Re: Human Evolution is Ca
1291 2005-01-03 06:32:00 Perplexed In Peoria Re: Hamilton's Nonsense
1292 2005-01-03 06:32:00 John Edser Re: McGinn's disproof of
1293 2005-01-03 06:32:00 Ekurtz99 Re: What is R (relatednes
1294 2005-01-03 06:32:00 Perplexed In Peoria Re: What is R (relatednes
1295 2005-01-03 06:32:00 John Edser Re: What is R (relatednes
1296 2005-01-03 06:32:00 Raphael Goubet "Natural Selection" by Da
1297 2005-01-03 06:32:00 Deowll Re: Evolution and other p
1298 2005-01-03 06:32:00 Peter F Key steps in the evolutio
1299 2005-01-03 06:32:00 Ekurtz99 Re: Human Evolution is Ca
1300 2005-01-03 06:32:00 Deowll Re: Need Help In Zooplank
1301 2005-01-03 06:32:00 Anon. Re: Paper: The evolution
1302 2005-01-03 06:32:00 Jim McGinn Re: Haldane's Pub Rule
1303 2005-01-03 06:32:00 Name And Address Supplied Jim's Hamilton's rule pri
1304 2005-01-03 06:32:00 Deowll Re: How come every new ra
Textnr: Datum: Tid: Skrivet av: Ärende:
1305 2005-01-03 06:32:00 Jim McGinn Re: Hamilton's Nonsense
1306 2005-01-03 06:32:00 Jim McGinn Re: McGinn's disproof of
1307 2005-01-03 06:32:00 Deowll Re: Human Evolution is Ca
1308 2005-01-03 06:32:00 Cncabej Re "GENES ARE FOLLOWERS N
1309 2005-01-03 06:32:00 Deowll Re: Plants, phylogenetic
1310 2005-01-03 06:32:00 Roberto Re: A New Species of Man?
1311 2005-01-03 06:32:00 Deowll Re: vaccinology/evolution
1312 2005-01-03 15:01:00 Brett Aubrey Re: How come every new ra
1313 2005-01-03 15:01:00 Michael Laschober Re: vaccinology/evolution
1314 2005-01-03 15:01:00 Anon. Re: Human Evolution is Ca
1315 2005-01-03 15:01:00 Tim Tyler Re: The "fuel" of evoluti
1316 2005-01-03 15:01:00 Sigoldberg1@gmail.Com Re: How come every new ra
1317 2005-01-03 15:01:00 Cncabej Re: "GENES ARE FOLLOWERS
1318 2005-01-03 15:01:00 Ekurtz99@whoknowswhere.Co Re: What is R (relatednes
1319 2005-01-03 15:01:00 Roninfromde@yahoo.Com Re: vaccinology/evolution
1320 2005-01-04 20:31:00 Tim Tyler Re: What is R (relatednes
1321 2005-01-04 20:31:00 Syvanen@ucdavis.Edu Re: How come every new ra
1322 2005-01-04 20:31:00 Joe Felsenstein Re: McGinn's disproof of
1323 2005-01-04 20:31:00 Deowll Re: vaccinology/evolution
1324 2005-01-04 20:31:00 Perplexed In Peoria Re: The "fuel" of evoluti
Textnr: Datum: Tid: Skrivet av: Ärende:
1325 2005-01-04 20:31:00 Perplexed In Peoria Re: How come every new ra
1326 2005-01-04 20:31:00 Sigoldberg1@gmail.Com How long since the last m
1327 2005-01-04 20:31:00 Deowll Re: How come every new ra
1328 2005-01-04 20:31:00 John Edser Hamiton's Rule: Solution
1329 2005-01-04 20:31:00 John Edser Re: What is R (relatednes
1330 2005-01-04 20:31:00 John Edser Re: Haldane's Pub Rule
1331 2005-01-04 20:31:00 John Edser Re: Hamilton's Nonsense
1332 2005-01-04 20:31:00 Douga@techline.Com Re: vaccinology/evolution
1333 2005-01-04 20:31:00 Perplexed In Peoria Re: "GENES ARE FOLLOWERS
1334 2005-01-04 20:31:00 Tim Tyler Re: "GENES ARE FOLLOWERS
1335 2005-01-04 20:31:00 Sebastian Auer Evolutionary Psychology L