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English   Information   Debug  
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PSION   103
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R20_MODERATOR   0/1852
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R20_SFOSM   0/340
R20_SF   0/108
R20_SQUISH   107
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RA_UTIL   0/162
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REGCON   0/13
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SF   0/239
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STATS_OLD1   0/2539.065
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CDROM   0/20
COMICS   0/15
CONSPRCY   0/899
COOKING   31539
COOKING_OLD1   0/24719
COOKING_OLD2   0/40862
COOKING_OLD3   0/37489
COOKING_OLD4   0/35496
C_ECHO   0/189
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ECHOLIST   0/18295
EC_SUPPORT   0/318
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EVOLUTION   0/1335
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FIDONEWS   23936
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GET_INFO   105
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HAM   0/16059
HOLYSMOKE   0/6791
HUB203   466
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HUMOR   0/29
IC   0/2851
INTERNET   0/424
JAMNNTPD   0/233
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LINUX_BBS   0/957
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N203_STAT   918
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NET203   321
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NORD.CHAT   0/2572
NORD.PROG   0/32
NORD   0/453
Tillbaka till text     (eller ange värde efter LIST= här ovanför)
Det finns 18996 texter i mötet OSDEBATE, 12362-17361 visas, eller välj intervall:
[1-5000]  [5001-10000]  [10001-15000]  [15001-18996]  
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 12362  2006-08-03 00:19:44 Adam                               Re: holographic storage for Xmas and you'll need a Santa to buy it      
 12363  2006-08-03 00:20:28 Adam                               Re: Apple support forums no longer supported?                           
 12364  2006-08-02 20:11:00 Geo                                Re: MS Photosynth - WOW!!!!!                                            
 12365  2006-08-02 20:12:56 Geo                                Re: Recycle Bin Opens In Double Pane Mode                               
 12366  2006-08-02 20:17:00 Geo                                Re: holographic storage for Xmas and you'll need a Santa to buy it      
 12367  2006-08-02 20:19:26 Geo                                Re: Apple support forums no longer supported?                           
 12368  2006-08-02 20:25:48 John Beamish                       Re: holographic storage for Xmas and you'll need a Santa to buy it      
 12369  2006-08-02 23:32:44 Gary Britt                         Re: Recycle Bin Opens In Double Pane Mode                               
 12370  2006-08-03 10:35:22 Adam                               Re: Apple support forums no longer supported?                           
 12371  2006-08-03 11:25:30 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Apple support forums no longer supported?                           
 12372  2006-08-03 14:45:18 Frank Haber                        Re: MS Photosynth - WOW!!!!!                                            
 12373  2006-08-03 15:20:00 Frank Haber                        Re: holographic storage for Xmas and you'll need a Santa to buy it      
 12374  2006-08-03 15:21:56 Frank Haber                        Re: Recycle Bin Opens In Double Pane Mode                               
 12375  2006-08-03 16:12:28 Geo.                               firefox                                                                 
 12376  2006-08-03 16:21:12 Gary Britt                         Re: Recycle Bin Opens In Double Pane Mode                               
 12377  2006-08-03 16:37:10 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Recycle Bin Opens In Double Pane Mode                               
 12378  2006-08-03 18:13:20 Gary Britt                         Re: Recycle Bin Opens In Double Pane Mode                               
 12379  2006-08-03 18:28:24 /m                                 Re: G4 Powerbook links needed                                           
 12380  2006-08-03 18:31:44 Mark                               Re: Recycle Bin Opens In Double Pane Mode                               
 12381  2006-08-03 18:58:34 /m                                 Is Windows Vista Ready?                                                 
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 12382  2006-08-03 19:02:24 /m                                 Ballmer Analyzes Microsoft's 'One Big' Vista Mistake                    
 12383  2006-08-03 20:25:16 John Beamish                       Re: Recycle Bin Opens In Double Pane Mode                               
 12384  2006-08-03 20:48:16 /m                                 Notebook security                                                       
 12385  2006-08-04 10:50:26 John Beckett                       Re: Recycle Bin Opens In Double Pane Mode                               
 12386  2006-08-03 21:52:44 Gary Britt                         Re: Recycle Bin Opens In Double Pane Mode                               
 12387  2006-08-03 23:16:42 Gary Britt                         Re: Recycle Bin Opens In Double Pane Mode                               
 12388  2006-08-03 23:25:32 Gregg N                            Re: Recycle Bin Opens In Double Pane Mode                               
 12389  2006-08-03 19:26:20 Geo                                Re: Ballmer Analyzes Microsoft's 'One Big' Vista Mistake                
 12390  2006-08-03 19:32:10 Geo                                Re: Is Windows Vista Ready?                                             
 12391  2006-08-03 22:59:10 Geo                                Re: Recycle Bin Opens In Double Pane Mode                               
 12392  2006-08-03 23:05:20 Geo                                Re: Interesting article                                                 
 12393  2006-08-03 23:17:24 Geo                                Re: Microsoft Windows DHCP Client Service Remote Code Execution Vulnera 
 12394  2006-08-03 23:29:12 Geo                                Re: Microsoft Windows DHCP Client Service Remote Code Execution Vulnera 
 12395  2006-08-03 23:30:46 Geo                                Re: Bad developers whine over Windows kernel security                   
 12396  2006-08-03 23:32:14 Geo                                Re: Bad developers whine over Windows kernel security                   
 12397  2006-08-03 23:35:00 Geo                                Re: Microsoft to charge for Office 2007 beta 2                          
 12398  2006-08-03 23:52:26 Gary Britt                         Re: Recycle Bin Opens In Double Pane Mode                               
 12399  2006-08-03 23:53:26 Gary Britt                         Re: Recycle Bin Opens In Double Pane Mode                               
 12400  2006-08-04 04:20:44 /m                                 Re: Is Windows Vista Ready?                                             
 12401  2006-08-04 04:44:40 /m                                 This is so wrong...                                                     
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 12402  2006-08-04 10:30:54 Adam                               Re: This is so wrong...                                                 
 12403  2006-08-04 10:33:10 Adam                               Re: Is Windows Vista Ready?                                             
 12404  2006-08-04 10:35:50 Adam                               Re: Is Windows Vista Ready?                                             
 12405  2006-08-04 10:36:56 Adam                               Summat to warm Job's heart                                              
 12406  2006-08-04 10:38:56 Adam                               Bad new 4 intel                                                         
 12407  2006-08-04 19:46:20 John Beckett                       Re: Microsoft Windows DHCP Client Service Remote Code Execution Vulnera 
 12408  2006-08-04 06:20:46 Geo                                Re: This is so wrong...                                                 
 12409  2006-08-04 06:26:12 Geo                                Re: Microsoft Windows DHCP Client Service Remote Code Execution Vulnera 
 12410  2006-08-04 06:30:32 Geo                                Re: Is Windows Vista Ready?                                             
 12411  2006-08-04 07:25:06 Mike N.                            Tribute to Bill Gates                                                   
 12412  2006-08-04 12:52:48 Adam                               Re: Is Windows Vista Ready?                                             
 12413  2006-08-04 06:39:10 Rich                               Re: Bad developers whine over Windows kernel security                   
 12414  2006-08-04 09:54:40 Frank Haber                        Re: Ballmer Analyzes Microsoft's 'One Big' Vista Mistake                
 12415  2006-08-04 12:17:28 Rich Gauszka                       Windows on Mac - Bootcamp vs Parallels review                           
 12416  2006-08-04 20:07:58 Geo                                Re: Microsoft Windows DHCP Client Service Remote Code Execution Vulnera 
 12417  2006-08-04 20:10:10 Geo                                Re: Bad developers whine over Windows kernel security                   
 12418  2006-08-04 20:14:00 Geo                                Re: Is Windows Vista Ready?                                             
 12419  2006-08-04 20:17:54 Geo                                Re: Tribute to Bill Gates                                               
 12420  2006-08-04 20:19:50 Rich Gauszka                       Firefox, Internet Explorer, and Opera Revisited                         
 12421  2006-08-05 11:30:54 John Beckett                       Re: Microsoft Windows DHCP Client Service Remote Code Execution Vulnera 
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 12422  2006-08-04 20:02:12 Rich                               Re: Bad developers whine over Windows kernel security                   
 12423  2006-08-05 00:12:04 Geo                                Re: Microsoft Windows DHCP Client Service Remote Code Execution Vulnera 
 12424  2006-08-05 17:51:38 RobertB.                           Re: Apple support forums no longer supported?                           
 12425  2006-08-05 17:52:42 RobertB.                           Re: Apple support forums no longer supported?                           
 12426  2006-08-05 17:53:34 RobertB.                           Re: Apple support forums no longer supported?                           
 12427  2006-08-05 17:54:10 RobertB.                           Re: Apple support forums no longer supported?                           
 12428  2006-08-05 17:55:34 RobertB.                           Re: G4 Powerbook links needed                                           
 12429  2006-08-05 17:59:52 RobertB.                           Re: G4 Powerbook links needed                                           
 12430  2006-08-05 18:00:36 RobertB.                           Re: G4 Powerbook links needed                                           
 12431  2006-08-05 23:22:26 Adam                               Re: Apple support forums no longer supported?                           
 12432  2006-08-05 18:30:44 Rich Gauszka                       Re: G4 Powerbook links needed                                           
 12433  2006-08-05 19:58:24 Tim Boyer                          Barracuda compromise                                                    
 12434  2006-08-06 11:17:06 Geo                                Re: Barracuda compromise                                                
 12435  2006-08-06 14:05:04 John Beamish                       SysInternals and Microsoft                                              
 12436  2006-08-06 22:43:26 Gary Britt                         Is Firefox Supposed To Keep A Process Running?                          
 12437  2006-08-07 06:52:56 Antti Kurenniemi                   Re: Is Firefox Supposed To Keep A Process Running?                      
 12438  2006-08-07 00:04:26 Gary Britt                         Re: Is Firefox Supposed To Keep A Process Running?                      
 12439  2006-08-07 00:21:26 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Is Firefox Supposed To Keep A Process Running?                      
 12440  2006-08-07 02:42:40 Gary Britt                         Re: Is Firefox Supposed To Keep A Process Running?                      
 12441  2006-08-07 09:59:10 Frank Haber                        Re: Is Firefox Supposed To Keep A Process Running?                      
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 12442  2006-08-07 10:25:08 Gary Britt                         Re: Is Firefox Supposed To Keep A Process Running?                      
 12443  2006-08-07 10:25:58 John Beamish                       Re: Is Firefox Supposed To Keep A Process Running?                      
 12444  2006-08-07 10:47:22 Gary Britt                         Re: Is Firefox Supposed To Keep A Process Running?                      
 12445  2006-08-07 10:48:38 Gary Britt                         Re: Is Firefox Supposed To Keep A Process Running?                      
 12446  2006-08-07 07:49:02 Rich                               Re: Is Firefox Supposed To Keep A Process Running?                      
 12447  2006-08-07 11:44:18 John Beamish                       Re: Is Firefox Supposed To Keep A Process Running?                      
 12448  2006-08-07 13:29:56 RobertB.                           Re: Apple support forums no longer supported?                           
 12449  2006-08-07 13:36:44 RobertB.                           Re: G4 Powerbook links needed                                           
 12450  2006-08-07 12:48:52 Glenn Meadows                      Re: G4 Powerbook links needed                                           
 12451  2006-08-07 15:00:42 Rich Gauszka                       Vista's new 'killer app'                                                
 12452  2006-08-07 16:15:00 Rich Gauszka                       'I just hit accept' Vista security a no show at Blackhat                
 12453  2006-08-07 17:12:14 RobertB.                           Re: G4 Powerbook links needed                                           
 12454  2006-08-07 16:20:48 Glenn Meadows                      Re: G4 Powerbook links needed                                           
 12455  2006-08-08 09:04:32 /m                                 Re: 'I just hit accept' Vista security a no show at Blackhat            
 12456  2006-08-08 09:08:08 /m                                 Re: Vista's new 'killer app'                                            
 12457  2006-08-08 09:10:06 /m                                 Re: Is Firefox Supposed To Keep A Process Running?                      
 12458  2006-08-08 09:21:16 /m                                 Re: Is Windows Vista Ready?                                             
 12459  2006-08-08 09:33:24 /m                                 Re: G4 Powerbook links needed                                           
 12460  2006-08-08 07:09:54 Rich                               Re: Logic                                                               
 12461  2006-08-08 10:15:30 /m                                 Re: Logic                                                               
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 12462  2006-08-08 10:50:26 RobertB.                           Re: G4 Powerbook links needed                                           
 12463  2006-08-08 10:51:22 RobertB.                           Re: G4 Powerbook links needed                                           
 12464  2006-08-08 10:10:00 Glenn Meadows                      Re: G4 Powerbook links needed                                           
 12465  2006-08-08 08:23:14 Rich                               Re: Logic                                                               
 12466  2006-08-08 11:27:12 /m                                 Re: G4 Powerbook links needed                                           
 12467  2006-08-08 10:45:42 Glenn Meadows                      Re: G4 Powerbook links needed                                           
 12468  2006-08-08 11:57:32 /m                                 IE 7.0 Technical Changes Leave Web Developers, Users in the Lurch       
 12469  2006-08-08 14:15:08 /m                                 Re: G4 Powerbook links needed                                           
 12470  2006-08-08 15:15:40 Rich Gauszka                       Re: G4 Powerbook links needed                                           
 12471  2006-08-08 15:29:40 Gregg N                            Re: Is Firefox Supposed To Keep A Process Running?                      
 12472  2006-08-08 15:50:50 /m                                 Re: Is Firefox Supposed To Keep A Process Running?                      
 12473  2006-08-08 15:51:46 /m                                 Re: G4 Powerbook links needed                                           
 12474  2006-08-08 16:14:02 Gregg N                            Re: Is Firefox Supposed To Keep A Process Running?                      
 12475  2006-08-08 16:26:00 /m                                 Re: Is Firefox Supposed To Keep A Process Running?                      
 12476  2006-08-08 16:30:24 /m                                 Buffer overflow found in Windows                                        
 12477  2006-08-08 16:14:32 Glenn Meadows                      Re: G4 Powerbook links needed                                           
 12478  2006-08-08 17:53:30 Rich Gauszka                       Re: G4 Powerbook links needed                                           
 12479  2006-08-08 14:54:56 Rich                               Re: More silly propaganda from mike miller                              
 12480  2006-08-08 17:12:06 Glenn Meadows                      Re: G4 Powerbook links needed                                           
 12481  2006-08-08 21:50:22 /m                                 Re: G4 Powerbook links needed                                           
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 12482  2006-08-09 10:22:16 RobertB.                           new toys from Apple                                                     
 12483  2006-08-09 10:23:56 RobertB.                           Re: G4 Powerbook links needed                                           
 12484  2006-08-09 10:25:02 RobertB.                           Re: G4 Powerbook links needed                                           
 12485  2006-08-09 10:26:28 RobertB.                           Re: G4 Powerbook links needed                                           
 12486  2006-08-09 10:29:18 RobertB.                           Re: G4 Powerbook links needed                                           
 12487  2006-08-09 10:39:44 Rich Gauszka                       Re: new toys from Apple                                                 
 12488  2006-08-09 14:34:52 /m                                 DHS Recommends Security Patch to Protect Against a Vulnerability Found  
 12489  2006-08-09 14:55:26 Geo                                Re: new toys from Apple                                                 
 12490  2006-08-09 15:02:58 Rich Gauszka                       Windows Live - Ship without a rudder?                                   
 12491  2006-08-09 16:16:44 /m                                 Re: Windows Live - Ship without a rudder?                               
 12492  2006-08-09 16:19:18 /m                                 Re: new toys from Apple                                                 
 12493  2006-08-09 18:31:34 /m                                 Mac Pro hardware block diagram                                          
 12494  2006-08-09 19:05:10 /m                                 Another WGA failure                                                     
 12495  2006-08-09 19:08:44 /m                                 Microsoft to Tighten the Genuine Advantage Screw                        
 12496  2006-08-09 19:50:36 RobertB.                           Re: new toys from Apple                                                 
 12497  2006-08-09 19:52:02 RobertB.                           Re: new toys from Apple                                                 
 12498  2006-08-09 21:06:16 Rich Gauszka                       Re: new toys from Apple                                                 
 12499  2006-08-09 21:10:42 /m                                 Re: new toys from Apple                                                 
 12500  2006-08-09 21:11:56 /m                                 Re: new toys from Apple                                                 
 12501  2006-08-09 21:27:30 Rich Gauszka                       Re: new toys from Apple                                                 
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 12502  2006-08-09 21:29:20 Rich Gauszka                       Re: new toys from Apple                                                 
 12503  2006-08-09 21:42:24 Rich Gauszka                       Re: new toys from Apple                                                 
 12504  2006-08-09 23:17:20 John Beamish                       James van Allen RIP                                                     
 12505  2006-08-10 08:06:16 Mike N.                            Re: Another WGA failure                                                 
 12506  2006-08-10 08:07:40 Mike N.                            Re: Microsoft to Tighten the Genuine Advantage Screw                    
 12507  2006-08-10 10:31:44 RobertB.                           Re: new toys from Apple                                                 
 12508  2006-08-10 13:18:32 /m                                 Re: new toys from Apple                                                 
 12509  2006-08-10 13:24:56 /m                                 Re: new toys from Apple                                                 
 12510  2006-08-10 20:28:56 Geo                                Re: Microsoft to Tighten the Genuine Advantage Screw                    
 12511  2006-08-10 22:42:04 /m                                 Re: Microsoft to Tighten the Genuine Advantage Screw                    
 12512  2006-08-10 22:58:16 /m                                 Linux net stack supports OCF crypto, multi-core MIPS64                  
 12513  2006-08-10 23:38:02 Mark                               Re: Microsoft to Tighten the Genuine Advantage Screw                    
 12514  2006-08-11 08:41:50 Adam                               Re: new toys from Apple                                                 
 12515  2006-08-11 08:18:08 Rich Gauszka                       The 25 Greatest PCs of All Time                                         
 12516  2006-08-11 10:01:32 John Beamish                       Wow - Field Ion Microscope image                                        
 12517  2006-08-11 12:03:28 RobertB.                           Re: new toys from Apple                                                 
 12518  2006-08-11 21:59:40 Antti Kurenniemi                   Re: Wow - Field Ion Microscope image                                    
 12519  2006-08-11 17:10:14 /m                                 Re: new toys from Apple                                                 
 12520  2006-08-11 17:11:16 /m                                 Re: new toys from Apple                                                 
 12521  2006-08-11 23:58:02 Adam                               Re: new toys from Apple                                                 
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 12522  2006-08-11 20:16:30 /m                                 Re: new toys from Apple                                                 
 12523  2006-08-12 10:47:42 /m                                 Apple thrashes Dell on Mac Pro pricing                                  
 12524  2006-08-12 12:41:36 John Beamish                       Happy Birthday!                                                         
 12525  2006-08-12 13:15:30 Geo                                Re: Wow - Field Ion Microscope image                                    
 12526  2006-08-12 13:24:20 John Beamish                       Re: Wow - Field Ion Microscope image                                    
 12527  2006-08-12 19:22:30 Thees Peereboom                    Re: Another WGA failure                                                 
 12528  2006-08-12 14:09:30 RobertB.                           streaming live video - question                                         
 12529  2006-08-12 14:12:20 RobertB.                           Re: Apple thrashes Dell on Mac Pro pricing                              
 12530  2006-08-12 14:14:22 RobertB.                           Re: new toys from Apple                                                 
 12531  2006-08-12 15:54:36 Mike N.                            Re: Another WGA failure                                                 
 12532  2006-08-12 22:58:06 Antti Kurenniemi                   Re: Apple thrashes Dell on Mac Pro pricing                              
 12533  2006-08-12 16:07:24 /m                                 Re: new toys from Apple                                                 
 12534  2006-08-12 16:21:46 RobertB.                           Re: Apple thrashes Dell on Mac Pro pricing                              
 12535  2006-08-13 11:31:40 Antti Kurenniemi                   Re: Apple thrashes Dell on Mac Pro pricing                              
 12536  2006-08-13 08:05:52 /m                                 Re: Apple thrashes Dell on Mac Pro pricing                              
 12537  2006-08-13 09:38:56 /m                                 Take a closer look at OpenBSD                                           
 12538  2006-08-13 19:03:54 Antti Kurenniemi                   Re: Apple thrashes Dell on Mac Pro pricing                              
 12539  2006-08-13 12:10:18 /m                                 Re: Apple thrashes Dell on Mac Pro pricing                              
 12540  2006-08-13 14:05:42 John Beamish                       Re: Apple thrashes Dell on Mac Pro pricing                              
 12541  2006-08-13 14:07:28 John Beamish                       Re: Apple thrashes Dell on Mac Pro pricing                              
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 12542  2006-08-13 14:11:04 John Beamish                       Re: Take a closer look at OpenBSD                                       
 12543  2006-08-13 14:25:56 John Beamish                       Re: Take a closer look at OpenBSD                                       
 12544  2006-08-13 22:03:32 Adam                               The health department strikes back                                      
 12545  2006-08-13 16:49:10 Glenn Meadows                      Re: streaming live video - question                                     
 12546  2006-08-13 15:37:36 Geo                                Re: Apple thrashes Dell on Mac Pro pricing                              
 12547  2006-08-13 15:49:22 Geo                                Re: streaming live video - question                                     
 12548  2006-08-13 15:57:18 Geo                                Re: DHS Recommends Security Patch to Protect Against a Vulnerability Fo 
 12549  2006-08-14 08:14:48 Mike N.                            Re: DHS Recommends Security Patch to Protect Against a Vulnerability Fo 
 12550  2006-08-14 08:23:34 Mike N.                            Re: streaming live video - question                                     
 12551  2006-08-14 08:37:10 Robert Comer                       Re: DHS Recommends Security Patch to Protect Against a Vulnerability Fo 
 12552  2006-08-14 08:47:18 Mike N.                            MS06-040 capitalizes on WGA confusion                                   
 12553  2006-08-14 18:27:18 /m                                 Re: Take a closer look at OpenBSD                                       
 12554  2006-08-14 18:28:54 /m                                 Re: Apple thrashes Dell on Mac Pro pricing                              
 12555  2006-08-14 18:29:58 /m                                 Re: Apple thrashes Dell on Mac Pro pricing                              
 12556  2006-08-14 18:31:40 /m                                 Re: Apple thrashes Dell on Mac Pro pricing                              
 12557  2006-08-14 18:33:04 /m                                 Re: DHS Recommends Security Patch to Protect Against a Vulnerability Fo 
 12558  2006-08-14 18:33:56 /m                                 Re: DHS Recommends Security Patch to Protect Against a Vulnerability Fo 
 12559  2006-08-14 18:51:54 John Beamish                       Re: Apple thrashes Dell on Mac Pro pricing                              
 12560  2006-08-14 18:36:54 John Cuccia                        Re: DHS Recommends Security Patch to Protect Against a Vulnerability Fo 
 12561  2006-08-14 18:45:04 John Cuccia                        Re: Apple thrashes Dell on Mac Pro pricing                              
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 12562  2006-08-14 21:16:42 Rich Gauszka                       but Officer someone stole my magic sword?                               
 12563  2006-08-14 21:40:14 John Beamish                       Re: Apple thrashes Dell on Mac Pro pricing                              
 12564  2006-08-14 22:25:38 Rich Gauszka                       BitTorrent router?                                                      
 12565  2006-08-15 09:37:04 Mike N.                            Dell Battery Recall                                                     
 12566  2006-08-15 11:00:58 RobertB.                           Re: streaming live video - question                                     
 12567  2006-08-15 11:01:42 RobertB.                           Re: streaming live video - question                                     
 12568  2006-08-15 11:02:30 RobertB.                           Re: streaming live video - question                                     
 12569  2006-08-15 18:44:08 /m                                 Re: Dell Battery Recall                                                 
 12570  2006-08-15 18:46:28 /m                                 Re: Apple thrashes Dell on Mac Pro pricing                              
 12571  2006-08-15 18:47:50 /m                                 Re: Apple thrashes Dell on Mac Pro pricing                              
 12572  2006-08-15 19:19:26 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Apple thrashes Dell on Mac Pro pricing                              
 12573  2006-08-15 18:45:08 Glenn Meadows                      Re: Apple thrashes Dell on Mac Pro pricing                              
 12574  2006-08-15 18:47:12 Glenn Meadows                      Re: Apple thrashes Dell on Mac Pro pricing                              
 12575  2006-08-15 20:12:32 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Apple thrashes Dell on Mac Pro pricing                              
 12576  2006-08-15 20:46:28 /m                                 Re: Apple thrashes Dell on Mac Pro pricing                              
 12577  2006-08-16 09:23:22 John Beamish                       net speed test                                                          
 12578  2006-08-16 08:49:48 John Cuccia                        Re: Apple thrashes Dell on Mac Pro pricing                              
 12579  2006-08-16 09:07:32 Glenn Meadows                      Re: Apple thrashes Dell on Mac Pro pricing                              
 12580  2006-08-16 10:28:28 RobertB.                           Re: Dell Battery Recall                                                 
 12581  2006-08-16 11:02:40 Gregg N                            Re: net speed test                                                      
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 12582  2006-08-16 12:07:18 John Beamish                       Re: net speed test                                                      
 12583  2006-08-16 14:00:36 Gary Britt                         Re: net speed test                                                      
 12584  2006-08-16 16:52:54 Gregg N                            Re: net speed test                                                      
 12585  2006-08-16 17:15:16 /m                                 Re: net speed test                                                      
 12586  2006-08-16 17:16:20 /m                                 Re: Apple thrashes Dell on Mac Pro pricing                              
 12587  2006-08-16 22:42:16 Adam                               Is this a pc?                                                           
 12588  2006-08-16 18:07:44 Mark                               Re: net speed test                                                      
 12589  2006-08-16 21:42:02 John Beamish                       Re: net speed test                                                      
 12590  2006-08-16 22:02:50 Mark                               Re: net speed test                                                      
 12591  2006-08-16 22:21:28 Robert Comer                       Re: net speed test                                                      
 12592  2006-08-16 22:23:30 Rich Gauszka                       Re: net speed test                                                      
 12593  2006-08-16 22:38:46 Mark                               Re: net speed test                                                      
 12594  2006-08-17 13:56:08 Adam                               Yet another mini pc-phone                                               
 12595  2006-08-17 17:30:08 Gary Britt                         Microsoft Nabs Virus Guru From Symantec                                 
 12596  2006-08-17 17:56:44 /m                                 Re: Microsoft Nabs Virus Guru From Symantec                             
 12597  2006-08-17 18:00:02 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Microsoft Nabs Virus Guru From Symantec                             
 12598  2006-08-17 20:31:44 John Beamish                       Re: Microsoft Nabs Virus Guru From Symantec                             
 12599  2006-08-17 20:57:30 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Microsoft Nabs Virus Guru From Symantec                             
 12600  2006-08-17 22:40:46 Dekks Herton                       Re: Windows Live - Ship without a rudder?                               
 12601  2006-08-18 10:59:36 Adam                               No more in flight internet                                              
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 12602  2006-08-18 06:52:10 Mike N.                            Re: No more in flight internet                                          
 12603  2006-08-18 08:31:04 John Beamish                       Re: Microsoft Nabs Virus Guru From Symantec                             
 12604  2006-08-18 17:08:56 /m                                 Re: Microsoft Nabs Virus Guru From Symantec                             
 12605  2006-08-18 17:12:12 /m                                 SecureWorks admits falsifying Apple MacBook ‘60-second wireless hijacki 
 12606  2006-08-18 17:17:18 /m                                 Re: AMD acquires ATI                                                    
 12607  2006-08-18 18:07:52 RobertB.                           Re: SecureWorks admits falsifying Apple MacBook ?60-second wireless hij 
 12608  2006-08-18 18:13:16 RobertB.                           Re: net speed test                                                      
 12609  2006-08-18 19:44:50 /m                                 Re: net speed test                                                      
 12610  2006-08-19 09:19:38 /m                                 Re: Apple thrashes Dell on Mac Pro pricing                              
 12611  2006-08-19 09:51:46 /m                                 Some AMD Athlon 64 X2s now 41% below Intel price/performance curve      
 12612  2006-08-19 10:26:42 /m                                 Agent 4.0 released                                                      
 12613  2006-08-19 16:49:04 /m                                 You know your day may not be a good one when...                         
 12614  2006-08-20 10:37:04 Adam                               Re: You know your day may not be a good one when...                     
 12615  2006-08-19 08:07:18 Geo                                Re: Microsoft Nabs Virus Guru From Symantec                             
 12616  2006-08-19 08:08:12 Geo                                Re: Microsoft Nabs Virus Guru From Symantec                             
 12617  2006-08-19 08:12:26 Geo                                Re: Is this a pc?                                                       
 12618  2006-08-19 08:23:30 Geo                                Re: net speed test                                                      
 12619  2006-08-19 08:29:28 Geo                                Re: net speed test                                                      
 12620  2006-08-20 09:39:40 /m                                 Re: You know your day may not be a good one when...                     
 12621  2006-08-20 09:42:50 /m                                 Re: Microsoft Nabs Virus Guru From Symantec                             
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 12622  2006-08-20 09:44:44 /m                                 Re: net speed test                                                      
 12623  2006-08-20 09:57:22 Geo                                Re: net speed test                                                      
 12624  2006-08-20 10:00:34 Geo                                Re: Microsoft Nabs Virus Guru From Symantec                             
 12625  2006-08-20 09:47:32 Mark                               Re: net speed test                                                      
 12626  2006-08-20 11:34:44 /m                                 Re: Microsoft Nabs Virus Guru From Symantec                             
 12627  2006-08-20 14:46:02 Glenn Meadows                      Re: net speed test                                                      
 12628  2006-08-20 19:50:14 John Beamish                       Re: Is this a pc?                                                       
 12629  2006-08-20 23:28:56 Geo                                Re: Is this a pc?                                                       
 12630  2006-08-20 23:31:04 Geo                                Re: net speed test                                                      
 12631  2006-08-21 10:22:58 Adam                               Re: You know your day may not be a good one when...                     
 12632  2006-08-21 07:09:22 Mark                               Re: net speed test                                                      
 12633  2006-08-21 11:37:28 John Beamish                       Re: Is this a pc?                                                       
 12634  2006-08-19 20:46:40 Jean-Claude Dumas                  Is this a pc?                                                           
 12635  2006-08-21 16:58:36 /m                                 Re: net speed test                                                      
 12636  2006-08-21 22:51:40 Geo                                Re: Is this a pc?                                                       
 12637  2006-08-21 22:52:56 Geo                                Re: net speed test                                                      
 12638  2006-08-21 23:34:58 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Is this a pc?                                                       
 12639  2006-08-22 18:42:14 John Beamish                       Re: Is this a pc?                                                       
 12640  2006-08-22 20:01:10 /m                                 Windows Vista Beta 2 Plagued by Bugs                                    
 12641  2006-08-22 20:18:54 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Windows Vista Beta 2 Plagued by Bugs                                
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 12642  2006-08-22 20:26:16 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Windows Vista Beta 2 Plagued by Bugs                                
 12643  2006-08-22 20:36:20 /m                                 Microsoft patch opens users to attack                                   
 12644  2006-08-22 20:38:10 /m                                 Re: Windows Vista Beta 2 Plagued by Bugs                                
 12645  2006-08-22 21:44:32 Dave Ings                          Re: Windows Vista Beta 2 Plagued by Bugs                                
 12646  2006-08-23 06:16:30 Geo                                Re: Microsoft patch opens users to attack                               
 12647  2006-08-23 06:24:04 Geo                                Re: Windows Vista Beta 2 Plagued by Bugs                                
 12648  2006-08-23 10:32:22 David B                            Re: Windows Vista Beta 2 Plagued by Bugs                                
 12649  2006-08-23 10:34:52 David B                            Re: You know your day may not be a good one when...                     
 12650  2006-08-23 10:39:58 David B                            Re: Is this a pc?                                                       
 12651  2006-08-23 10:40:56 David B                            Re: Is this a pc?                                                       
 12652  2006-08-23 11:19:08 John Beamish                       Re: You know your day may not be a good one when...                     
 12653  2006-08-23 11:24:44 John Beamish                       Re: You know your day may not be a good one when...                     
 12654  2006-08-23 16:57:50 /m                                 Re: Windows Vista Beta 2 Plagued by Bugs                                
 12655  2006-08-23 17:01:26 /m                                 Patent penalty against Microsoft increased $25 million                  
 12656  2006-08-23 18:41:18 Geo                                Re: Is this a pc?                                                       
 12657  2006-08-23 18:43:00 Geo                                Re: Is this a pc?                                                       
 12658  2006-08-23 21:15:12 John Beamish                       Re: Is this a pc?                                                       
 12659  2006-08-23 22:46:14 Geo                                Re: Is this a pc?                                                       
 12660  2006-08-24 17:41:48 Don Hills                          Re: Is this a pc?                                                       
 12661  2006-08-24 06:23:26 Geo                                Re: Is this a pc?                                                       
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 12662  2006-08-24 13:30:28 David B                            Re: Is this a pc?                                                       
 12663  2006-08-24 22:25:54 Adam                               Re: Is this a pc?                                                       
 12664  2006-08-24 22:27:44 Adam                               Re: You know your day may not be a good one when...                     
 12665  2006-08-24 22:29:14 Adam                               Re: You know your day may not be a good one when...                     
 12666  2006-08-24 18:12:18 Rich Gauszka                       Sony - 5.9 million batteries recalled and counting                      
 12667  2006-08-24 18:32:46 /m                                 Re: You know your day may not be a good one when...                     
 12668  2006-08-24 19:13:32 Mark                               Re: Sony - 5.9 million batteries recalled and counting                  
 12669  2006-08-24 20:01:20 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Sony - 5.9 million batteries recalled and counting                  
 12670  2006-08-24 20:34:30 John Beamish                       Re: Is this a pc?                                                       
 12671  2006-08-24 20:36:42 John Beamish                       Re: Sony - 5.9 million batteries recalled and counting                  
 12672  2006-08-24 20:49:22 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Sony - 5.9 million batteries recalled and counting                  
 12673  2006-08-24 17:51:54 Tony Williams                      Re: Is this a pc?                                                       
 12674  2006-08-24 20:12:24 Robert G Lewis                     Re: Is this a pc?                                                       
 12675  2006-08-24 21:59:08 /m                                 Holy Smoke: Burning incense, candles pollute air in churches            
 12676  2006-08-24 23:07:06 Geo                                Re: Holy Smoke: Burning incense, candles pollute air in churches        
 12677  2006-08-24 23:10:22 Geo                                Re: Is this a pc?                                                       
 12678  2006-08-24 21:27:48 Tony Williams                      Re: Is this a pc?                                                       
 12679  2006-08-24 21:29:40 Tony Williams                      Re: Is this a pc?                                                       
 12680  2006-08-25 00:25:44 Robert G Lewis                     Re: Is this a pc?                                                       
 12681  2006-08-25 10:00:48 Adam                               Re: You know your day may not be a good one when...                     
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 12682  2006-08-25 10:01:34 Adam                               Re: Sony - 5.9 million batteries recalled and counting                  
 12683  2006-08-25 10:04:18 Adam                               Re: Holy Smoke: Burning incense, candles pollute air in churches        
 12684  2006-08-25 05:59:34 Geo                                Re: Sony - 5.9 million batteries recalled and counting                  
 12685  2006-08-25 06:18:00 Geo                                Re: Is this a pc?                                                       
 12686  2006-08-25 10:46:18 RobertB.                           Re: Holy Smoke: Burning incense, candles pollute air in churches        
 12687  2006-08-26 01:18:56 Don Hills                          Re: Is this a pc?                                                       
 12688  2006-08-25 12:16:00 Tony Williams                      Re: Is this a pc?                                                       
 12689  2006-08-25 15:49:30 Glenn Meadows                      Doused Thinkpad                                                         
 12690  2006-08-25 20:19:22 Randy                              Re: Doused Thinkpad                                                     
 12691  2006-08-25 20:21:22 Randy                              Windows DRM busted?                                                     
 12692  2006-08-26 17:48:16 Don Hills                          Re: Doused Thinkpad                                                     
 12693  2006-08-26 10:42:02 Geo                                Re: Windows DRM busted?                                                 
 12694  2006-08-26 10:45:50 Geo                                Re: Doused Thinkpad                                                     
 12695  2006-08-26 10:54:06 Geo                                Re: Is this a pc?                                                       
 12696  2006-08-26 10:59:38 Geo                                Re: Is this a pc?                                                       
 12697  2006-08-26 17:51:34 John Beamish                       Interesting security issue                                              
 12698  2006-08-26 18:29:12 Monte Davis                        Re: Interesting security issue                                          
 12699  2006-08-26 05:03:54 Bob Ackley                         Is this a pc?                                                           
 12700  2006-08-27 20:39:28 Don Hills                          Re: Is this a pc?                                                       
 12701  2006-08-27 21:42:06 Antti Kurenniemi                   Re: Interesting security issue                                          
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 12702  2006-08-27 14:50:08 /m                                 Re: Doused Thinkpad                                                     
 12703  2006-08-27 14:52:10 /m                                 Re: Sony - 5.9 million batteries recalled and counting                  
 12704  2006-08-27 14:52:48 /m                                 Re: You know your day may not be a good one when...                     
 12705  2006-08-27 12:30:22 Tony Williams                      Re: Is this a pc?                                                       
 12706  2006-08-27 14:44:52 Glenn Meadows                      Re: Doused Thinkpad                                                     
 12707  2006-08-27 14:46:06 Glenn Meadows                      Re: Doused Thinkpad                                                     
 12708  2006-08-27 17:43:46 /m                                 Re: Doused Thinkpad                                                     
 12709  2006-08-27 19:43:20 Glenn Meadows                      Re: Doused Thinkpad                                                     
 12710  2006-08-27 21:40:36 /m                                 Microsoft's Zune aims to be social butterfly                            
 12711  2006-08-27 21:04:14 Glenn Meadows                      Re: Microsoft's Zune aims to be social butterfly                        
 12712  2006-08-28 13:32:44 Don Hills                          Re: Is this a pc?                                                       
 12713  2006-08-27 22:57:04 Rich Gauszka                       The iPod of Terror                                                      
 12714  2006-08-27 23:22:14 Geo                                Re: The iPod of Terror                                                  
 12715  2006-08-28 10:11:02 Adam                               Re: Microsoft's Zune aims to be social butterfly                        
 12716  2006-08-28 07:31:00 Mike N.                            Re: Microsoft's Zune aims to be social butterfly                        
 12717  2006-08-28 07:32:38 Mike N.                            Re: Microsoft's Zune aims to be social butterfly                        
 12718  2006-08-28 08:16:32 /m                                 Re: The iPod of Terror                                                  
 12719  2006-08-28 08:18:38 /m                                 Re: Microsoft's Zune aims to be social butterfly                        
 12720  2006-08-28 08:19:50 /m                                 Re: Doused Thinkpad                                                     
 12721  2006-08-28 09:19:50 Rich Gauszka                       Re: The iPod of Terror                                                  
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 12722  2006-08-28 10:30:06 /m                                 Re: The iPod of Terror                                                  
 12723  2006-08-28 11:54:00 Rich Gauszka                       Re: The iPod of Terror                                                  
 12724  2006-08-27 05:40:44 Bob Ackley                         Is this a pc?                                                           
 12725  2006-08-28 15:49:34 Rich Gauszka                       SMiShing                                                                
 12726  2006-08-28 20:56:16 Mike N.                            Vista Ripoff Pricing                                                    
 12727  2006-08-28 21:52:38 John Beamish                       GUI progress                                                            
 12728  2006-08-28 22:14:08 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Vista Ripoff Pricing                                                
 12729  2006-08-28 22:23:36 Dave Ings                          Re: Vista Ripoff Pricing                                                
 12730  2006-08-28 23:20:58 Geo                                Re: GUI progress                                                        
 12731  2006-08-29 06:10:48 Geo                                Re: SMiShing                                                            
 12732  2006-08-29 08:17:04 Geo.                               going rates                                                             
 12733  2006-08-29 11:17:00 RobertB.                           Re: GUI progress                                                        
 12734  2006-08-25 21:04:20 Dekks Herton                       Re: Is this a pc?                                                       
 12735  2006-08-29 11:15:22 Robert G Lewis                     Re: Is this a pc?                                                       
 12736  2006-08-29 21:32:02 Adam                               Quick boot                                                              
 12737  2006-08-29 21:33:54 Adam                               Re: Quick boot                                                          
 12738  2006-08-29 21:36:04 Adam                               Re: Is this a pc?                                                       
 12739  2006-08-29 21:39:02 Adam                               Re: Vista Ripoff Pricing                                                
 12740  2006-08-29 17:49:24 Rich Gauszka                       Verizon - we don't have phones in customer relations!!!                 
 12741  2006-08-29 19:07:30 Mike N.                            Re: going rates                                                         
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 12742  2006-08-29 19:13:36 Mike N.                            Re: Quick boot                                                          
 12743  2006-08-29 20:47:24 Robert Comer                       Re: Verizon - we don't have phones in customer relations!!!             
 12744  2006-08-29 20:57:16 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Verizon - we don't have phones in customer relations!!!             
 12745  2006-08-29 21:25:52 Dave Ings                          Re: Verizon - we don't have phones in customer relations!!!             
 12746  2006-08-29 21:47:16 Rich Gauszka                       Vista vs the Super Bowl?                                                
 12747  2006-08-29 21:55:26 Rich Gauszka                       Gack!  - DRAM with cooling fan?                                         
 12748  2006-08-29 07:36:22 Bob Ackley                         Is this a pc?                                                           
 12749  2006-08-30 00:35:24 Dave                               Re: Doused Thinkpad                                                     
 12750  2006-08-30 00:41:06 Dave                               Re: Doused Thinkpad                                                     
 12751  2006-08-30 03:09:22 Dave                               Re: Agent 4.0 released                                                  
 12752  2006-08-30 09:20:30 John Beamish                       See!  This is what I mean!!                                             
 12753  2006-08-30 09:30:18 John Beamish                       MS investigating leak of training videos                                
 12754  2006-08-30 09:31:22 Rich Gauszka                       Re: See!  This is what I mean!!                                         
 12755  2006-08-30 10:48:08 John Beamish                       Re: See!  This is what I mean!!                                         
 12756  2006-08-30 11:26:06 Rich Gauszka                       Re: See!  This is what I mean!!                                         
 12757  2006-08-30 11:31:08 John Beamish                       Re: See!  This is what I mean!!                                         
 12758  2006-08-30 11:51:36 Robert Comer                       Re: Verizon - we don't have phones in customer relations!!!             
 12759  2006-08-30 20:02:36 Glenn Meadows                      Re: See!  This is what I mean!!                                         
 12760  2006-08-30 20:03:52 Glenn Meadows                      Re: See!  This is what I mean!!                                         
 12761  2006-08-30 23:27:12 StatementReject                    Re: but Officer someone stole my magic sword?                           
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 12762  2006-08-31 07:16:36 Monte Davis                        Re: See!  This is what I mean!!                                         
 12763  2006-08-31 17:18:44 /m                                 Re: but Officer someone stole my magic sword?                           
 12764  2006-08-31 19:54:24 John Beamish                       Re: See!  This is what I mean!!                                         
 12765  2006-08-31 19:56:42 John Beamish                       Re: See!  This is what I mean!!                                         
 12766  2006-08-31 22:24:34 /m                                 Exclusive Bill Gates interview                                          
 12767  2006-08-31 22:18:28 Randy                              Re: but Officer someone stole my magic sword?                           
 12768  2006-09-01 11:06:48 RobertB.                           insane technology demo                                                  
 12769  2006-09-01 11:11:28 RobertB.                           RAZR?                                                                   
 12770  2006-09-01 11:49:26 Rich Gauszka                       Re: RAZR?                                                               
 12771  2006-09-01 11:51:58 John Beamish                       Re: insane technology demo                                              
 12772  2006-09-01 12:01:56 Robert Comer                       Re: RAZR?                                                               
 12773  2006-09-01 11:07:44 Robert G Lewis                     Re: RAZR?                                                               
 12774  2006-09-01 12:12:24 Rich Gauszka                       Re: RAZR?                                                               
 12775  2006-09-01 11:26:42 Robert G Lewis                     Re: RAZR?                                                               
 12776  2006-09-01 11:31:34 Glenn Meadows                      Re: RAZR?                                                               
 12777  2006-09-01 11:35:04 Glenn Meadows                      Re: See!  This is what I mean!!                                         
 12778  2006-09-01 12:11:24 Glenn Meadows                      Re: See!  This is what I mean!!                                         
 12779  2006-09-01 13:11:08 RobertB.                           Re: RAZR?                                                               
 12780  2006-09-01 13:15:16 RobertB.                           Re: RAZR?                                                               
 12781  2006-09-01 13:19:22 John Beamish                       Re: See!  This is what I mean!!                                         
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 12782  2006-09-01 13:20:30 RobertB.                           Re: RAZR?                                                               
 12783  2006-09-01 13:21:24 RobertB.                           Re: RAZR?                                                               
 12784  2006-09-01 13:22:10 RobertB.                           Re: RAZR?                                                               
 12785  2006-09-01 13:23:02 RobertB.                           Re: RAZR?                                                               
 12786  2006-09-01 13:23:38 RobertB.                           Re: insane technology demo                                              
 12787  2006-09-01 12:27:14 Robert G Lewis                     Re: RAZR?                                                               
 12788  2006-09-01 13:40:34 Rich Gauszka                       Re: RAZR?                                                               
 12789  2006-09-01 13:47:54 Rich Gauszka                       Re: See!  This is what I mean!!                                         
 12790  2006-09-01 13:55:24 Robert Comer                       Re: RAZR?                                                               
 12791  2006-09-01 13:50:34 Robert G Lewis                     Re: RAZR?                                                               
 12792  2006-09-01 15:08:20 Robert Comer                       Re: RAZR?                                                               
 12793  2006-09-01 15:23:34 Mike N.                            Re: RAZR?                                                               
 12794  2006-09-01 14:30:06 Randy                              Re: RAZR?                                                               
 12795  2006-09-01 15:54:26 RobertB.                           Re: RAZR?                                                               
 12796  2006-09-01 15:55:04 RobertB.                           Re: RAZR?                                                               
 12797  2006-09-01 15:55:56 RobertB.                           Re: RAZR?                                                               
 12798  2006-09-01 15:57:44 RobertB.                           Re: RAZR?                                                               
 12799  2006-09-01 15:41:12 Robert G Lewis                     Re: RAZR?                                                               
 12800  2006-09-01 15:52:04 Robert G Lewis                     Re: RAZR?                                                               
 12801  2006-09-01 17:08:44 Robert Comer                       Re: RAZR?                                                               
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 12802  2006-09-01 20:50:42 Rich Gauszka                       Massachusetts rejects Sun - remains in Office camp                      
 12803  2006-09-01 21:17:42 John Beamish                       String theory                                                           
 12804  2006-09-01 21:52:36 Robert Comer                       Re: String theory                                                       
 12805  2006-09-01 22:46:32 Tim Boyer                          Re: going rates                                                         
 12806  2006-09-02 08:31:16 Antti Kurenniemi                   Re: insane technology demo                                              
 12807  2006-09-02 07:50:02 Robert Comer                       Re: going rates                                                         
 12808  2006-09-02 11:41:34 /m                                 Re: Crazy Multi-Input Touch Screen                                      
 12809  2006-09-02 12:24:22 John Beamish                       Re: going rates                                                         
 12810  2006-09-02 13:06:24 John Beamish                       A day in the life of Google                                             
 12811  2006-09-02 16:31:28 RobertB.                           Re: insane technology demo                                              
 12812  2006-09-02 16:33:18 RobertB.                           Re: A day in the life of Google                                         
 12813  2006-09-02 16:47:46 RobertB.                           Re: String theory                                                       
 12814  2006-09-02 22:11:04 Adam                               Re: See!  This is what I mean!!                                         
 12815  2006-09-02 14:30:16 Rich                               Re: A day in the life of Google                                         
 12816  2006-09-02 17:58:44 John Beamish                       Re: A day in the life of Google                                         
 12817  2006-09-02 18:02:24 John Beamish                       Re: A day in the life of Google                                         
 12818  2006-09-02 20:46:28 /m                                 Rush Testing Is Under Way for Microsoft’s New System                    
 12819  2006-09-03 13:21:10 Antti Kurenniemi                   Re: insane technology demo                                              
 12820  2006-09-03 09:11:16 /m                                 Re: insane technology demo                                              
 12821  2006-09-03 09:13:40 /m                                 Re: Rush Testing Is Under Way for Microsoft’s New System                
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 12822  2006-09-03 10:07:52 Mike N.                            Re: Rush Testing Is Under Way for Microsoft’s New System                
 12823  2006-09-03 14:26:32 RobertB.                           Re: A day in the life of Google                                         
 12824  2006-09-03 14:27:18 RobertB.                           Re: A day in the life of Google                                         
 12825  2006-09-03 14:28:34 RobertB.                           Re: insane technology demo                                              
 12826  2006-09-03 14:29:24 RobertB.                           Re: insane technology demo                                              
 12827  2006-09-03 15:03:50 /m                                 Re: insane technology demo                                              
 12828  2006-09-03 21:33:28 John Beamish                       Re: A day in the life of Google                                         
 12829  2006-09-04 06:56:28 Antti Kurenniemi                   Re: insane technology demo                                              
 12830  2006-09-04 08:47:48 /m                                 Re: insane technology demo                                              
 12831  2006-09-04 11:13:48 RobertB.                           Re: insane technology demo                                              
 12832  2006-09-04 13:40:54 John Beamish                       Re: See!  This is what I mean!!                                         
 12833  2006-09-04 22:38:14 Antti Kurenniemi                   Re: insane technology demo                                              
 12834  2006-09-04 14:59:00 Glenn Meadows                      Re: insane technology demo                                              
 12835  2006-09-04 16:21:18 Rich Gauszka                       23 in iMac on Sept 12th ?                                               
 12836  2006-09-04 17:06:24 Geo                                Re: Doused Thinkpad                                                     
 12837  2006-09-04 17:12:00 Geo                                Re: going rates                                                         
 12838  2006-09-04 17:12:42 Geo                                Re: going rates                                                         
 12839  2006-09-05 22:43:24 Don Hills                          Re: Doused Thinkpad                                                     
 12840  2006-09-05 15:52:28 David B                            Re: RAZR?                                                               
 12841  2006-09-05 15:55:30 David B                            Re: RAZR?                                                               
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 12842  2006-09-05 15:56:48 David B                            Re: RAZR?                                                               
 12843  2006-09-05 16:00:16 David B                            Re: RAZR?                                                               
 12844  2006-09-05 15:34:42 Robert G Lewis                     Re: RAZR?                                                               
 12845  2006-09-05 17:36:34 Rich Gauszka                       XP EULA - or Microsoft's right to violate an agreement anytime they wis 
 12846  2006-09-05 18:25:54 Gary Britt                         Re: XP EULA - or Microsoft's right to violate an agreement anytime they 
 12847  2006-09-05 18:31:16 Rich Gauszka                       Re: XP EULA - or Microsoft's right to violate an agreement anytime they 
 12848  2006-09-05 20:11:18 Gary Britt                         Re: XP EULA - or Microsoft's right to violate an agreement anytime they 
 12849  2006-09-05 20:44:02 Randy                              Re: RAZR?                                                               
 12850  2006-09-05 21:45:56 Rich Gauszka                       Re: XP EULA - or Microsoft's right to violate an agreement anytime they 
 12851  2006-09-06 07:24:24 Adam                               Re: XP EULA - or Microsoft's right to violate an agreement anytime      
 12852  2006-09-06 12:03:14 RobertB.                           Re: 23 in iMac on Sept 12th ?                                           
 12853  2006-09-06 12:06:36 RobertB.                           Re: RAZR?                                                               
 12854  2006-09-06 12:07:14 RobertB.                           Re: RAZR?                                                               
 12855  2006-09-06 12:15:38 David B                            Re: RAZR?                                                               
 12856  2006-09-06 12:17:00 Rich Gauszka                       Re: 23 in iMac on Sept 12th ?                                           
 12857  2006-09-06 12:21:12 David B                            Re: RAZR?                                                               
 12858  2006-09-06 11:47:12 Robert G Lewis                     Re: RAZR?                                                               
 12859  2006-09-06 15:12:00 Glenn Meadows                      Re: RAZR?                                                               
 12860  2006-09-06 15:16:32 Glenn Meadows                      Re: RAZR?                                                               
 12861  2006-09-06 19:38:14 /m                                 Nice try, but it's still annoying...                                    
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 12862  2006-09-06 19:48:10 /m                                 Microsoft: Vista will cost same as XP                                   
 12863  2006-09-06 20:59:16 /m                                 Windows Woes Have Microsoft On Defensive                                
 12864  2006-09-06 21:36:50 Rich Gauszka                       wireless HDMI interface coming soon via ultrawideband?                  
 12865  2006-09-06 21:57:26 /m                                 Re: wireless HDMI interface coming soon via ultrawideband?              
 12866  2006-09-06 21:48:02 Robert Comer                       Re: Nice try, but it's still annoying...                                
 12867  2006-09-06 20:57:56 Randy                              Re: RAZR?                                                               
 12868  2006-09-06 21:48:50 Geo                                Re: wireless HDMI interface coming soon via ultrawideband?              
 12869  2006-09-06 21:59:34 Geo                                Re: Windows Woes Have Microsoft On Defensive                            
 12870  2006-09-06 22:11:20 Rich Gauszka                       Re: wireless HDMI interface coming soon via ultrawideband?              
 12871  2006-09-06 22:12:32 Rich Gauszka                       Re: wireless HDMI interface coming soon via ultrawideband?              
 12872  2006-09-06 22:01:14 Geo                                Re: wireless HDMI interface coming soon via ultrawideband?              
 12873  2006-09-07 07:46:04 Adam                               Re: wireless HDMI interface coming soon via ultrawideband?              
 12874  2006-09-07 09:40:56 Mike N.                            Re: Windows Woes Have Microsoft On Defensive                            
 12875  2006-09-07 11:26:52 Robert Comer                       Re: Windows Woes Have Microsoft On Defensive                            
 12876  2006-09-07 11:27:44 RobertB.                           Re: RAZR?                                                               
 12877  2006-09-07 11:32:02 RobertB.                           Re: RAZR?                                                               
 12878  2006-09-07 11:33:56 RobertB.                           Re: RAZR?                                                               
 12879  2006-09-07 11:37:36 RobertB.                           Re: insane technology demo                                              
 12880  2006-09-07 11:47:52 Robert Comer                       Re: RAZR?                                                               
 12881  2006-09-07 11:01:44 Robert G Lewis                     Re: RAZR?                                                               
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 12882  2006-09-07 12:31:16 David B                            Re: RAZR?                                                               
 12883  2006-09-07 12:32:56 David B                            Re: RAZR?                                                               
 12884  2006-09-07 13:53:34 Mike N.                            Re: Windows Woes Have Microsoft On Defensive                            
 12885  2006-09-07 15:36:48 Robert Comer                       Re: Windows Woes Have Microsoft On Defensive                            
 12886  2006-09-07 16:29:36 Mike N.                            Re: Windows Woes Have Microsoft On Defensive                            
 12887  2006-09-07 17:20:56 /m                                 Re: wireless HDMI interface coming soon via ultrawideband?              
 12888  2006-09-07 17:44:42 Geo                                Re: Windows Woes Have Microsoft On Defensive                            
 12889  2006-09-07 17:47:28 Geo                                Re: Windows Woes Have Microsoft On Defensive                            
 12890  2006-09-07 17:53:50 Geo                                Re: Windows Woes Have Microsoft On Defensive                            
 12891  2006-09-07 17:57:34 Geo                                Re: Windows Woes Have Microsoft On Defensive                            
 12892  2006-09-07 17:59:18 Geo                                Re: wireless HDMI interface coming soon via ultrawideband?              
 12893  2006-09-07 18:02:12 Geo                                Re: wireless HDMI interface coming soon via ultrawideband?              
 12894  2006-09-07 19:30:54 RobertB.                           Re: RAZR?                                                               
 12895  2006-09-07 19:32:02 RobertB.                           Re: RAZR?                                                               
 12896  2006-09-07 19:40:48 Mike N.                            Re: Windows Woes Have Microsoft On Defensive                            
 12897  2006-09-07 19:52:14 Gary Britt                         Re: Windows Woes Have Microsoft On Defensive                            
 12898  2006-09-07 20:45:02 /m                                 The slimiest snails at the back of the pack                             
 12899  2006-09-07 22:44:34 Geo                                Re: Windows Woes Have Microsoft On Defensive                            
 12900  2006-09-07 23:09:36 Tim Boyer                          Re: Windows Woes Have Microsoft On Defensive                            
 12901  2006-09-08 10:14:36 Adam                               Re: Windows Woes Have Microsoft On Defensive                            
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 12902  2006-09-08 10:15:40 Adam                               Re: wireless HDMI interface coming soon via ultrawideband?              
 12903  2006-09-08 10:20:20 Adam                               Re: wireless HDMI interface coming soon via ultrawideband?              
 12904  2006-09-08 10:24:22 Adam                               Re: Windows Woes Have Microsoft On Defensive                            
 12905  2006-09-08 10:31:20 Adam                               Neat use of bluetooth                                                   
 12906  2006-09-08 08:42:14 Robert Comer                       Re: Windows Woes Have Microsoft On Defensive                            
 12907  2006-09-08 14:04:22 news.barkto.com                    Merom Macbook Pros?                                                     
 12908  2006-09-08 14:06:56 Scott Franklin                     Re: Merom Macbook Pros?                                                 
 12909  2006-09-08 16:53:44 /m                                 Re: Merom Macbook Pros?                                                 
 12910  2006-09-08 16:55:24 /m                                 Re: Nice try, but it's still annoying...                                
 12911  2006-09-09 09:24:30 /m                                 Installing OpenBSD on VMware Server                                     
 12912  2006-09-09 15:33:44 RobertB.                           Re: Merom Macbook Pros?                                                 
 12913  2006-09-10 04:01:56 Geo                                Re: Windows Woes Have Microsoft On Defensive                            
 12914  2006-09-10 04:04:16 Geo                                Re: Windows Woes Have Microsoft On Defensive                            
 12915  2006-09-10 08:59:34 /m                                 Re: Windows Woes Have Microsoft On Defensive                            
 12916  2006-09-10 13:19:32 John Beamish                       Re: Windows Woes Have Microsoft On Defensive                            
 12917  2006-09-10 14:55:30 /m                                 Re: Windows Woes Have Microsoft On Defensive                            
 12918  2006-09-10 15:37:28 Monte Davis                        Re: Windows Woes Have Microsoft On Defensive                            
 12919  2006-09-10 17:32:54 John Beamish                       Re: Windows Woes Have Microsoft On Defensive                            
 12920  2006-09-10 17:45:54 RobertB.                           RAZR nixed                                                              
 12921  2006-09-10 22:49:04 Geo                                Re: Windows Woes Have Microsoft On Defensive                            
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 12922  2006-09-10 22:50:28 Geo                                Re: Windows Woes Have Microsoft On Defensive                            
 12923  2006-09-10 22:53:38 Geo                                Re: Windows Woes Have Microsoft On Defensive                            
 12924  2006-09-10 22:55:04 Geo                                Re: Windows Woes Have Microsoft On Defensive                            
 12925  2006-09-11 00:09:18 Rich Gauszka                       Adding a 40 gb drive to the Nintendo DS                                 
 12926  2006-09-11 09:32:42 John Beamish                       Re: Windows Woes Have Microsoft On Defensive                            
 12927  2006-09-11 18:52:08 Don Hills                          Re: Windows Woes Have Microsoft On Defensive                            
 12928  2006-09-11 14:23:46 Rich Gauszka                       anti-virus programs useless?                                            
 12929  2006-09-11 20:05:22 Adam                               Re: Adding a 40 gb drive to the Nintendo DS                             
 12930  2006-09-11 15:46:18 Mike N.                            Re: anti-virus programs useless?                                        
 12931  2006-09-11 17:02:54 /m                                 Re: Adding a 40 gb drive to the Nintendo DS                             
 12932  2006-09-11 17:03:30 /m                                 Re: Windows Woes Have Microsoft On Defensive                            
 12933  2006-09-11 17:04:00 /m                                 Re: Windows Woes Have Microsoft On Defensive                            
 12934  2006-09-11 17:07:48 /m                                 Microsoft Vista is still a mess                                         
 12935  2006-09-11 17:10:22 /m                                 Vista tests leave us all in the dark                                    
 12936  2006-09-11 19:34:44 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Adding a 40 gb drive to the Nintendo DS                             
 12937  2006-09-11 20:00:02 /m                                 Re: Adding a 40 gb drive to the Nintendo DS                             
 12938  2006-09-11 20:42:14 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Adding a 40 gb drive to the Nintendo DS                             
 12939  2006-09-11 22:19:50 Geo                                Re: Microsoft Vista is still a mess                                     
 12940  2006-09-11 22:26:04 Geo                                Re: Windows Woes Have Microsoft On Defensive                            
 12941  2006-09-11 22:26:50 Geo                                Re: Windows Woes Have Microsoft On Defensive                            
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 12942  2006-09-11 22:27:18 Geo                                Re: Windows Woes Have Microsoft On Defensive                            
 12943  2006-09-12 09:44:20 Adam                               Re: Windows Woes Have Microsoft On Defensive                            
 12944  2006-09-12 06:17:24 Geo                                Re: Windows Woes Have Microsoft On Defensive                            
 12945  2006-09-12 15:25:58 Adam                               Re: Windows Woes Have Microsoft On Defensive                            
 12946  2006-09-12 13:59:54 David B                            Re: Microsoft Vista is still a mess                                     
 12947  2006-09-12 14:37:04 Rich Gauszka                       Embroidery copy protection?                                             
 12948  2006-09-12 14:41:44 Rich Gauszka                       Intel Core 2 Duo Vs. AMD AM2 Benchmarks                                 
 12949  2006-09-12 18:27:56 /m                                 Re: Windows Woes Have Microsoft On Defensive                            
 12950  2006-09-12 18:55:22 /m                                 Re: Microsoft Vista is still a mess                                     
 12951  2006-09-12 22:37:12 Geo                                gas prices                                                              
 12952  2006-09-13 10:07:32 Antti Kurenniemi                   Re: Windows Woes Have Microsoft On Defensive                            
 12953  2006-09-13 10:14:36 Antti Kurenniemi                   Re: gas prices                                                          
 12954  2006-09-13 09:50:42 Adam                               Re: Intel Core 2 Duo Vs. AMD AM2 Benchmarks                             
 12955  2006-09-13 08:36:26 Robert Comer                       Re: gas prices                                                          
 12956  2006-09-13 20:49:58 Antti Kurenniemi                   Re: gas prices                                                          
 12957  2006-09-13 17:34:06 /m                                 Re: gas prices                                                          
 12958  2006-09-13 17:38:56 /m                                 Google Taps Fiber with Manhattan Move                                   
 12959  2006-09-13 06:13:38 Geo                                Re: gas prices                                                          
 12960  2006-09-17 12:58:14 Robert Comer                       Re: Who owns the Northwest passage?                                     
 12961  2006-09-17 14:35:08 /m                                 Re: Google Taps Fiber with Manhattan Move                               
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 12962  2006-09-17 11:47:52 Rich                               Re: Ripping verboten?                                                   
 12963  2006-09-17 11:49:52 Rich                               Re: Ripping verboten?                                                   
 12964  2006-09-17 17:13:38 /m                                 More Vroom For The Buck                                                 
 12965  2006-09-17 22:39:58 Geo                                Re: Google Taps Fiber with Manhattan Move                               
 12966  2006-09-18 07:08:06 Adam                               Re: Who owns the Northwest passage?                                     
 12967  2006-09-18 07:11:42 Adam                               Re: Ripping verboten?                                                   
 12968  2006-09-18 06:02:58 Geo                                Re: Who owns the Northwest passage?                                     
 12969  2006-09-18 07:26:18 Monte Davis                        Re: Who owns the Northwest passage?                                     
 12970  2006-09-18 13:08:28 Adam                               Re: Who owns the Northwest passage?                                     
 12971  2006-09-18 13:09:28 Adam                               Re: Who owns the Northwest passage?                                     
 12972  2006-09-18 08:37:34 Rich                               Re: Ripping verboten?                                                   
 12973  2006-09-18 13:57:10 RobertB.                           Re: Google Taps Fiber with Manhattan Move                               
 12974  2006-09-18 19:31:40 Adam                               Re: Ripping verboten?                                                   
 12975  2006-09-18 17:10:24 John Beamish                       WGA workaround?                                                         
 12976  2006-09-18 20:29:10 Rich Gauszka                       Re: String theory                                                       
 12977  2006-09-18 22:41:48 Geo                                Re: Who owns the Northwest passage?                                     
 12978  2006-09-18 22:43:00 Geo                                Re: Who owns the Northwest passage?                                     
 12979  2006-09-18 22:46:46 Geo                                Re: Who owns the Northwest passage?                                     
 12980  2006-09-18 21:43:14 Rich                               Re: Ripping verboten?                                                   
 12981  2006-09-19 11:59:30 Adam                               Home build drone comes closer                                           
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 12982  2006-09-19 12:04:14 Adam                               Re: Home build drone comes closer                                       
 12983  2006-09-19 14:10:04 Adam                               Re: Ripping verboten?                                                   
 12984  2006-09-19 08:12:10 Rich                               Re: Ripping verboten?                                                   
 12985  2006-09-19 16:29:00 Adam                               Re: Ripping verboten?                                                   
 12986  2006-09-19 09:19:36 Rich                               Re: Ripping verboten?                                                   
 12987  2006-09-19 18:43:36 /m                                 Microsoft's Masterpiece of FUD                                          
 12988  2006-09-19 18:45:58 /m                                 Microsoft May Finger EU For New Vista Delay                             
 12989  2006-09-19 22:52:44 Geo                                Re: Microsoft's Masterpiece of FUD                                      
 12990  2006-09-20 07:53:24 Adam                               Re: Microsoft's Masterpiece of FUD                                      
 12991  2006-09-20 07:56:38 Adam                               Re: Ripping verboten?                                                   
 12992  2006-09-20 00:34:38 Rich                               Re: Ripping verboten?                                                   
 12993  2006-09-20 23:02:50 Rich Gauszka                       Torpark anonymous browser                                               
 12994  2006-09-21 06:16:58 Geo                                Re: Ripping verboten?                                                   
 12995  2006-09-21 12:01:06 Adam                               Re: Ripping verboten?                                                   
 12996  2006-09-21 13:50:54 Rich Gauszka                       The 12-Drive RAID Storage Box                                           
 12997  2006-09-21 12:18:22 Rich                               Re: Ripping verboten?                                                   
 12998  2006-09-21 14:49:28 Glenn Meadows                      Re: Ripping verboten?                                                   
 12999  2006-09-21 21:09:14 Adam                               Re: Ripping verboten?                                                   
 13000  2006-09-21 13:43:16 Rich                               Re: Ripping verboten?                                                   
 13001  2006-09-21 13:50:02 Rich                               Re: Ripping verboten?                                                   
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 13002  2006-09-21 16:23:30 Glenn Meadows                      Re: Ripping verboten?                                                   
 13003  2006-09-21 14:33:12 Rich                               Re: Ripping verboten?                                                   
 13004  2006-09-21 22:49:26 Geo                                Re: Ripping verboten?                                                   
 13005  2006-09-21 22:50:54 Geo                                Re: Ripping verboten?                                                   
 13006  2006-09-21 22:55:08 Geo                                Re: Ripping verboten?                                                   
 13007  2006-09-21 21:43:54 Rich                               Re: Ripping verboten?                                                   
 13008  2006-09-22 06:06:18 Geo                                Re: Ripping verboten?                                                   
 13009  2006-09-22 06:21:16 Geo                                global warming                                                          
 13010  2006-09-22 12:23:12 Adam                               Re: Ripping verboten?                                                   
 13011  2006-09-22 12:25:12 Adam                               Re: Ripping verboten?                                                   
 13012  2006-09-22 23:05:48 Don Hills                          Re: Ripping verboten?                                                   
 13013  2006-09-22 22:12:08 John Beckett                       Re: Ripping verboten?                                                   
 13014  2006-09-22 08:37:32 Robert Comer                       Re: global warming                                                      
 13015  2006-09-22 23:21:44 John Beckett                       Re: global warming                                                      
 13016  2006-09-22 23:31:20 John Beckett                       Re: Ripping verboten?                                                   
 13017  2006-09-22 14:50:20 Glenn Meadows                      Re: Ripping verboten?                                                   
 13018  2006-09-22 14:50:56 Glenn Meadows                      Re: Ripping verboten?                                                   
 13019  2006-09-22 17:56:36 /m                                 Re: global warming                                                      
 13020  2006-09-22 17:57:16 /m                                 Re: The 12-Drive RAID Storage Box                                       
 13021  2006-09-22 18:03:34 /m                                 Microsoft Media Player shreds your rights                               
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 13022  2006-09-22 18:05:04 /m                                 Re: global warming                                                      
 13023  2006-09-22 19:19:34 /m                                 Security pros provide interim IE patch                                  
 13024  2006-09-23 00:26:26 Adam                               Opteron & PPC & SPARC in the same Mobo?                                 
 13025  2006-09-23 00:28:52 Adam                               Symantec & Adobe whine to the EU                                        
 13026  2006-09-22 19:33:06 /m                                 Re: Symantec & Adobe whine to the EU                                    
 13027  2006-09-22 19:38:24 Dave Ings                          Re: Microsoft Media Player shreds your rights                           
 13028  2006-09-22 20:18:46 /m                                 Re: Microsoft Media Player shreds your rights                           
 13029  2006-09-22 23:51:40 Geo                                Re: Security pros provide interim IE patch                              
 13030  2006-09-22 23:56:52 Geo                                Re: Microsoft Media Player shreds your rights                           
 13031  2006-09-23 00:00:10 Geo                                Re: global warming                                                      
 13032  2006-09-23 00:03:18 Geo                                Re: global warming                                                      
 13033  2006-09-23 00:09:58 Geo                                Re: Ripping verboten?                                                   
 13034  2006-09-23 00:12:38 Geo                                Re: Ripping verboten?                                                   
 13035  2006-09-23 23:07:16 Don Hills                          Re: Ripping verboten?                                                   
 13036  2006-09-23 22:39:16 John Beckett                       Re: Ripping verboten?                                                   
 13037  2006-09-23 22:39:18 John Beckett                       Re: global warming                                                      
 13038  2006-09-23 09:10:50 /m                                 Re: global warming                                                      
 13039  2006-09-23 10:46:38 Geo                                Re: Ripping verboten?                                                   
 13040  2006-09-23 10:50:18 Geo                                Re: global warming                                                      
 13041  2006-09-23 10:51:56 Geo                                Re: Security pros provide interim IE patch                              
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 13042  2006-09-23 11:25:04 /m                                 Re: global warming                                                      
 13043  2006-09-23 15:26:02 Rich Gauszka                       MPAA will now sniff your luggage                                        
 13044  2006-09-24 19:31:04 Geo                                Re: global warming                                                      
 13045  2006-09-25 09:53:08 Frank Haber                        Re: Security pros provide interim IE patch                              
 13046  2006-09-25 19:25:20 George Sherwood                    Looking at Win2K code                                                   
 13047  2006-09-25 10:54:00 John Beamish                       A resignation letter                                                    
 13048  2006-09-25 18:51:18 Antti Kurenniemi                   Re: Security pros provide interim IE patch                              
 13049  2006-09-25 14:29:52 Mike N.                            Re: A resignation letter                                                
 13050  2006-09-25 16:02:14 Rich Gauszka                       Homeland security Cyberstorm report                                     
 13051  2006-09-25 16:50:24 Mike N.                            Who Killed the Electric car?                                            
 13052  2006-09-25 18:58:30 Rich Gauszka                       free security tools that really work                                    
 13053  2006-09-26 10:09:22 Don Hills                          Re: Who Killed the Electric car?                                        
 13054  2006-09-25 21:38:00 Mike N.                            Re: Who Killed the Electric car?                                        
 13055  2006-09-26 14:23:22 Don Hills                          Re: Who Killed the Electric car?                                        
 13056  2006-09-26 07:20:14 Mike N.                            Re: Who Killed the Electric car?                                        
 13057  2006-09-26 13:04:36 Adam                               Good news if it works                                                   
 13058  2006-09-26 07:40:44 Rich                               Re: Ripping verboten?                                                   
 13059  2006-09-26 11:59:16 Mike N.                            Re: Good news if it works                                               
 13060  2006-09-26 13:53:36 Scott Franklin                     Re: Microsoft Vista is still a mess                                     
 13061  2006-09-26 13:58:26 Scott Franklin                     Re: Which should I buy DVD+R or DVD-R                                   
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 13062  2006-09-26 14:51:34 Scott Franklin                     Re: LCD, PLASMA, DLP                                                    
 13063  2006-09-26 14:51:52 Scott Franklin                     Re: Merom Macbook Pros?                                                 
 13064  2006-09-26 22:31:58 Adam                               80 core CPU?                                                            
 13065  2006-09-27 07:24:32 Antti Kurenniemi                   Re: 80 core CPU?                                                        
 13066  2006-09-27 09:23:48 John Beamish                       Re: Good news if it works                                               
 13067  2006-09-27 10:09:48 Rich Gauszka                       Re: 80 core CPU?                                                        
 13068  2006-09-27 18:34:30 /m                                 Microsoft admits WGA failures "coming up more commonly now"             
 13069  2006-09-27 22:24:58 Rich Gauszka                       Microsoft DRM strategy - Sue                                            
 13070  2006-09-27 23:03:48 Geo                                Re: 80 core CPU?                                                        
 13071  2006-09-27 23:52:06 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Microsoft admits WGA failures "coming up more commonly now"         
 13072  2006-09-28 14:22:26 Mike N.                            Re: Microsoft admits WGA failures "coming up more commonly now"         
 13073  2006-09-28 14:40:00 Mike N.                            Re: Microsoft admits WGA failures "coming up more commonly now"         
 13074  2006-09-28 14:45:12 Mike N.                            Re: 80 core CPU?                                                        
 13075  2006-09-28 14:54:10 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Microsoft admits WGA failures "coming up more commonly now"         
 13076  2006-09-28 15:04:02 Rich Gauszka                       WGA strikes Ofiice 2007                                                 
 13077  2006-09-28 15:44:22 Rich Gauszka                       Apple owns the word 'pod'?                                              
 13078  2006-09-28 18:55:06 /m                                 Hands on: A Mac fan takes on Vista                                      
 13079  2006-09-28 20:32:36 Glenn Meadows                      Re: LCD, PLASMA, DLP                                                    
 13080  2006-09-28 22:49:10 Mike N.                            Vista Look & Feel - why wait?                                           
 13081  2006-09-29 17:26:16 Adam                               Re: 80 core CPU?                                                        
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 13082  2006-09-29 19:26:24 Mike N.                            Adobe continues to bloat                                                
 13083  2006-10-01 17:24:44 John Stoff                         Re: mail2news                                                           
 13084  2006-10-01 23:03:50 Geo                                Re: mail2news                                                           
 13085  2006-10-01 23:06:20 Geo                                Re: Adobe continues to bloat                                            
 13086  2006-10-01 23:07:48 Geo                                Re: Vista Look & Feel - why wait?                                       
 13087  2006-10-01 23:10:16 Geo                                Re: Hands on: A Mac fan takes on Vista                                  
 13088  2006-10-01 23:15:30 Geo                                Re: Microsoft admits WGA failures "coming up more commonly now"         
 13089  2006-10-01 23:16:52 Geo                                Re: 80 core CPU?                                                        
 13090  2006-10-02 06:14:18 Geo                                Re: mail2news                                                           
 13091  2006-10-02 09:45:02 Mike N.                            Re: 80 core CPU?                                                        
 13092  2006-10-02 10:11:04 Rich Gauszka                       Vista - one security to rule them all?                                  
 13093  2006-10-02 11:31:46 John Stoff                         Re: mail2news                                                           
 13094  2006-10-02 20:38:16 Rich Gauszka                       Firefox JavaScript security "a complete mess"?                          
 13095  2006-10-02 21:47:56 Geo                                Re: Vista - one security to rule them all?                              
 13096  2006-10-02 21:50:18 Geo                                Re: 80 core CPU?                                                        
 13097  2006-10-02 21:55:00 Geo                                Re: mail2news                                                           
 13098  2006-10-02 20:43:18 John Stoff                         Re: mail2news                                                           
 13099  2006-10-03 15:04:04 John Beckett                       Re: mail2news                                                           
 13100  2006-10-03 15:04:06 John Beckett                       Re: Firefox JavaScript security "a complete mess"?                      
 13101  2006-10-03 06:20:02 Geo                                Re: mail2news                                                           
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 13102  2006-10-03 06:23:24 Geo                                Re: mail2news                                                           
 13103  2006-10-03 07:49:06 /m                                 Re: Firefox JavaScript security "a complete mess"?                      
 13104  2006-10-03 07:52:30 /m                                 Re: Vista - one security to rule them all?                              
 13105  2006-10-03 22:34:10 John Beckett                       Re: mail2news                                                           
 13106  2006-10-03 08:47:24 Mike N.                            Re: mail2news                                                           
 13107  2006-10-03 08:49:52 Mike N.                            Re: mail2news                                                           
 13108  2006-10-03 09:24:52 Gary Britt                         Re: Firefox JavaScript security "a complete mess"?                      
 13109  2006-10-03 09:25:44 Gary Britt                         Re: Firefox JavaScript security "a complete mess"?                      
 13110  2006-10-03 13:22:36 Rich Gauszka                       Firefox hacker exposed as fraud?                                        
 13111  2006-10-03 16:11:50 Geo.                               Re: mail2news                                                           
 13112  2006-10-03 16:12:30 Geo.                               Re: mail2news                                                           
 13113  2006-10-03 16:15:44 Geo.                               Re: Firefox JavaScript security "a complete mess"?                      
 13114  2006-10-03 17:32:28 Gary Britt                         Re: Firefox JavaScript security "a complete mess"?                      
 13115  2006-10-03 18:17:26 Geo                                Re: Firefox JavaScript security "a complete mess"?                      
 13116  2006-10-03 18:19:42 Geo                                Re: mail2news                                                           
 13117  2006-10-03 15:30:44 John Stoff                         Re: mail2news                                                           
 13118  2006-10-03 18:45:54 Gary Britt                         Re: Firefox JavaScript security "a complete mess"?                      
 13119  2006-10-03 21:48:18 Dave Ings                          Re: Firefox JavaScript security "a complete mess"?                      
 13120  2006-10-03 22:42:48 Geo                                Re: mail2news                                                           
 13121  2006-10-03 22:45:08 Geo                                Re: Firefox JavaScript security "a complete mess"?                      
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 13122  2006-10-03 22:46:24 Geo                                Re: Firefox JavaScript security "a complete mess"?                      
 13123  2006-10-04 07:28:36 Antti Kurenniemi                   Re: mail2news                                                           
 13124  2006-10-04 18:43:56 John Beckett                       Re: mail2news                                                           
 13125  2006-10-04 18:43:56 John Beckett                       Re: Firefox JavaScript security "a complete mess"?                      
 13126  2006-10-04 18:48:08 Don Hills                          Re: Firefox JavaScript security "a complete mess"?                      
 13127  2006-10-04 07:21:18 Dave Ings                          Re: Firefox JavaScript security "a complete mess"?                      
 13128  2006-10-04 09:01:18 John Beamish                       Dear Santa ...                                                          
 13129  2006-10-04 09:17:58 Mike N.                            Re: Dear Santa ...                                                      
 13130  2006-10-04 18:27:22 Antti Kurenniemi                   Re: mail2news                                                           
 13131  2006-10-04 12:59:44 John Beamish                       Remember the Buran!                                                     
 13132  2006-10-04 22:14:32 George Sherwood                    Re: Remember the Buran!                                                 
 13133  2006-10-04 13:15:26 Rich Gauszka                       Vista and the improved kill switch                                      
 13134  2006-10-04 14:41:54 Gary Britt                         Re: Firefox JavaScript security "a complete mess"?                      
 13135  2006-10-04 14:55:40 Dave Ings                          Re: Firefox JavaScript security "a complete mess"?                      
 13136  2006-10-04 16:43:04 John Beamish                       Re: Remember the Buran!                                                 
 13137  2006-10-04 16:55:48 John Beamish                       Re: Remember the Buran!                                                 
 13138  2006-10-04 22:48:42 Adam                               Re: Remember the Buran!                                                 
 13139  2006-10-04 16:01:50 John Stoff                         Re: mail2news                                                           
 13140  2006-10-04 19:03:08 Tim Boyer                          Re: Remember the Buran!                                                 
 13141  2006-10-04 16:06:44 John Stoff                         Re: mail2news                                                           
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 13142  2006-10-04 20:50:34 John Beamish                       Re: Remember the Buran!                                                 
 13143  2006-10-04 22:58:10 Geo                                Re: Vista and the improved kill switch                                  
 13144  2006-10-04 23:00:36 Geo                                Re: Firefox JavaScript security "a complete mess"?                      
 13145  2006-10-04 23:03:38 Geo                                Re: mail2news                                                           
 13146  2006-10-04 23:07:44 Geo                                Re: mail2news                                                           
 13147  2006-10-05 07:23:50 Antti Kurenniemi                   Re: Vista and the improved kill switch                                  
 13148  2006-10-05 19:51:24 Don Hills                          Re: Remember the Buran!                                                 
 13149  2006-10-05 11:54:10 Adam                               Re: Vista and the improved kill switch                                  
 13150  2006-10-05 07:18:58 Mike N.                            Re: mail2news                                                           
 13151  2006-10-05 07:20:18 Mike N.                            Re: Firefox JavaScript security "a complete mess"?                      
 13152  2006-10-05 07:24:34 Mike N.                            Re: Vista and the improved kill switch                                  
 13153  2006-10-05 12:52:58 Adam                               Re: Vista and the improved kill switch                                  
 13154  2006-10-05 09:37:04 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Vista and the improved kill switch                                  
 13155  2006-10-05 10:04:42 Robert Comer                       Re: Vista and the improved kill switch                                  
 13156  2006-10-05 10:42:12 Mike N.                            Re: Vista and the improved kill switch                                  
 13157  2006-10-05 09:48:42 John Cuccia                        Re: Vista and the improved kill switch                                  
 13158  2006-10-05 18:10:42 Antti Kurenniemi                   Re: Vista and the improved kill switch                                  
 13159  2006-10-05 11:15:44 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Vista and the improved kill switch                                  
 13160  2006-10-05 10:49:02 Robert G Lewis                     Re: Vista and the improved kill switch                                  
 13161  2006-10-05 10:58:26 John Cuccia                        Re: Vista and the improved kill switch                                  
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 13162  2006-10-05 12:02:30 Dave Ings                          Re: Vista and the improved kill switch                                  
 13163  2006-10-05 11:07:22 John Cuccia                        Re: Vista and the improved kill switch                                  
 13164  2006-10-05 11:11:24 Robert G Lewis                     Re: Vista and the improved kill switch                                  
 13165  2006-10-05 14:16:28 Mike N.                            Re: Vista - one security to rule them all?                              
 13166  2006-10-05 20:24:58 Thees Peereboom                    Re: mail2news                                                           
 13167  2006-10-05 20:33:28 Thees Peereboom                    Re: Firefox JavaScript security "a complete mess"?                      
 13168  2006-10-05 14:45:34 Mike N.                            Re: Vista and the improved kill switch                                  
 13169  2006-10-05 14:48:08 Mike N.                            Re: Vista and the improved kill switch                                  
 13170  2006-10-05 13:56:34 Robert G Lewis                     Re: Vista and the improved kill switch                                  
 13171  2006-10-05 15:03:02 Robert Comer                       Re: Vista and the improved kill switch                                  
 13172  2006-10-05 15:23:10 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Vista and the improved kill switch                                  
 13173  2006-10-05 15:56:06 Robert Comer                       Re: Vista and the improved kill switch                                  
 13174  2006-10-05 16:03:10 Mike N.                            Re: Vista and the improved kill switch                                  
 13175  2006-10-05 17:00:32 /m                                 Re: Vista and the improved kill switch                                  
 13176  2006-10-05 17:03:30 /m                                 Re: Vista and the improved kill switch                                  
 13177  2006-10-05 17:04:14 /m                                 Re: Vista and the improved kill switch                                  
 13178  2006-10-05 17:09:18 /m                                 Re: Vista and the improved kill switch                                  
 13179  2006-10-05 17:12:28 /m                                 Re: Firefox JavaScript security "a complete mess"?                      
 13180  2006-10-05 17:21:06 /m                                 Rebuilding Microsoft                                                    
 13181  2006-10-05 18:45:04 /m                                 The Vista budget vacuum                                                 
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 13182  2006-10-06 00:53:00 Adam                               Re: Vista and the improved kill switch                                  
 13183  2006-10-06 00:54:46 Adam                               Re: Vista and the improved kill switch                                  
 13184  2006-10-06 00:56:00 Adam                               Re: Vista and the improved kill switch                                  
 13185  2006-10-05 20:30:50 Mike N.                            Re: Firefox JavaScript security "a complete mess"?                      
 13186  2006-10-05 21:27:26 Tim Boyer                          Re: Remember the Buran!                                                 
 13187  2006-10-05 21:50:22 Geo                                Re: Rebuilding Microsoft                                                
 13188  2006-10-05 21:52:08 Geo                                Re: More bad news 4 MS wrt ODF                                          
 13189  2006-10-05 21:53:42 Geo                                Re: Firefox JavaScript security "a complete mess"?                      
 13190  2006-10-05 21:57:50 Geo                                Re: Firefox JavaScript security "a complete mess"?                      
 13191  2006-10-05 22:01:26 Geo                                Re: mail2news                                                           
 13192  2006-10-05 22:03:00 Geo                                Re: Vista and the improved kill switch                                  
 13193  2006-10-05 22:07:28 Geo                                Re: Vista and the improved kill switch                                  
 13194  2006-10-05 22:09:10 Geo                                Re: Vista and the improved kill switch                                  
 13195  2006-10-05 22:10:56 Geo                                Re: Vista and the improved kill switch                                  
 13196  2006-10-05 21:34:36 Glenn Meadows                      Re: More bad news 4 MS wrt ODF                                          
 13197  2006-10-05 22:47:08 Tim Boyer                          Re: mail2news                                                           
 13198  2006-10-05 22:53:06 Dave Ings                          Re: More bad news 4 MS wrt ODF                                          
 13199  2006-10-05 22:55:32 Dave Ings                          Re: Firefox JavaScript security "a complete mess"?                      
 13200  2006-10-05 23:23:18 Gary Britt                         New ClipCache Pro 3 Released                                            
 13201  2006-10-06 13:51:40 John Beckett                       Re: Firefox JavaScript security "a complete mess"?                      
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 13202  2006-10-06 13:51:40 John Beckett                       Re: Vista and the improved kill switch                                  
 13203  2006-10-06 07:21:52 Antti Kurenniemi                   Re: mail2news                                                           
 13204  2006-10-06 07:26:32 Antti Kurenniemi                   Re: Rebuilding Microsoft                                                
 13205  2006-10-06 07:30:26 Antti Kurenniemi                   Re: More bad news 4 MS wrt ODF                                          
 13206  2006-10-06 08:44:24 Adam                               Re: Vista and the improved kill switch                                  
 13207  2006-10-06 08:45:22 Adam                               Re: Vista and the improved kill switch                                  
 13208  2006-10-06 08:46:14 Adam                               Re: Vista and the improved kill switch                                  
 13209  2006-10-06 08:46:44 Adam                               Re: Rebuilding Microsoft                                                
 13210  2006-10-06 08:49:08 Adam                               Re: Rebuilding Microsoft                                                
 13211  2006-10-06 08:53:16 Adam                               Re: More bad news 4 MS wrt ODF                                          
 13212  2006-10-06 06:08:42 Geo                                Re: New ClipCache Pro 3 Released                                        
 13213  2006-10-06 06:10:54 Geo                                Re: Vista and the improved kill switch                                  
 13214  2006-10-06 06:13:46 Geo                                Re: Vista and the improved kill switch                                  
 13215  2006-10-06 06:14:26 Geo                                Re: mail2news                                                           
 13216  2006-10-06 06:19:16 Geo                                Re: More bad news 4 MS wrt ODF                                          
 13217  2006-10-06 06:23:00 Geo                                Re: Rebuilding Microsoft                                                
 13218  2006-10-06 07:15:20 Mike N.                            Re: Vista and the improved kill switch                                  
 13219  2006-10-06 07:47:46 JaneL                              Re: mail2news                                                           
 13220  2006-10-06 08:17:30 Robert Comer                       Re: More bad news 4 MS wrt ODF                                          
 13221  2006-10-06 08:38:50 John Beamish                       Re: Vista and the improved kill switch                                  
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 13222  2006-10-06 16:38:12 Adam                               Re: Vista and the improved kill switch                                  
 13223  2006-10-06 18:06:14 /m                                 Re: Rebuilding Microsoft                                                
 13224  2006-10-07 11:18:32 John Beckett                       Re: More bad news 4 MS wrt ODF                                          
 13225  2006-10-07 10:30:24 Adam                               signs of intelligent life found on mars                                 
 13226  2006-10-07 13:54:32 John Beamish                       Mars                                                                    
 13227  2006-10-07 11:50:12 Geo                                Re: More bad news 4 MS wrt ODF                                          
 13228  2006-10-07 11:54:16 Geo                                Re: mail2news                                                           
 13229  2006-10-07 11:55:54 Geo                                Re: Vista and the improved kill switch                                  
 13230  2006-10-08 12:01:42 Geo                                Re: Mars                                                                
 13231  2006-10-08 12:48:56 Frank Haber                        Re: More bad news 4 MS wrt ODF                                          
 13232  2006-10-08 13:04:38 Frank Haber                        Re: mail2news                                                           
 13233  2006-10-08 13:08:56 Frank Haber                        Re: mail2news                                                           
 13234  2006-10-08 13:32:26 Robert Comer                       Re: Vista and the improved kill switch                                  
 13235  2006-10-08 14:13:26 /m                                 Re: Vista and the improved kill switch                                  
 13236  2006-10-08 16:36:06 Robert Comer                       Re: Vista and the improved kill switch                                  
 13237  2006-10-08 22:07:32 John Beamish                       Re: Mars                                                                
 13238  2006-10-08 22:09:20 Geo                                Re: Vista and the improved kill switch                                  
 13239  2006-10-08 22:17:12 Geo                                Re: mail2news                                                           
 13240  2006-10-08 22:25:48 Geo                                Re: mail2news                                                           
 13241  2006-10-09 10:40:36 Frank Haber                        Re: mail2news                                                           
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 13242  2006-10-09 17:55:02 RobertB.                           Re: mail2news                                                           
 13243  2006-10-09 18:07:00 /m                                 You are about to become DRM roadkill                                    
 13244  2006-10-09 23:35:44 Adam                               So MS did fund SCO..                                                    
 13245  2006-10-09 20:14:38 Geo                                Re: mail2news                                                           
 13246  2006-10-09 20:15:30 Geo                                Re: mail2news                                                           
 13247  2006-10-17 20:48:43 Richard Steiner                    mail2news                                                               
 13248  2006-10-09 21:37:54 /m                                 Re: mail2news                                                           
 13249  2006-10-09 21:55:04 Mike N.                            Re: mail2news                                                           
 13250  2006-10-09 22:10:30 Mike N.                            SpamHaus in Jeopardy?                                                   
 13251  2006-10-10 13:39:52 RobertB.                           Re: mail2news                                                           
 13252  2006-10-10 18:42:26 Rich Gauszka                       Norton AV 2007 flags competitors as incompatible                        
 13253  2006-10-10 22:48:14 Geo                                Re: SpamHaus in Jeopardy?                                               
 13254  2006-10-10 23:01:02 Geo                                Re: mail2news                                                           
 13255  2006-10-10 23:07:46 Geo                                Re: mail2news                                                           
 13256  2006-10-11 07:22:34 Adam                               Re: mail2news                                                           
 13257  2006-10-11 06:12:36 Geo                                Re: mail2news                                                           
 13258  2006-10-11 06:42:00 Mike N.                            Re: mail2news                                                           
 13259  2006-10-11 06:50:24 Mike N.                            Re: SpamHaus in Jeopardy?                                               
 13260  2006-10-11 13:47:44 Adam                               Finally a vid tech for smartphones                                      
 13261  2006-10-11 13:49:56 Adam                               Re: mail2news                                                           
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 13262  2006-10-11 09:36:10 Dave Ings                          Re: Finally a vid tech for smartphones                                  
 13263  2006-10-11 09:39:44 Mike N.                            Re: SpamHaus in Jeopardy?                                               
 13264  2006-10-11 16:41:30 John Beamish                       MS DOS 6.0 source?                                                      
 13265  2006-10-11 17:40:18 /m                                 Re: mail2news                                                           
 13266  2006-10-12 07:21:34 Adam                               Re: Finally a vid tech for smartphones                                  
 13267  2006-10-11 23:04:40 Geo                                Re: mail2news                                                           
 13268  2006-10-11 23:07:30 Geo                                Re: mail2news                                                           
 13269  2006-10-12 08:15:10 Mike N.                            Re: mail2news                                                           
 13270  2006-10-12 20:09:50 /m                                 A sneaky change in Windows licensing terms                              
 13271  2006-10-12 19:45:18 Robert G Lewis                     Re: A sneaky change in Windows licensing terms                          
 13272  2006-10-12 21:12:56 Mike N.                            Re: A sneaky change in Windows licensing terms                          
 13273  2006-10-12 21:16:12 Mike N.                            Re: A sneaky change in Windows licensing terms                          
 13274  2006-10-12 21:32:46 John Beamish                       Mozilla/Firefox bug report                                              
 13275  2006-10-12 21:51:08 /m                                 Re: A sneaky change in Windows licensing terms                          
 13276  2006-10-12 22:01:44 Geo                                Re: A sneaky change in Windows licensing terms                          
 13277  2006-10-12 22:03:32 Geo                                Re: A sneaky change in Windows licensing terms                          
 13278  2006-10-12 22:09:52 Geo                                Re: A sneaky change in Windows licensing terms                          
 13279  2006-10-12 22:11:32 Geo                                Re: A sneaky change in Windows licensing terms                          
 13280  2006-10-12 22:14:10 Geo                                Re: mail2news                                                           
 13281  2006-10-13 07:23:00 Adam                               Re: A sneaky change in Windows licensing terms                          
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 13282  2006-10-13 08:19:10 Mike N.                            Re: mail2news                                                           
 13283  2006-10-13 08:21:28 Mike N.                            Re: A sneaky change in Windows licensing terms                          
 13284  2006-10-13 10:09:02 John Beamish                       Re: A sneaky change in Windows licensing terms                          
 13285  2006-10-13 13:41:40 Geo.                               Re: mail2news                                                           
 13286  2006-10-13 13:43:36 Geo.                               Re: A sneaky change in Windows licensing terms                          
 13287  2006-10-13 13:44:20 Geo.                               Re: A sneaky change in Windows licensing terms                          
 13288  2006-10-13 15:24:42 Mike N.                            Re: A sneaky change in Windows licensing terms                          
 13289  2006-10-13 17:25:22 Robert Comer                       Re: A sneaky change in Windows licensing terms                          
 13290  2006-10-14 07:59:22 Mike N.                            Shoving EULAs down your throat                                          
 13291  2006-10-14 13:22:08 Adam                               Re: A sneaky change in Windows licensing terms                          
 13292  2006-10-14 08:43:28 /m                                 Re: Shoving EULAs down your throat                                      
 13293  2006-10-14 10:24:12 /m                                 Sticking with Windows XP in a Windows Vista World                       
 13294  2006-10-14 13:13:30 John Beamish                       Re: Sticking with Windows XP in a Windows Vista World                   
 13295  2006-10-14 13:59:10 Mike N.                            Re: Sticking with Windows XP in a Windows Vista World                   
 13296  2006-10-14 11:24:30 John Stoff                         Re: mail2news                                                           
 13297  2006-10-14 19:52:20 Geo                                For Glenn                                                               
 13298  2006-10-14 19:33:04 John Stoff                         Re: MS DOS 6.0 source?                                                  
 13299  2006-10-14 19:39:56 John Stoff                         Re: Sticking with Windows XP in a Windows Vista World                   
 13300  2006-10-14 19:53:14 John Stoff                         Re: Comcast gives broadband users a speed boost                         
 13301  2006-10-15 06:52:00 Mike N.                            Re: For Glenn                                                           
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 13302  2006-10-15 09:00:52 /m                                 Re: Sticking with Windows XP in a Windows Vista World                   
 13303  2006-10-15 12:46:14 Geo                                Re: For Glenn                                                           
 13304  2006-10-15 20:03:54 Glenn Meadows                      Re: For Glenn                                                           
 13305  2006-10-15 22:19:36 Mike N.                            Re: For Glenn                                                           
 13306  2006-10-15 22:33:06 JaneL                              Re: For Glenn                                                           
 13307  2006-10-15 23:37:42 Geo                                Re: For Glenn                                                           
 13308  2006-10-15 23:38:24 Geo                                Re: For Glenn                                                           
 13309  2006-10-16 00:10:16 John Stoff                         Re: Sticking with Windows XP in a Windows Vista World                   
 13310  2006-10-16 08:40:24 Mike N.                            Re: For Glenn                                                           
 13311  2006-10-16 12:52:12 /m                                 Food for Thought: Olive Oil's Newfound Benefits                         
 13312  2006-10-18 05:50:56 Bob Ackley                         MS DOS 6.0 source?                                                      
 13313  2006-10-16 15:03:22 Rich Gauszka                       Verizon unlimited broadband access joke                                 
 13314  2006-10-16 21:42:48 Mike N                             Web Based forum - Linux Rules!                                          
 13315  2006-10-16 23:35:18 Rich Gauszka                       Re: A sneaky change in Windows licensing terms                          
 13316  2006-10-17 06:21:34 Geo                                Re: Web Based forum - Linux Rules!                                      
 13317  2006-10-17 06:25:10 Geo                                Re: For Glenn                                                           
 13318  2006-10-17 08:44:06 Mike N                             Re: Web Based forum - Linux Rules!                                      
 13319  2006-10-17 08:56:52 JaneL                              Re: Web Based forum - Linux Rules!                                      
 13320  2006-10-17 16:52:36 Antti Kurenniemi                   Re: Web Based forum - Linux Rules!                                      
 13321  2006-10-17 13:04:22 Mike N                             Re: Web Based forum - Linux Rules!                                      
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 13322  2006-10-17 13:26:58 /m                                 Mac Attack Beginning, Poll Shows                                        
 13323  2006-10-17 14:32:08 John Cuccia                        Re: Web Based forum - Linux Rules!                                      
 13324  2006-10-17 16:59:44 Mike N.                            Re: Web Based forum - Linux Rules!                                      
 13325  2006-10-17 22:13:10 Barktopian Guest                   Re: Web Based forum - Linux Rules!                                      
 13326  2006-10-17 22:12:20 Rich Gauszka                       Apple ships iPods with Windows virus                                    
 13327  2006-10-17 21:18:06 John Cuccia                        Re: Web Based forum - Linux Rules!                                      
 13328  2006-10-17 22:05:16 Geo                                Re: Mac Attack Beginning, Poll Shows                                    
 13329  2006-10-17 22:11:36 Geo                                Re: Web Based forum - Linux Rules!                                      
 13330  2006-10-17 22:43:04 Mike N                             Re: Web Based forum - Linux Rules!                                      
 13331  2006-10-17 22:43:00 Mike N.                            Re: Web Based forum - Linux Rules!                                      
 13332  2006-10-18 07:09:20 Antti Kurenniemi                   Re: Web Based forum - Linux Rules!                                      
 13333  2006-10-18 09:49:06 Mike N.                            Re: Web Based forum - Linux Rules!                                      
 13334  2006-10-18 12:21:14 Mike N                             Avatars enabled!                                                        
 13335  2006-10-18 13:26:26 RobertB.                           Re: Apple ships iPods with Windows virus                                
 13336  2006-10-18 13:29:36 RobertB.                           Re: Mac Attack Beginning, Poll Shows                                    
 13337  2006-10-18 13:32:00 RobertB.                           Re: Food for Thought: Olive Oil's Newfound Benefits                     
 13338  2006-10-18 13:38:46 Robert Comer                       Re: Mac Attack Beginning, Poll Shows                                    
 13339  2006-10-18 13:59:52 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Mac Attack Beginning, Poll Shows                                    
 13340  2006-10-18 13:38:40 Glenn Meadows                      Re: For Glenn                                                           
 13341  2006-10-18 13:50:02 Glenn Meadows                      Re: For Glenn                                                           
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 13342  2006-10-18 16:46:26 Mike N                             Re: Web Based forum - Linux Rules!                                      
 13343  2006-10-18 16:53:02 Mike N                             Re: For Glenn                                                           
 13344  2006-10-18 17:13:30 /m                                 Re: Mac Attack Beginning, Poll Shows                                    
 13345  2006-10-18 17:15:20 /m                                 Re: Food for Thought: Olive Oil's Newfound Benefits                     
 13346  2006-10-18 16:14:52 Glenn Meadows                      Re: For Glenn                                                           
 13347  2006-10-18 18:16:14 RobertB.                           Re: Shoving EULAs down your throat                                      
 13348  2006-10-18 20:02:14 /m                                 Microsoft's contribution to the English language                        
 13349  2006-10-18 23:03:40 Geo                                Re: Avatars enabled!                                                    
 13350  2006-10-18 22:41:52 Geo                                Re: Microsoft's contribution to the English language                    
 13351  2006-10-19 00:32:04 Gary Britt                         One For John Cuccia                                                     
 13352  2006-10-19 08:49:00 Adam                               Re: Food for Thought: Olive Oil's Newfound Benefits                     
 13353  2006-10-19 06:22:44 Geo                                Re: Mac Attack Beginning, Poll Shows                                    
 13354  2006-10-19 06:25:26 Geo                                Re: Mac Attack Beginning, Poll Shows                                    
 13355  2006-10-19 07:43:06 Mike N                             Re: Microsoft's contribution to the English language                    
 13356  2006-10-19 08:24:14 John Cuccia                        Re: One For John Cuccia                                                 
 13357  2006-10-19 09:31:48 Mike N.                            Jericho Internet Funny                                                  
 13358  2006-10-21 05:44:16 Bob Ackley                         Microsoft's contribution to the English language                        
 13359  2006-10-23 21:24:55 Richard Steiner                    Microsoft's contribution to the English language                        
 13360  2006-10-19 12:29:10 RobertB.                           Re: Mac Attack Beginning, Poll Shows                                    
 13361  2006-10-19 12:30:00 RobertB.                           Re: Food for Thought: Olive Oil's Newfound Benefits                     
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 13362  2006-10-19 13:41:06 Gary Britt                         Acronis Version 7 For Free                                              
 13363  2006-10-19 14:51:02 Frank Haber                        Re: Mac Attack Beginning, Poll Shows                                    
 13364  2006-10-19 14:52:10 Frank Haber                        Re: Food for Thought: Olive Oil's Newfound Benefits                     
 13365  2006-10-19 15:31:44 John Cuccia                        Re: Mac Attack Beginning, Poll Shows                                    
 13366  2006-10-19 17:25:48 /m                                 Re: Mac Attack Beginning, Poll Shows                                    
 13367  2006-10-19 19:10:00 Mike N.                            Re: Jericho Internet Funny                                              
 13368  2006-10-19 18:56:42 Geo                                Re: Jericho Internet Funny                                              
 13369  2006-10-19 19:07:30 Geo                                Re: Mac Attack Beginning, Poll Shows                                    
 13370  2006-10-19 19:11:06 Geo                                Re: Mac Attack Beginning, Poll Shows                                    
 13371  2006-10-19 19:12:48 Geo                                Re: Mac Attack Beginning, Poll Shows                                    
 13372  2006-10-19 19:26:48 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Jericho Internet Funny                                              
 13373  2006-10-19 19:42:56 Mike N.                            Re: Spam on the rise                                                    
 13374  2006-10-19 19:45:36 Mike N.                            Re: Mac Attack Beginning, Poll Shows                                    
 13375  2006-10-19 22:54:12 Rich Gauszka                       Vista should only be used with ECC memory?                              
 13376  2006-10-19 22:40:30 Geo                                Re: Spam on the rise                                                    
 13377  2006-10-19 22:43:50 Geo                                Re: Spam on the rise                                                    
 13378  2006-10-19 22:50:32 Geo                                Re: Mac Attack Beginning, Poll Shows                                    
 13379  2006-10-20 19:48:18 John Beckett                       Re: Spam on the rise                                                    
 13380  2006-10-20 07:18:16 Mike N.                            Re: Spam on the rise                                                    
 13381  2006-10-20 08:45:34 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Vista should only be used with ECC memory?                          
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 13382  2006-10-20 09:33:36 Gary Britt                         Re: Vista should only be used with ECC memory?                          
 13383  2006-10-20 09:44:50 John Beamish                       Re: Food for Thought: Olive Oil's Newfound Benefits                     
 13384  2006-10-20 10:20:32 Robert Comer                       Re: Vista should only be used with ECC memory?                          
 13385  2006-10-20 10:50:40 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Vista should only be used with ECC memory?                          
 13386  2006-10-20 11:11:46 Robert Comer                       Re: Vista should only be used with ECC memory?                          
 13387  2006-10-20 11:15:54 Dave Ings                          Re: One For John Cuccia                                                 
 13388  2006-10-20 12:03:30 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Vista should only be used with ECC memory?                          
 13389  2006-10-20 12:12:50 Gary Britt                         Speaking Of George Bush                                                 
 13390  2006-10-20 11:22:28 John Cuccia                        Re: One For John Cuccia                                                 
 13391  2006-10-20 11:34:26 Robert G Lewis                     Re: Speaking Of George Bush                                             
 13392  2006-10-20 13:30:18 John Beamish                       Re: Vista should only be used with ECC memory?                          
 13393  2006-10-20 14:00:26 Robert Comer                       Re: Vista should only be used with ECC memory?                          
 13394  2006-10-20 14:07:36 Gary Britt                         Re: Speaking Of George Bush                                             
 13395  2006-10-20 14:46:42 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Vista should only be used with ECC memory?                          
 13396  2006-10-20 14:48:36 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Speaking Of George Bush                                             
 13397  2006-10-20 15:11:52 Robert Comer                       Re: Vista should only be used with ECC memory?                          
 13398  2006-10-20 15:50:02 Mark                               Re: Speaking Of George Bush                                             
 13399  2006-10-20 16:27:40 Gary Britt                         Re: Speaking Of George Bush                                             
 13400  2006-10-20 16:31:00 Gary Britt                         Re: Speaking Of George Bush                                             
 13401  2006-10-20 16:43:06 Gary Britt                         Re: Speaking Of George Bush                                             
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 13402  2006-10-20 17:15:58 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Vista should only be used with ECC memory?                          
 13403  2006-10-20 21:01:02 Robert Comer                       Re: Vista should only be used with ECC memory?                          
 13404  2006-10-20 22:54:10 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Vista should only be used with ECC memory?                          
 13405  2006-10-21 08:53:00 Adam                               Finally the IP madness affects Lawyers & Accountants                    
 13406  2006-10-21 07:24:52 Mike N.                            On heels of IE 7, Mozilla readies Firefox 2.0                           
 13407  2006-10-21 07:28:18 Mike N.                            Re: Finally the IP madness affects Lawyers & Accountants                
 13408  2006-10-21 10:17:48 Gary Britt                         Re: Finally the IP madness affects Lawyers & Accountants                
 13409  2006-10-21 10:56:26 Rich Gauszka                       Re: On heels of IE 7, Mozilla readies Firefox 2.0                       
 13410  2006-10-21 11:08:38 Robert Comer                       Re: Finally the IP madness affects Lawyers & Accountants                
 13411  2006-10-21 17:46:24 Adam                               Re: Finally the IP madness affects Lawyers & Accountants                
 13412  2006-10-21 18:18:56 RobertB.                           Re: Mac Attack Beginning, Poll Shows                                    
 13413  2006-10-21 18:19:12 RobertB.                           Re: Mac Attack Beginning, Poll Shows                                    
 13414  2006-10-21 18:20:10 RobertB.                           Re: Food for Thought: Olive Oil's Newfound Benefits                     
 13415  2006-10-21 18:20:34 RobertB.                           Re: Food for Thought: Olive Oil's Newfound Benefits                     
 13416  2006-10-21 18:23:00 RobertB.                           Re: Spam on the rise                                                    
 13417  2006-10-21 21:53:28 John Cuccia                        Re: Mac Attack Beginning, Poll Shows                                    
 13418  2006-10-21 23:27:32 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Vista should only be used with ECC memory?                          
 13419  2006-10-22 00:01:46 John Beamish                       Re: Food for Thought: Olive Oil's Newfound Benefits                     
 13420  2006-10-22 02:27:36 Gary Britt                         Re: Finally the IP madness affects Lawyers & Accountants                
 13421  2006-10-22 08:27:52 Robert Comer                       Re: Vista should only be used with ECC memory?                          
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 13422  2006-10-22 10:51:48 Mike N.                            Re: Spam on the rise                                                    
 13423  2006-10-22 10:56:20 Mike N.                            Re: On heels of IE 7, Mozilla readies Firefox 2.0                       
 13424  2006-10-22 11:53:20 Rich Gauszka                       Re: On heels of IE 7, Mozilla readies Firefox 2.0                       
 13425  2006-10-22 10:41:30 Geo                                Re: Finally the IP madness affects Lawyers & Accountants                
 13426  2006-10-22 11:01:40 Geo                                Re: Vista should only be used with ECC memory?                          
 13427  2006-10-29 01:45:08 Richard Steiner                    Acronis Version 7 For Free                                              
 13428  2006-10-31 12:00:58 RobertB.                           Re: Anyone Seen this?                                                   
 13429  2006-10-31 12:02:40 RobertB.                           Re: How to steal an election by hacking the vote                        
 13430  2006-10-31 11:07:26 Glenn Meadows                      Re: Anyone Seen this?                                                   
 13431  2006-10-31 11:08:38 Glenn Meadows                      Re: How to steal an election by hacking the vote                        
 13432  2006-10-31 13:37:06 RobertB.                           Re: Anyone Seen this?                                                   
 13433  2006-10-31 13:32:56 John Cuccia                        Re: How to steal an election by hacking the vote                        
 13434  2006-10-31 13:53:14 Glenn Meadows                      Re: How to steal an election by hacking the vote                        
 13435  2006-10-31 14:57:24 Robert G Lewis                     Re: How to steal an election by hacking the vote                        
 13436  2006-10-31 17:35:48 /m                                 Re: Anyone Seen this?                                                   
 13437  2006-10-31 17:38:06 /m                                 Re: How to steal an election by hacking the vote                        
 13438  2006-11-01 13:35:26 John Beamish                       url4u - neat Nasa applet                                                
 13439  2006-11-01 20:14:30 Adam                               Re: url4u - neat Nasa applet                                            
 13440  2006-11-01 16:37:16 John Beamish                       Re: url4u - neat Nasa applet                                            
 13441  2006-11-01 14:11:56 Tony Williams                      Re: How to steal an election by hacking the vote                        
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 13442  2006-11-01 18:17:36 Gary Britt                         Re: How to steal an election by hacking the vote                        
 13443  2006-11-01 18:25:32 Rich Gauszka                       Re: How to steal an election by hacking the vote                        
 13444  2006-11-01 19:52:58 /m                                 Re: How to steal an election by hacking the vote                        
 13445  2006-11-01 19:54:34 /m                                 Re: How to steal an election by hacking the vote                        
 13446  2006-11-01 22:48:10 Antti Kurenniemi                   Comod firewall - ditched                                                
 13447  2006-10-22 11:41:00 Geo                                Re: Spam on the rise                                                    
 13448  2006-10-22 11:44:24 Geo                                Re: Spam on the rise                                                    
 13449  2006-10-22 13:15:58 Glenn Meadows                      Re: On heels of IE 7, Mozilla readies Firefox 2.0                       
 13450  2006-10-22 14:25:12 John Beamish                       Re: Finally the IP madness affects Lawyers & Accountants                
 13451  2006-10-22 14:25:24 Gary Britt                         Re: Speaking Of George Bush                                             
 13452  2006-10-22 14:26:00 Gary Britt                         Re: Finally the IP madness affects Lawyers & Accountants                
 13453  2006-10-22 14:20:58 Geo                                Re: Microsoft's contribution to the English language                    
 13454  2006-10-22 23:29:28 Adam                               Re: Finally the IP madness affects Lawyers & Accountants                
 13455  2006-10-22 18:30:08 Mike N.                            Re: Vista should only be used with ECC memory?                          
 13456  2006-10-22 23:30:54 Adam                               Re: Finally the IP madness affects Lawyers & Accountants                
 13457  2006-10-22 23:32:28 Adam                               Re: Finally the IP madness affects Lawyers & Accountants                
 13458  2006-10-22 23:24:40 Geo                                Re: Vista should only be used with ECC memory?                          
 13459  2006-10-22 23:26:18 Geo                                Re: Finally the IP madness affects Lawyers & Accountants                
 13460  2006-10-23 01:00:22 Gary Britt                         Re: Finally the IP madness affects Lawyers & Accountants                
 13461  2006-10-23 19:11:02 John Beckett                       Re: Spam on the rise                                                    
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 13462  2006-10-23 08:10:08 Mike N.                            Re: Vista should only be used with ECC memory?                          
 13463  2006-10-23 11:51:04 Rich Gauszka                       Handicapping the Space Elevator Games                                   
 13464  2006-10-23 12:04:20 /m                                 Re: Vista should only be used with ECC memory?                          
 13465  2006-10-23 12:10:08 /m                                 Re: Microsoft's contribution to the English language                    
 13466  2006-10-23 12:57:06 John Beamish                       Re: Handicapping the Space Elevator Games                               
 13467  2006-10-23 20:16:26 Antti Kurenniemi                   Re: Vista should only be used with ECC memory?                          
 13468  2006-10-23 19:32:34 Adam                               Re: Microsoft's contribution to the English language                    
 13469  2006-10-23 19:50:40 Adam                               IBM sue Amazon for.....Ecommerce???                                     
 13470  2006-10-23 15:08:02 Mike N.                            Re: IBM sue Amazon for.....Ecommerce???                                 
 13471  2006-10-23 15:36:44 Dave Ings                          Re: IBM sue Amazon for.....Ecommerce???                                 
 13472  2006-10-23 18:27:16 Mike N.                            XP SP3 delayed (indefinitely?)                                          
 13473  2006-10-24 00:08:56 Adam                               Re: IBM sue Amazon for.....Ecommerce???                                 
 13474  2006-10-24 02:10:52 Gary Britt                         Sysinternals now gone                                                   
 13475  2006-10-24 06:28:36 Geo                                Re: XP SP3 delayed (indefinitely?)                                      
 13476  2006-10-24 09:31:14 Dave Ings                          Re: Sysinternals now gone                                               
 13477  2006-10-24 09:33:30 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Sysinternals now gone                                               
 13478  2006-10-24 11:12:26 Mike N.                            Re: Which should I buy DVD+R or DVD-R                                   
 13479  2006-10-24 11:59:28 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Which should I buy DVD+R or DVD-R                                   
 13480  2006-10-24 12:13:32 Gary Britt                         Re: Sysinternals now gone                                               
 13481  2006-10-24 12:14:38 Gary Britt                         Re: XP SP3 delayed (indefinitely?)                                      
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 13482  2006-10-24 12:15:44 Gary Britt                         Re: Which should I buy DVD+R or DVD-R                                   
 13483  2006-10-24 13:58:46 Gary Britt                         OpenDNS,   DNS Server                                                   
 13484  2006-10-24 16:34:12 Mike N.                            Re: OpenDNS,   DNS Server                                               
 13485  2006-10-24 16:54:50 Gary Britt                         Re: OpenDNS,   DNS Server                                               
 13486  2006-10-24 18:58:08 /m                                 Re: OpenDNS,   DNS Server                                               
 13487  2006-10-24 19:15:36 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Which should I buy DVD+R or DVD-R                                   
 13488  2006-10-24 19:42:46 Mike N.                            Re: OpenDNS,   DNS Server                                               
 13489  2006-10-24 20:26:00 Gary Britt                         Re: OpenDNS,   DNS Server                                               
 13490  2006-10-24 22:36:24 Mike N.                            Re: OpenDNS,   DNS Server                                               
 13491  2006-10-24 23:14:36 Gary Britt                         Re: OpenDNS,   DNS Server                                               
 13492  2006-10-25 06:15:04 Geo                                Re: XP SP3 delayed (indefinitely?)                                      
 13493  2006-10-25 06:18:32 Geo                                Re: Microsoft's contribution to the English language                    
 13494  2006-10-25 06:21:38 Geo                                Re: Vista should only be used with ECC memory?                          
 13495  2006-10-25 08:37:40 Mike N.                            Re: Vista should only be used with ECC memory?                          
 13496  2006-10-25 10:41:50 John Beamish                       Life of Pi; now The Colour of Pi                                        
 13497  2006-10-25 10:48:34 Gary Britt                         Re: XP SP3 delayed (indefinitely?)                                      
 13498  2006-10-25 17:31:38 /m                                 Leopard Technology Overview                                             
 13499  2006-10-25 17:33:16 /m                                 Vista kernel fix 'worse than useless'                                   
 13500  2006-10-25 20:10:56 Monte Davis                        Re: Life of Pi; now The Colour of Pi                                    
 13501  2006-10-26 06:19:22 Geo                                Re: Life of Pi; now The Colour of Pi                                    
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 13502  2006-10-26 06:20:02 Geo                                Re: Vista should only be used with ECC memory?                          
 13503  2006-10-26 06:22:02 Geo                                Re: XP SP3 delayed (indefinitely?)                                      
 13504  2006-10-26 17:27:04 Antti Kurenniemi                   Re: Life of Pi; now The Colour of Pi                                    
 13505  2006-10-26 12:27:58 Gary Britt                         Re: XP SP3 delayed (indefinitely?)                                      
 13506  2006-10-26 12:28:54 Gary Britt                         Re: Life of Pi; now The Colour of Pi                                    
 13507  2006-10-26 12:39:08 Rich Gauszka                       Re: XP SP3 delayed (indefinitely?)                                      
 13508  2006-10-26 12:41:22 Gary Britt                         Re: XP SP3 delayed (indefinitely?)                                      
 13509  2006-10-26 19:46:10 Adam                               Re: Life of Pi; now The Colour of Pi                                    
 13510  2006-10-26 14:49:28 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Life of Pi; now The Colour of Pi                                    
 13511  2006-10-26 22:17:56 Antti Kurenniemi                   Re: Life of Pi; now The Colour of Pi                                    
 13512  2006-10-26 17:17:54 /m                                 Microsoft fumes at Authentium                                           
 13513  2006-10-26 17:19:38 /m                                 How to steal an election by hacking the vote                            
 13514  2006-10-26 17:42:38 John Cuccia                        Re: Life of Pi; now The Colour of Pi                                    
 13515  2006-10-26 22:18:26 Geo                                Re: How to steal an election by hacking the vote                        
 13516  2006-10-26 22:23:14 Geo                                Re: XP SP3 delayed (indefinitely?)                                      
 13517  2006-10-26 22:26:46 Geo                                Re: Life of Pi; now The Colour of Pi                                    
 13518  2006-10-26 22:30:16 Geo                                Re: Life of Pi; now The Colour of Pi                                    
 13519  2006-10-27 00:20:46 Rich Gauszka                       Acer - MS purposely undermined Vista Home Basic                         
 13520  2006-10-27 07:21:58 Antti Kurenniemi                   Re: Life of Pi; now The Colour of Pi                                    
 13521  2006-10-27 06:17:54 Geo                                Re: Life of Pi; now The Colour of Pi                                    
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 13522  2006-10-27 08:31:10 Mike N.                            Re: How to steal an election by hacking the vote                        
 13523  2006-10-27 11:13:32 Gary Britt                         Re: Acer - MS purposely undermined Vista Home Basic                     
 13524  2006-10-27 11:16:36 Gary Britt                         Re: XP SP3 delayed (indefinitely?)                                      
 13525  2006-10-27 11:18:28 Gary Britt                         Re: How to steal an election by hacking the vote                        
 13526  2006-10-27 11:41:50 John Beamish                       Re: Life of Pi; now The Colour of Pi                                    
 13527  2006-10-27 11:47:58 John Beamish                       Re: How to steal an election by hacking the vote                        
 13528  2006-10-27 11:48:54 John Beamish                       Re: Acer - MS purposely undermined Vista Home Basic                     
 13529  2006-10-27 12:47:22 Gary Britt                         Re: How to steal an election by hacking the vote                        
 13530  2006-10-27 20:33:36 Antti Kurenniemi                   Re: Life of Pi; now The Colour of Pi                                    
 13531  2006-10-27 17:15:10 /m                                 If You Dislike Microsoft's Windows Antipiracy Checks, Look Out          
 13532  2006-10-27 23:36:00 Adam                               Re: Leopard Technology Overview                                         
 13533  2006-10-27 23:37:58 Adam                               Re: Leopard Technology Overview                                         
 13534  2006-10-27 18:56:04 Rich Gauszka                       Adobe bypasses IE7 download security?                                   
 13535  2006-10-28 12:01:16 John Beckett                       Re: Adobe bypasses IE7 download security?                               
 13536  2006-10-28 12:01:18 John Beckett                       Re: How to steal an election by hacking the vote                        
 13537  2006-10-27 23:13:30 Rich Gauszka                       ZoneAlarm into changing Drive Letters now                               
 13538  2006-10-28 07:30:24 Robert Comer                       Re: ZoneAlarm into changing Drive Letters now                           
 13539  2006-10-28 08:44:00 /m                                 Re: Adobe bypasses IE7 download security?                               
 13540  2006-10-28 08:45:48 /m                                 Re: How to steal an election by hacking the vote                        
 13541  2006-10-28 08:51:28 /m                                 Re: Leopard Technology Overview                                         
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 13542  2006-10-28 09:27:34 /m                                 OpenBSD 4.0: Pufferix's Adventures                                      
 13543  2006-10-28 10:34:24 Rich Gauszka                       Re: ZoneAlarm into changing Drive Letters now                           
 13544  2006-10-28 11:33:02 /m                                 In recent years, has Microsoft lost its ability to grow?                
 13545  2006-10-28 14:58:22 Geo                                Re: In recent years, has Microsoft lost its ability to grow?            
 13546  2006-10-28 15:13:04 Geo                                Re: How to steal an election by hacking the vote                        
 13547  2006-10-28 15:41:54 /m                                 Re: ZoneAlarm into changing Drive Letters now                           
 13548  2006-10-28 15:53:26 Rich Gauszka                       Re: ZoneAlarm into changing Drive Letters now                           
 13549  2006-10-28 15:57:28 Gary Britt                         Re: How to steal an election by hacking the vote                        
 13550  2006-10-28 16:18:32 Gary Britt                         Re: ZoneAlarm into changing Drive Letters now                           
 13551  2006-10-28 19:58:12 Mark                               Re: How to steal an election by hacking the vote                        
 13552  2006-10-28 23:12:18 Glenn Meadows                      Anyone Seen this?                                                       
 13553  2006-10-29 01:11:30 Geo                                Re: Anyone Seen this?                                                   
 13554  2006-10-29 01:12:36 Geo                                Re: ZoneAlarm into changing Drive Letters now                           
 13555  2006-10-29 01:14:18 Geo                                Re: How to steal an election by hacking the vote                        
 13556  2006-10-29 01:15:06 Geo                                Re: How to steal an election by hacking the vote                        
 13557  2006-10-29 01:49:46 John Cuccia                        Re: How to steal an election by hacking the vote                        
 13558  2006-10-29 06:58:58 Mike N.                            Re: How to steal an election by hacking the vote                        
 13559  2006-10-29 07:50:54 /m                                 Re: ZoneAlarm into changing Drive Letters now                           
 13560  2006-10-29 07:54:36 /m                                 Re: ZoneAlarm into changing Drive Letters now                           
 13561  2006-10-29 07:59:22 /m                                 Re: ZoneAlarm into changing Drive Letters now                           
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 13562  2006-10-29 08:00:46 /m                                 Re: How to steal an election by hacking the vote                        
 13563  2006-10-29 14:06:50 Ad                                 Re: How to steal an election by hacking the vote                        
 13564  2006-10-29 10:20:12 Rich Gauszka                       Re: How to steal an election by hacking the vote                        
 13565  2006-10-29 10:10:00 Geo                                Re: How to steal an election by hacking the vote                        
 13566  2006-10-29 11:22:32 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Anyone Seen this?                                                   
 13567  2006-10-29 10:22:32 Glenn Meadows                      Re: Anyone Seen this?                                                   
 13568  2006-10-29 10:31:44 Glenn Meadows                      Re: Anyone Seen this?                                                   
 13569  2006-10-29 11:34:14 Robert Comer                       Re: Anyone Seen this?                                                   
 13570  2006-10-29 19:16:50 Antti Kurenniemi                   Re: ZoneAlarm into changing Drive Letters now                           
 13571  2006-10-29 18:15:40 Ad                                 UK report on IP 4 Geo                                                   
 13572  2006-10-29 13:37:10 Gary Britt                         Re: ZoneAlarm into changing Drive Letters now                           
 13573  2006-10-29 13:39:48 Gary Britt                         Re: ZoneAlarm into changing Drive Letters now                           
 13574  2006-10-29 13:41:36 /m                                 Re: Anyone Seen this?                                                   
 13575  2006-10-29 13:43:38 /m                                 Re: ZoneAlarm into changing Drive Letters now                           
 13576  2006-10-29 13:46:28 Gary Britt                         Re: Acronis Version 7 For Free                                          
 13577  2006-10-29 13:47:50 /m                                 Re: ZoneAlarm into changing Drive Letters now                           
 13578  2006-10-29 13:49:04 /m                                 Re: How to steal an election by hacking the vote                        
 13579  2006-10-29 13:15:24 Glenn Meadows                      Re: Anyone Seen this?                                                   
 13580  2006-10-29 13:17:10 Glenn Meadows                      Re: Anyone Seen this?                                                   
 13581  2006-10-29 15:03:36 Robert Comer                       Re: Anyone Seen this?                                                   
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 13582  2006-10-29 16:26:50 Gary Britt                         Re: ZoneAlarm into changing Drive Letters now                           
 13583  2006-10-29 17:29:44 John Beamish                       Re: How to steal an election by hacking the vote                        
 13584  2006-10-29 17:31:40 John Beamish                       Re: How to steal an election by hacking the vote                        
 13585  2006-10-29 18:27:30 Glenn Meadows                      Re: Anyone Seen this?                                                   
 13586  2006-10-29 20:58:28 Robert Comer                       Re: Anyone Seen this?                                                   
 13587  2006-10-30 06:20:36 Antti Kurenniemi                   Re: ZoneAlarm into changing Drive Letters now                           
 13588  2006-10-30 06:23:56 Antti Kurenniemi                   Re: ZoneAlarm into changing Drive Letters now                           
 13589  2006-10-30 00:42:48 Gary Britt                         Re: Anyone Seen this?                                                   
 13590  2006-10-30 09:44:44 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Anyone Seen this?                                                   
 13591  2006-10-30 10:37:56 RobertB.                           Re: How to steal an election by hacking the vote                        
 13592  2006-10-30 10:43:52 RobertB.                           Re: How to steal an election by hacking the vote                        
 13593  2006-10-30 10:45:00 RobertB.                           Re: How to steal an election by hacking the vote                        
 13594  2006-10-30 10:45:48 RobertB.                           Re: How to steal an election by hacking the vote                        
 13595  2006-10-30 10:46:46 RobertB.                           Re: Anyone Seen this?                                                   
 13596  2006-10-30 10:48:02 RobertB.                           Re: Anyone Seen this?                                                   
 13597  2006-10-30 10:50:12 RobertB.                           Re: Anyone Seen this?                                                   
 13598  2006-10-30 15:54:00 Glenn Meadows                      Re: Anyone Seen this?                                                   
 13599  2006-10-30 16:57:28 Robert Comer                       Re: Anyone Seen this?                                                   
 13600  2006-10-30 15:57:58 Glenn Meadows                      Re: Anyone Seen this?                                                   
 13601  2006-10-30 16:15:46 Glenn Meadows                      Re: Anyone Seen this?                                                   
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 13602  2006-10-30 17:24:32 Gary Britt                         Re: Anyone Seen this?                                                   
 13603  2006-10-30 17:46:40 /m                                 Re: Anyone Seen this?                                                   
 13604  2006-10-30 17:47:48 /m                                 Re: ZoneAlarm into changing Drive Letters now                           
 13605  2006-10-30 17:48:32 /m                                 Re: ZoneAlarm into changing Drive Letters now                           
 13606  2006-10-30 17:49:56 /m                                 Re: How to steal an election by hacking the vote                        
 13607  2006-10-30 18:00:14 /m                                 Surprises inside Microsoft Vista's EULA                                 
 13608  2006-10-30 18:11:32 Gary Britt                         Re: ZoneAlarm into changing Drive Letters now                           
 13609  2006-10-30 18:48:32 /m                                 Re: ZoneAlarm into changing Drive Letters now                           
 13610  2006-10-30 19:02:22 Rich Gauszka                       Re: ZoneAlarm into changing Drive Letters now                           
 13611  2006-10-30 19:03:58 Gary Britt                         Re: ZoneAlarm into changing Drive Letters now                           
 13612  2006-10-30 19:33:32 Rich Gauszka                       Re: ZoneAlarm into changing Drive Letters now                           
 13613  2006-10-30 19:43:24 /m                                 Re: ZoneAlarm into changing Drive Letters now                           
 13614  2006-10-30 19:45:32 /m                                 Re: ZoneAlarm into changing Drive Letters now                           
 13615  2006-10-30 19:46:04 /m                                 Re: ZoneAlarm into changing Drive Letters now                           
 13616  2006-10-30 19:57:24 Gary Britt                         Re: ZoneAlarm into changing Drive Letters now                           
 13617  2006-10-30 19:59:22 Gary Britt                         Re: ZoneAlarm into changing Drive Letters now                           
 13618  2006-10-30 20:30:42 Robert Comer                       Re: Anyone Seen this?                                                   
 13619  2006-10-30 05:59:50 Geo                                Re: UK report on IP 4 Geo                                               
 13620  2006-10-30 06:03:48 Geo                                Re: ZoneAlarm into changing Drive Letters now                           
 13621  2006-11-02 18:38:38 John Beckett                       Re: How to steal an election by hacking the vote                        
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 13622  2006-11-02 18:38:40 John Beckett                       Re: How to steal an election by hacking the vote                        
 13623  2006-11-02 09:24:36 Monte Davis                        Word: insert all hard returns?                                          
 13624  2006-11-02 08:28:40 Glenn Meadows                      Re: Comod firewall - ditched                                            
 13625  2006-11-02 08:39:02 Glenn Meadows                      Re: Comod firewall - ditched                                            
 13626  2006-11-02 18:15:58 Antti Kurenniemi                   Re: Comod firewall - ditched                                            
 13627  2006-11-02 11:57:58 Rich Gauszka                       Microsoft to pull out of China?                                         
 13628  2006-11-02 14:06:00 Gary Britt                         Re: Comod firewall - ditched                                            
 13629  2006-11-02 14:08:26 Frank Haber                        Re: insert all hard returns?                                            
 13630  2006-11-02 14:11:52 Frank Haber                        Re: Comod firewall - ditched                                            
 13631  2006-11-02 14:21:00 Frank Haber                        Re: UK report on IP 4 Geo                                               
 13632  2006-11-02 14:26:20 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Comod firewall - ditched                                            
 13633  2006-11-02 15:17:46 Gary Britt                         Re: Comod firewall - ditched                                            
 13634  2006-11-02 12:53:36 Tony Williams                      Re: How to steal an election by hacking the vote                        
 13635  2006-11-02 15:58:50 Gary Britt                         Re: How to steal an election by hacking the vote                        
 13636  2006-11-02 13:00:34 Tony Williams                      Re: How to steal an election by hacking the vote                        
 13637  2006-11-02 13:48:56 Tony Williams                      Re: How to steal an election by hacking the vote                        
 13638  2006-11-02 17:31:34 /m                                 Re: Comod firewall - ditched                                            
 13639  2006-11-02 18:04:00 Gary Britt                         Re: How to steal an election by hacking the vote                        
 13640  2006-11-02 18:59:24 RobertB.                           Re: Word: insert all hard returns?                                      
 13641  2006-11-02 19:35:50 Monte Davis                        Re: Word: insert all hard returns?                                      
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 13642  2006-11-02 20:12:02 Monte Davis                        Re: insert all hard returns?                                            
 13643  2006-11-02 21:00:28 Gary Britt                         Re: Word: insert all hard returns?                                      
 13644  2006-11-02 22:40:40 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Comod firewall - ditched                                            
 13645  2006-11-02 23:16:32 Gary Britt                         Re: Comod firewall - ditched                                            
 13646  2006-11-02 22:56:24 Geo                                Re: Microsoft to pull out of China?                                     
 13647  2006-11-02 22:59:38 Geo                                Re: Comod firewall - ditched                                            
 13648  2006-11-02 23:03:24 Geo                                Re: Comod firewall - ditched                                            
 13649  2006-11-02 23:03:58 Geo                                Re: Comod firewall - ditched                                            
 13650  2006-11-02 23:09:48 Geo                                Re: Comod firewall - ditched                                            
 13651  2006-11-02 23:15:36 Geo                                Re: How to steal an election by hacking the vote                        
 13652  2006-11-02 23:28:52 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Microsoft to pull out of China?                                     
 13653  2006-11-02 23:48:52 Gary Britt                         Re: Comod firewall - ditched                                            
 13654  2006-11-02 23:49:54 Dave Ings                          Re: Microsoft to pull out of China?                                     
 13655  2006-11-03 00:01:34 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Microsoft to pull out of China?                                     
 13656  2006-11-02 21:06:08 Jeff Shultz                        Re: XP SP3 delayed (indefinitely?)                                      
 13657  2006-11-02 23:15:34 Robert G Lewis                     Re: Comod firewall - ditched                                            
 13658  2006-11-02 21:15:02 Jeff Shultz                        Re: Comod firewall - ditched                                            
 13659  2006-11-03 07:20:48 Antti Kurenniemi                   Re: Comod firewall - ditched                                            
 13660  2006-11-03 06:20:58 Geo                                Re: XP SP3 delayed (indefinitely?)                                      
 13661  2006-11-03 08:11:58 Monte Davis                        Re: Word: insert all hard returns?                                      
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 13662  2006-11-03 08:30:14 John Beamish                       Re: Comod firewall - ditched                                            
 13663  2006-11-03 08:31:50 John Beamish                       Re: Comod firewall - ditched                                            
 13664  2006-11-03 08:35:56 John Beamish                       Re: Word: insert all hard returns?                                      
 13665  2006-11-03 08:40:00 John Beamish                       Re: XP SP3 delayed (indefinitely?)                                      
 13666  2006-11-03 10:21:14 Gary Britt                         Re: Comod firewall - ditched                                            
 13667  2006-11-03 10:31:20 Gary Britt                         Re: Word: insert all hard returns?                                      
 13668  2006-11-03 11:28:10 RobertB.                           Re: Word: insert all hard returns?                                      
 13669  2006-11-03 10:37:56 Glenn Meadows                      Mac OS9 IE 5 needed                                                     
 13670  2006-11-03 11:38:02 RobertB.                           Re: Word: insert all hard returns?                                      
 13671  2006-11-03 11:43:06 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Mac OS9 IE 5 needed                                                 
 13672  2006-11-03 11:41:52 RobertB.                           Re: How to steal an election by hacking the vote                        
 13673  2006-11-03 11:52:24 Frank Haber                        Re: Word: insert all hard returns?                                      
 13674  2006-11-03 12:11:36 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Word: insert all hard returns?                                      
 13675  2006-11-03 11:14:00 Glenn Meadows                      Re: Mac OS9 IE 5 needed                                                 
 13676  2006-11-03 12:40:12 /m                                 Re: Microsoft to pull out of China?                                     
 13677  2006-11-03 12:44:40 /m                                 Re: Comod firewall - ditched                                            
 13678  2006-11-03 19:34:54 Thees Peereboom                    Re: Comod firewall - ditched                                            
 13679  2006-11-03 13:44:04 Dave Ings                          Re: Microsoft to pull out of China?                                     
 13680  2006-11-03 19:51:20 Thees Peereboom                    Re: XP SP3 delayed (indefinitely?)                                      
 13681  2006-11-03 14:05:00 Gary Britt                         Re: Comod firewall - ditched                                            
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 13682  2006-11-03 14:05:50 Gary Britt                         Re: Comod firewall - ditched                                            
 13683  2006-11-03 14:09:00 Gary Britt                         Re: Word: insert all hard returns?                                      
 13684  2006-11-03 14:25:12 Gary Britt                         Re: Comod firewall - ditched                                            
 13685  2006-11-03 14:39:08 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Comod firewall - ditched                                            
 13686  2006-11-03 14:41:58 John Beamish                       Re: Comod firewall - ditched                                            
 13687  2006-11-03 13:47:56 Glenn Meadows                      Re: Word: insert all hard returns?                                      
 13688  2006-11-03 20:14:18 Adam                               Re: Microsoft to pull out of China?                                     
 13689  2006-11-03 16:42:14 Dave Ings                          Re: Microsoft to pull out of China?                                     
 13690  2006-11-03 16:59:38 Dave Ings                          Re: Microsoft to pull out of China?                                     
 13691  2006-11-03 17:05:54 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Microsoft to pull out of China?                                     
 13692  2006-11-03 18:55:48 John Beamish                       Re: Comod firewall - ditched                                            
 13693  2006-11-04 00:20:42 Adam                               Re: Microsoft to pull out of China?                                     
 13694  2006-11-04 00:21:34 Adam                               Re: Microsoft to pull out of China?                                     
 13695  2006-11-04 00:22:26 Adam                               Re: Microsoft to pull out of China?                                     
 13696  2006-11-03 19:52:24 Rich Gauszka                       MS zaps Xbox360 users trying to sniff out hackers?                      
 13697  2006-11-04 03:40:58 Doug Bryce                         Re: How to steal an election by hacking the vote                        
 13698  2006-11-04 03:40:58 Doug Bryce                         Re: XP SP3 delayed (indefinitely?)                                      
 13699  2006-11-04 03:40:58 Doug Bryce                         Re: Comod firewall - ditched                                            
 13700  2006-11-03 23:57:08 John Beamish                       Re: How to steal an election by hacking the vote                        
 13701  2006-11-04 00:10:18 Dave Ings                          Re: Microsoft to pull out of China?                                     
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 13702  2006-11-04 09:04:34 Adam                               Re: Microsoft to pull out of China?                                     
 13703  2006-11-04 05:25:56 /m                                 Vista vs. XP                                                            
 13704  2006-11-04 05:30:56 /m                                 How to gag your enemies using the DMCA                                  
 13705  2006-11-04 05:48:02 /m                                 Novell-Microsoft: What They Aren't Telling You                          
 13706  2006-11-04 06:00:06 /m                                 Re: MS zaps Xbox360 users trying to sniff out hackers?                  
 13707  2006-11-04 06:03:34 /m                                 Re: Microsoft to pull out of China?                                     
 13708  2006-11-04 06:05:46 /m                                 GOP says Memphis election cards missing                                 
 13709  2006-11-04 11:49:06 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Novell-Microsoft: What They Aren't Telling You                      
 13710  2006-11-04 13:44:32 John Cuccia                        Re: GOP says Memphis election cards missing                             
 13711  2006-11-04 23:32:12 Doug Bryce                         Re: How to steal an election by hacking the vote                        
 13712  2006-11-04 22:57:42 Rich Gauszka                       Re: MS zaps Xbox360 users trying to sniff out hackers?                  
 13713  2006-11-05 09:17:40 Adam                               Re: Novell-Microsoft: What They Aren't Telling You                      
 13714  2006-11-05 09:21:38 Adam                               Re: Novell-Microsoft: What They Aren't Telling You                      
 13715  2006-11-05 09:23:58 Adam                               Re: Microsoft to pull out of China?                                     
 13716  2006-11-05 13:34:26 Thees Peereboom                    Re: Comod firewall - ditched                                            
 13717  2006-11-05 09:05:08 /m                                 Re: MS zaps Xbox360 users trying to sniff out hackers?                  
 13718  2006-11-05 09:08:00 /m                                 Re: Microsoft to pull out of China?                                     
 13719  2006-11-05 10:33:18 John Beamish                       Re: How to steal an election by hacking the vote                        
 13720  2006-11-05 13:20:46 RobertB.                           Re: Word: insert all hard returns?                                      
 13721  2006-11-05 13:23:56 RobertB.                           Re: Mac OS9 IE 5 needed                                                 
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 13722  2006-11-05 13:33:02 RobertB.                           Re: How to gag your enemies using the DMCA                              
 13723  2006-11-05 13:48:44 John Beamish                       url4u - this is so cool!                                                
 13724  2006-11-05 14:08:10 Monte Davis                        Re: Word: insert all hard returns?                                      
 13725  2006-11-05 23:08:12 Adam                               Re: Microsoft to pull out of China?                                     
 13726  2006-11-05 21:01:32 Dave Ings                          Re: Microsoft to pull out of China?                                     
 13727  2006-11-05 20:33:20 Glenn Meadows                      Re: Microsoft to pull out of China?                                     
 13728  2006-11-05 22:19:30 Geo                                Re: GOP says Memphis election cards missing                             
 13729  2006-11-05 22:34:26 Geo                                Re: MS zaps Xbox360 users trying to sniff out hackers?                  
 13730  2006-11-06 06:08:50 Geo                                Re: XP SP3 delayed (indefinitely?)                                      
 13731  2006-11-06 06:17:22 Geo                                Re: Microsoft to pull out of China?                                     
 13732  2006-11-06 06:18:34 Geo                                Re: Microsoft to pull out of China?                                     
 13733  2006-11-06 06:20:48 Geo                                Re: Microsoft to pull out of China?                                     
 13734  2006-11-06 08:10:00 Mike N.                            Re: XP SP3 delayed (indefinitely?)                                      
 13735  2006-11-06 09:13:58 John Beamish                       Re: XP SP3 delayed (indefinitely?)                                      
 13736  2006-11-06 11:51:10 Frank Haber                        Re: url4u - this is so cool!                                            
 13737  2006-11-06 14:31:14 Gary Britt                         Re: XP SP3 delayed (indefinitely?)                                      
 13738  2006-11-06 14:53:28 RobertB.                           Re: Word: insert all hard returns?                                      
 13739  2006-11-06 14:58:10 RobertB.                           Re: url4u - this is so cool!                                            
 13740  2006-11-06 16:36:06 Frank Haber                        Re: Microsoft to pull out of China?                                     
 13741  2006-11-06 16:39:00 Frank Haber                        Re: Microsoft to pull out of China?                                     
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 13742  2006-11-06 16:24:18 Rich Gauszka                       7 shortcomings of Virtual Security                                      
 13743  2006-11-06 14:06:24 Tony Williams                      Re: url4u - this is so cool!                                            
 13744  2006-11-06 17:29:34 /m                                 Re: Microsoft to pull out of China?                                     
 13745  2006-11-06 17:30:32 /m                                 Re: Microsoft to pull out of China?                                     
 13746  2006-11-06 18:49:50 John Beamish                       Re: Microsoft to pull out of China?                                     
 13747  2006-11-06 18:34:06 Geo                                Re: url4u - this is so cool!                                            
 13748  2006-11-06 18:34:58 Geo                                Re: XP SP3 delayed (indefinitely?)                                      
 13749  2006-11-06 18:38:00 Geo                                Re: Microsoft to pull out of China?                                     
 13750  2006-11-06 18:39:24 Geo                                Re: Microsoft to pull out of China?                                     
 13751  2006-11-06 18:41:46 Geo                                Re: How to steal an election by hacking the vote                        
 13752  2006-11-06 18:46:14 Geo                                Re: How to steal an election by hacking the vote                        
 13753  2006-11-06 19:09:52 John Beamish                       Re: url4u - this is so cool!                                            
 13754  2006-11-06 19:15:00 John Beamish                       Re: How to steal an election by hacking the vote                        
 13755  2006-11-06 19:16:18 John Beamish                       Re: How to steal an election by hacking the vote                        
 13756  2006-11-06 19:28:34 JaneL                              Re: XP SP3 delayed (indefinitely?)                                      
 13757  2006-11-06 20:05:14 John Beamish                       I need an IR cable switch                                               
 13758  2006-11-07 01:05:22 Adam                               Re: Microsoft to pull out of China?                                     
 13759  2006-11-06 20:36:28 Rich Gauszka                       Re: I need an IR cable switch                                           
 13760  2006-11-06 20:55:56 Rich Gauszka                       Re: XP SP3 delayed (indefinitely?)                                      
 13761  2006-11-06 22:53:34 John Beamish                       Re: I need an IR cable switch                                           
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 13762  2006-11-06 23:37:26 Rich Gauszka                       Re: I need an IR cable switch                                           
 13763  2006-11-07 07:12:56 Antti Kurenniemi                   Re: I need an IR cable switch                                           
 13764  2006-11-06 21:35:06 Geo                                Re: How to steal an election by hacking the vote                        
 13765  2006-11-06 21:45:40 Geo                                Re: Microsoft to pull out of China?                                     
 13766  2006-11-07 12:18:10 Ad                                 logless in Germany                                                      
 13767  2006-11-07 12:21:48 Ad                                 The IP madness backlash continues.....faking numbers?                   
 13768  2006-11-07 08:58:08 Mike N.                            Re: 7 shortcomings of Virtual Security                                  
 13769  2006-11-07 09:26:34 Robert Comer                       Re: 7 shortcomings of Virtual Security                                  
 13770  2006-11-07 15:03:42 Ad                                 Re: Microsoft to pull out of China?                                     
 13771  2006-11-07 17:17:40 Antti Kurenniemi                   Re: Microsoft to pull out of China?                                     
 13772  2006-11-07 13:00:48 Rich Gauszka                       Microsoft provides VMs to evaluate software                             
 13773  2006-11-07 11:20:22 Tony Williams                      Re: url4u - this is so cool!                                            
 13774  2006-11-07 11:31:26 Tony Williams                      Re: How to steal an election by hacking the vote                        
 13775  2006-11-07 15:26:20 John Cuccia                        Re: How to steal an election by hacking the vote                        
 13776  2006-11-07 19:16:30 /m                                 Microsoft is incompatible with Microsoft                                
 13777  2006-11-07 19:26:16 RobertB.                           Re: How to steal an election by hacking the vote                        
 13778  2006-11-07 19:29:52 John Beamish                       Re: I need an IR cable switch                                           
 13779  2006-11-07 19:33:40 John Beamish                       Re: I need an IR cable switch                                           
 13780  2006-11-07 19:38:08 Rich Gauszka                       Re: I need an IR cable switch                                           
 13781  2006-11-07 21:11:30 Mike N.                            Re: Microsoft is incompatible with Microsoft                            
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 13782  2006-11-07 23:06:08 Rich Gauszka                       VMware for Intel OSx beta signup form                                   
 13783  2006-11-08 09:20:14 Ad                                 Sun 2 GPL Java?                                                         
 13784  2006-11-08 09:22:36 Ad                                 A smartphone 4 Tony                                                     
 13785  2006-11-08 10:28:44 Frank Haber                        Re: Microsoft to pull out of China?                                     
 13786  2006-11-08 10:40:24 Frank Haber                        Re: I need an IR cable switch                                           
 13787  2006-11-08 10:52:06 Frank Haber                        Re: How to steal an election by hacking the vote                        
 13788  2006-11-08 16:09:30 Ad                                 Re: Microsoft to pull out of China?                                     
 13789  2006-11-08 12:20:12 Tony Williams                      Re: How to steal an election by hacking the vote                        
 13790  2006-11-08 12:29:52 Tony Williams                      Re: A smartphone 4 Tony                                                 
 13791  2006-11-08 15:38:08 Rich Gauszka                       Re: How to steal an election by hacking the vote                        
 13792  2006-11-08 16:01:16 John Beamish                       Vista goes gold.                                                        
 13793  2006-11-08 16:11:58 John Cuccia                        Re: How to steal an election by hacking the vote                        
 13794  2006-11-08 17:25:12 /m                                 Re: Vista goes gold.                                                    
 13795  2006-11-08 17:49:00 RobertB.                           open ports question                                                     
 13796  2006-11-08 17:50:22 RobertB.                           Re: How to steal an election by hacking the vote                        
 13797  2006-11-08 17:52:22 RobertB.                           Re: VMware for Intel OSx beta signup form                               
 13798  2006-11-08 18:25:54 Rich Gauszka                       Re: VMware for Intel OSx beta signup form                               
 13799  2006-11-08 22:49:48 Gary Britt                         Firewall Question                                                       
 13800  2006-11-09 18:33:02 John Beckett                       Re: Firewall Question                                                   
 13801  2006-11-09 14:18:26 Antti Kurenniemi                   Re: Microsoft provides VMs to evaluate software                         
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 13802  2006-11-09 14:51:24 Antti Kurenniemi                   Re: Microsoft to pull out of China?                                     
 13803  2006-11-09 14:59:56 Antti Kurenniemi                   Re: Firewall Question                                                   
 13804  2006-11-09 09:10:34 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Microsoft provides VMs to evaluate software                         
 13805  2006-11-09 08:16:44 Glenn Meadows                      Re: open ports question                                                 
 13806  2006-11-09 09:30:08 Gary Britt                         Re: Firewall Question                                                   
 13807  2006-11-09 09:47:54 Gary Britt                         Re: Firewall Question                                                   
 13808  2006-11-09 10:38:20 RobertB.                           Re: open ports question                                                 
 13809  2006-11-09 10:39:08 RobertB.                           Re: VMware for Intel OSx beta signup form                               
 13810  2006-11-09 10:45:42 RobertB.                           Re: open ports question                                                 
 13811  2006-11-09 10:48:02 Frank Haber                        Re: Microsoft to pull out of China?                                     
 13812  2006-11-09 10:49:36 Rich Gauszka                       Re: VMware for Intel OSx beta signup form                               
 13813  2006-11-09 10:56:12 Robert Comer                       Re: VMware for Intel OSx beta signup form                               
 13814  2006-11-09 16:13:24 Ad                                 Re: A smartphone 4 Tony                                                 
 13815  2006-11-09 16:23:10 Ad                                 Re: Microsoft to pull out of China?                                     
 13816  2006-11-09 11:34:56 Robert Comer                       Re: XP SP3 delayed (indefinitely?)                                      
 13817  2006-11-09 16:41:06 Ad                                 Re: A smartphone 4 Tony                                                 
 13818  2006-11-09 19:54:42 Antti Kurenniemi                   Re: Microsoft to pull out of China?                                     
 13819  2006-11-09 19:57:08 Antti Kurenniemi                   Re: Microsoft to pull out of China?                                     
 13820  2006-11-09 19:27:42 Adam                               Re: Microsoft to pull out of China?                                     
 13821  2006-11-09 14:37:02 /m                                 Re: open ports question                                                 
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 13822  2006-11-09 14:39:22 /m                                 Re: Vista goes gold.                                                    
 13823  2006-11-09 13:44:58 Glenn Meadows                      Re: open ports question                                                 
 13824  2006-11-09 13:32:20 Tony Williams                      Re: A smartphone 4 Tony                                                 
 13825  2006-11-09 13:36:30 Tony Williams                      Re: A smartphone 4 Tony                                                 
 13826  2006-11-09 19:09:40 RobertB.                           Re: open ports question                                                 
 13827  2006-11-09 19:11:00 RobertB.                           Re: open ports question                                                 
 13828  2006-11-09 20:09:18 /m                                 Allchin Suggests Vista Won't Need Antivirus                             
 13829  2006-11-09 20:12:42 /m                                 Microsoft drops Xbox update clanger                                     
 13830  2006-11-09 21:44:04 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Allchin Suggests Vista Won't Need Antivirus                         
 13831  2006-11-09 22:31:58 John Beamish                       Re: XP SP3 delayed (indefinitely?)                                      
 13832  2006-11-10 19:07:06 John Beckett                       Re: Firewall Question                                                   
 13833  2006-11-10 19:07:08 John Beckett                       Re: Allchin Suggests Vista Won't Need Antivirus                         
 13834  2006-11-10 10:54:36 Adam                               The war is over & linux won...                                          
 13835  2006-11-10 11:01:16 Adam                               Re: A smartphone 4 Tony                                                 
 13836  2006-11-10 11:09:52 Adam                               Re: A smartphone 4 Tony                                                 
 13837  2006-11-10 08:02:00 Geo                                Re: Firewall Question                                                   
 13838  2006-11-10 08:54:38 John Beamish                       Re: XP SP3 delayed (indefinitely?)                                      
 13839  2006-11-10 09:11:52 Dave Ings                          Re: Allchin Suggests Vista Won't Need Antivirus                         
 13840  2006-11-10 09:44:28 Gary Britt                         Re: Firewall Question                                                   
 13841  2006-11-10 09:46:26 Rich Gauszka                       Sysinternals new web site                                               
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 13842  2006-11-10 11:03:28 RobertB.                           Re: open ports question                                                 
 13843  2006-11-10 11:11:44 Gary Britt                         Re: Sysinternals new web site                                           
 13844  2006-11-10 12:37:44 /m                                 Re: Allchin Suggests Vista Won't Need Antivirus                         
 13845  2006-11-10 12:42:06 /m                                 Re: open ports question                                                 
 13846  2006-11-10 12:45:46 /m                                 Re: open ports question                                                 
 13847  2006-11-10 14:10:40 Jim Adams                          Re: Allchin Suggests Vista Won't Need Antivirus                         
 13848  2006-11-10 15:37:40 Frank Haber                        Re: Sysinternals new web site                                           
 13849  2006-11-10 16:05:08 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Sysinternals new web site                                           
 13850  2006-11-10 16:21:32 Jim Adams                          TIVO & DRMA                                                             
 13851  2006-11-10 17:25:26 RobertB.                           Re: open ports question                                                 
 13852  2006-11-10 17:27:52 RobertB.                           Re: open ports question                                                 
 13853  2006-11-10 05:35:14 Bob Ackley                         I need an IR cable switch                                               
 13854  2006-11-10 21:12:52 Rich                               Re: XP SP3 delayed (indefinitely?)                                      
 13855  2006-11-11 07:12:34 Robert Comer                       Re: XP SP3 delayed (indefinitely?)                                      
 13856  2006-11-11 06:57:28 Glenn Meadows                      Attack the spammers                                                     
 13857  2006-11-11 08:43:34 /m                                 Re: Attack the spammers                                                 
 13858  2006-11-11 08:50:20 /m                                 Re: TIVO & DRMA                                                         
 13859  2006-11-11 08:55:58 /m                                 Re: Sysinternals new web site                                           
 13860  2006-11-11 08:59:36 /m                                 Re: open ports question                                                 
 13861  2006-11-11 10:24:40 Mike N.                            Re: Attack the spammers                                                 
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 13862  2006-11-11 11:28:42 Glenn Meadows                      Re: Attack the spammers                                                 
 13863  2006-11-11 13:16:24 Jim Adams                          Re: TIVO & DRMA                                                         
 13864  2006-11-11 13:17:44 Mike N.                            Re: Attack the spammers                                                 
 13865  2006-11-11 12:34:08 Glenn Meadows                      Re: TIVO & DRMA                                                         
 13866  2006-11-11 13:37:20 John Beamish                       Re: I need an IR cable switch                                           
 13867  2006-11-11 14:49:00 RobertB.                           Re: open ports question                                                 
 13868  2006-11-11 13:34:28 Tony Williams                      Re: A smartphone 4 Tony                                                 
 13869  2006-11-11 13:38:10 Tony Williams                      Re: Attack the spammers                                                 
 13870  2006-11-11 19:17:24 Gary Britt                         P2P Question For George                                                 
 13871  2006-11-11 19:38:08 Geo                                Re: P2P Question For George                                             
 13872  2006-11-11 19:45:56 Geo                                Re: Attack the spammers                                                 
 13873  2006-11-11 21:25:24 Geo                                Re: XP SP3 delayed (indefinitely?)                                      
 13874  2006-11-11 21:26:34 Geo                                Re: Firewall Question                                                   
 13875  2006-11-11 21:32:34 Geo                                Re: A smartphone 4 Tony                                                 
 13876  2006-11-11 22:16:22 Geo                                Re: How to steal an election by hacking the vote                        
 13877  2006-11-11 22:24:46 Geo                                Re: Microsoft to pull out of China?                                     
 13878  2006-11-11 22:30:24 Geo                                Re: Microsoft to pull out of China?                                     
 13879  2006-11-11 22:57:06 Geo                                Re: 7 shortcomings of Virtual Security                                  
 13880  2006-11-11 23:14:52 Geo                                Re: logless in Germany                                                  
 13881  2006-11-11 20:53:42 Rich                               Re: XP SP3                                                              
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 13882  2006-11-11 22:57:18 Glenn Meadows                      Re: Attack the spammers                                                 
 13883  2006-11-12 00:46:52 Gary Britt                         Re: P2P Question For George                                             
 13884  2006-11-12 00:49:22 Gary Britt                         Re: Firewall Question                                                   
 13885  2006-11-12 09:42:38 Antti Kurenniemi                   Re: Attack the spammers                                                 
 13886  2006-11-12 09:46:56 Antti Kurenniemi                   Re: Microsoft to pull out of China?                                     
 13887  2006-11-12 01:40:58 Ellen K.                           Re: Word: insert all hard returns?                                      
 13888  2006-11-12 01:45:08 Ellen K.                           Re: Word: insert all hard returns?                                      
 13889  2006-11-12 10:07:00 Adam                               Re: A smartphone 4 Tony                                                 
 13890  2006-11-12 10:08:36 Adam                               Re: A smartphone 4 Tony                                                 
 13891  2006-11-12 10:15:50 Adam                               Re: Attack the spammers                                                 
 13892  2006-11-12 10:17:10 Adam                               Re: logless in Germany                                                  
 13893  2006-11-12 07:35:02 /m                                 Re: Attack the spammers                                                 
 13894  2006-11-12 07:39:56 /m                                 Re: open ports question                                                 
 13895  2006-11-12 07:42:56 /m                                 Re: I need an IR cable switch                                           
 13896  2006-11-12 07:43:42 Mike N.                            Re: 7 shortcomings of Virtual Security                                  
 13897  2006-11-12 07:48:10 Mike N.                            Re: Attack the spammers                                                 
 13898  2006-11-12 07:49:48 Mike N.                            Re: Attack the spammers                                                 
 13899  2006-11-12 07:51:00 /m                                 Re: How to steal an election by hacking the vote                        
 13900  2006-11-12 07:51:22 /m                                 Re: Word: insert all hard returns?                                      
 13901  2006-11-12 07:53:48 /m                                 Re: Microsoft to pull out of China?                                     
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 13902  2006-11-12 08:01:34 Mike N.                            Welcome back Ellen - Webforum                                           
 13903  2006-11-12 08:27:14 Robert Comer                       Re: Microsoft to pull out of China?                                     
 13904  2006-11-12 08:28:38 Robert Comer                       Re: 7 shortcomings of Virtual Security                                  
 13905  2006-11-12 09:18:38 /m                                 Allchin removes foot from mouth                                         
 13906  2006-11-12 12:49:14 Jim Adams                          Re: Microsoft to pull out of China?                                     
 13907  2006-11-12 12:52:50 Jim Adams                          Re: TIVO & DRMA                                                         
 13908  2006-11-12 10:06:18 Tony Williams                      Re: A smartphone 4 Tony                                                 
 13909  2006-11-12 10:08:52 Tony Williams                      Re: Attack the spammers                                                 
 13910  2006-11-12 10:10:24 Tony Williams                      Re: Attack the spammers                                                 
 13911  2006-11-12 10:20:30 Tony Williams                      Re: Welcome back Ellen - Webforum                                       
 13912  2006-11-12 13:22:18 RobertB.                           Re: How to steal an election by hacking the vote                        
 13913  2006-11-12 13:26:56 Robert Comer                       Re: Microsoft to pull out of China?                                     
 13914  2006-11-12 13:24:12 RobertB.                           Re: open ports question                                                 
 13915  2006-11-12 22:05:28 Antti Kurenniemi                   Re: Microsoft to pull out of China?                                     
 13916  2006-11-12 15:42:18 mike                               Re: open ports question                                                 
 13917  2006-11-12 15:51:48 mike                               Re: Microsoft to pull out of China?                                     
 13918  2006-11-12 18:01:04 John Beamish                       Re: I need an IR cable switch                                           
 13919  2006-11-12 11:02:12 Geo                                Re: Allchin removes foot from mouth                                     
 13920  2006-11-12 11:03:38 Geo                                Re: I need an IR cable switch                                           
 13921  2006-11-12 11:05:34 Geo                                Re: logless in Germany                                                  
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 13922  2006-11-12 11:07:42 Geo                                Re: 7 shortcomings of Virtual Security                                  
 13923  2006-11-12 11:13:44 Geo                                Re: 7 shortcomings of Virtual Security                                  
 13924  2006-11-12 11:17:30 Geo                                Re: Microsoft to pull out of China?                                     
 13925  2006-11-12 11:22:20 Geo                                Re: Microsoft to pull out of China?                                     
 13926  2006-11-12 11:24:22 Geo                                Re: How to steal an election by hacking the vote                        
 13927  2006-11-12 11:27:30 Geo                                Re: XP SP3                                                              
 13928  2006-11-12 11:28:46 Geo                                Re: Attack the spammers                                                 
 13929  2006-11-12 19:48:44 Robert Comer                       Re: 7 shortcomings of Virtual Security                                  
 13930  2006-11-12 19:53:32 Robert Comer                       Re: 7 shortcomings of Virtual Security                                  
 13931  2006-11-12 19:56:20 Robert Comer                       Re: I need an IR cable switch                                           
 13932  2006-11-12 20:02:52 Mike N.                            Re: Attack the spammers                                                 
 13933  2006-11-12 20:11:40 Mike N.                            Re: Welcome back Ellen - Webforum                                       
 13934  2006-11-12 18:45:30 Rich                               Re: XP SP3                                                              
 13935  2006-11-12 21:44:06 Glenn Meadows                      Re: XP SP3                                                              
 13936  2006-11-12 18:41:14 Geo                                Re: Attack the spammers                                                 
 13937  2006-11-12 22:50:40 Geo                                Re: XP SP3                                                              
 13938  2006-11-12 22:56:18 Geo                                Re: 7 shortcomings of Virtual Security                                  
 13939  2006-11-12 20:17:04 Rich                               Re: XP SP3                                                              
 13940  2006-11-12 20:22:02 Rich                               Re: XP SP3                                                              
 13941  2006-11-13 03:06:03 Richard Steiner                    Firewall Question                                                       
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 13942  2006-11-12 07:35:00 Bob Ackley                         Sysinternals new web site                                               
 13943  2006-11-13 18:22:26 John Beckett                       Re: Word: insert all hard returns?                                      
 13944  2006-11-13 09:52:58 Rich Gauszka                       OSx - the encrypted operating system?                                   
 13945  2006-11-13 12:15:04 Gary Britt                         Re: Word: insert all hard returns?                                      
 13946  2006-11-13 12:20:56 Gary Britt                         Re: Word: insert all hard returns?                                      
 13947  2006-11-13 12:36:32 Robert Comer                       Re: Word: insert all hard returns?                                      
 13948  2006-11-13 20:10:44 Antti Kurenniemi                   Re: Word: insert all hard returns?                                      
 13949  2006-11-13 13:48:44 Gary Britt                         Re: Word: insert all hard returns?                                      
 13950  2006-11-13 13:50:48 Gary Britt                         Re: Word: insert all hard returns?                                      
 13951  2006-11-13 13:57:46 Robert Comer                       Re: Word: insert all hard returns?                                      
 13952  2006-11-13 13:59:12 Robert Comer                       Re: Word: insert all hard returns?                                      
 13953  2006-11-13 14:09:18 Gary Britt                         Re: Word: insert all hard returns?                                      
 13954  2006-11-13 14:12:44 Gary Britt                         Re: Word: insert all hard returns?                                      
 13955  2006-11-13 11:19:46 Tony Williams                      Re: Word: insert all hard returns?                                      
 13956  2006-11-13 11:21:50 Tony Williams                      Re: Word: insert all hard returns?                                      
 13957  2006-11-13 11:24:04 Tony Williams                      Re: Attack the spammers                                                 
 13958  2006-11-13 14:28:18 Gary Britt                         Re: Word: insert all hard returns?                                      
 13959  2006-11-13 14:28:24 Robert Comer                       Re: Word: insert all hard returns?                                      
 13960  2006-11-13 22:54:26 Tony Williams                      Re: Welcome back Ellen - Webforum                                       
 13961  2006-11-13 11:42:08 Tony Williams                      Re: Word: insert all hard returns?                                      
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 13962  2006-11-13 14:44:02 Gary Britt                         Re: Word: insert all hard returns?                                      
 13963  2006-11-13 14:00:36 Glenn Meadows                      Re: Word: insert all hard returns?                                      
 13964  2006-11-13 15:09:42 Gary Britt                         Re: Word: insert all hard returns?                                      
 13965  2006-11-13 15:13:54 Robert Comer                       Re: Word: insert all hard returns?                                      
 13966  2006-11-13 12:14:56 Tony Williams                      Re: Word: insert all hard returns?                                      
 13967  2006-11-13 14:16:08 Glenn Meadows                      Re: Word: insert all hard returns?                                      
 13968  2006-11-13 15:16:34 Gary Britt                         Re: Word: insert all hard returns?                                      
 13969  2006-11-13 15:17:04 Gary Britt                         Re: Word: insert all hard returns?                                      
 13970  2006-11-13 15:21:24 Robert Comer                       Re: Word: insert all hard returns?                                      
 13971  2006-11-13 15:21:58 Gary Britt                         Re: Word: insert all hard returns?                                      
 13972  2006-11-13 15:24:16 Gary Britt                         Re: Word: insert all hard returns?                                      
 13973  2006-11-13 12:30:14 Tony Williams                      Re: Word: insert all hard returns?                                      
 13974  2006-11-13 12:34:24 Tony Williams                      Re: Word: insert all hard returns?                                      
 13975  2006-11-13 15:50:38 Gary Britt                         Re: Word: insert all hard returns?                                      
 13976  2006-11-13 15:51:48 Gary Britt                         Re: Word: insert all hard returns?                                      
 13977  2006-11-13 15:52:48 Gary Britt                         Re: Word: insert all hard returns?                                      
 13978  2006-11-13 16:00:38 John Beamish                       Re: Word: insert all hard returns?                                      
 13979  2006-11-13 16:02:28 John Beamish                       Re: Word: insert all hard returns?                                      
 13980  2006-11-13 16:56:08 Gary Britt                         Re: Word: insert all hard returns?                                      
 13981  2006-11-13 17:01:28 mike                               Re: Attack the spammers                                                 
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 13982  2006-11-13 17:04:30 mike                               Re: Sysinternals new web site                                           
 13983  2006-11-13 17:06:18 mike                               Re: I need an IR cable switch                                           
 13984  2006-11-13 17:07:12 mike                               Re: I need an IR cable switch                                           
 13985  2006-11-14 09:11:32 John Beckett                       Re: Word: insert all hard returns?                                      
 13986  2006-11-13 17:11:44 mike                               Re: Microsoft to pull out of China?                                     
 13987  2006-11-13 20:55:30 Rich Gauszka                       Gun dealers not able to upgrade toIE7                                   
 13988  2006-11-14 07:26:58 Antti Kurenniemi                   Re: Word: insert all hard returns?                                      
 13989  2006-11-14 01:26:10 Gary Britt                         Re: Word: insert all hard returns?                                      
 13990  2006-11-14 07:33:26 Mike N.                            Re: Word: insert all hard returns?                                      
 13991  2006-11-14 09:28:40 Gary Britt                         Re: Word: insert all hard returns?                                      
 13992  2006-11-14 09:46:32 Robert Comer                       Re: Word: insert all hard returns?                                      
 13993  2006-11-14 09:47:18 Robert Comer                       Re: Word: insert all hard returns?                                      
 13994  2006-11-14 09:50:10 Mike N.                            Re: Word: insert all hard returns?                                      
 13995  2006-11-14 10:58:18 Rich Gauszka                       ATI - the no solution company to quality control                        
 13996  2006-11-14 11:00:00 Gary Britt                         Re: Word: insert all hard returns?                                      
 13997  2006-11-14 11:39:56 RobertB.                           Re: OSx - the encrypted operating system?                               
 13998  2006-11-14 11:42:08 RobertB.                           Re: How to steal an election by hacking the vote                        
 13999  2006-11-14 11:44:06 RobertB.                           Re: open ports question                                                 
 14000  2006-11-14 12:18:42 Rich Gauszka                       Re: OSx - the encrypted operating system?                               
 14001  2006-11-14 12:09:36 Tony Williams                      Re: Attack the spammers                                                 
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 14002  2006-11-14 22:40:00 Geo                                Re: How to steal an election by hacking the vote                        
 14003  2006-11-14 22:41:04 Geo                                Re: ATI - the no solution company to quality control                    
 14004  2006-11-14 22:43:54 Geo                                Re: Attack the spammers                                                 
 14005  2006-11-14 22:45:48 Geo                                Re: Word: insert all hard returns?                                      
 14006  2006-11-14 22:59:26 Geo                                Re: Word: insert all hard returns?                                      
 14007  2006-11-14 23:28:30 Rich Gauszka                       Re: ATI - the no solution company to quality control                    
 14008  2006-11-14 23:56:10 Gary Britt                         Re: Word: insert all hard returns?                                      
 14009  2006-11-14 23:57:50 Gary Britt                         Re: Word: insert all hard returns?                                      
 14010  2006-11-15 06:16:26 Geo                                Re: ATI - the no solution company to quality control                    
 14011  2006-11-15 06:18:02 Geo                                Re: Word: insert all hard returns?                                      
 14012  2006-11-15 06:19:40 Geo                                Re: Word: insert all hard returns?                                      
 14013  2006-11-15 06:22:00 Geo                                Re: Word: insert all hard returns?                                      
 14014  2006-11-15 06:23:50 Geo                                Re: Word: insert all hard returns?                                      
 14015  2006-11-15 06:24:30 Geo                                Re: Word: insert all hard returns?                                      
 14016  2006-11-15 07:03:44 Mike N.                            Re: Word: insert all hard returns?                                      
 14017  2006-11-15 09:28:12 Gary Britt                         Re: Word: insert all hard returns?                                      
 14018  2006-11-15 09:30:14 Gary Britt                         Re: Word: insert all hard returns?                                      
 14019  2006-11-15 10:39:50 Rich Gauszka                       Re: ATI - the no solution company to quality control                    
 14020  2006-11-15 12:17:26 RobertB.                           Re: OSx - the encrypted operating system?                               
 14021  2006-11-15 12:19:56 Tony Williams                      Re: Attack the spammers                                                 
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 14022  2006-11-15 19:54:44 Mike N.                            More burning Laptop batteries                                           
 14023  2006-11-16 07:06:24 Antti Kurenniemi                   Re: More burning Laptop batteries                                       
 14024  2006-11-16 09:48:50 Ad                                 Vista cracked & ont'net before release...                               
 14025  2006-11-16 09:54:34 Ad                                 More Zune troubles..                                                    
 14026  2006-11-16 09:56:34 Ad                                 1 4 Geo S wrt debian & NSLU2                                            
 14027  2006-11-16 10:07:26 Ad                                 1 4 Geo R wrt Vista & DRM                                               
 14028  2006-11-16 10:14:54 Ad                                 Re: 1 4 Geo R wrt Vista & DRM                                           
 14029  2006-11-16 06:21:04 Robert Comer                       Re: More Zune troubles..                                                
 14030  2006-11-16 06:54:00 Mike N.                            Re: More Zune troubles..                                                
 14031  2006-11-16 09:38:04 Dave Ings                          Re: More Zune troubles..                                                
 14032  2006-11-16 11:42:28 Rich Gauszka                       Hotmail to busy again?                                                  
 14033  2006-11-16 11:42:14 RobertB.                           Win2K available?                                                        
 14034  2006-11-16 12:00:08 Dave Ings                          Re: Hotmail to busy again?                                              
 14035  2006-11-16 19:02:52 Antti Kurenniemi                   Re: Vista cracked & ont'net before release...                           
 14036  2006-11-16 13:15:18 Gary Britt                         Re: Hotmail to busy again?                                              
 14037  2006-11-16 13:38:38 Dave Ings                          Re: Hotmail to busy again?                                              
 14038  2006-11-16 14:20:28 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Hotmail to busy again?                                              
 14039  2006-11-16 15:31:38 Robert Comer                       Re: Hotmail to busy again?                                              
 14040  2006-11-16 16:05:48 Gary Britt                         Re: Hotmail to busy again?                                              
 14041  2006-11-16 16:13:44 Gary Britt                         Re: Hotmail to busy again?                                              
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 14042  2006-11-16 16:29:24 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Hotmail to busy again?                                              
 14043  2006-11-16 17:02:20 mike                               Re: 1 4 Geo R wrt Vista & DRM                                           
 14044  2006-11-16 17:18:48 Rich Gauszka                       A wee bit of Zune hostility and MS Censorship in blogland?              
 14045  2006-11-16 18:16:34 mike                               Re: A wee bit of Zune hostility and MS Censorship in blogland?          
 14046  2006-11-16 18:25:20 Gary Britt                         Re: Hotmail to busy again?                                              
 14047  2006-11-17 07:59:34 Ad                                 Re: A wee bit of Zune hostility and MS Censorship in blogland?          
 14048  2006-11-17 08:27:14 Ad                                 1st of the new gen mobile phone contracts...                            
 14049  2006-11-17 08:43:32 Ad                                 Why HD-DVD & Blue-ray will crash & burn                                 
 14050  2006-11-17 06:24:18 Geo                                Re: Why HD-DVD & Blue-ray will crash & burn                             
 14051  2006-11-17 09:45:26 Rich Gauszka                       Re: A wee bit of Zune hostility and MS Censorship in blogland?          
 14052  2006-11-17 09:03:52 John Cuccia                        Re: Hotmail to busy again?                                              
 14053  2006-11-17 10:26:34 Gary Britt                         Re: Why HD-DVD & Blue-ray will crash & burn                             
 14054  2006-11-17 15:28:24 Adam                               The puppet master of SCO revealed                                       
 14055  2006-11-17 10:44:40 Gary Britt                         NLS.NET Is Spamming Me With A Trojan/Worm????                           
 14056  2006-11-17 11:00:46 Dave Ings                          Re: Why HD-DVD & Blue-ray will crash & burn                             
 14057  2006-11-17 11:03:04 Dave Ings                          Re: A wee bit of Zune hostility and MS Censorship in blogland?          
 14058  2006-11-17 12:55:22 John Beamish                       UK passport RFID cracked                                                
 14059  2006-11-17 12:57:18 John Beamish                       Re: Vista cracked & ont'net before release...                           
 14060  2006-11-17 17:59:06 Adam                               Re: Why HD-DVD & Blue-ray will crash & burn                             
 14061  2006-11-17 13:04:16 John Beamish                       Re: Hotmail to busy again?                                              
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 14062  2006-11-17 13:21:02 Dave Ings                          Re: Hotmail to busy again?                                              
 14063  2006-11-17 14:19:02 Gary Britt                         Re: NLS.NET Is Spamming Me With A Trojan/Worm????                       
 14064  2006-11-17 13:14:56 Glenn Meadows                      Re: 1st of the new gen mobile phone contracts...                        
 14065  2006-11-17 14:55:50 Rich Gauszka                       Re: NLS.NET Is Spamming Me With A Trojan/Worm????                       
 14066  2006-11-17 15:11:32 Gary Britt                         Re: NLS.NET Is Spamming Me With A Trojan/Worm????                       
 14067  2006-11-17 15:24:20 Rich Gauszka                       Re: NLS.NET Is Spamming Me With A Trojan/Worm????                       
 14068  2006-11-17 16:32:06 Gary Britt                         Re: NLS.NET Is Spamming Me With A Trojan/Worm????                       
 14069  2006-11-17 16:35:50 Rich Gauszka                       Re: NLS.NET Is Spamming Me With A Trojan/Worm????                       
 14070  2006-11-17 17:02:40 Gary Britt                         Re: NLS.NET Is Spamming Me With A Trojan/Worm????                       
 14071  2006-11-17 17:24:18 mike                               Re: NLS.NET Is Spamming Me With A Trojan/Worm????                       
 14072  2006-11-17 17:25:28 mike                               Re: NLS.NET Is Spamming Me With A Trojan/Worm????                       
 14073  2006-11-17 17:28:42 mike                               Re: A wee bit of Zune hostility and MS Censorship in blogland?          
 14074  2006-11-17 17:33:24 mike                               Windows 2000 faces security melt down                                   
 14075  2006-11-17 18:02:38 Gary Britt                         Re: NLS.NET Is Spamming Me With A Trojan/Worm????                       
 14076  2006-11-17 18:27:34 John Beamish                       Re: Hotmail to busy again?                                              
 14077  2006-11-17 18:31:02 John Beamish                       Re: NLS.NET Is Spamming Me With A Trojan/Worm????                       
 14078  2006-11-17 18:50:48 Mike N.                            Re: Windows 2000 faces security melt down                               
 14079  2006-11-17 18:54:06 Mike N.                            Re: NLS.NET Is Spamming Me With A Trojan/Worm????                       
 14080  2006-11-17 19:08:00 Mike N.                            Re: NLS.NET Is Spamming Me With A Trojan/Worm????                       
 14081  2006-11-17 19:16:44 Gary Britt                         Re: NLS.NET Is Spamming Me With A Trojan/Worm????                       
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 14082  2006-11-17 19:18:04 Gary Britt                         Re: NLS.NET Is Spamming Me With A Trojan/Worm????                       
 14083  2006-11-17 20:14:52 Rich                               Re: Windows 2000 faces security melt down                               
 14084  2006-11-17 07:44:22 Bob Ackley                         Sysinternals new web site                                               
 14085  2006-11-17 07:54:50 Bob Ackley                         Hotmail to busy again?                                                  
 14086  2006-11-18 07:49:24 Monte Davis                        Speed bump (was Re: Why HD-DVD...)                                      
 14087  2006-11-18 08:55:46 Dave Ings                          Re: Speed bump (was Re: Why HD-DVD...)                                  
 14088  2006-11-18 10:16:40 mike                               Re: Speed bump (was Re: Why HD-DVD...)                                  
 14089  2006-11-18 11:45:20 Mike N.                            Re: Speed bump (was Re: Why HD-DVD...)                                  
 14090  2006-11-18 13:09:00 Gary Britt                         Re: Hotmail to busy again?                                              
 14091  2006-11-18 18:47:42 Adam                               Re: Sysinternals new web site                                           
 14092  2006-11-18 14:43:14 RobertB.                           UPS weirdness                                                           
 14093  2006-11-18 14:46:56 JaneL                              Re: Hotmail to busy again?                                              
 14094  2006-11-18 15:01:14 Gary Britt                         Re: UPS weirdness                                                       
 14095  2006-11-18 16:06:40 mike                               'Pump-and-Dump' Spam Surge Linked to Russian Bot Herders                
 14096  2006-11-18 16:18:36 mike                               Re: UPS weirdness                                                       
 14097  2006-11-18 16:21:18 mike                               Re: Sysinternals new web site                                           
 14098  2006-11-18 16:40:26 John Beamish                       Re: Sysinternals new web site                                           
 14099  2006-11-18 17:15:16 RobertB.                           Re: UPS weirdness                                                       
 14100  2006-11-18 17:16:28 RobertB.                           Re: UPS weirdness                                                       
 14101  2006-11-18 18:12:08 Frank Haber                        Re: UPS weirdness                                                       
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 14102  2006-11-18 19:01:54 mike                               Re: UPS weirdness                                                       
 14103  2006-11-18 19:06:32 mike                               Re: Sysinternals new web site                                           
 14104  2006-11-18 19:09:42 mike                               Re: UPS weirdness                                                       
 14105  2006-11-18 20:31:32 John Beamish                       Re: Sysinternals new web site                                           
 14106  2006-11-19 05:20:56 Doug Bryce                         Re: Hotmail to busy again?                                              
 14107  2006-11-19 01:00:44 Geo                                Re: 'Pump-and-Dump' Spam Surge Linked to Russian Bot Herders            
 14108  2006-11-19 01:03:48 Geo                                Re: Windows 2000 faces security melt down                               
 14109  2006-11-19 01:08:46 Geo                                Re: NLS.NET Is Spamming Me With A Trojan/Worm????                       
 14110  2006-11-19 01:11:06 Geo                                Re: NLS.NET Is Spamming Me With A Trojan/Worm????                       
 14111  2006-11-19 01:14:06 Geo                                Re: Why HD-DVD & Blue-ray will crash & burn                             
 14112  2006-11-19 01:15:00 Geo                                Re: Why HD-DVD & Blue-ray will crash & burn                             
 14113  2006-11-19 01:17:56 Geo                                Re: Speed bump (was Re: Why HD-DVD...)                                  
 14114  2006-11-19 04:43:08 Ellen K.                           Re: Welcome back Ellen - Webforum                                       
 14115  2006-11-19 04:45:20 Ellen K.                           Re: The puppet master of SCO revealed                                   
 14116  2006-11-19 04:50:54 Ellen K.                           Re: Word: insert all hard returns?                                      
 14117  2006-11-19 04:54:32 Ellen K.                           Re: Word: insert all hard returns?                                      
 14118  2006-11-19 04:56:46 Ellen K.                           Re: Word: insert all hard returns?                                      
 14119  2006-11-19 08:01:44 mike                               Re: 'Pump-and-Dump' Spam Surge Linked to Russian Bot Herders            
 14120  2006-11-19 05:00:32 Ellen K.                           Re: Word: insert all hard returns?                                      
 14121  2006-11-19 08:09:30 mike                               Re: Sysinternals new web site                                           
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 14122  2006-11-19 10:17:20 John Beamish                       Re: Sysinternals new web site                                           
 14123  2006-11-19 09:21:42 John Cuccia                        Re: NLS.NET Is Spamming Me With A Trojan/Worm????                       
 14124  2006-11-19 11:07:42 Frank Haber                        Re: Windows 2000 faces security melt down                               
 14125  2006-11-19 11:19:40 Frank Haber                        Re: Speed bump (was Re: Why HD-DVD...)                                  
 14126  2006-11-19 17:03:28 Adam                               Re: NLS.NET Is Spamming Me With A Trojan/Worm????                       
 14127  2006-11-19 12:04:50 Gary Britt                         Re: Word: insert all hard returns?                                      
 14128  2006-11-19 17:06:52 Adam                               Re: The puppet master of SCO revealed                                   
 14129  2006-11-19 12:11:40 Gary Britt                         Re: NLS.NET Is Spamming Me With A Trojan/Worm????                       
 14130  2006-11-19 12:12:48 Geo                                Re: NLS.NET Is Spamming Me With A Trojan/Worm????                       
 14131  2006-11-19 12:16:32 Gary Britt                         Re: NLS.NET Is Spamming Me With A Trojan/Worm????                       
 14132  2006-11-19 12:32:32 Gary Britt                         Re: NLS.NET Is Spamming Me With A Trojan/Worm????                       
 14133  2006-11-19 12:48:30 mike                               Re: NLS.NET Is Spamming Me With A Trojan/Worm????                       
 14134  2006-11-19 13:28:52 RobertB.                           Re: UPS weirdness                                                       
 14135  2006-11-19 13:36:44 Gary Britt                         Re: NLS.NET Is Spamming Me With A Trojan/Worm????                       
 14136  2006-11-19 13:48:40 RobertB.                           Re: UPS weirdness                                                       
 14137  2006-11-19 14:07:36 RobertB.                           Re: UPS weirdness                                                       
 14138  2006-11-19 14:58:04 mike                               Re: UPS weirdness                                                       
 14139  2006-11-19 15:02:22 mike                               Re: UPS weirdness                                                       
 14140  2006-11-19 15:08:50 mike                               Re: UPS weirdness                                                       
 14141  2006-11-19 14:30:42 Glenn Meadows                      Re: UPS weirdness                                                       
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 14142  2006-11-19 14:37:56 Glenn Meadows                      Re: Speed bump (was Re: Why HD-DVD...)                                  
 14143  2006-11-19 16:02:18 mike                               Re: UPS weirdness                                                       
 14144  2006-11-19 15:28:18 Glenn Meadows                      Re: UPS weirdness                                                       
 14145  2006-11-19 19:10:28 Tim Boyer                          Re: UPS weirdness                                                       
 14146  2006-11-19 18:18:50 Ellen K.                           Re: Word: insert all hard returns?                                      
 14147  2006-11-19 18:22:22 Ellen K.                           Re: The puppet master of SCO revealed                                   
 14148  2006-11-19 18:26:40 Ellen K.                           Re: NLS.NET Is Spamming Me With A Trojan/Worm????                       
 14149  2006-11-19 21:56:18 Robert Comer                       Re: The puppet master of SCO revealed                                   
 14150  2006-11-19 22:02:06 Gary Britt                         Re: NLS.NET Is Spamming Me With A Trojan/Worm????                       
 14151  2006-11-19 15:22:06 Geo                                Re: Speed bump (was Re: Why HD-DVD...)                                  
 14152  2006-11-19 15:24:04 Geo                                Re: NLS.NET Is Spamming Me With A Trojan/Worm????                       
 14153  2006-11-19 15:25:38 Geo                                Re: NLS.NET Is Spamming Me With A Trojan/Worm????                       
 14154  2006-11-19 15:39:30 Geo                                Re: Hotmail to busy again?                                              
 14155  2006-11-19 15:41:34 Geo                                Re: Hotmail to busy again?                                              
 14156  2006-11-19 15:47:24 Geo                                Re: Win2K available?                                                    
 14157  2006-11-20 03:26:12 Richard Steiner                    The puppet master of SCO revealed                                       
 14158  2006-11-19 07:36:28 Bob Ackley                         Hotmail to busy again?                                                  
 14159  2006-11-19 23:40:54 Geo                                Re: 1 4 Geo R wrt Vista & DRM                                           
 14160  2006-11-19 23:46:14 Geo                                Re: 1 4 Geo R wrt Vista & DRM                                           
 14161  2006-11-19 23:51:34 Geo                                Re: 1 4 Geo S wrt debian & NSLU2                                        
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 14162  2006-11-19 23:52:56 Geo                                Re: More Zune troubles..                                                
 14163  2006-11-19 23:55:28 Geo                                Re: Vista cracked & ont'net before release...                           
 14164  2006-11-19 23:57:38 Geo                                Re: Vista cracked & ont'net before release...                           
 14165  2006-11-20 00:03:36 Geo                                Re: More burning Laptop batteries                                       
 14166  2006-11-20 00:05:40 Geo                                Re: Word: insert all hard returns?                                      
 14167  2006-11-20 00:13:36 Geo                                Re: Sysinternals new web site                                           
 14168  2006-11-20 00:14:44 Geo                                Re: Sysinternals new web site                                           
 14169  2006-11-20 00:16:44 Gary Britt                         Re: NLS.NET Is Spamming Me With A Trojan/Worm????                       
 14170  2006-11-20 19:52:32 Don Hills                          Re: Sysinternals new web site                                           
 14171  2006-11-20 20:11:00 Don Hills                          Ooohh, shiny...                                                         
 14172  2006-11-20 07:17:40 Ad                                 Re: The puppet master of SCO revealed                                   
 14173  2006-11-20 08:06:26 John Beamish                       Re: Vista cracked & ont'net before release...                           
 14174  2006-11-20 08:11:58 John Beamish                       Re: NLS.NET Is Spamming Me With A Trojan/Worm????                       
 14175  2006-11-20 08:14:28 John Beamish                       Re: Ooohh, shiny...                                                     
 14176  2006-11-20 08:19:18 Robert Comer                       Re: More Zune troubles..                                                
 14177  2006-11-20 08:20:34 Robert Comer                       Re: Word: insert all hard returns?                                      
 14178  2006-11-20 09:33:20 Frank Haber                        Re: Speed bump (was Re: Why HD-DVD...)                                  
 14179  2006-11-20 10:08:42 Frank Haber                        Re: UPS weirdness                                                       
 14180  2006-11-20 10:29:38 Frank Haber                        Re: Speed bump (was Re: Why HD-DVD...)                                  
 14181  2006-11-20 11:05:36 RobertB.                           Re: UPS weirdness                                                       
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 14182  2006-11-20 11:07:00 RobertB.                           Re: UPS weirdness                                                       
 14183  2006-11-20 11:10:00 RobertB.                           Re: UPS weirdness                                                       
 14184  2006-11-20 11:16:56 RobertB.                           Re: UPS weirdness                                                       
 14185  2006-11-20 11:21:06 RobertB.                           Re: UPS weirdness                                                       
 14186  2006-11-20 11:24:30 RobertB.                           Re: UPS weirdness                                                       
 14187  2006-11-20 11:36:52 Mike N.                            Re: More burning Laptop batteries                                       
 14188  2006-11-20 11:46:04 Mike N.                            Re: Word: insert all hard returns?                                      
 14189  2006-11-20 11:48:14 Frank Haber                        Re: UPS weirdness                                                       
 14190  2006-11-20 11:02:48 Glenn Meadows                      Re: UPS weirdness                                                       
 14191  2006-11-20 12:59:16 Gary Britt                         Re: Hotmail to busy again?                                              
 14192  2006-11-20 11:06:40 Joe Hunt                           Re: UPS weirdness                                                       
 14193  2006-11-20 14:50:00 Mike N.                            Re: Sysinternals new web site                                           
 14194  2006-11-20 16:19:14 Mike N.                            "Front Page" news                                                       
 14195  2006-11-20 17:01:02 Gary Britt                         Re: "Front Page" news                                                   
 14196  2006-11-20 18:50:20 Mark                               Re: Hotmail to busy again?                                              
 14197  2006-11-20 19:21:04 RobertB.                           Re: UPS weirdness                                                       
 14198  2006-11-20 19:21:34 RobertB.                           Re: UPS weirdness                                                       
 14199  2006-11-20 19:22:24 RobertB.                           Re: UPS weirdness                                                       
 14200  2006-11-20 19:22:50 RobertB.                           Re: UPS weirdness                                                       
 14201  2006-11-20 19:25:12 RobertB.                           Re: "Front Page" news                                                   
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 14202  2006-11-20 19:25:54 RobertB.                           Re: Win2K available?                                                    
 14203  2006-11-20 19:27:20 RobertB.                           Re: Win2K available?                                                    
 14204  2006-11-20 19:29:28 Rich Gauszka                       Looks like the neocons won't migrate to Apple                           
 14205  2006-11-20 21:19:16 Mike N.                            Re: "Front Page" news                                                   
 14206  2006-11-20 21:22:00 Mike N.                            Re: "Front Page" news                                                   
 14207  2006-11-20 22:53:16 Geo                                Re: "Front Page" news                                                   
 14208  2006-11-20 23:04:44 Geo                                Re: Ooohh, shiny...                                                     
 14209  2006-11-20 23:06:18 Geo                                Re: Vista cracked & ont'net before release...                           
 14210  2006-11-20 23:06:46 Geo                                Re: More Zune troubles..                                                
 14211  2006-11-20 21:14:30 Rich                               Re: "Front Page" news                                                   
 14212  2006-11-21 01:33:54 Gary Britt                         Re: "Front Page" news                                                   
 14213  2006-11-21 07:01:00 Ad                                 Re: The puppet master of SCO revealed                                   
 14214  2006-11-21 07:15:56 Mike N.                            Re: "Front Page" news                                                   
 14215  2006-11-21 08:03:54 Robert Comer                       Re: More Zune troubles..                                                
 14216  2006-11-21 09:50:28 Dave Ings                          Re: More Zune troubles..                                                
 14217  2006-11-21 10:29:42 Frank Haber                        Re: UPS weirdness                                                       
 14218  2006-11-21 08:26:08 Rich                               Re: "Front Page" news                                                   
 14219  2006-11-21 12:48:36 RobertB.                           Re: "Front Page" news                                                   
 14220  2006-11-21 12:52:26 RobertB.                           Re: UPS weirdness                                                       
 14221  2006-11-21 12:56:38 RobertB.                           Re: Looks like the neocons won't migrate to Apple                       
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 14222  2006-11-21 17:26:04 mike                               Re: "Front Page" news                                                   
 14223  2006-11-21 17:34:36 mike                               Re: UPS weirdness                                                       
 14224  2006-11-21 17:35:58 mike                               Re: UPS weirdness                                                       
 14225  2006-11-21 17:36:38 mike                               Re: UPS weirdness                                                       
 14226  2006-11-21 17:37:28 mike                               Re: UPS weirdness                                                       
 14227  2006-11-21 17:41:26 mike                               Re: Sysinternals new web site                                           
 14228  2006-11-21 19:02:40 John Beamish                       Re: Vista cracked & ont'net before release...                           
 14229  2006-11-21 19:38:42 Rich Gauszka                       How to get a free MacBook Pro                                           
 14230  2006-11-21 22:20:20 Geo                                Re: Sysinternals new web site                                           
 14231  2006-11-21 22:21:24 Geo                                Re: More Zune troubles..                                                
 14232  2006-11-21 22:22:24 Geo                                Re: More Zune troubles..                                                
 14233  2006-11-21 22:25:56 Geo                                Re: Vista cracked & ont'net before release...                           
 14234  2006-11-21 22:28:00 Geo                                Re: "Front Page" news                                                   
 14235  2006-11-21 22:30:22 Geo                                Re: Win2K available?                                                    
 14236  2006-11-21 22:32:58 Geo                                Re: NLS.NET Is Spamming Me With A Trojan/Worm????                       
 14237  2006-11-21 22:34:28 Geo                                Re: NLS.NET Is Spamming Me With A Trojan/Worm????                       
 14238  2006-11-21 22:36:30 Geo                                Re: Speed bump (was Re: Why HD-DVD...)                                  
 14239  2006-11-21 22:38:20 Geo                                Re: Hotmail to busy again?                                              
 14240  2006-11-21 23:29:12 Mark                               Re: Hotmail to busy again?                                              
 14241  2006-11-21 23:55:38 Gary Britt                         Re: Win2K available?                                                    
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 14242  2006-11-21 07:14:46 Bob Ackley                         1 4 Geo S wrt debian & NSLU2                                            
 14243  2006-11-22 00:02:38 Gary Britt                         Re: "Front Page" news                                                   
 14244  2006-11-21 08:17:10 Ad                                 Typical blo*dy MS                                                       
 14245  2006-11-21 08:27:12 Ad                                 WebSphere CE                                                            
 14246  2006-11-22 07:09:10 Ad                                 The SCO effect?                                                         
 14247  2006-11-22 06:12:30 Geo                                Re: Hotmail to busy again?                                              
 14248  2006-11-22 06:26:54 Geo                                Re: Win2K available?                                                    
 14249  2006-11-22 06:28:06 Geo                                Re: "Front Page" news                                                   
 14250  2006-11-22 08:05:56 John Beamish                       Re: Vista cracked & ont'net before release...                           
 14251  2006-11-22 08:54:44 Robert Comer                       Re: More Zune troubles..                                                
 14252  2006-11-22 08:56:22 Robert Comer                       Re: More Zune troubles..                                                
 14253  2006-11-22 10:34:16 Mark                               Re: Hotmail to busy again?                                              
 14254  2006-11-22 10:57:30 RobertB.                           Re: How to get a free MacBook Pro                                       
 14255  2006-11-22 10:59:56 RobertB.                           Re: UPS weirdness                                                       
 14256  2006-11-22 11:06:10 RobertB.                           Re: Win2K available?                                                    
 14257  2006-11-22 00:01:20 Gary Britt                         Re: NLS.NET Is Spamming Me With A Trojan/Worm????                       
 14258  2006-11-22 17:12:58 Jim Adams                          Re: NLS.NET Is Spamming Me With A Trojan/Worm????                       
 14259  2006-11-22 19:39:16 Tim Boyer                          Re: Sysinternals new web site                                           
 14260  2006-11-22 05:10:54 Bob Ackley                         More Zune troubles..                                                    
 14261  2006-11-23 22:35:10 Geo                                Re: Win2K available?                                                    
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 14262  2006-11-23 22:37:06 Geo                                Re: Vista cracked & ont'net before release...                           
 14263  2006-11-23 22:38:02 Geo                                Re: More Zune troubles..                                                
 14264  2006-11-23 22:39:02 Geo                                Re: More Zune troubles..                                                
 14265  2006-11-23 22:39:54 Geo                                Re: Sysinternals new web site                                           
 14266  2006-11-23 22:42:44 Geo                                Re: WebSphere CE                                                        
 14267  2006-11-23 23:30:10 Robert Comer                       Re: More Zune troubles..                                                
 14268  2006-11-23 23:31:46 Robert Comer                       Re: More Zune troubles..                                                
 14269  2006-11-24 08:17:44 John Beamish                       Re: Vista cracked & ont'net before release...                           
 14270  2006-11-24 08:20:26 John Beamish                       Re: More Zune troubles..                                                
 14271  2006-11-24 14:48:48 Tim Boyer                          Re: Sysinternals new web site                                           
 14272  2006-11-25 11:25:40 Tim Hawkins                        Re: Speed bump (was Re: Why HD-DVD...)                                  
 14273  2006-11-26 12:55:14 RobertB                            Re: Win2K available?                                                    
 14274  2006-11-26 13:11:34 mike                               Avoid the loony Zune - review                                           
 14275  2006-11-26 17:30:18 Geo                                Re: Vista cracked & ont'net before release...                           
 14276  2006-11-26 17:31:20 Geo                                Re: Win2K available?                                                    
 14277  2006-11-26 17:32:14 Geo                                Re: Win2K available?                                                    
 14278  2006-11-26 22:23:18 mike                               Re: Win2K available?                                                    
 14279  2006-11-26 22:31:20 Geo                                Re: Win2K available?                                                    
 14280  2006-11-27 17:33:24 Don Hills                          Re: The puppet master of SCO revealed                                   
 14281  2006-11-27 18:27:30 John Beckett                       Re: Avoid the loony Zune - review                                       
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 14282  2006-11-27 09:22:18 Ad                                 Re: The puppet master of SCO revealed                                   
 14283  2006-11-27 07:13:34 Robert Comer                       Re: The puppet master of SCO revealed                                   
 14284  2006-11-27 08:12:40 Mike N.                            Re: Avoid the loony Zune - review                                       
 14285  2006-11-27 09:15:12 Rich Gauszka                       Zune  moving as fast as an elephant with arthritis?                     
 14286  2006-11-25 22:05:48 Mike N.                            Vista - The Windows Shutdown crapfest                                   
 14287  2006-11-25 22:33:40 Ellen K.                           Re: Win2K available?                                                    
 14288  2006-11-25 22:41:38 Ellen K.                           Re: The puppet master of SCO revealed                                   
 14289  2006-11-25 22:43:16 Ellen K.                           Re: NLS.NET Is Spamming Me With A Trojan/Worm????                       
 14290  2006-11-25 22:44:44 Ellen K.                           Re: NLS.NET Is Spamming Me With A Trojan/Worm????                       
 14291  2006-11-26 13:03:34 Antti Kurenniemi                   Re: Vista cracked & ont'net before release...                           
 14292  2006-11-26 07:55:18 mike                               Re: Win2K available?                                                    
 14293  2006-11-26 08:38:44 mike                               Maybe Microsoft has the patent problem?                                 
 14294  2006-11-26 09:02:08 Robert Comer                       Re: The puppet master of SCO revealed                                   
 14295  2006-11-26 09:14:32 mike                               Re: The puppet master of SCO revealed                                   
 14296  2006-11-26 09:27:42 Mike N.                            Re: Maybe Microsoft has the patent problem?                             
 14297  2006-11-26 10:47:32 Rich Gauszka                       Re: The puppet master of SCO revealed                                   
 14298  2006-11-27 07:42:52 Bob Ackley                         Win2K available?                                                        
 14299  2006-11-28 15:32:36 Don Hills                          Re: The puppet master of SCO revealed                                   
 14300  2006-11-28 06:06:04 Geo                                Re: Avoid the loony Zune - review                                       
 14301  2006-11-28 07:29:08 Robert Comer                       Re: The puppet master of SCO revealed                                   
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 14302  2006-11-28 12:03:00 Rich Gauszka                       Zune in 22nd place at Amazon MP3 bestseller list                        
 14303  2006-11-29 10:22:22 Don Hills                          Re: The puppet master of SCO revealed                                   
 14304  2006-11-28 20:26:42 Robert Comer                       Re: The puppet master of SCO revealed                                   
 14305  2006-11-28 22:30:32 Geo                                Re: The puppet master of SCO revealed                                   
 14306  2006-11-28 23:02:48 Gary Britt                         Re: The puppet master of SCO revealed                                   
 14307  2006-11-29 01:08:20 Mark                               Re: The puppet master of SCO revealed                                   
 14308  2006-11-29 19:45:20 Don Hills                          Re: The puppet master of SCO revealed                                   
 14309  2006-11-29 09:11:16 Robert Comer                       Re: The puppet master of SCO revealed                                   
 14310  2006-11-29 09:11:56 Robert Comer                       Re: The puppet master of SCO revealed                                   
 14311  2006-11-29 09:33:48 Mike N.                            Latest gen phish/spamware hosting technology                            
 14312  2006-11-29 10:27:40 John Beamish                       Re: Zune in 22nd place at Amazon MP3 bestseller list                    
 14313  2006-11-29 11:28:32 Gary Britt                         Re: The puppet master of SCO revealed                                   
 14314  2006-11-29 11:59:58 Robert Comer                       Re: The puppet master of SCO revealed                                   
 14315  2006-11-29 17:17:42 mike                               Re: The puppet master of SCO revealed                                   
 14316  2006-11-29 17:00:50 John Cuccia                        Antivirus programs for OSX?                                             
 14317  2006-11-29 18:13:26 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Antivirus programs for OSX?                                         
 14318  2006-11-29 18:29:00 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Antivirus programs for OSX?                                         
 14319  2006-11-29 19:05:10 Robert Comer                       Re: The puppet master of SCO revealed                                   
 14320  2006-11-29 18:49:56 John Cuccia                        Re: Antivirus programs for OSX?                                         
 14321  2006-11-29 20:13:42 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Antivirus programs for OSX?                                         
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 14322  2006-11-29 20:12:36 John Cuccia                        Re: Antivirus programs for OSX?                                         
 14323  2006-11-29 22:42:52 Geo                                Re: Latest gen phish/spamware hosting technology                        
 14324  2006-11-29 22:47:48 Geo                                Re: The puppet master of SCO revealed                                   
 14325  2006-11-29 07:10:00 Bob Ackley                         The puppet master of SCO revealed                                       
 14326  2006-11-30 01:17:16 Rich Gauszka                       Vista - obsolete before it ships?                                       
 14327  2006-11-30 23:14:22 Don Hills                          Re: The puppet master of SCO revealed                                   
 14328  2006-11-30 06:25:18 Geo                                Re: The puppet master of SCO revealed                                   
 14329  2006-11-30 06:27:04 Geo                                Re: Latest gen phish/spamware hosting technology                        
 14330  2006-11-30 07:11:46 Mike N.                            Re: Latest gen phish/spamware hosting technology                        
 14331  2006-11-30 07:14:08 Mike N.                            Re: Latest gen phish/spamware hosting technology                        
 14332  2006-11-30 09:03:26 Robert Comer                       Re: The puppet master of SCO revealed                                   
 14333  2006-11-30 09:27:24 Rich Gauszka                       MS to update wga trojan every 90 days now                               
 14334  2006-11-30 09:31:48 Rich Gauszka                       MS places wga trojan support burden on users                            
 14335  2006-11-30 10:28:42 David B                            Re: Vista - obsolete before it ships?                                   
 14336  2006-11-30 10:18:18 Robert G Lewis                     Re: MS to update wga trojan every 90 days now                           
 14337  2006-11-30 11:22:00 Dave Ings                          Re: Vista - obsolete before it ships?                                   
 14338  2006-11-30 11:35:42 Frank Haber                        Re: Antivirus programs for OSX?                                         
 14339  2006-11-30 11:52:38 RobertB                            Re: Antivirus programs for OSX?                                         
 14340  2006-11-30 15:54:24 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Antivirus programs for OSX?                                         
 14341  2006-11-30 18:51:52 mike                               Re: MS to update wga trojan every 90 days now                           
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 14342  2006-11-30 18:52:32 mike                               Re: MS to update wga trojan every 90 days now                           
 14343  2006-11-30 19:05:02 mike                               Re: Vista - obsolete before it ships?                                   
 14344  2006-11-30 19:08:30 mike                               Re: The puppet master of SCO revealed                                   
 14345  2006-11-30 19:10:36 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Vista - obsolete before it ships?                                   
 14346  2006-11-30 19:11:42 Mike N.                            Re: Vista - obsolete before it ships?                                   
 14347  2006-11-30 19:38:32 Gary Britt                         Re: MS to update wga trojan every 90 days now                           
 14348  2006-11-30 22:51:28 Geo                                Re: Vista - obsolete before it ships?                                   
 14349  2006-11-30 22:55:14 Geo                                Re: Vista - obsolete before it ships?                                   
 14350  2006-11-30 22:57:36 Geo                                Re: MS to update wga trojan every 90 days now                           
 14351  2006-11-30 23:02:24 Geo                                Re: MS places wga trojan support burden on users                        
 14352  2006-11-30 23:06:14 Geo                                Re: Latest gen phish/spamware hosting technology                        
 14353  2006-11-30 23:09:58 Geo                                Re: The puppet master of SCO revealed                                   
 14354  2006-11-30 23:11:14 Geo                                Re: The puppet master of SCO revealed                                   
 14355  2006-11-30 22:34:10 Glenn Meadows                      Re: MS places wga trojan support burden on users                        
 14356  2006-11-30 07:35:50 Bob Ackley                         The puppet master of SCO revealed                                       
 14357  2006-12-01 07:22:28 Antti Kurenniemi                   Re: MS to update wga trojan every 90 days now                           
 14358  2006-12-01 07:16:48 Ad                                 Dinky little linux boxen                                                
 14359  2006-12-01 22:20:22 Don Hills                          Re: The puppet master of SCO revealed                                   
 14360  2006-12-01 06:50:08 Mike N.                            Re: MS places wga trojan support burden on users                        
 14361  2006-12-01 08:22:10 John Beamish                       Re: Latest gen phish/spamware hosting technology                        
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 14362  2006-12-01 08:35:02 John Beamish                       Re: Dinky little linux boxen                                            
 14363  2006-12-01 09:02:38 John Beamish                       PDF / IE exploit                                                        
 14364  2006-12-01 10:29:24 John Cuccia                        Re: Antivirus programs for OSX?                                         
 14365  2006-12-01 16:53:24 mike                               Parallels preps major update to Windows virtualization software         
 14366  2006-12-01 17:15:36 Mark                               Re: The puppet master of SCO revealed                                   
 14367  2006-12-01 17:22:30 Gary Britt                         Test                                                                    
 14368  2006-12-01 17:15:50 Glenn Meadows                      Re: Parallels preps major update to Windows virtualization software     
 14369  2006-12-01 18:39:20 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Parallels preps major update to Windows virtualization software     
 14370  2006-12-01 19:16:06 RobertB                            Re: Parallels preps major update to Windows virtualization software     
 14371  2006-12-01 19:18:18 RobertB                            Re: Antivirus programs for OSX?                                         
 14372  2006-12-01 19:26:16 John Beamish                       Re: Test                                                                
 14373  2006-12-01 19:27:08 John Beamish                       Re: The puppet master of SCO revealed                                   
 14374  2006-12-02 10:01:58 Adam                               Re: Vista - obsolete before it ships?                                   
 14375  2006-12-02 10:08:42 Adam                               Re: The puppet master of SCO revealed                                   
 14376  2006-12-02 08:35:14 mike                               Re: MS places wga trojan support burden on users                        
 14377  2006-12-02 08:37:44 mike                               Re: MS to update wga trojan every 90 days now                           
 14378  2006-12-02 08:50:18 mike                               Re: Antivirus programs for OSX?                                         
 14379  2006-12-02 08:55:26 mike                               Re: The puppet master of SCO revealed                                   
 14380  2006-12-02 08:57:42 mike                               Re: The puppet master of SCO revealed                                   
 14381  2006-12-02 08:59:56 mike                               Re: The puppet master of SCO revealed                                   
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 14382  2006-12-02 09:20:16 mike                               iPod vs Zune: Microsoft's Slippery Astroturf                            
 14383  2006-12-02 10:30:58 John Cuccia                        Re: Antivirus programs for OSX?                                         
 14384  2006-12-02 11:44:42 Rich Gauszka                       Could Homeland Security order a Vista shutdown?                         
 14385  2006-12-02 13:02:16 mike                               Re: XP surprise                                                         
 14386  2006-12-02 13:02:40 mike                               Re: Could Homeland Security order a Vista shutdown?                     
 14387  2006-12-02 13:38:02 Mike N.                            Re: Latest gen phish/spamware hosting technology                        
 14388  2006-12-02 13:57:14 John Beamish                       Re: The puppet master of SCO revealed                                   
 14389  2006-12-02 14:50:10 Mike N.                            Re: FBI plans new Net-tapping push                                      
 14390  2006-12-02 16:02:20 mike                               Re: The puppet master of SCO revealed                                   
 14391  2006-12-03 00:40:34 Adam                               Re: Could Homeland Security order a Vista shutdown?                     
 14392  2006-12-03 00:42:46 Adam                               Re: FBI plans new Net-tapping push                                      
 14393  2006-12-03 00:44:48 Adam                               Re: Antivirus programs for OSX?                                         
 14394  2006-12-03 00:58:34 Adam                               When do SCO run out of money?                                           
 14395  2006-12-03 01:02:58 Adam                               Not ready 4 Vista                                                       
 14396  2006-12-02 21:12:46 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Could Homeland Security order a Vista shutdown?                     
 14397  2006-12-02 22:56:46 mike                               Re: Antivirus programs for OSX?                                         
 14398  2006-12-03 00:48:06 Geo                                Re: Not ready 4 Vista                                                   
 14399  2006-12-03 00:50:16 Geo                                Re: FBI plans new Net-tapping push                                      
 14400  2006-12-03 00:52:14 Geo                                Re: XP surprise                                                         
 14401  2006-12-03 01:01:32 Geo                                Re: PDF / IE exploit                                                    
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 14402  2006-12-03 01:06:58 Geo                                Re: Latest gen phish/spamware hosting technology                        
 14403  2006-12-03 01:08:46 Geo                                Re: MS places wga trojan support burden on users                        
 14404  2006-12-03 01:14:52 Geo                                Re: The puppet master of SCO revealed                                   
 14405  2006-12-03 01:15:58 Geo                                Re: The puppet master of SCO revealed                                   
 14406  2006-12-03 01:17:36 Geo                                Re: The puppet master of SCO revealed                                   
 14407  2006-12-02 22:53:34 Ellen K.                           Re: The puppet master of SCO revealed                                   
 14408  2006-12-02 22:54:26 Ellen K.                           Re: The puppet master of SCO revealed                                   
 14409  2006-12-02 22:57:54 Ellen K.                           Re: The puppet master of SCO revealed                                   
 14410  2006-12-03 03:55:30 Gary Britt                         Re: PDF / IE exploit                                                    
 14411  2006-12-03 03:56:42 Gary Britt                         Re: Not ready 4 Vista                                                   
 14412  2006-12-03 10:36:12 Adam                               Re: Could Homeland Security order a Vista shutdown?                     
 14413  2006-12-03 07:37:22 mike                               Re: XP surprise                                                         
 14414  2006-12-03 07:44:50 mike                               Re: The puppet master of SCO revealed                                   
 14415  2006-12-03 07:46:02 mike                               Re: The puppet master of SCO revealed                                   
 14416  2006-12-03 09:25:28 mike                               Microsoft Windows Vista Goes On Sale To Corporations. Yawn.             
 14417  2006-12-03 09:59:48 John Beamish                       Re: Could Homeland Security order a Vista shutdown?                     
 14418  2006-12-03 09:46:54 John Cuccia                        Re: Firewalls for Windows?                                              
 14419  2006-12-03 10:48:44 John Beamish                       Re: Latest gen phish/spamware hosting technology                        
 14420  2006-12-03 11:17:12 mike                               Re: Latest gen phish/spamware hosting technology                        
 14421  2006-12-03 11:42:26 John Beamish                       Re: Latest gen phish/spamware hosting technology                        
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 14422  2006-12-03 11:44:02 John Beamish                       Re: Could Homeland Security order a Vista shutdown?                     
 14423  2006-12-03 13:04:30 Gary Britt                         Re: Could Homeland Security order a Vista shutdown?                     
 14424  2006-12-03 12:14:30 Ellen K.                           Re: The puppet master of SCO revealed                                   
 14425  2006-12-03 12:16:16 Ellen K.                           Re: Could Homeland Security order a Vista shutdown?                     
 14426  2006-12-03 12:17:24 Ellen K.                           Re: Could Homeland Security order a Vista shutdown?                     
 14427  2006-12-04 11:51:16 Don Hills                          Re: XP surprise                                                         
 14428  2006-12-04 11:43:38 Don Hills                          Re: The puppet master of SCO revealed                                   
 14429  2006-12-03 20:44:12 Rich Gauszka                       Re: XP surprise                                                         
 14430  2006-12-03 21:08:36 mike                               Re: XP surprise                                                         
 14431  2006-12-03 21:09:06 mike                               Re: Could Homeland Security order a Vista shutdown?                     
 14432  2006-12-03 21:10:24 mike                               Re: The puppet master of SCO revealed                                   
 14433  2006-12-03 22:12:28 Rich Gauszka                       iPhone in Jan                                                           
 14434  2006-12-03 10:49:36 Geo                                Re: Firewalls for Windows?                                              
 14435  2006-12-03 10:59:56 Geo                                Re: PDF / IE exploit                                                    
 14436  2006-12-03 11:01:28 Geo                                Re: Not ready 4 Vista                                                   
 14437  2006-12-03 11:07:28 Geo                                Re: The puppet master of SCO revealed                                   
 14438  2006-12-03 23:34:06 Geo                                Re: iPhone in Jan                                                       
 14439  2006-12-03 23:38:04 Geo                                Re: XP surprise                                                         
 14440  2006-12-03 23:40:12 Geo                                Re: The puppet master of SCO revealed                                   
 14441  2006-12-03 23:41:46 Geo                                Re: Latest gen phish/spamware hosting technology                        
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 14442  2006-12-03 23:52:24 Rich Gauszka                       Re: iPhone in Jan                                                       
 14443  2006-12-04 09:55:00 WAYNE CHIRNSIDE                    Permissions                                                             
 14444  2006-12-04 01:25:10 Gary Britt                         Re: PDF / IE exploit                                                    
 14445  2006-12-04 01:26:24 Gary Britt                         Re: Not ready 4 Vista                                                   
 14446  2006-12-04 01:59:44 Rich Gauszka                       Re: PDF / IE exploit                                                    
 14447  2006-12-04 07:09:50 Ad                                 Re: Could Homeland Security order a Vista shutdown?                     
 14448  2006-12-04 07:16:16 Ad                                 Re: Could Homeland Security order a Vista shutdown?                     
 14449  2006-12-04 02:21:54 Gary Britt                         Re: PDF / IE exploit                                                    
 14450  2006-12-04 21:43:48 Don Hills                          Re: XP surprise                                                         
 14451  2006-12-04 09:48:48 Rich Gauszka                       Businessweek - Vista's many turnoffs                                    
 14452  2006-12-04 11:50:20 Rich Gauszka                       Re: PDF / IE exploit                                                    
 14453  2006-12-04 12:02:30 RobertB                            Re: iPhone in Jan                                                       
 14454  2006-12-04 12:06:34 Gary Britt                         Re: PDF / IE exploit                                                    
 14455  2006-12-04 12:11:38 Rich Gauszka                       Re: iPhone in Jan                                                       
 14456  2006-12-04 12:12:28 Rich Gauszka                       Re: PDF / IE exploit                                                    
 14457  2006-12-04 12:18:16 Gary Britt                         Re: PDF / IE exploit                                                    
 14458  2006-12-04 12:55:06 Frank Haber                        Re: Firewalls for Windows?                                              
 14459  2006-12-04 13:03:52 Frank Haber                        Re: Firewalls for Windows?                                              
 14460  2006-12-04 12:04:58 John Cuccia                        Re: Firewalls for Windows?                                              
 14461  2006-12-04 12:16:24 John Cuccia                        Re: Firewalls for Windows?                                              
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 14462  2006-12-04 14:03:00 John Beamish                       Star Trek map                                                           
 14463  2006-12-04 22:27:12 Geo                                Re: iPhone in Jan                                                       
 14464  2006-12-05 12:01:32 RobertB                            Re: iPhone in Jan                                                       
 14465  2006-12-05 14:45:52 Rich Gauszka                       HP's Time-Bombed Printheads                                             
 14466  2006-12-05 14:53:38 Rich Gauszka                       Tiger Direct rebate 'misunderstanding'                                  
 14467  2006-12-05 20:45:10 Adam                               Wrt vista remote shutdown, govs & OSS                                   
 14468  2006-12-05 15:54:28 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Wrt vista remote shutdown, govs & OSS                               
 14469  2006-12-05 23:09:54 Antti Kurenniemi                   Re: HP's Time-Bombed Printheads                                         
 14470  2006-12-05 16:29:42 Rich Gauszka                       Re: HP's Time-Bombed Printheads                                         
 14471  2006-12-05 18:11:08 mike                               Re: Tiger Direct rebate 'misunderstanding'                              
 14472  2006-12-05 18:12:46 mike                               Re: HP's Time-Bombed Printheads                                         
 14473  2006-12-05 18:13:12 mike                               Re: iPhone in Jan                                                       
 14474  2006-12-05 19:27:36 Mike N.                            Re: HP's Time-Bombed Printheads                                         
 14475  2006-12-05 19:39:50 John Beamish                       Re: Tiger Direct rebate 'misunderstanding'                              
 14476  2006-12-05 20:14:20 Mark                               Re: HP's Time-Bombed Printheads                                         
 14477  2006-12-05 20:31:50 Rich Gauszka                       Re: HP's Time-Bombed Printheads                                         
 14478  2006-12-05 21:10:30 Gary Britt                         Re: HP's Time-Bombed Printheads                                         
 14479  2006-12-05 21:20:50 John Beamish                       Re: HP's Time-Bombed Printheads                                         
 14480  2006-12-05 21:34:16 Mark                               Re: HP's Time-Bombed Printheads                                         
 14481  2006-12-05 21:55:20 Rich Gauszka                       Re: HP's Time-Bombed Printheads                                         
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 14482  2006-12-05 22:15:46 Jim Adams                          Re: HP's Time-Bombed Printheads                                         
 14483  2006-12-05 23:26:00 Rich Gauszka                       HP, AMD and MS try for an iMac killer aka Crossfire                     
 14484  2006-12-05 23:42:54 Gary Britt                         Re: HP's Time-Bombed Printheads                                         
 14485  2006-12-05 23:46:36 Gary Britt                         Re: HP's Time-Bombed Printheads                                         
 14486  2006-12-05 23:50:44 Gary Britt                         Re: HP's Time-Bombed Printheads                                         
 14487  2006-12-05 23:54:00 Gary Britt                         Re: HP's Time-Bombed Printheads                                         
 14488  2006-12-05 23:55:46 Randy                              Re: HP's Time-Bombed Printheads                                         
 14489  2006-12-05 23:58:00 Rich Gauszka                       Re: HP's Time-Bombed Printheads                                         
 14490  2006-12-06 08:29:38 Adam                               Re: HP's Time-Bombed Printheads                                         
 14491  2006-12-06 11:24:28 Antti Kurenniemi                   Re: HP's Time-Bombed Printheads                                         
 14492  2006-12-06 05:08:32 Gary Britt                         Re: HP's Time-Bombed Printheads                                         
 14493  2006-12-06 05:12:28 Gary Britt                         Re: HP's Time-Bombed Printheads                                         
 14494  2006-12-05 22:48:00 Geo                                Re: HP's Time-Bombed Printheads                                         
 14495  2006-12-05 22:50:52 Geo                                Re: iPhone in Jan                                                       
 14496  2006-12-06 06:19:38 Geo                                Re: HP, AMD and MS try for an iMac killer aka Crossfire                 
 14497  2006-12-06 06:55:14 Mike N.                            Re: HP, AMD and MS try for an iMac killer aka Crossfire                 
 14498  2006-12-06 12:09:18 Adam                               Re: HP's Time-Bombed Printheads                                         
 14499  2006-12-06 12:11:14 Adam                               Re: HP, AMD and MS try for an iMac killer aka Crossfire                 
 14500  2006-12-06 07:40:46 Mike N.                            Re: HP's Time-Bombed Printheads                                         
 14501  2006-12-06 08:25:38 John Beamish                       Re: HP's Time-Bombed Printheads                                         
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 14502  2006-12-06 08:56:32 John Beamish                       Re: HP, AMD and MS try for an iMac killer aka Crossfire                 
 14503  2006-12-06 09:01:38 Robert Comer                       Re: HP's Time-Bombed Printheads                                         
 14504  2006-12-06 09:04:42 Robert Comer                       Re: HP's Time-Bombed Printheads                                         
 14505  2006-12-06 09:05:52 Robert Comer                       Re: HP's Time-Bombed Printheads                                         
 14506  2006-12-06 09:07:56 Robert Comer                       Re: HP's Time-Bombed Printheads                                         
 14507  2006-12-06 09:12:46 Robert Comer                       Re: HP's Time-Bombed Printheads                                         
 14508  2006-12-06 14:35:46 Adam                               neat wee beastie                                                        
 14509  2006-12-06 08:42:44 John Cuccia                        Re: HP's Time-Bombed Printheads                                         
 14510  2006-12-06 08:45:38 John Cuccia                        Re: HP's Time-Bombed Printheads                                         
 14511  2006-12-06 10:17:20 Rich Gauszka                       Re: HP's Time-Bombed Printheads                                         
 14512  2006-12-06 21:12:26 Adam                               Vista vs XP 4 Xmas                                                      
 14513  2006-12-06 16:58:32 RobertB                            Re: iPhone in Jan                                                       
 14514  2006-12-06 16:24:40 Glenn Meadows                      Re: iPhone in Jan                                                       
 14515  2006-12-06 17:33:10 mike                               Re: neat wee beastie                                                    
 14516  2006-12-06 17:34:44 mike                               Re: Tiger Direct rebate 'misunderstanding'                              
 14517  2006-12-06 17:39:48 mike                               Re: HP's Time-Bombed Printheads                                         
 14518  2006-12-06 17:40:58 mike                               Re: HP's Time-Bombed Printheads                                         
 14519  2006-12-06 17:48:44 mike                               Gates: Spam To Be Canned By 2006                                        
 14520  2006-12-07 12:25:44 Don Hills                          Re: Gates: Spam To Be Canned By 2006                                    
 14521  2006-12-07 00:26:18 Adam                               Re: iPhone in Jan                                                       
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 14522  2006-12-07 00:29:22 Adam                               Re: neat wee beastie                                                    
 14523  2006-12-07 00:43:38 Adam                               The way PC'es are going                                                 
 14524  2006-12-06 20:11:38 mike                               Re: The way PC'es are going                                             
 14525  2006-12-06 20:13:08 mike                               Re: neat wee beastie                                                    
 14526  2006-12-06 21:54:34 Randy                              Re: HP's Time-Bombed Printheads                                         
 14527  2006-12-06 21:45:30 Geo                                Re: HP, AMD and MS try for an iMac killer aka Crossfire                 
 14528  2006-12-06 21:46:38 Geo                                Re: HP, AMD and MS try for an iMac killer aka Crossfire                 
 14529  2006-12-06 21:48:36 Geo                                Re: iPhone in Jan                                                       
 14530  2006-12-06 22:05:30 Randy                              Re: iPhone in Jan                                                       
 14531  2006-12-06 22:48:50 John Beamish                       Re: HP, AMD and MS try for an iMac killer aka Crossfire                 
 14532  2006-12-06 22:57:16 Gary Britt                         Re: HP's Time-Bombed Printheads                                         
 14533  2006-12-07 06:18:04 Geo                                Re: HP, AMD and MS try for an iMac killer aka Crossfire                 
 14534  2006-12-07 07:24:56 Mike N.                            Re: HP, AMD and MS try for an iMac killer aka Crossfire                 
 14535  2006-12-07 07:29:30 Mike N.                            Re: Gates: Spam To Be Canned By 2006                                    
 14536  2006-12-07 15:43:46 Rich Gauszka                       stream Divx to Xbox360 without voiding warranty                         
 14537  2006-12-07 17:24:30 mike                               Re: HP, AMD and MS try for an iMac killer aka Crossfire                 
 14538  2006-12-07 18:06:52 RobertB                            Re: neat wee beastie                                                    
 14539  2006-12-07 18:11:34 RobertB                            Re: iPhone in Jan                                                       
 14540  2006-12-07 18:12:46 RobertB                            Re: iPhone in Jan                                                       
 14541  2006-12-07 23:38:46 Adam                               Enterprise level Linux app                                              
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 14542  2006-12-07 23:44:22 Adam                               Re: iPhone in Jan                                                       
 14543  2006-12-07 23:47:48 Adam                               Re: neat wee beastie                                                    
 14544  2006-12-07 19:08:38 Rich                               Re: stream Divx to Xbox360 without voiding warranty                     
 14545  2006-12-07 22:48:48 Rich Gauszka                       Re: stream Divx to Xbox360 without voiding warranty                     
 14546  2006-12-07 22:52:24 Geo                                Re: iPhone in Jan                                                       
 14547  2006-12-07 22:53:34 Geo                                Re: iPhone in Jan                                                       
 14548  2006-12-07 22:56:50 Geo                                Re: HP, AMD and MS try for an iMac killer aka Crossfire                 
 14549  2006-12-07 20:07:12 Rich                               Re: stream Divx to Xbox360 without voiding warranty                     
 14550  2006-12-07 23:46:48 Dave Ings                          Re: iPhone in Jan                                                       
 14551  2006-12-07 23:56:22 Geo                                lake effect                                                             
 14552  2006-12-07 06:21:54 Bob Ackley                         HP, AMD and MS try for an iMac killer aka Crossfire                     
 14553  2006-12-08 00:18:32 Mark                               Re: iPhone in Jan                                                       
 14554  2006-12-08 00:21:22 Rich Gauszka                       Re: stream Divx to Xbox360 without voiding warranty                     
 14555  2006-12-08 00:33:16 Tim Boyer                          Re: lake effect                                                         
 14556  2006-12-08 07:35:16 Ad                                 Re: iPhone in Jan                                                       
 14557  2006-12-08 06:13:00 Geo                                Re: iPhone in Jan                                                       
 14558  2006-12-08 06:13:56 Geo                                Re: iPhone in Jan                                                       
 14559  2006-12-08 06:16:12 Geo                                Re: lake effect                                                         
 14560  2006-12-08 08:38:06 John Cuccia                        Re: iPhone in Jan                                                       
 14561  2006-12-08 09:40:18 Dave Ings                          Re: iPhone in Jan                                                       
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 14562  2006-12-08 10:51:02 Mark                               Re: iPhone in Jan                                                       
 14563  2006-12-08 11:12:50 Tim Boyer                          Oversized .pst file                                                     
 14564  2006-12-08 11:22:08 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Oversized .pst file                                                 
 14565  2006-12-08 12:25:48 RobertB                            Re: neat wee beastie                                                    
 14566  2006-12-08 12:28:42 RobertB                            Re: iPhone in Jan                                                       
 14567  2006-12-08 12:29:16 RobertB                            Re: iPhone in Jan                                                       
 14568  2006-12-08 12:30:14 RobertB                            Re: iPhone in Jan                                                       
 14569  2006-12-08 12:31:16 RobertB                            Re: iPhone in Jan                                                       
 14570  2006-12-08 12:31:44 RobertB                            Re: iPhone in Jan                                                       
 14571  2006-12-08 12:47:42 Mark                               Re: iPhone in Jan                                                       
 14572  2006-12-08 13:32:48 John Beamish                       Re: iPhone in Jan                                                       
 14573  2006-12-08 13:36:14 John Beamish                       Re: HP, AMD and MS try for an iMac killer aka Crossfire                 
 14574  2006-12-08 13:43:26 John Beamish                       Re: lake effect                                                         
 14575  2006-12-08 13:56:20 Mark                               Re: iPhone in Jan                                                       
 14576  2006-12-08 16:08:52 Dave Ings                          Re: iPhone in Jan                                                       
 14577  2006-12-08 16:13:52 Glenn Meadows                      Re: HP, AMD and MS try for an iMac killer aka Crossfire                 
 14578  2006-12-08 17:38:42 mike                               Re: HP, AMD and MS try for an iMac killer aka Crossfire                 
 14579  2006-12-08 16:40:48 Glenn Meadows                      Re: Oversized .pst file                                                 
 14580  2006-12-09 02:07:28 Geo                                Re: lake effect                                                         
 14581  2006-12-09 02:10:16 Geo                                Re: iPhone in Jan                                                       
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 14582  2006-12-09 02:12:54 Geo                                Re: iPhone in Jan                                                       
 14583  2006-12-09 02:15:04 Geo                                Re: HP, AMD and MS try for an iMac killer aka Crossfire                 
 14584  2006-12-09 09:15:08 Adam                               Re: iPhone in Jan                                                       
 14585  2006-12-09 09:15:58 Adam                               Re: iPhone in Jan                                                       
 14586  2006-12-09 09:18:00 Adam                               Re: iPhone in Jan                                                       
 14587  2006-12-09 09:22:48 Adam                               ROFLMAO WIndows Activation server on't net                              
 14588  2006-12-09 12:35:20 Don Hills                          Re: iPhone in Jan                                                       
 14589  2006-12-09 13:34:54 Antti Kurenniemi                   Re: ROFLMAO WIndows Activation server on't net                          
 14590  2006-12-09 07:27:24 Mike N.                            Re: ROFLMAO WIndows Activation server on't net                          
 14591  2006-12-09 07:32:22 mike                               Re: ROFLMAO WIndows Activation server on't net                          
 14592  2006-12-09 07:35:04 mike                               Re: lake effect                                                         
 14593  2006-12-10 03:07:26 Don Hills                          Re: ROFLMAO WIndows Activation server on't net                          
 14594  2006-12-09 09:38:58 mike                               Re: ROFLMAO WIndows Activation server on't net                          
 14595  2006-12-09 07:00:40 Bob Ackley                         iPhone in Jan                                                           
 14596  2006-12-09 07:03:12 Bob Ackley                         HP, AMD and MS try for an iMac killer aka Crossfire                     
 14597  2006-12-09 12:03:28 Geo                                Re: ROFLMAO WIndows Activation server on't net                          
 14598  2006-12-09 12:05:14 Geo                                Re: ROFLMAO WIndows Activation server on't net                          
 14599  2006-12-09 15:36:58 Tim Boyer                          Re: Oversized .pst file                                                 
 14600  2006-12-09 12:39:36 Tony Williams                      Re: iPhone in Jan                                                       
 14601  2006-12-09 16:03:10 John Beamish                       Re: lake effect                                                         
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 14602  2006-12-09 16:06:34 John Beamish                       Re: ROFLMAO WIndows Activation server on't net                          
 14603  2006-12-09 16:10:14 John Beamish                       Re: iPhone in Jan                                                       
 14604  2006-12-09 16:10:42 John Beamish                       Re: iPhone in Jan                                                       
 14605  2006-12-09 16:27:32 RobertB                            Re: iPhone in Jan                                                       
 14606  2006-12-09 16:29:16 RobertB                            Re: iPhone in Jan                                                       
 14607  2006-12-09 16:29:44 RobertB                            Re: iPhone in Jan                                                       
 14608  2006-12-09 16:34:38 RobertB                            Re: ROFLMAO WIndows Activation server on't net                          
 14609  2006-12-09 21:52:30 Doug Bryce                         Re: iPhone in Jan                                                       
 14610  2006-12-09 22:09:58 Adam                               Re: iPhone in Jan                                                       
 14611  2006-12-09 22:11:10 Adam                               Re: iPhone in Jan                                                       
 14612  2006-12-09 22:11:52 Adam                               Re: iPhone in Jan                                                       
 14613  2006-12-09 17:13:52 John Beamish                       Re: iPhone in Jan                                                       
 14614  2006-12-09 17:20:38 Mark                               Re: iPhone in Jan                                                       
 14615  2006-12-09 19:30:46 John Beamish                       Re: iPhone in Jan                                                       
 14616  2006-12-09 21:37:54 Mark                               Re: iPhone in Jan                                                       
 14617  2006-12-10 13:05:40 Don Hills                          Re: ROFLMAO WIndows Activation server on't net                          
 14618  2006-12-10 13:09:28 Don Hills                          Re: ROFLMAO WIndows Activation server on't net                          
 14619  2006-12-10 01:03:44 Geo                                Re: ROFLMAO WIndows Activation server on't net                          
 14620  2006-12-10 01:05:46 Geo                                Re: iPhone in Jan                                                       
 14621  2006-12-10 01:06:52 Geo                                Re: iPhone in Jan                                                       
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 14622  2006-12-10 01:08:52 Geo                                Re: iPhone in Jan                                                       
 14623  2006-12-10 01:12:28 Geo                                Re: iPhone in Jan                                                       
 14624  2006-12-10 10:48:06 George Sherwood                    Re: ROFLMAO WIndows Activation server on't net                          
 14625  2006-12-10 22:10:24 Don Hills                          Re: iPhone in Jan                                                       
 14626  2006-12-10 06:54:56 Mike N.                            Re: ROFLMAO WIndows Activation server on't net                          
 14627  2006-12-10 09:31:32 Glenn Meadows                      Re: HP, AMD and MS try for an iMac killer aka Crossfire                 
 14628  2006-12-10 10:50:10 Tim Boyer                          Neat Stuff                                                              
 14629  2006-12-10 12:20:28 mike                               Re: HP, AMD and MS try for an iMac killer aka Crossfire                 
 14630  2006-12-10 13:19:34 John Beamish                       Re: iPhone in Jan                                                       
 14631  2006-12-10 13:21:18 John Beamish                       Re: iPhone in Jan                                                       
 14632  2006-12-10 10:41:50 Randall Parker                     Re: Neat Stuff                                                          
 14633  2006-12-10 10:43:10 Randall Parker                     Re: The way PC'es are going                                             
 14634  2006-12-10 12:55:38 Glenn Meadows                      Re: HP, AMD and MS try for an iMac killer aka Crossfire                 
 14635  2006-12-10 14:42:36 John Beamish                       Mac Office - next gen without VBA                                       
 14636  2006-12-10 15:32:06 mike                               Re: Mac Office - next gen without VBA                                   
 14637  2006-12-10 15:33:24 mike                               Re: The way PC'es are going                                             
 14638  2006-12-10 17:01:58 Tim Boyer                          Re: Neat Stuff                                                          
 14639  2006-12-10 17:45:58 Frank Haber                        Re: iPhone in Jan                                                       
 14640  2006-12-10 23:22:42 Doug Bryce                         Re: iPhone in Jan                                                       
 14641  2006-12-10 15:33:28 Ellen K.                           Re: The puppet master of SCO revealed                                   
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 14642  2006-12-10 16:21:24 Randall Parker                     Re: Neat Stuff                                                          
 14643  2006-12-10 19:36:18 Tim Boyer                          Re: Neat Stuff                                                          
 14644  2006-12-10 20:23:24 mike                               Re: Neat Stuff                                                          
 14645  2006-12-10 20:45:10 Tim Boyer                          Re: Neat Stuff                                                          
 14646  2006-12-10 22:28:12 Rich Gauszka                       Apple discontinues UK mail in repair - doesn't bother to tell anyone    
 14647  2006-12-10 22:42:42 Rich Gauszka                       OS X stealing desktop from Linux?                                       
 14648  2006-12-10 23:16:18 Mike N.                            Re: Adobe continues to bloat                                            
 14649  2006-12-10 20:23:32 Ellen K.                           Re: Neat Stuff                                                          
 14650  2006-12-10 23:16:56 Geo                                firefly                                                                 
 14651  2006-12-10 23:33:24 Geo                                Re: Adobe continues to bloat                                            
 14652  2006-12-10 23:36:50 Geo                                Re: Neat Stuff                                                          
 14653  2006-12-10 23:40:32 Geo                                Re: Neat Stuff                                                          
 14654  2006-12-10 23:41:06 Geo                                Re: Neat Stuff                                                          
 14655  2006-12-10 23:46:24 Geo                                Re: HP, AMD and MS try for an iMac killer aka Crossfire                 
 14656  2006-12-10 07:29:04 Bob Ackley                         iPhone in Jan                                                           
 14657  2006-12-11 00:39:26 Rich Gauszka                       Xmas tree hazardous to your WiFi?                                       
 14658  2006-12-11 19:07:00 John Beckett                       Re: lake effect                                                         
 14659  2006-12-11 09:58:50 Adam                               Re: OS X stealing desktop from Linux?                                   
 14660  2006-12-11 06:15:48 Geo                                Re: lake effect                                                         
 14661  2006-12-11 06:17:06 Geo                                Re: Xmas tree hazardous to your WiFi?                                   
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 14662  2006-12-11 06:22:00 Geo                                Re: HP, AMD and MS try for an iMac killer aka Crossfire                 
 14663  2006-12-11 06:25:54 Geo                                Re: iPhone in Jan                                                       
 14664  2006-12-11 06:26:34 Geo                                Re: iPhone in Jan                                                       
 14665  2006-12-11 06:27:00 Geo                                Re: iPhone in Jan                                                       
 14666  2006-12-11 20:55:50 Don Hills                          Re: Xmas tree hazardous to your WiFi?                                   
 14667  2006-12-11 08:07:14 John Beamish                       Re: iPhone in Jan                                                       
 14668  2006-12-11 08:08:02 John Beamish                       Re: iPhone in Jan                                                       
 14669  2006-12-11 08:09:22 John Beamish                       Re: HP, AMD and MS try for an iMac killer aka Crossfire                 
 14670  2006-12-11 08:11:56 John Beamish                       Re: Neat Stuff                                                          
 14671  2006-12-11 08:23:26 Mike N.                            Re: Neat Stuff                                                          
 14672  2006-12-11 10:06:28 Tim Boyer                          Re: Neat Stuff                                                          
 14673  2006-12-11 10:09:28 Tim Boyer                          Re: Neat Stuff                                                          
 14674  2006-12-11 14:44:10 Glenn Meadows                      Re: HP, AMD and MS try for an iMac killer aka Crossfire                 
 14675  2006-12-11 14:48:10 Glenn Meadows                      Re: HP, AMD and MS try for an iMac killer aka Crossfire                 
 14676  2006-12-11 17:21:02 Mike N.                            Re: HP, AMD and MS try for an iMac killer aka Crossfire                 
 14677  2006-12-11 17:42:52 RobertB                            Re: Mac Office - next gen without VBA                                   
 14678  2006-12-11 17:44:42 RobertB                            Re: ROFLMAO WIndows Activation server on't net                          
 14679  2006-12-11 17:46:32 RobertB                            Re: iPhone in Jan                                                       
 14680  2006-12-11 17:48:56 RobertB                            Re: iPhone in Jan                                                       
 14681  2006-12-11 17:50:46 RobertB                            Re: iPhone in Jan                                                       
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 14682  2006-12-11 18:04:30 mike                               Re: Mac Office - next gen without VBA                                   
 14683  2006-12-11 18:07:20 mike                               Re: Neat Stuff                                                          
 14684  2006-12-11 18:24:28 Ellen K.                           Re: Adobe continues to bloat                                            
 14685  2006-12-11 18:27:08 Ellen K.                           Re: Xmas tree hazardous to your WiFi?                                   
 14686  2006-12-11 21:39:14 Jim Adams                          Re: lake effect                                                         
 14687  2006-12-12 18:49:24 John Beckett                       Re: Adobe continues to bloat                                            
 14688  2006-12-12 10:09:22 John Cuccia                        Re: HP, AMD and MS try for an iMac killer aka Crossfire                 
 14689  2006-12-12 10:40:46 Glenn Meadows                      Re: HP, AMD and MS try for an iMac killer aka Crossfire                 
 14690  2006-12-12 10:57:18 Glenn Meadows                      Re: HP, AMD and MS try for an iMac killer aka Crossfire                 
 14691  2006-12-12 16:08:56 Frank Haber                        Re: Xmas tree hazardous to your WiFi?                                   
 14692  2006-12-12 18:24:30 John Beamish                       Re: Mac Office - next gen without VBA                                   
 14693  2006-12-12 18:25:34 John Beamish                       Re: iPhone in Jan                                                       
 14694  2006-12-12 18:27:22 John Beamish                       Re: HP, AMD and MS try for an iMac killer aka Crossfire                 
 14695  2006-12-12 18:03:16 Glenn Meadows                      Re: HP, AMD and MS try for an iMac killer aka Crossfire                 
 14696  2006-12-12 19:27:28 Gary Britt                         Katmouse a cool little utility                                          
 14697  2006-12-12 22:40:46 Bill Lucy                          Re: lake effect                                                         
 14698  2006-12-13 08:39:52 Robert Comer                       Re: Mac Office - next gen without VBA                                   
 14699  2006-12-13 17:53:38 John Beamish                       Tsunami - on the sun's surface                                          
 14700  2006-12-13 18:10:04 Gary Britt                         Re: Tsunami - on the sun's surface                                      
 14701  2006-12-13 18:29:06 Mark                               Re: Tsunami - on the sun's surface                                      
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 14702  2006-12-13 18:43:42 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Tsunami - on the sun's surface                                      
 14703  2006-12-13 19:42:26 Mark                               Re: Tsunami - on the sun's surface                                      
 14704  2006-12-13 20:09:24 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Tsunami - on the sun's surface                                      
 14705  2006-12-13 22:45:52 Rich Gauszka                       MacBook Pro defective Matte LCD panels - production stopped             
 14706  2006-12-13 22:59:44 Geo                                Re: Tsunami - on the sun's surface                                      
 14707  2006-12-13 23:04:14 Geo                                Re: ROFLMAO WIndows Activation server on't net                          
 14708  2006-12-13 23:09:14 Geo                                Re: Neat Stuff                                                          
 14709  2006-12-13 23:10:52 Geo                                Re: Neat Stuff                                                          
 14710  2006-12-13 23:19:16 Geo                                Re: HP, AMD and MS try for an iMac killer aka Crossfire                 
 14711  2006-12-13 23:21:14 Geo                                Re: HP, AMD and MS try for an iMac killer aka Crossfire                 
 14712  2006-12-13 23:31:02 Geo                                Re: HP, AMD and MS try for an iMac killer aka Crossfire                 
 14713  2006-12-13 23:44:50 Rich Gauszka                       James Alchin "I' would buy a Mac if I didn't work for Microsoft"        
 14714  2006-12-13 23:49:54 Gary Britt                         Re: Tsunami - on the sun's surface                                      
 14715  2006-12-14 00:46:18 Mark                               Re: Tsunami - on the sun's surface                                      
 14716  2006-12-14 07:00:02 Ad                                 Re: Mac Office - next gen without VBA                                   
 14717  2006-12-14 06:20:44 Geo                                Re: James Alchin "I' would buy a Mac if I didn't work for Microsoft"    
 14718  2006-12-14 06:26:38 Geo                                Re: HP, AMD and MS try for an iMac killer aka Crossfire                 
 14719  2006-12-14 06:56:20 Mike N.                            Re: James Alchin "I' would buy a Mac if I didn't work for Microsoft"    
 14720  2006-12-14 07:32:10 Tim Boyer                          Re: Neat Stuff                                                          
 14721  2006-12-14 07:33:08 Tim Boyer                          Re: Neat Stuff                                                          
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 14722  2006-12-14 08:15:32 Geo.                               Re: Katmouse a cool little utility                                      
 14723  2006-12-14 09:17:10 Robert Comer                       Re: Tsunami - on the sun's surface                                      
 14724  2006-12-14 09:26:24 Robert Comer                       Re: Mac Office - next gen without VBA                                   
 14725  2006-12-14 09:06:28 Glenn Meadows                      Re: HP, AMD and MS try for an iMac killer aka Crossfire                 
 14726  2006-12-14 09:21:42 Glenn Meadows                      Re: HP, AMD and MS try for an iMac killer aka Crossfire                 
 14727  2006-12-14 11:58:30 Rich Gauszka                       The great iTunes panic of 2006                                          
 14728  2006-12-14 19:57:38 Antti Kurenniemi                   Re: James Alchin "I' would buy a Mac if I didn't work for Microsoft"    
 14729  2006-12-14 14:00:12 Gary Britt                         Re: Katmouse a cool little utility                                      
 14730  2006-12-14 16:47:36 Mike N.                            Re: Mac Office - next gen without VBA                                   
 14731  2006-12-14 16:55:48 Robert Comer                       Re: Mac Office - next gen without VBA                                   
 14732  2006-12-14 19:37:38 Rich                               Re: WU download verification                                            
 14733  2006-12-14 23:11:14 Geo                                Re: Katmouse a cool little utility                                      
 14734  2006-12-14 23:12:08 Geo                                Re: Neat Stuff                                                          
 14735  2006-12-14 23:14:50 Geo                                Re: Neat Stuff                                                          
 14736  2006-12-14 23:18:58 Geo                                Re: HP, AMD and MS try for an iMac killer aka Crossfire                 
 14737  2006-12-14 23:24:50 Geo                                Re: iPhone in Jan                                                       
 14738  2006-12-14 23:26:08 Geo                                Re: iPhone in Jan                                                       
 14739  2006-12-14 23:28:56 Geo                                Re: iPhone in Jan                                                       
 14740  2006-12-14 04:50:42 Bob Ackley                         Neat Stuff                                                              
 14741  2006-12-15 07:25:30 Antti Kurenniemi                   Re: Mac Office - next gen without VBA                                   
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 14742  2006-12-15 07:20:28 Tim Boyer                          Re: Neat Stuff                                                          
 14743  2006-12-15 07:21:26 Tim Boyer                          Re: Neat Stuff                                                          
 14744  2006-12-15 09:38:46 John Beamish                       Re: iPhone in Jan                                                       
 14745  2006-12-15 09:39:56 John Beamish                       Re: HP, AMD and MS try for an iMac killer aka Crossfire                 
 14746  2006-12-15 11:47:04 John Beamish                       Media centre                                                            
 14747  2006-12-15 12:14:36 RobertB                            Re: The great iTunes panic of 2006                                      
 14748  2006-12-15 12:16:04 RobertB                            Re: James Alchin "I' would buy a Mac if I didn't work for Microsoft"    
 14749  2006-12-15 12:23:34 Rich Gauszka                       Vista development only 2 years old?                                     
 14750  2006-12-15 12:27:56 RobertB                            Re: iPhone in Jan                                                       
 14751  2006-12-15 13:05:16 Glenn Meadows                      Re: iPhone in Jan                                                       
 14752  2006-12-15 17:39:02 mike                               Re: Vista development only 2 years old?                                 
 14753  2006-12-15 18:44:48 John Beamish                       Re: Vista development only 2 years old?                                 
 14754  2006-12-16 00:01:16 Adam                               Re: James Alchin "I' would buy a Mac if I didn't work for Microsoft"    
 14755  2006-12-16 00:04:32 Adam                               Re: Media centre                                                        
 14756  2006-12-15 20:27:12 John Beamish                       Re: Media centre                                                        
 14757  2006-12-15 18:40:12 Geo                                Re: Vista development only 2 years old?                                 
 14758  2006-12-15 18:42:42 Geo                                Re: James Alchin "I' would buy a Mac if I didn't work for Microsoft"    
 14759  2006-12-15 18:56:08 Geo                                Re: Media centre                                                        
 14760  2006-12-15 19:02:12 Geo                                Re: iPhone in Jan                                                       
 14761  2006-12-15 19:05:04 Geo                                Re: iPhone in Jan                                                       
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 14762  2006-12-15 19:49:32 Geo                                Re: Neat Stuff                                                          
 14763  2006-12-15 19:51:42 Geo                                Re: Neat Stuff                                                          
 14764  2006-12-15 19:53:20 Geo                                Re: Neat Stuff                                                          
 14765  2006-12-15 19:58:38 Geo                                Re: Vista development only 2 years old?                                 
 14766  2006-12-15 21:44:12 John Beamish                       Re: Vista development only 2 years old?                                 
 14767  2006-12-16 10:14:24 Adam                               Re: Media centre                                                        
 14768  2006-12-16 09:28:12 Rich Gauszka                       Gates - no one has done DRM right yet                                   
 14769  2006-12-16 10:55:18 mike                               Re: Gates - no one has done DRM right yet                               
 14770  2006-12-16 10:57:28 mike                               Re: Vista development only 2 years old?                                 
 14771  2006-12-16 11:05:36 mike                               Byte of the Apple                                                       
 14772  2006-12-16 11:11:04 mike                               Microsoft, HP Form Joint $300m Marketing Alliance                       
 14773  2006-12-16 11:13:46 mike                               FSF launches campaign against Microsoft Vista                           
 14774  2006-12-16 13:30:44 Glenn Meadows                      Re: Neat Stuff                                                          
 14775  2006-12-16 14:49:32 RobertB                            Re: iPhone in Jan                                                       
 14776  2006-12-16 14:50:50 RobertB                            Re: iPhone in Jan                                                       
 14777  2006-12-16 16:24:30 Glenn Meadows                      Re: iPhone in Jan                                                       
 14778  2006-12-17 12:55:28 Don Hills                          Re: Gates - no one has done DRM right yet                               
 14779  2006-12-16 05:31:42 Bob Ackley                         Neat Stuff                                                              
 14780  2006-12-17 09:02:02 mike                               ZFS on OS-X?                                                            
 14781  2006-12-17 09:08:16 mike                               Microsoft Turns Up The Heat On Windows 2000 Users                       
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 14782  2006-12-17 09:10:02 mike                               Worm Attacks Symantec Enterprise AntiVirus                              
 14783  2006-12-17 12:40:52 Mike N.                            Re: ZFS on OS-X?                                                        
 14784  2006-12-17 15:17:18 mike                               Hackers Selling Vista Zero-Day Exploit                                  
 14785  2006-12-17 16:25:04 RobertB                            Re: ZFS on OS-X?                                                        
 14786  2006-12-17 20:00:46 mike                               Re: ZFS on OS-X?                                                        
 14787  2006-12-17 22:40:52 Geo                                Re: Worm Attacks Symantec Enterprise AntiVirus                          
 14788  2006-12-17 22:43:28 Geo                                Re: Vista development only 2 years old?                                 
 14789  2006-12-17 22:48:34 Geo                                Re: Microsoft, HP Form Joint $300m Marketing Alliance                   
 14790  2006-12-17 22:55:36 Geo                                Re: Microsoft Turns Up The Heat On Windows 2000 Users                   
 14791  2006-12-17 22:57:36 Geo                                Re: iPhone in Jan                                                       
 14792  2006-12-17 23:06:50 Geo                                Re: FSF launches campaign against Microsoft Vista                       
 14793  2006-12-18 06:07:26 Geo                                Re: Neat Stuff                                                          
 14794  2006-12-18 07:27:16 Mike N.                            Re: Worm Attacks Symantec Enterprise AntiVirus                          
 14795  2006-12-18 09:54:48 John Beamish                       Re: Vista development only 2 years old?                                 
 14796  2006-12-18 15:21:10 Adam                               Well kewl mapping site                                                  
 14797  2006-12-18 11:04:02 RobertB                            Re: ZFS on OS-X?                                                        
 14798  2006-12-18 11:05:04 RobertB                            Re: iPhone in Jan                                                       
 14799  2006-12-18 11:07:40 Glenn Meadows                      Re: Vista development only 2 years old?                                 
 14800  2006-12-18 12:14:46 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Vista development only 2 years old?                                 
 14801  2006-12-18 11:24:38 Glenn Meadows                      Re: Vista development only 2 years old?                                 
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 14802  2006-12-18 12:56:48 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Vista development only 2 years old?                                 
 14803  2006-12-18 13:12:30 John Beamish                       Re: Vista development only 2 years old?                                 
 14804  2006-12-18 15:13:50 Mike N.                            Re: ZFS on OS-X?                                                        
 14805  2006-12-18 16:19:04 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Vista development only 2 years old?                                 
 14806  2006-12-18 17:26:26 mike                               Re: ZFS on OS-X?                                                        
 14807  2006-12-18 17:27:16 mike                               Re: Vista development only 2 years old?                                 
 14808  2006-12-19 10:32:16 Don Hills                          Re: Vista development only 2 years old?                                 
 14809  2006-12-18 18:57:18 mike                               Re: ZFS on OS-X?                                                        
 14810  2006-12-18 19:19:40 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Vista development only 2 years old?                                 
 14811  2006-12-18 20:27:30 mike                               Re: Vista development only 2 years old?                                 
 14812  2006-12-18 21:28:04 John Beamish                       Re: Vista development only 2 years old?                                 
 14813  2006-12-18 21:28:26 Mike N.                            Re: ZFS on OS-X?                                                        
 14814  2006-12-18 22:01:06 Gregg N                            Re: Vista development only 2 years old?                                 
 14815  2006-12-19 13:22:14 RobertB                            Re: ZFS on OS-X?                                                        
 14816  2006-12-19 19:26:36 Adam                               good news 4 techies                                                     
 14817  2006-12-19 14:41:28 Robert Comer                       Re: ZFS on OS-X?                                                        
 14818  2006-12-19 17:56:26 mike                               Re: ZFS on OS-X?                                                        
 14819  2006-12-19 18:45:02 John Beamish                       Re: ZFS on OS-X?                                                        
 14820  2006-12-19 21:29:36 Rich Gauszka                       usb missile launcher for homecube security?                             
 14821  2006-12-19 22:06:26 Geo.                               Re: Well kewl mapping site                                              
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 14822  2006-12-19 22:10:28 Geo.                               Re: Vista development only 2 years old?                                 
 14823  2006-12-19 22:12:16 Geo.                               Re: Vista development only 2 years old?                                 
 14824  2006-12-19 22:14:16 Geo.                               Re: Vista development only 2 years old?                                 
 14825  2006-12-19 22:16:54 Geo.                               Re: Vista development only 2 years old?                                 
 14826  2006-12-19 22:18:04 Geo.                               Re: Worm Attacks Symantec Enterprise AntiVirus                          
 14827  2006-12-19 06:23:14 Bob Ackley                         Vista development only 2 years old?                                     
 14828  2006-12-20 10:32:30 Adam                               Re: ZFS on OS-X?                                                        
 14829  2006-12-20 07:07:12 Robert Comer                       Re: ZFS on OS-X?                                                        
 14830  2006-12-20 07:10:48 Robert Comer                       Re: ZFS on OS-X?                                                        
 14831  2006-12-20 12:26:42 Ad                                 Re: ZFS on OS-X?                                                        
 14832  2006-12-20 07:50:38 John Beamish                       Re: Vista development only 2 years old?                                 
 14833  2006-12-20 07:54:48 John Beamish                       Re: Vista development only 2 years old?                                 
 14834  2006-12-20 09:17:22 Rich Gauszka                       Mac minis help automaker on the assembly line                           
 14835  2006-12-20 09:50:10 Rich Gauszka                       Frustrated Windows users eye Apple's Mac                                
 14836  2006-12-20 10:46:16 RobertB                            Re: Mac minis help automaker on the assembly line                       
 14837  2006-12-20 10:46:50 RobertB                            Re: usb missile launcher for homecube security?                         
 14838  2006-12-20 10:49:08 RobertB                            Re: ZFS on OS-X?                                                        
 14839  2006-12-20 10:58:50 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Mac minis help automaker on the assembly line                       
 14840  2006-12-20 10:59:58 Rich Gauszka                       Re: usb missile launcher for homecube security?                         
 14841  2006-12-20 11:10:00 Robert Comer                       Re: ZFS on OS-X?                                                        
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 14842  2006-12-20 16:31:00 Adam                               Yaaaaayyyy go the PRC & SK                                              
 14843  2006-12-20 13:25:52 John Beamish                       Re: Vista development only 2 years old?                                 
 14844  2006-12-20 13:36:18 Mike N.                            Re: Mac minis help automaker on the assembly line                       
 14845  2006-12-20 14:44:54 Rich Gauszka                       Vista blocking PVR recordings                                           
 14846  2006-12-20 15:04:22 Gary Britt                         Re: Vista blocking PVR recordings                                       
 14847  2006-12-20 18:35:16 Mike N.                            Re: Gates: Spam To Be Canned By 2006                                    
 14848  2006-12-20 19:21:00 Geo.                               Re: Mac minis help automaker on the assembly line                       
 14849  2006-12-20 19:25:28 Geo.                               Re: Vista blocking PVR recordings                                       
 14850  2006-12-20 20:03:26 Geo.                               Re: Vista development only 2 years old?                                 
 14851  2006-12-20 20:04:56 Geo.                               Re: Vista development only 2 years old?                                 
 14852  2006-12-21 09:42:40 Ad                                 Re: Vista blocking PVR recordings                                       
 14853  2006-12-21 11:32:40 RobertB                            Re: Mac minis help automaker on the assembly line                       
 14854  2006-12-21 11:32:58 RobertB                            Re: Mac minis help automaker on the assembly line                       
 14855  2006-12-21 11:35:14 RobertB                            Re: ZFS on OS-X?                                                        
 14856  2006-12-21 13:05:40 Glenn Meadows                      Month of Bug releases for OSX                                           
 14857  2006-12-21 14:41:24 Robert Comer                       Re: ZFS on OS-X?                                                        
 14858  2006-12-21 13:57:52 Glenn Meadows                      Re: ZFS on OS-X?                                                        
 14859  2006-12-21 17:26:22 Robert Comer                       Re: ZFS on OS-X?                                                        
 14860  2006-12-21 23:12:28 Adam                               Re: ZFS on OS-X?                                                        
 14861  2006-12-21 23:13:12 Adam                               Re: ZFS on OS-X?                                                        
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 14862  2006-12-21 20:13:14 Geo.                               Re: Month of Bug releases for OSX                                       
 14863  2006-12-21 20:38:46 Geo.                               Re: Vista blocking PVR recordings                                       
 14864  2006-12-21 21:45:34 John Beamish                       Re: Vista development only 2 years old?                                 
 14865  2006-12-21 21:46:40 John Beamish                       Re: Vista development only 2 years old?                                 
 14866  2006-12-22 00:51:34 Rich Gauszka                       Power-Line  for streaming high-def video                                
 14867  2006-12-22 12:09:24 RobertB                            Re: ZFS on OS-X?                                                        
 14868  2006-12-22 16:39:26 Jim Adams                          Re: Gates: Spam To Be Canned By 2006                                    
 14869  2006-12-22 16:44:36 Jim Adams                          Re: Vista development only 2 years old?                                 
 14870  2006-12-22 15:52:10 Glenn Meadows                      Re: Month of Bug releases for OSX                                       
 14871  2006-12-22 15:58:20 Glenn Meadows                      Re: ZFS on OS-X?                                                        
 14872  2006-12-22 17:02:34 Robert Comer                       Re: ZFS on OS-X?                                                        
 14873  2006-12-22 19:25:50 Geo.                               Re: Month of Bug releases for OSX                                       
 14874  2006-12-22 19:30:46 Geo.                               Re: Vista development only 2 years old?                                 
 14875  2006-12-22 21:48:24 mike                               Re: ZFS on OS-X?                                                        
 14876  2006-12-22 22:09:46 mike                               A Cost Analysis of Windows Vista Content Protection                     
 14877  2006-12-22 22:39:30 Rich Gauszka                       Top 10 technology disappointments of 2006                               
 14878  2006-12-23 01:00:52 Geo                                Re: A Cost Analysis of Windows Vista Content Protection                 
 14879  2006-12-23 09:24:10 Adam                               looking glass on Youtube                                                
 14880  2006-12-23 05:15:50 Gary Britt                         Re: A Cost Analysis of Windows Vista Content Protection                 
 14881  2006-12-23 08:46:16 mike                               Fedora 6 Zod live CD                                                    
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 14882  2006-12-23 08:53:36 mike                               Microsoft hiring "open source evangelist"?                              
 14883  2006-12-23 12:08:56 John Beamish                       Re: A Cost Analysis of Windows Vista Content Protection                 
 14884  2006-12-23 12:14:20 John Beamish                       Re: looking glass on Youtube                                            
 14885  2006-12-23 12:15:26 Geo                                Re: Microsoft hiring "open source evangelist"?                          
 14886  2006-12-23 12:50:38 mike                               Re: looking glass on Youtube                                            
 14887  2006-12-23 12:53:02 mike                               Re: A Cost Analysis of Windows Vista Content Protection                 
 14888  2006-12-23 13:02:34 John Beamish                       Re: A Cost Analysis of Windows Vista Content Protection                 
 14889  2006-12-23 15:33:46 RobertB                            Re: looking glass on Youtube                                            
 14890  2006-12-23 15:35:06 RobertB                            Re: Top 10 technology disappointments of 2006                           
 14891  2006-12-23 15:38:54 RobertB                            Re: ZFS on OS-X?                                                        
 14892  2006-12-23 17:50:40 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Top 10 technology disappointments of 2006                           
 14893  2006-12-23 19:16:26 Geo.                               Re: A Cost Analysis of Windows Vista Content Protection                 
 14894  2006-12-23 22:09:36 Gary Britt                         Re: A Cost Analysis of Windows Vista Content Protection                 
 14895  2006-12-23 22:24:08 Glenn Meadows                      Re: A Cost Analysis of Windows Vista Content Protection                 
 14896  2006-12-24 02:51:16 Gary Britt                         Re: A Cost Analysis of Windows Vista Content Protection                 
 14897  2006-12-24 10:14:52 Adam                               Re: A Cost Analysis of Windows Vista Content Protection                 
 14898  2006-12-24 09:45:02 mike                               Re: A Cost Analysis of Windows Vista Content Protection                 
 14899  2006-12-23 12:20:06 Geo                                Re: looking glass on Youtube                                            
 14900  2006-12-24 10:58:22 Geo                                Re: A Cost Analysis of Windows Vista Content Protection                 
 14901  2006-12-24 12:17:12 Glenn Meadows                      Re: A Cost Analysis of Windows Vista Content Protection                 
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 14902  2006-12-24 13:55:26 RobertB                            Re: Top 10 technology disappointments of 2006                           
 14903  2006-12-24 14:11:10 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Top 10 technology disappointments of 2006                           
 14904  2006-12-24 17:24:28 Gary Britt                         Re: A Cost Analysis of Windows Vista Content Protection                 
 14905  2006-12-24 17:13:42 Glenn Meadows                      Re: A Cost Analysis of Windows Vista Content Protection                 
 14906  2006-12-25 09:14:00 WAYNE CHIRNSIDE                    Re: A Cost Analysis of Wi                                               
 14907  2006-12-25 09:17:00 WAYNE CHIRNSIDE                    Re: A Cost Analysis of Wi                                               
 14908  2006-12-25 10:13:16 Antti Kurenniemi                   Re: A Cost Analysis of Windows Vista Content Protection                 
 14909  2006-12-25 09:10:02 Glenn Meadows                      Re: A Cost Analysis of Windows Vista Content Protection                 
 14910  2006-12-25 11:06:32 RobertB                            Re: Top 10 technology disappointments of 2006                           
 14911  2006-12-25 11:13:24 RobertB                            anyone using iTunes 7.0.2? My burned CDs won't play.                    
 14912  2006-12-25 12:45:34 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Top 10 technology disappointments of 2006                           
 14913  2006-12-25 17:55:48 Glenn Meadows                      Re: anyone using iTunes 7.0.2? My burned CDs won't play.                
 14914  2006-12-26 10:56:18 RobertB                            Re: anyone using iTunes 7.0.2? My burned CDs won't play.                
 14915  2006-12-26 10:58:50 RobertB                            Re: A Cost Analysis of Windows Vista Content Protection                 
 14916  2006-12-26 10:04:42 Glenn Meadows                      Re: anyone using iTunes 7.0.2? My burned CDs won't play.                
 14917  2006-12-26 11:12:30 RobertB                            Re: A Cost Analysis of Windows Vista Content Protection                 
 14918  2006-12-26 11:14:12 RobertB                            Re: Top 10 technology disappointments of 2006                           
 14919  2006-12-26 10:23:46 Glenn Meadows                      Re: A Cost Analysis of Windows Vista Content Protection                 
 14920  2006-12-26 11:53:24 Rich Gauszka                       Re: A Cost Analysis of Windows Vista Content Protection                 
 14921  2006-12-26 13:33:58 Robert Comer                       Re: A Cost Analysis of Windows Vista Content Protection                 
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 14922  2006-12-26 18:06:26 RobertB                            Re: anyone using iTunes 7.0.2? My burned CDs won't play.                
 14923  2006-12-26 19:32:24 Glenn Meadows                      Re: anyone using iTunes 7.0.2? My burned CDs won't play.                
 14924  2006-12-26 21:54:18 Geo.                               Re: A Cost Analysis of Wi                                               
 14925  2006-12-27 09:20:40 John Beamish                       Microsoft in push for targeted online ads using Hotmail-related data    
 14926  2006-12-27 11:22:30 Rich Gauszka                       Macintouch MacBook/ Pro reliability survey                              
 14927  2006-12-27 12:42:18 Ellen K.                           secure wireless router?                                                 
 14928  2006-12-27 17:26:22 RobertB                            Re: anyone using iTunes 7.0.2? My burned CDs won't play. - iTunes-Burni 
 14929  2006-12-27 20:50:36 RobertB                            Re: anyone using iTunes 7.0.2? My burned CDs won't play. - iTunes-Burni 
 14930  2006-12-27 22:32:14 Rich Gauszka                       Uh Oh - Apple 'falsified' files on Jobs' options                        
 14931  2006-12-27 22:27:40 Geo.                               Re: secure wireless router?                                             
 14932  2006-12-28 06:39:26 Antti Kurenniemi                   Re: secure wireless router?                                             
 14933  2006-12-28 10:35:02 RobertB                            Re: Uh Oh - Apple 'falsified' files on Jobs' options                    
 14934  2006-12-28 12:21:00 Ellen K.                           Geo & Antti re: secure wireless router?                                 
 14935  2006-12-28 15:53:50 Geo.                               Re: Geo & Antti re: secure wireless router?                             
 14936  2006-12-28 22:57:08 Antti Kurenniemi                   Re: Geo & Antti re: secure wireless router?                             
 14937  2006-12-28 16:28:54 David B                            Dropping internet                                                       
 14938  2006-12-28 16:41:58 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Dropping internet                                                   
 14939  2006-12-28 16:03:18 Glenn Meadows                      Re: Dropping internet                                                   
 14940  2006-12-28 18:00:08 John Beamish                       Re: Dropping internet                                                   
 14941  2006-12-28 18:51:20 Randy                              Re: Dropping internet                                                   
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 14942  2006-12-28 23:32:28 Geo.                               Re: Dropping internet                                                   
 14943  2006-12-29 12:54:40 Adam                               1 4 Geo Wrt CPRM & Vista                                                
 14944  2006-12-29 10:34:16 Geo.                               Re: 1 4 Geo Wrt CPRM & Vista                                            
 14945  2006-12-29 07:54:16 Ellen K.                           Re: secure wireless router -> What flavor of 660HW?                     
 14946  2006-12-29 12:01:36 David B                            Re: Dropping internet                                                   
 14947  2006-12-29 12:02:04 David B                            Re: Dropping internet                                                   
 14948  2006-12-29 12:04:32 David B                            Re: Dropping internet                                                   
 14949  2006-12-29 20:50:14 Antti Kurenniemi                   Re: 1 4 Geo Wrt CPRM & Vista                                            
 14950  2006-12-29 14:44:12 John Beamish                       Apple Care vs Dell Tech Support                                         
 14951  2006-12-29 12:10:10 Joe Hunt                           Re: secure wireless router -> What flavor of 660HW?                     
 14952  2006-12-29 20:57:58 Antti Kurenniemi                   Re: secure wireless router -> What flavor of 660HW?                     
 14953  2006-12-29 15:40:24 Rich Gauszka                       Re: secure wireless router -> What flavor of 660HW?                     
 14954  2006-12-29 16:56:42 Geo.                               Re: Dropping internet                                                   
 14955  2006-12-29 17:00:08 Geo.                               Re: secure wireless router -> What flavor of 660HW?                     
 14956  2006-12-29 17:44:40 mike                               Re: Dropping internet                                                   
 14957  2006-12-29 17:45:50 mike                               Re: Uh Oh - Apple 'falsified' files on Jobs' options                    
 14958  2006-12-29 18:48:28 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Uh Oh - Apple 'falsified' files on Jobs' options                    
 14959  2006-12-29 22:33:20 JaneL                              Re: secure wireless router -> What flavor of 660HW?                     
 14960  2006-12-30 09:30:44 mike                               Ford US cars to get bluetooth, Microsoft operating system               
 14961  2006-12-30 11:35:32 John Beamish                       Re: secure wireless router -> What flavor of 660HW?                     
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 14962  2006-12-30 12:45:50 Randy                              Re: Ford US cars to get bluetooth, Microsoft operating system           
 14963  2006-12-30 14:16:12 RobertB                            Re: Uh Oh - Apple 'falsified' files on Jobs' options                    
 14964  2006-12-30 15:20:40 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Ford US cars to get bluetooth, Microsoft operating system           
 14965  2006-12-30 15:51:44 mike                               Re: Ford US cars to get bluetooth, Microsoft operating system           
 14966  2006-12-30 15:54:46 mike                               Re: Uh Oh - Apple 'falsified' files on Jobs' options                    
 14967  2006-12-30 17:20:28 Geo.                               Re: Ford US cars to get bluetooth, Microsoft operating system           
 14968  2006-12-30 16:52:20 Glenn Meadows                      Re: Ford US cars to get bluetooth, Microsoft operating system           
 14969  2006-12-30 19:10:28 Geo.                               Re: Ford US cars to get bluetooth, Microsoft operating system           
 14970  2006-12-30 20:41:40 Mark                               Re: Ford US cars to get bluetooth, Microsoft operating system           
 14971  2006-12-30 21:14:50 Geo.                               Re: Ford US cars to get bluetooth, Microsoft operating system           
 14972  2006-12-30 21:19:54 mike                               Re: Ford US cars to get bluetooth, Microsoft operating system           
 14973  2006-12-22 22:09:00 Mike                               A Cost Analysis of Windows Vista Content Protection                     
 14974  2006-12-23 05:15:00 Gary Britt                         Re: A Cost Analysis of Windows Vista Content Protection                 
 14975  2006-12-25 09:14:00 Wayne Chirnside                    Re: A Cost Analysis of Wi                                               
 14976  2006-12-25 09:17:00 Wayne Chirnside                    Re: A Cost Analysis of Wi                                               
 14977  2006-12-31 08:51:38 mike                               Windows screwup forces Ubuntu shift                                     
 14978  2006-12-31 14:39:50 Geo.                               Re: Ford US cars to get bluetooth, Microsoft operating system           
 14979  2006-12-31 15:30:14 mike                               Re: Ford US cars to get bluetooth, Microsoft operating system           
 14980  2007-01-01 09:58:58 Geo                                global warming                                                          
 14981  2007-01-01 11:09:58 mike                               Re: global warming                                                      
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 14982  2007-01-01 18:39:28 Antti Kurenniemi                   Re: global warming                                                      
 14983  2007-01-01 17:22:22 Adam                               Re: global warming                                                      
 14984  2007-01-01 15:11:52 RobertB                            Fido net duplicates?                                                    
 14985  2007-01-01 16:52:46 Gary Britt                         Slow mouse in XP                                                        
 14986  2007-01-01 17:20:12 Geo.                               Re: Fido net duplicates?                                                
 14987  2007-01-01 17:22:46 Geo.                               Re: global warming                                                      
 14988  2007-01-01 17:32:40 Geo.                               Re: global warming                                                      
 14989  2007-01-01 17:34:06 Geo.                               Re: Slow mouse in XP                                                    
 14990  2007-01-02 09:41:28 John Beckett                       Re: Slow mouse in XP                                                    
 14991  2007-01-01 18:12:44 Gary Britt                         Re: Slow mouse in XP                                                    
 14992  2007-01-01 18:45:12 Gary Britt                         Re: Slow mouse in XP                                                    
 14993  2007-01-01 19:14:22 Gary Britt                         *Bolds This* but Forgot How To Do Italics And Underline                 
 14994  2007-01-01 16:41:48 Ellen K.                           fido posting duplicate messages?                                        
 14995  2007-01-01 19:54:08 Gregg N                            Re: *Bolds This* but Forgot How To Do Italics And Underline             
 14996  2007-01-01 18:44:56 Glenn Meadows                      Re: Slow mouse in XP                                                    
 14997  2007-01-01 16:45:32 Ellen K.                           Re: secure wireless router -> What flavor of 660HW?                     
 14998  2007-01-01 16:56:14 Ellen K.                           AT&T says they can't provide DSL?!?!?                                   
 14999  2007-01-01 16:57:08 Ellen K.                           Re: *Bolds This* but Forgot How To Do Italics And Underline             
 15000  2007-01-01 17:07:00 Ellen K.                           Re: secure wireless router -> What flavor of 660HW?                     
 15001  2007-01-01 17:07:42 Ellen K.                           Re: secure wireless router -> What flavor of 660HW?                     
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 15002  2007-01-01 17:09:02 Ellen K.                           Re: Ford US cars to get bluetooth, Microsoft operating system           
 15003  2007-01-01 20:20:14 Rich Gauszka                       Re: secure wireless router -> What flavor of 660HW?                     
 15004  2007-01-01 22:27:04 Gary Britt                         Re: Slow mouse in XP                                                    
 15005  2007-01-01 22:32:18 Gary Britt                         Re: *Bolds This* but Forgot How To Do Italics And Underline             
 15006  2007-01-01 22:46:58 Mike N.                            Re: AT&T says they can't provide DSL?!?!?                               
 15007  2007-01-01 20:22:56 Rich                               Re: *Bolds This* but Forgot How To Do Italics And Underline             
 15008  2007-01-02 07:24:30 Antti Kurenniemi                   Re: fido posting duplicate messages?                                    
 15009  2007-01-02 10:17:54 Ad                                 Another Ex-Windows user...?                                             
 15010  2007-01-02 11:26:00 David B                            Re: AT&T says they can't provide DSL?!?!?                               
 15011  2007-01-02 11:48:08 Gary Britt                         Re: *Bolds This* but Forgot How To Do Italics And Underline             
 15012  2007-01-02 13:16:46 Gary Britt                         Re: Slow mouse in XP                                                    
 15013  2007-01-02 13:40:44 John Beamish                       Re: *Bolds This* but Forgot How To Do Italics And Underline             
 15014  2007-01-02 13:46:02 John Beamish                       Re: *Bolds This* but Forgot How To Do Italics And Underline             
 15015  2007-01-02 13:57:50 Frank Haber                        Re: Slow mouse in XP                                                    
 15016  2007-01-02 13:59:42 Frank Haber                        Re: Fido net duplicates?                                                
 15017  2007-01-02 14:03:44 Frank Haber                        Re: global warming                                                      
 15018  2007-01-02 14:12:14 Frank Haber                        Re: anyone using iTunes 7.0.2? My burned CDs won't play. - iTunes-Burni 
 15019  2007-01-02 19:18:30 Adam                               Re: global warming                                                      
 15020  2007-01-02 19:23:10 Adam                               Re: global warming                                                      
 15021  2007-01-02 19:26:42 Adam                               Tsk tsk more US proliferation to known nuclear rogue states             
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 15022  2007-01-02 12:17:40 Ellen K.                           Re: *Bolds This* but Forgot How To Do Italics And Underline             
 15023  2007-01-02 12:21:36 Ellen K.                           Re: AT&T says they can't provide DSL?!?!?                               
 15024  2007-01-02 12:35:42 Ellen K.                           Re: AT&T says they can't provide DSL?!?!?                               
 15025  2007-01-02 14:49:12 Glenn Meadows                      Re: AT&T says they can't provide DSL?!?!?                               
 15026  2007-01-02 14:50:16 Glenn Meadows                      Re: AT&T says they can't provide DSL?!?!?                               
 15027  2007-01-02 14:55:32 Glenn Meadows                      Re: AT&T says they can't provide DSL?!?!?                               
 15028  2007-01-02 14:58:58 Glenn Meadows                      Re: AT&T says they can't provide DSL?!?!?                               
 15029  2007-01-02 16:01:20 Frank Haber                        Re: global warming                                                      
 15030  2007-01-02 14:59:10 Joe Hunt                           Re: AT&T says they can't provide DSL?!?!?                               
 15031  2007-01-02 23:14:38 Adam                               Re: global warming                                                      
 15032  2007-01-02 23:46:58 Adam                               munich agrees with Geo...                                               
 15033  2007-01-02 19:36:10 Rich Gauszka                       Re: munich agrees with Geo...                                           
 15034  2007-01-02 17:48:58 Ellen K.                           Re: AT&T says they can't provide DSL?!?!?                               
 15035  2007-01-02 17:50:26 Ellen K.                           Re: AT&T says they can't provide DSL?!?!?                               
 15036  2007-01-02 20:56:26 RobertB                            Re: AT&T says they can't provide DSL?!?!?                               
 15037  2007-01-02 21:02:48 RobertB                            Re: anyone using iTunes 7.0.2? My burned CDs won't play. - iTunes-Burni 
 15038  2007-01-02 18:29:56 Ellen K.                           Re: AT&T says they can't provide DSL?!?!?                               
 15039  2007-01-02 21:32:34 Mark                               Re: AT&T says they can't provide DSL?!?!?                               
 15040  2007-01-02 22:00:08 Geo.                               Re: Another Ex-Windows user...?                                         
 15041  2007-01-02 22:02:22 Geo.                               Re: AT&T says they can't provide DSL?!?!?                               
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 15042  2007-01-02 22:05:00 Geo.                               Re: AT&T says they can't provide DSL?!?!?                               
 15043  2007-01-02 22:08:46 Geo.                               Re: AT&T says they can't provide DSL?!?!?                               
 15044  2007-01-02 22:11:02 Geo.                               Re: Fido net duplicates?                                                
 15045  2007-01-02 22:15:20 Geo.                               Re: secure wireless router -> What flavor of 660HW?                     
 15046  2007-01-02 22:16:28 Geo.                               Re: secure wireless router -> What flavor of 660HW?                     
 15047  2007-01-02 22:19:44 Geo.                               Re: Slow mouse in XP                                                    
 15048  2007-01-02 22:23:24 Rich Gauszka                       Re: secure wireless router -> What flavor of 660HW?                     
 15049  2007-01-02 20:38:22 Ellen K.                           Re: AT&T says they can't provide DSL?!?!?                               
 15050  2007-01-02 20:42:26 Ellen K.                           Re: AT&T says they can't provide DSL?!?!?                               
 15051  2007-01-02 20:44:38 Ellen K.                           Re: AT&T says they can't provide DSL?!?!?                               
 15052  2007-01-02 20:45:26 Ellen K.                           Re: secure wireless router -> What flavor of 660HW?                     
 15053  2007-01-02 20:45:50 Ellen K.                           Re: secure wireless router -> What flavor of 660HW?                     
 15054  2007-01-02 20:47:38 Ellen K.                           Re: secure wireless router -> What flavor of 660HW?                     
 15055  2007-01-02 22:57:48 Glenn Meadows                      Re: AT&T says they can't provide DSL?!?!?                               
 15056  2007-01-02 07:33:16 Bob Ackley                         Fido net duplicates?                                                    
 15057  2007-01-03 00:43:28 Joe Hunt                           Re: AT&T says they can't provide DSL?!?!?                               
 15058  2007-01-03 04:14:56 Gary Britt                         Re: Slow mouse in XP                                                    
 15059  2007-01-03 09:27:20 Ad                                 Re: global warming                                                      
 15060  2007-01-03 10:41:28 Ad                                 Howd'ya back that up???                                                 
 15061  2007-01-03 06:18:54 Geo.                               Re: AT&T says they can't provide DSL?!?!?                               
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 15062  2007-01-03 06:47:46 Mike N.                            Re: Fido net duplicates?                                                
 15063  2007-01-03 14:43:16 Ad                                 You gotta love the indians                                              
 15064  2007-01-03 09:12:28 Glenn Meadows                      Me in Print!!!                                                          
 15065  2007-01-03 11:43:56 Rich Gauszka                       broadband in your car                                                   
 15066  2007-01-03 09:05:46 Ellen K.                           Re: AT&T says they can't provide DSL?!?!?                               
 15067  2007-01-03 09:06:36 Ellen K.                           Re: AT&T says they can't provide DSL?!?!?                               
 15068  2007-01-03 11:29:30 Glenn Meadows                      Re: AT&T says they can't provide DSL?!?!?                               
 15069  2007-01-03 09:32:04 Ellen K.                           Re: AT&T says they can't provide DSL?!?!?                               
 15070  2007-01-03 09:35:12 Ellen K.                           Re: Me in Print!!!                                                      
 15071  2007-01-03 11:38:20 Glenn Meadows                      Re: AT&T says they can't provide DSL?!?!?                               
 15072  2007-01-03 13:16:56 Dave Ings                          Re: AT&T says they can't provide DSL?!?!?                               
 15073  2007-01-03 12:21:52 Glenn Meadows                      Re: AT&T says they can't provide DSL?!?!?                               
 15074  2007-01-03 10:55:12 Ellen K.                           Re: AT&T says they can't provide DSL?!?!?                               
 15075  2007-01-03 10:55:40 Ellen K.                           Re: AT&T says they can't provide DSL?!?!?                               
 15076  2007-01-03 10:59:42 Ellen K.                           Re: AT&T says they can't provide DSL?!?!?                               
 15077  2007-01-03 13:03:52 Glenn Meadows                      Re: AT&T says they can't provide DSL?!?!?                               
 15078  2007-01-03 13:07:18 Glenn Meadows                      Re: AT&T says they can't provide DSL?!?!?                               
 15079  2007-01-03 14:22:54 John Cuccia                        Re: AT&T says they can't provide DSL?!?!?                               
 15080  2007-01-03 15:28:36 Frank Haber                        Re: Slow mouse in XP                                                    
 15081  2007-01-03 14:38:10 Glenn Meadows                      Re: Slow mouse in XP                                                    
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 15082  2007-01-03 15:42:44 Frank Haber                        Re: anyone using iTunes 7.0.2? My burned CDs won't play. - iTunes-Burni 
 15083  2007-01-03 15:57:42 Frank Haber                        Re: AT&T says they can't provide DSL?!?!?                               
 15084  2007-01-03 16:08:02 Frank Haber                        Re: Slow mouse in XP                                                    
 15085  2007-01-03 16:22:22 Gary Britt                         Re: Slow mouse in XP                                                    
 15086  2007-01-03 15:23:20 Glenn Meadows                      Re: Slow mouse in XP                                                    
 15087  2007-01-03 16:23:48 Gary Britt                         Re: Slow mouse in XP                                                    
 15088  2007-01-03 15:27:10 Glenn Meadows                      Re: Slow mouse in XP                                                    
 15089  2007-01-03 23:44:00 Antti Kurenniemi                   Re: Slow mouse in XP                                                    
 15090  2007-01-03 16:51:24 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Slow mouse in XP                                                    
 15091  2007-01-03 17:32:22 John Beamish                       Re: Me in Print!!!                                                      
 15092  2007-01-03 17:38:18 John Beamish                       Re: Slow mouse in XP                                                    
 15093  2007-01-03 17:48:44 mike                               Re: Me in Print!!!                                                      
 15094  2007-01-03 17:51:32 mike                               Re: secure wireless router -> What flavor of 660HW?                     
 15095  2007-01-03 16:59:50 Glenn Meadows                      Re: Me in Print!!!                                                      
 15096  2007-01-03 18:04:36 mike                               MacMini power usage                                                     
 15097  2007-01-03 18:22:20 mike                               Re: secure wireless router -> What flavor of 660HW?                     
 15098  2007-01-03 19:07:04 Gary Britt                         Re: Slow mouse in XP                                                    
 15099  2007-01-03 21:36:50 Frank Haber                        Re: Slow mouse in XP                                                    
 15100  2007-01-03 22:40:02 Geo.                               Re: AT&T says they can't provide DSL?!?!?                               
 15101  2007-01-03 19:42:10 Ellen K.                           Re: AT&T says they can't provide DSL?!?!?                               
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 15102  2007-01-03 19:44:12 Ellen K.                           Re: AT&T says they can't provide DSL?!?!?                               
 15103  2007-01-03 22:43:54 Geo.                               Re: AT&T says they can't provide DSL?!?!?                               
 15104  2007-01-03 22:52:28 Geo.                               Re: Fido net duplicates?                                                
 15105  2007-01-03 22:54:02 Geo.                               Re: Howd'ya back that up???                                             
 15106  2007-01-03 22:59:50 Geo.                               Re: Me in Print!!!                                                      
 15107  2007-01-03 23:03:34 Geo.                               Re: secure wireless router -> What flavor of 660HW?                     
 15108  2007-01-03 23:04:40 Geo.                               Re: secure wireless router -> What flavor of 660HW?                     
 15109  2007-01-03 23:11:34 Dave Ings                          Re: AT&T says they can't provide DSL?!?!?                               
 15110  2007-01-03 23:27:44 Rich Gauszka                       Re: secure wireless router -> What flavor of 660HW?                     
 15111  2007-01-03 23:07:20 Glenn Meadows                      Re: Me in Print!!!                                                      
 15112  2007-01-04 09:30:14 Ad                                 Re: MacMini power usage                                                 
 15113  2007-01-04 06:17:38 Geo.                               Re: AT&T says they can't provide DSL?!?!?                               
 15114  2007-01-04 06:18:54 Geo.                               Re: AT&T says they can't provide DSL?!?!?                               
 15115  2007-01-04 06:21:32 Geo.                               Re: Me in Print!!!                                                      
 15116  2007-01-04 06:48:46 Glenn Meadows                      Re: Me in Print!!!                                                      
 15117  2007-01-04 08:17:08 Dave Ings                          Re: AT&T says they can't provide DSL?!?!?                               
 15118  2007-01-04 09:50:38 Frank Haber                        Re: MacMini power usage                                                 
 15119  2007-01-04 14:34:26 Gary Britt                         Re: Slow mouse in XP                                                    
 15120  2007-01-04 17:23:20 John Beamish                       Re: AT&T says they can't provide DSL?!?!?                               
 15121  2007-01-04 17:27:50 Frank Haber                        Re: AT&T says they can't provide DSL?!?!?                               
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 15122  2007-01-04 17:39:32 mike                               Re: Me in Print!!!                                                      
 15123  2007-01-04 16:48:52 Glenn Meadows                      Re: Me in Print!!!                                                      
 15124  2007-01-04 19:16:16 Mike N.                            Re: Me in Print!!!                                                      
 15125  2007-01-04 16:19:28 Ellen K.                           Re: secure wireless router -> What flavor of 660HW?                     
 15126  2007-01-04 16:21:52 Ellen K.                           Re: AT&T says they can't provide DSL?!?!?                               
 15127  2007-01-04 16:22:42 Ellen K.                           Re: AT&T says they can't provide DSL?!?!?                               
 15128  2007-01-04 16:33:36 Ellen K.                           Re: AT&T says they can't provide DSL?!?!?                               
 15129  2007-01-04 21:31:24 Randy                              Re: MacMini power usage                                                 
 15130  2007-01-04 20:43:30 Glenn Meadows                      Re: Me in Print!!!                                                      
 15131  2007-01-05 23:36:14 Don Hills                          Re: AT&T says they can't provide DSL?!?!?                               
 15132  2007-01-05 07:32:48 Mike N.                            Re: Me in Print!!!                                                      
 15133  2007-01-05 06:46:32 Glenn Meadows                      Re: Me in Print!!!                                                      
 15134  2007-01-05 17:37:02 Antti Kurenniemi                   Re: Me in Print!!!                                                      
 15135  2007-01-05 12:29:54 RobertB                            Re: Me in Print!!!                                                      
 15136  2007-01-05 12:40:12 RobertB                            Re: anyone using iTunes 7.0.2? My burned CDs won't play. - iTunes-Burni 
 15137  2007-01-05 17:13:00 Dave Ings                          Fuel Cells as Backup Generators                                         
 15138  2007-01-05 17:51:02 mike                               Re: Me in Print!!!                                                      
 15139  2007-01-05 19:44:40 mike                               Re: MacMini power usage                                                 
 15140  2007-01-06 01:42:34 Doug Bryce                         Re: AT&T says they can't provide DSL?!?!?                               
 15141  2007-01-05 20:06:08 Glenn Meadows                      Re: Me in Print!!!                                                      
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 15142  2007-01-05 21:50:26 mike                               Re: Me in Print!!!                                                      
 15143  2007-01-05 21:42:18 Glenn Meadows                      Re: Me in Print!!!                                                      
 15144  2007-01-05 23:57:54 Gary Britt                         Re: Fuel Cells as Backup Generators                                     
 15145  2007-01-06 07:24:50 Dave Ings                          Re: Fuel Cells as Backup Generators                                     
 15146  2007-01-06 08:15:32 Mike N.                            Re: Me in Print!!!                                                      
 15147  2007-01-06 11:42:46 mike                               Re: global warming                                                      
 15148  2007-01-06 11:00:20 Glenn Meadows                      Re: Me in Print!!!                                                      
 15149  2007-01-06 12:47:40 mike                               Re: Me in Print!!!                                                      
 15150  2007-01-06 13:43:12 Jim Adams                          Re: Me in Print!!!                                                      
 15151  2007-01-06 13:53:08 Gary Britt                         Re: global warming                                                      
 15152  2007-01-06 13:54:42 Gary Britt                         Re: Fuel Cells as Backup Generators                                     
 15153  2007-01-06 14:10:08 Frank Haber                        Re: Me in Print!!!                                                      
 15154  2007-01-06 14:23:04 RobertB                            Re: Me in Print!!!                                                      
 15155  2007-01-06 14:53:56 mike                               Re: global warming                                                      
 15156  2007-01-06 16:57:24 Geo.                               Re: AT&T says they can't provide DSL?!?!?                               
 15157  2007-01-06 17:06:18 Geo.                               Re: Fuel Cells as Backup Generators                                     
 15158  2007-01-06 17:08:14 Geo.                               Re: global warming                                                      
 15159  2007-01-06 17:17:02 Frank Haber                        Re: Fuel Cells as Backup Generators                                     
 15160  2007-01-06 17:21:22 Geo.                               Re: Me in Print!!!                                                      
 15161  2007-01-06 17:25:48 Geo.                               Re: Me in Print!!!                                                      
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 15162  2007-01-06 17:12:56 Glenn Meadows                      Re: Me in Print!!!                                                      
 15163  2007-01-06 17:13:46 Glenn Meadows                      Re: Me in Print!!!                                                      
 15164  2007-01-06 17:16:02 Glenn Meadows                      Re: Me in Print!!!                                                      
 15165  2007-01-06 17:16:54 Glenn Meadows                      Re: Me in Print!!!                                                      
 15166  2007-01-06 17:19:20 Glenn Meadows                      Re: Me in Print!!!                                                      
 15167  2007-01-06 18:22:40 Gary Britt                         Re: global warming                                                      
 15168  2007-01-06 18:24:30 Mark                               Re: global warming                                                      
 15169  2007-01-06 18:24:54 Gary Britt                         Re: Fuel Cells as Backup Generators                                     
 15170  2007-01-06 18:31:12 mike                               Re: global warming                                                      
 15171  2007-01-06 19:40:38 Mark                               Re: global warming                                                      
 15172  2007-01-06 19:48:22 Gary Britt                         Re: global warming                                                      
 15173  2007-01-06 20:31:18 Geo.                               Re: Fuel Cells as Backup Generators                                     
 15174  2007-01-06 20:34:12 Geo.                               Re: global warming                                                      
 15175  2007-01-06 20:35:38 Geo.                               Re: global warming                                                      
 15176  2007-01-06 20:46:28 Geo.                               Re: Me in Print!!!                                                      
 15177  2007-01-06 22:46:54 Dave Ings                          Re: Fuel Cells as Backup Generators                                     
 15178  2007-01-06 21:58:16 Glenn Meadows                      Re: Fuel Cells as Backup Generators                                     
 15179  2007-01-06 21:23:06 Ellen K.                           Re: AT&T says they can't provide DSL?!?!?                               
 15180  2007-01-06 21:29:26 Ellen K.                           Re: Me in Print!!!                                                      
 15181  2007-01-07 11:59:34 Antti Kurenniemi                   Re: global warming                                                      
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 15182  2007-01-08 00:30:36 Don Hills                          Re: AT&T says they can't provide DSL?!?!?                               
 15183  2007-01-07 09:00:40 mike                               Re: Fuel Cells as Backup Generators                                     
 15184  2007-01-07 09:02:20 mike                               Re: Fuel Cells as Backup Generators                                     
 15185  2007-01-07 09:08:30 mike                               Re: global warming                                                      
 15186  2007-01-07 09:08:56 mike                               Re: global warming                                                      
 15187  2007-01-07 09:32:40 Monte Davis                        Re: global warming                                                      
 15188  2007-01-07 09:37:38 Monte Davis                        Re: global warming                                                      
 15189  2007-01-07 09:45:10 Glenn Meadows                      Re: Me in Print!!!                                                      
 15190  2007-01-07 11:19:04 Dave Ings                          Re: Fuel Cells as Backup Generators                                     
 15191  2007-01-07 11:21:06 mike                               Send in the Repo Bot                                                    
 15192  2007-01-07 11:40:10 John Beamish                       Re: Me in Print!!!                                                      
 15193  2007-01-07 12:13:20 Frank Haber                        Re: Me in Print!!!                                                      
 15194  2007-01-07 12:18:22 Frank Haber                        Re: Fuel Cells as Backup Generators                                     
 15195  2007-01-07 13:08:08 Geo.                               Re: Fuel Cells as Backup Generators                                     
 15196  2007-01-07 13:09:12 Geo.                               Re: global warming                                                      
 15197  2007-01-07 13:10:18 Geo.                               Re: global warming                                                      
 15198  2007-01-07 13:11:26 Geo.                               Re: global warming                                                      
 15199  2007-01-07 13:17:56 mike                               Re: Me in Print!!!                                                      
 15200  2007-01-07 13:17:12 Geo.                               Re: Send in the Repo Bot                                                
 15201  2007-01-07 13:24:38 John Beamish                       Cancel (not this message, a subscription)                               
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 15202  2007-01-07 13:29:22 Glenn Meadows                      Re: Me in Print!!!                                                      
 15203  2007-01-07 14:35:34 Jim Adams                          Re: Fuel Cells as Backup Generators                                     
 15204  2007-01-07 13:35:54 Glenn Meadows                      Re: Send in the Repo Bot                                                
 15205  2007-01-07 14:04:34 Glenn Meadows                      Re: Fuel Cells as Backup Generators                                     
 15206  2007-01-07 12:02:38 Ellen K.                           Re: Me in Print!!!                                                      
 15207  2007-01-07 14:23:26 Glenn Meadows                      Re: Me in Print!!!                                                      
 15208  2007-01-07 15:25:52 Gary Britt                         Re: global warming                                                      
 15209  2007-01-07 15:56:38 Geo.                               Re: Fuel Cells as Backup Generators                                     
 15210  2007-01-07 16:13:00 Geo.                               Re: Send in the Repo Bot                                                
 15211  2007-01-07 13:48:20 Ellen K.                           Re: Send in the Repo Bot                                                
 15212  2007-01-07 18:10:28 Mike N.                            Re: Cancel (not this message, a subscription)                           
 15213  2007-01-07 19:46:40 Joe Hunt                           Re: Me in Print!!!                                                      
 15214  2007-01-07 20:51:22 Ellen K.                           Re: Me in Print!!!                                                      
 15215  2007-01-07 05:39:06 Bob Ackley                         Me in Print!!!                                                          
 15216  2007-01-07 05:45:20 Bob Ackley                         global warming                                                          
 15217  2007-01-07 05:46:22 Bob Ackley                         Fuel Cells as Backup Generators                                         
 15218  2007-01-08 23:04:18 Don Hills                          Re: Me in Print!!!                                                      
 15219  2007-01-08 08:48:26 John Beamish                       Re: Me in Print!!!                                                      
 15220  2007-01-08 13:55:22 David B                            Re: Cancel (not this message, a subscription)                           
 15221  2007-01-08 14:39:30 Rich Gauszka                       no more exploding/leaking capacitors from Gigabyte                      
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 15222  2007-01-08 15:06:50 Gary Britt                         Re: no more exploding/leaking capacitors from Gigabyte                  
 15223  2007-01-08 15:23:02 Rich Gauszka                       Re: no more exploding/leaking capacitors from Gigabyte                  
 15224  2007-01-08 19:00:58 Rich Gauszka                       Windows Home Server coming out of the closet                            
 15225  2007-01-08 19:37:42 Mike N.                            Re: Cancel (not this message, a subscription)                           
 15226  2007-01-08 20:14:38 mike                               Re: Windows Home Server coming out of the closet                        
 15227  2007-01-08 20:20:24 mike                               Acer puts Active X hole on laptops                                      
 15228  2007-01-08 20:46:10 Geo.                               Re: Acer puts Active X hole on laptops                                  
 15229  2007-01-08 20:49:48 Geo.                               Re: no more exploding/leaking capacitors from Gigabyte                  
 15230  2007-01-08 20:56:16 Geo.                               Re: Windows Home Server coming out of the closet                        
 15231  2007-01-08 21:19:38 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Windows Home Server coming out of the closet                        
 15232  2007-01-08 21:22:58 John Beamish                       Re: Acer puts Active X hole on laptops                                  
 15233  2007-01-08 21:36:52 Randy                              Re: Cancel (not this message, a subscription)                           
 15234  2007-01-08 22:53:30 Mike N.                            Re: Cancel (not this message, a subscription)                           
 15235  2007-01-09 06:51:02 Antti Kurenniemi                   Re: Windows Home Server coming out of the closet                        
 15236  2007-01-09 19:50:56 Don Hills                          Re: Me in Print!!!                                                      
 15237  2007-01-09 09:43:32 Glenn Meadows                      Re: Me in Print!!!                                                      
 15238  2007-01-09 14:42:48 Mike N.                            IPhone is real!!!                                                       
 15239  2007-01-09 15:32:08 Rich Gauszka                       Re: IPhone is real!!!                                                   
 15240  2007-01-09 15:39:04 Rich Gauszka                       Peachtree & Quickbooks block Linux server use                           
 15241  2007-01-09 16:53:40 Gary Britt                         Re: IPhone is real!!!                                                   
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 15242  2007-01-09 16:59:52 Rich Gauszka                       Re: IPhone is real!!!                                                   
 15243  2007-01-09 17:04:34 Gary Britt                         Re: Peachtree & Quickbooks block Linux server use                       
 15244  2007-01-09 17:17:30 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Peachtree & Quickbooks block Linux server use                       
 15245  2007-01-09 17:23:12 Mike N.                            Re: Peachtree & Quickbooks block Linux server use                       
 15246  2007-01-09 19:09:28 Geo.                               Re: Peachtree & Quickbooks block Linux server use                       
 15247  2007-01-09 19:13:30 Geo.                               Re: Windows Home Server coming out of the closet                        
 15248  2007-01-09 19:16:14 mike                               Re: Peachtree & Quickbooks block Linux server use                       
 15249  2007-01-09 19:19:28 mike                               Re: Acer puts Active X hole on laptops                                  
 15250  2007-01-09 19:21:58 mike                               Re: Windows Home Server coming out of the closet                        
 15251  2007-01-09 19:38:30 Gary Britt                         Another Scroll Wheel Utility For Geo                                    
 15252  2007-01-09 21:18:40 mike                               Trustware                                                               
 15253  2007-01-09 21:19:34 Mike N.                            Re: Peachtree & Quickbooks block Linux server use                       
 15254  2007-01-09 18:54:56 Rich                               Re: Peachtree & Quickbooks block Linux server use                       
 15255  2007-01-09 22:32:56 mike                               Re: Peachtree & Quickbooks block Linux server use                       
 15256  2007-01-09 22:41:54 Rich Gauszka                       Microsoft offers sub orbital space ride?                                
 15257  2007-01-09 23:39:24 Geo.                               Re: Another Scroll Wheel Utility For Geo                                
 15258  2007-01-09 23:40:30 Geo.                               Re: Microsoft offers sub orbital space ride?                            
 15259  2007-01-09 23:41:28 Geo.                               Re: Peachtree & Quickbooks block Linux server use                       
 15260  2007-01-10 06:48:58 Antti Kurenniemi                   Re: Peachtree & Quickbooks block Linux server use                       
 15261  2007-01-09 23:45:52 Geo.                               Re: Peachtree & Quickbooks block Linux server use                       
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 15262  2007-01-09 23:47:06 Geo.                               Re: Peachtree & Quickbooks block Linux server use                       
 15263  2007-01-09 23:51:38 Geo.                               Re: Peachtree & Quickbooks block Linux server use                       
 15264  2007-01-09 23:54:52 Geo.                               Re: Windows Home Server coming out of the closet                        
 15265  2007-01-10 06:55:48 Antti Kurenniemi                   Re: Peachtree & Quickbooks block Linux server use                       
 15266  2007-01-10 00:01:28 Geo.                               Re: Peachtree & Quickbooks block Linux server use                       
 15267  2007-01-10 05:58:30 Mike N.                            Re: Peachtree & Quickbooks block Linux server use                       
 15268  2007-01-10 06:00:42 Mike N.                            Re: Peachtree & Quickbooks block Linux server use                       
 15269  2007-01-10 06:03:16 Mike N.                            Re: Peachtree & Quickbooks block Linux server use                       
 15270  2007-01-10 06:11:46 Geo.                               Re: Peachtree & Quickbooks block Linux server use                       
 15271  2007-01-10 06:14:06 Mike N.                            Re: Peachtree & Quickbooks block Linux server use                       
 15272  2007-01-10 06:17:36 Mike N.                            Re: Trustware                                                           
 15273  2007-01-10 06:17:46 Geo.                               Re: Peachtree & Quickbooks block Linux server use                       
 15274  2007-01-10 08:13:20 Geo.                               Re: Another Scroll Wheel Utility For Geo                                
 15275  2007-01-10 08:23:26 Mike N.                            Re: Peachtree & Quickbooks block Linux server use                       
 15276  2007-01-10 09:24:48 John Beamish                       Re: Peachtree & Quickbooks block Linux server use                       
 15277  2007-01-10 09:33:38 John Beamish                       Re: Peachtree & Quickbooks block Linux server use                       
 15278  2007-01-10 10:12:22 Mike N.                            Logitech MX  Revolution?                                                
 15279  2007-01-10 10:30:34 Gary Britt                         Re: Peachtree & Quickbooks block Linux server use                       
 15280  2007-01-10 10:40:42 Gary Britt                         Re: Peachtree & Quickbooks block Linux server use                       
 15281  2007-01-10 10:48:00 Gary Britt                         Re: Another Scroll Wheel Utility For Geo                                
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 15282  2007-01-10 10:56:28 RobertB                            Re: IPhone is real!!!                                                   
 15283  2007-01-10 11:01:50 Gary Britt                         Re: Logitech MX  Revolution?                                            
 15284  2007-01-10 11:25:34 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Logitech MX  Revolution?                                            
 15285  2007-01-10 10:28:08 Glenn Meadows                      Re: Logitech MX  Revolution?                                            
 15286  2007-01-10 11:29:30 Gary Britt                         Re: Logitech MX  Revolution?                                            
 15287  2007-01-10 11:37:34 John Beamish                       Re: Peachtree & Quickbooks block Linux server use                       
 15288  2007-01-10 13:49:00 Gary Britt                         Re: Peachtree & Quickbooks block Linux server use                       
 15289  2007-01-10 13:53:50 John Beamish                       Re: Peachtree & Quickbooks block Linux server use                       
 15290  2007-01-10 20:56:14 Antti Kurenniemi                   Re: Peachtree & Quickbooks block Linux server use                       
 15291  2007-01-10 14:38:10 Gary Britt                         Re: Peachtree & Quickbooks block Linux server use                       
 15292  2007-01-10 16:00:30 Rich Gauszka                       China will love to hear about one of Vista's developers                 
 15293  2007-01-10 17:32:08 Mike N.                            Re: Logitech MX  Revolution?                                            
 15294  2007-01-10 17:36:32 Mike N.                            Re: IPhone is real!!!                                                   
 15295  2007-01-10 17:47:32 mike                               Re: Logitech MX  Revolution?                                            
 15296  2007-01-10 18:12:38 Rich Gauszka                       Re: IPhone is real!!!                                                   
 15297  2007-01-10 19:09:52 Geo.                               Re: Peachtree & Quickbooks block Linux server use                       
 15298  2007-01-10 19:15:36 Geo.                               Re: Peachtree & Quickbooks block Linux server use                       
 15299  2007-01-10 19:17:54 Geo.                               Re: Peachtree & Quickbooks block Linux server use                       
 15300  2007-01-10 19:30:00 Geo.                               Re: Another Scroll Wheel Utility For Geo                                
 15301  2007-01-10 19:36:42 Geo.                               Re: Logitech MX  Revolution?                                            
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 15302  2007-01-10 19:40:04 Geo.                               Re: Logitech MX  Revolution?                                            
 15303  2007-01-10 21:38:24 Mike N.                            Re: Peachtree & Quickbooks block Linux server use                       
 15304  2007-01-10 21:51:58 Gary Britt                         Re: Another Scroll Wheel Utility For Geo                                
 15305  2007-01-10 21:58:44 Mike N.                            Re: Peachtree & Quickbooks block Linux server use                       
 15306  2007-01-10 23:05:48 Geo.                               Re: Another Scroll Wheel Utility For Geo                                
 15307  2007-01-10 23:08:28 Geo.                               Re: Peachtree & Quickbooks block Linux server use                       
 15308  2007-01-10 23:14:30 Geo.                               Re: Peachtree & Quickbooks block Linux server use                       
 15309  2007-01-11 08:11:52 Mike N.                            Re: Peachtree & Quickbooks block Linux server use                       
 15310  2007-01-11 08:27:58 Mike N.                            Re: Peachtree & Quickbooks block Linux server use                       
 15311  2007-01-11 08:49:14 John Cuccia                        Re: Peachtree & Quickbooks block Linux server use                       
 15312  2007-01-11 11:07:12 RobertB                            Re: IPhone is real!!!                                                   
 15313  2007-01-11 10:17:54 Glenn Meadows                      Re: IPhone is real!!!                                                   
 15314  2007-01-11 12:18:38 Mike N.                            Re: IPhone is real!!!                                                   
 15315  2007-01-11 12:21:26 Mike N.                            Re: IPhone is real!!!                                                   
 15316  2007-01-11 12:25:40 Glenn Meadows                      Re: IPhone is real!!!                                                   
 15317  2007-01-11 12:26:26 Glenn Meadows                      Re: IPhone is real!!!                                                   
 15318  2007-01-11 14:57:10 Rich Gauszka                       Nokia N95 - iPhone competitor                                           
 15319  2007-01-11 15:23:56 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Nokia N95 - iPhone competitor                                       
 15320  2007-01-11 16:09:48 Dave Ings                          Re: Nokia N95 - iPhone competitor                                       
 15321  2007-01-11 16:20:32 Mike N.                            Re: IPhone is real!!!                                                   
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 15322  2007-01-11 16:34:28 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Nokia N95 - iPhone competitor                                       
 15323  2007-01-11 16:43:00 Dave Ings                          Re: Nokia N95 - iPhone competitor                                       
 15324  2007-01-11 17:59:18 mike                               The Second Time Around                                                  
 15325  2007-01-11 15:20:02 Rich                               Re: The Second Time Around                                              
 15326  2007-01-11 18:56:34 Randy                              Re: IPhone is real!!!                                                   
 15327  2007-01-11 20:21:00 mike                               Re: The Second Time Around                                              
 15328  2007-01-11 19:34:46 Rich                               Re: The Second Time Around                                              
 15329  2007-01-11 21:39:20 Glenn Meadows                      Re: IPhone is real!!!                                                   
 15330  2007-01-12 11:21:46 RobertB                            Re: IPhone is real!!!                                                   
 15331  2007-01-12 11:23:20 RobertB                            Re: IPhone is real!!!                                                   
 15332  2007-01-12 14:21:52 Mike N.                            The Real Genius of Apple's iPhone                                       
 15333  2007-01-12 17:42:36 mike                               Re: The Second Time Around                                              
 15334  2007-01-12 18:52:42 Rich Gauszka                       Why Cisco sued Apple?                                                   
 15335  2007-01-12 19:13:58 Geo.                               Re: IPhone is real!!!                                                   
 15336  2007-01-12 19:22:22 Geo.                               Re: Peachtree & Quickbooks block Linux server use                       
 15337  2007-01-12 19:30:34 Geo.                               Re: Peachtree & Quickbooks block Linux server use                       
 15338  2007-01-12 19:31:58 Geo.                               Re: Peachtree & Quickbooks block Linux server use                       
 15339  2007-01-12 19:42:04 Geo.                               Re: The Second Time Around                                              
 15340  2007-01-12 19:43:52 Geo.                               Re: Why Cisco sued Apple?                                               
 15341  2007-01-12 19:50:54 John Beamish                       Re: Why Cisco sued Apple?                                               
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 15342  2007-01-12 19:59:34 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Why Cisco sued Apple?                                               
 15343  2007-01-12 21:33:06 Randy                              Re: IPhone is real!!!                                                   
 15344  2007-01-12 21:46:52 mike                               Re: global warming                                                      
 15345  2007-01-12 21:51:04 mike                               Re: The Second Time Around                                              
 15346  2007-01-12 21:52:36 mike                               Re: IPhone is real!!!                                                   
 15347  2007-01-12 22:44:24 Mike N.                            Re: Peachtree & Quickbooks block Linux server use                       
 15348  2007-01-12 22:49:38 Mike N.                            Re: Peachtree & Quickbooks block Linux server use                       
 15349  2007-01-12 23:09:26 Dave Ings                          Re: Why Cisco sued Apple?                                               
 15350  2007-01-12 23:36:26 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Why Cisco sued Apple?                                               
 15351  2007-01-12 21:27:54 Rich                               Re: The Second Time Around                                              
 15352  2007-01-12 21:31:18 Rich                               Re: The Second Time Around                                              
 15353  2007-01-13 08:25:34 mike                               Re: Why Cisco sued Apple?                                               
 15354  2007-01-13 09:48:16 Frank Haber                        Re: The Real Genius of Apple's iPhone                                   
 15355  2007-01-13 11:07:22 Geo.                               Re: IPhone is real!!!                                                   
 15356  2007-01-13 11:10:20 Geo.                               Re: Peachtree & Quickbooks block Linux server use                       
 15357  2007-01-13 11:12:54 Geo.                               Re: The Second Time Around                                              
 15358  2007-01-13 11:27:10 mike                               Re: IPhone is real!!!                                                   
 15359  2007-01-13 08:35:46 Rich                               Bluetooth                                                               
 15360  2007-01-13 12:31:02 Geo.                               Re: The Second Time Around                                              
 15361  2007-01-13 12:46:20 Geo.                               DRM in action                                                           
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 15362  2007-01-13 13:05:24 Geo.                               Re: Bluetooth                                                           
 15363  2007-01-13 10:06:20 Rich                               Re: george's preferences                                                
 15364  2007-01-13 10:08:18 Rich                               Re: codec problem?                                                      
 15365  2007-01-13 10:09:48 Rich                               Re: Bluetooth                                                           
 15366  2007-01-13 13:09:06 Geo.                               Re: IPhone is real!!!                                                   
 15367  2007-01-13 13:12:48 Geo.                               Re: Why Cisco sued Apple?                                               
 15368  2007-01-13 13:17:00 Geo.                               Re: Why Cisco sued Apple?                                               
 15369  2007-01-13 13:29:06 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Why Cisco sued Apple?                                               
 15370  2007-01-13 13:49:44 Robert Comer                       Re: IPhone is real!!!                                                   
 15371  2007-01-13 13:51:12 Rich Gauszka                       Re: DRM in action                                                       
 15372  2007-01-13 14:07:14 Robert Comer                       Re: DRM in action                                                       
 15373  2007-01-13 14:07:54 JaneL                              Re: Bluetooth                                                           
 15374  2007-01-13 14:12:40 Robert Comer                       Re: codec problem?                                                      
 15375  2007-01-13 14:33:40 Rich Gauszka                       Re: DRM in action                                                       
 15376  2007-01-13 15:02:42 Geo.                               Re: DRM in action                                                       
 15377  2007-01-13 15:11:42 Rich Gauszka                       Re: DRM in action                                                       
 15378  2007-01-13 15:10:16 Geo.                               Re: DRM in action                                                       
 15379  2007-01-13 15:15:42 Geo.                               Re: DRM in action                                                       
 15380  2007-01-13 15:20:48 Geo.                               Re: george's preferences                                                
 15381  2007-01-13 15:21:36 Geo.                               Re: codec problem?                                                      
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 15382  2007-01-13 15:48:50 Robert Comer                       Re: DRM in action                                                       
 15383  2007-01-13 15:53:06 Robert Comer                       Re: DRM in action                                                       
 15384  2007-01-13 15:59:44 Rich Gauszka                       Re: DRM in action                                                       
 15385  2007-01-13 16:06:34 Geo.                               Re: Why Cisco sued Apple?                                               
 15386  2007-01-13 16:17:06 Geo.                               Re: Bluetooth                                                           
 15387  2007-01-13 16:20:50 mike                               Re: IPhone is real!!!                                                   
 15388  2007-01-13 16:20:30 Geo.                               Re: DRM in action                                                       
 15389  2007-01-13 16:35:10 Rich Gauszka                       Re: DRM in action                                                       
 15390  2007-01-13 13:44:10 Rich                               Re: codec problem?                                                      
 15391  2007-01-13 13:53:54 Rich                               Re: george's preferences                                                
 15392  2007-01-13 13:54:20 Rich                               Re: codec problem?                                                      
 15393  2007-01-13 17:18:14 RobertB                            Re: The Second Time Around                                              
 15394  2007-01-13 17:47:14 Rich Gauszka                       Uh - Oh - U.S. Attorney in criminal probe of Apple options              
 15395  2007-01-13 17:51:32 Robert Comer                       Re: DRM in action                                                       
 15396  2007-01-13 17:52:22 Robert Comer                       Re: IPhone is real!!!                                                   
 15397  2007-01-13 17:53:16 Robert Comer                       Re: DRM in action                                                       
 15398  2007-01-13 20:29:42 Mike N.                            Re: Why Cisco sued Apple?                                               
 15399  2007-01-13 20:43:28 mike                               Re: Why Cisco sued Apple?                                               
 15400  2007-01-13 20:45:24 mike                               Re: IPhone is real!!!                                                   
 15401  2007-01-13 22:14:26 Robert Comer                       Re: IPhone is real!!!                                                   
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 15402  2007-01-13 22:19:04 Geo.                               Re: codec problem?                                                      
 15403  2007-01-13 19:28:04 Rich                               Re: codec problem?                                                      
 15404  2007-01-13 22:30:22 Geo.                               Re: george's preferences                                                
 15405  2007-01-13 22:44:44 Geo.                               Re: The Second Time Around                                              
 15406  2007-01-13 19:49:30 Rich                               Re: george's preferences                                                
 15407  2007-01-13 22:51:46 Geo.                               Re: Why Cisco sued Apple?                                               
 15408  2007-01-13 22:56:58 Geo.                               Re: Why Cisco sued Apple?                                               
 15409  2007-01-13 23:00:44 Geo.                               Re: codec problem?                                                      
 15410  2007-01-13 23:13:52 Geo.                               Re: george's preferences                                                
 15411  2007-01-13 20:45:30 Rich                               Re: george's preferences                                                
 15412  2007-01-14 00:16:06 Rich Gauszka                       Re: codec problem?                                                      
 15413  2007-01-14 00:05:32 Ellen K.                           Re: Peachtree & Quickbooks block Linux server use                       
 15414  2007-01-14 08:47:08 mike                               Re: Why Cisco sued Apple?                                               
 15415  2007-01-14 09:19:28 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Peachtree & Quickbooks block Linux server use                       
 15416  2007-01-14 10:16:34 mike                               Re: Peachtree & Quickbooks block Linux server use                       
 15417  2007-01-14 11:19:44 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Peachtree & Quickbooks block Linux server use                       
 15418  2007-01-14 18:14:48 Thees Peereboom                    Google mailserver                                                       
 15419  2007-01-14 12:19:20 JaneL                              Re: Google mailserver                                                   
 15420  2007-01-14 13:15:12 Geo.                               Re: codec problem?                                                      
 15421  2007-01-14 14:14:32 Geo.                               Re: george's preferences                                                
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 15422  2007-01-14 14:25:50 Geo.                               Re: Why Cisco sued Apple?                                               
 15423  2007-01-14 12:29:42 Rich                               Re: george's preferences                                                
 15424  2007-01-14 18:14:36 Geo.                               Re: george's preferences                                                
 15425  2007-01-14 16:44:10 Rich                               Re: george's preferences                                                
 15426  2007-01-14 20:34:30 mike                               Fear and not so Loathing at CES                                         
 15427  2007-01-14 21:15:28 Mike N.                            Extended Validation Certificates are here                               
 15428  2007-01-14 21:55:56 Glenn Meadows                      Re: Extended Validation Certificates are here                           
 15429  2007-01-14 23:10:14 Geo.                               Re: Extended Validation Certificates are here                           
 15430  2007-01-14 23:16:56 Geo.                               Re: george's preferences                                                
 15431  2007-01-14 21:55:22 Rich                               Re: george's preferences                                                
 15432  2007-01-15 07:18:32 Mike N.                            Re: Extended Validation Certificates are here                           
 15433  2007-01-15 09:34:34 Robert Comer                       Re: Extended Validation Certificates are here                           
 15434  2007-01-15 11:48:28 Mike N.                            Re: Extended Validation Certificates are here                           
 15435  2007-01-15 11:14:46 Glenn Meadows                      Re: Extended Validation Certificates are here                           
 15436  2007-01-15 12:43:36 Robert Comer                       Re: Extended Validation Certificates are here                           
 15437  2007-01-15 09:51:44 Rich                               Re: Extended Validation Certificates are here                           
 15438  2007-01-15 12:59:46 Robert Comer                       Re: Extended Validation Certificates are here                           
 15439  2007-01-15 13:39:38 Glenn Meadows                      Re: Extended Validation Certificates are here                           
 15440  2007-01-15 14:50:30 Robert Comer                       Re: Extended Validation Certificates are here                           
 15441  2007-01-16 06:24:18 Geo.                               Re: george's preferences                                                
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 15442  2007-01-16 08:25:44 Rich                               Re: george's preferences                                                
 15443  2007-01-16 13:45:10 Rich Gauszka                       When vendors refuse to patch                                            
 15444  2007-01-16 16:39:58 Rich Gauszka                       Re: What the heck happened to my IE ?                                   
 15445  2007-01-16 16:43:06 Rich Gauszka                       Comcast download limits                                                 
 15446  2007-01-16 19:20:38 RobertB                            Re: The Second Time Around                                              
 15447  2007-01-16 20:39:22 Frank Haber                        Re: What the heck happened to my IE ?                                   
 15448  2007-01-16 23:27:44 Geo.                               Re: The Second Time Around                                              
 15449  2007-01-17 06:15:02 Geo.                               Re: What the heck happened to my IE ?                                   
 15450  2007-01-17 06:17:42 Geo.                               Re: When vendors refuse to patch                                        
 15451  2007-01-17 08:51:42 David B                            Re: What the heck happened to my IE ?                                   
 15452  2007-01-17 08:59:16 David B                            Re: Comcast download limits                                             
 15453  2007-01-17 09:18:12 Rich Gauszka                       Re: When vendors refuse to patch                                        
 15454  2007-01-17 20:48:40 Antti Kurenniemi                   Re: What the heck happened to my IE ?                                   
 15455  2007-01-17 20:50:52 Antti Kurenniemi                   Re: What the heck happened to my IE ?                                   
 15456  2007-01-17 20:53:20 Antti Kurenniemi                   Re: What the heck happened to my IE ?                                   
 15457  2007-01-17 20:54:10 Antti Kurenniemi                   Re: When vendors refuse to patch                                        
 15458  2007-01-17 17:44:20 mike                               Re: Comcast download limits                                             
 15459  2007-01-17 18:32:50 RobertB                            Re: The Second Time Around                                              
 15460  2007-01-17 22:28:08 John Beamish                       Jeep fans?                                                              
 15461  2007-01-17 22:51:24 Robert Comer                       Re: Comcast download limits                                             
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 15462  2007-01-17 22:50:40 Geo.                               Re: Jeep fans?                                                          
 15463  2007-01-17 22:53:32 Geo.                               Re: When vendors refuse to patch                                        
 15464  2007-01-18 09:58:12 Glenn Meadows                      Re: Comcast download limits                                             
 15465  2007-01-18 13:28:56 David B                            Re: Jeep fans?                                                          
 15466  2007-01-18 14:16:40 Mike N.                            Re: Extended Validation Certificates are here                           
 15467  2007-01-18 21:11:02 Rich Gauszka                       Apple slimy 801.11n upgrade                                             
 15468  2007-01-19 06:19:12 Geo.                               thursday                                                                
 15469  2007-01-19 17:42:32 mike                               Re: thursday                                                            
 15470  2007-01-19 17:43:16 mike                               Re: Apple slimy 801.11n upgrade                                         
 15471  2007-01-19 17:46:34 mike                               Re: Comcast download limits                                             
 15472  2007-01-19 19:12:20 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Apple slimy 801.11n upgrade                                         
 15473  2007-01-19 20:21:00 mike                               Re: Apple slimy 801.11n upgrade                                         
 15474  2007-01-19 21:05:00 mike                               Privately, Hollywood admits DRM isn't about piracy                      
 15475  2007-01-20 10:56:22 mike                               Is Internet Explorer 7 Explorer Too Locked Down for You?                
 15476  2007-01-20 11:36:46 Randy                              Curious new Apple i-products                                            
 15477  2007-01-21 08:43:00 Nick Mackechnie                    Re: thursday                                                            
 15478  2007-01-20 18:06:32 Geo.                               Re: Is Internet Explorer 7 Explorer Too Locked Down for You?            
 15479  2007-01-20 18:33:20 Geo.                               Re: Privately, Hollywood admits DRM isn't about piracy                  
 15480  2007-01-20 18:43:58 Geo.                               better than drm                                                         
 15481  2007-01-20 18:51:34 Geo.                               Re: thursday                                                            
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 15482  2007-01-20 19:08:30 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Is Internet Explorer 7 Explorer Too Locked Down for You?            
 15483  2007-01-20 16:36:10 Rich                               Re: Windows Mail                                                        
 15484  2007-01-20 19:52:28 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Windows Mail                                                        
 15485  2007-01-20 17:27:30 Rich                               Re: Windows Mail                                                        
 15486  2007-01-20 20:29:28 Geo.                               Re: Windows Mail                                                        
 15487  2007-01-20 20:50:14 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Windows Mail                                                        
 15488  2007-01-20 20:38:14 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Windows Mail                                                        
 15489  2007-01-20 20:51:54 Rich Gauszka                       Comodo firewall 2.4 released                                            
 15490  2007-01-20 21:05:12 Mike N.                            Re: Is Internet Explorer 7 Explorer Too Locked Down for You?            
 15491  2007-01-20 18:25:14 Rich                               Re: Windows Mail                                                        
 15492  2007-01-20 21:39:06 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Is Internet Explorer 7 Explorer Too Locked Down for You?            
 15493  2007-01-20 22:32:38 Geo.                               Re: Windows Mail                                                        
 15494  2007-01-20 22:36:28 Geo.                               Re: Windows Mail                                                        
 15495  2007-01-20 22:42:38 Mark                               Re: Windows Mail                                                        
 15496  2007-01-20 23:11:06 John Beamish                       Re: Is Internet Explorer 7 Explorer Too Locked Down for You?            
 15497  2007-01-20 23:11:14 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Windows Mail                                                        
 15498  2007-01-20 23:17:42 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Is Internet Explorer 7 Explorer Too Locked Down for You?            
 15499  2007-01-20 20:26:08 Ellen K.                           Re: What the heck happened to my IE ?                                   
 15500  2007-01-20 23:32:14 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Comodo firewall 2.4 released                                        
 15501  2007-01-20 21:02:32 Rich                               Re: Content protection                                                  
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 15502  2007-01-21 00:36:02 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Content protection                                                  
 15503  2007-01-21 14:02:02 Antti Kurenniemi                   Re: Is Internet Explorer 7 Explorer Too Locked Down for You?            
 15504  2007-01-21 14:06:46 Antti Kurenniemi                   Re: What the heck happened to my IE ?                                   
 15505  2007-01-21 07:07:36 Mike N.                            Re: DRM in action                                                       
 15506  2007-01-21 04:49:04 Ellen K.                           Re: What the heck happened to my IE ?                                   
 15507  2007-01-21 08:25:56 Robert Comer                       Re: Is Internet Explorer 7 Explorer Too Locked Down for You?            
 15508  2007-01-21 08:27:40 mike                               Re: better than drm                                                     
 15509  2007-01-21 08:30:38 mike                               Re: thursday                                                            
 15510  2007-01-21 08:46:08 mike                               Re: Comodo firewall 2.4 released                                        
 15511  2007-01-21 08:52:34 mike                               Re: What the heck happened to my IE ?                                   
 15512  2007-01-21 07:23:04 Rich                               Re: Content protection                                                  
 15513  2007-01-21 10:29:14 John Cuccia                        Re: Is Internet Explorer 7 Explorer Too Locked Down for You?            
 15514  2007-01-21 10:31:36 John Cuccia                        Re: Comodo firewall 2.4 released                                        
 15515  2007-01-21 11:41:22 John Beamish                       Re: Comodo firewall 2.4 released                                        
 15516  2007-01-21 11:48:40 John Beamish                       Re: What the heck happened to my IE ?                                   
 15517  2007-01-21 11:49:38 John Beamish                       Re: thursday                                                            
 15518  2007-01-21 12:05:36 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Comodo firewall 2.4 released                                        
 15519  2007-01-21 12:06:06 mike                               Re: Comodo firewall 2.4 released                                        
 15520  2007-01-21 12:08:16 mike                               Re: What the heck happened to my IE ?                                   
 15521  2007-01-21 12:18:30 mike                               Re: Apple slimy 801.11n upgrade                                         
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 15522  2007-01-21 13:04:06 John Beamish                       Re: Comodo firewall 2.4 released                                        
 15523  2007-01-21 12:28:16 John Cuccia                        Re: Comodo firewall 2.4 released                                        
 15524  2007-01-21 20:44:48 Antti Kurenniemi                   Re: What the heck happened to my IE ?                                   
 15525  2007-01-21 20:47:52 Antti Kurenniemi                   Re: Is Internet Explorer 7 Explorer Too Locked Down for You?            
 15526  2007-01-21 13:00:24 John Cuccia                        Re: Is Internet Explorer 7 Explorer Too Locked Down for You?            
 15527  2007-01-21 14:05:04 Geo.                               Re: Comodo firewall 2.4 released                                        
 15528  2007-01-21 14:20:40 Geo.                               Re: DRM in action                                                       
 15529  2007-01-21 14:25:26 mike                               Re: Comodo firewall 2.4 released                                        
 15530  2007-01-21 14:28:32 mike                               Re: Comodo firewall 2.4 released                                        
 15531  2007-01-21 14:27:28 Geo.                               Re: Content protection                                                  
 15532  2007-01-21 14:29:58 Geo.                               Re: Content protection                                                  
 15533  2007-01-21 21:49:24 Adam                               Re: Peachtree & Quickbooks block Linux server use                       
 15534  2007-01-21 22:11:42 Adam                               Re: Fuel Cells as Backup Generators                                     
 15535  2007-01-21 22:12:28 Adam                               Re: Fuel Cells as Backup Generators                                     
 15536  2007-01-21 17:34:34 Geo.                               Jupiter                                                                 
 15537  2007-01-21 17:55:12 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Apple slimy 801.11n upgrade                                         
 15538  2007-01-21 17:57:44 John Beamish                       Re: Jupiter                                                             
 15539  2007-01-21 18:09:24 Gary Britt                         Re: Is Internet Explorer 7 Explorer Too Locked Down for You?            
 15540  2007-01-21 18:10:50 Gary Britt                         Re: Is Internet Explorer 7 Explorer Too Locked Down for You?            
 15541  2007-01-21 18:21:46 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Is Internet Explorer 7 Explorer Too Locked Down for You?            
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 15542  2007-01-21 18:36:52 mike                               Re: Apple slimy 801.11n upgrade                                         
 15543  2007-01-21 19:05:42 Geo.                               Re: Is Internet Explorer 7 Explorer Too Locked Down for You?            
 15544  2007-01-21 16:17:40 Rich                               Re: Content protection                                                  
 15545  2007-01-21 16:19:00 Rich                               Re: Content protection                                                  
 15546  2007-01-21 19:23:18 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Content protection                                                  
 15547  2007-01-21 19:24:22 Geo.                               Re: Content protection                                                  
 15548  2007-01-21 16:39:30 Rich                               Re: Content protection                                                  
 15549  2007-01-21 16:45:56 Rich                               Re: Content protection                                                  
 15550  2007-01-21 20:09:08 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Content protection                                                  
 15551  2007-01-21 17:29:32 Rich                               Re: Content protection                                                  
 15552  2007-01-21 20:53:12 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Content protection                                                  
 15553  2007-01-21 21:14:14 Robert Comer                       Re: Is Internet Explorer 7 Explorer Too Locked Down for You?            
 15554  2007-01-21 21:59:26 Geo.                               Re: Content protection                                                  
 15555  2007-01-21 22:02:42 Geo.                               Re: Content protection                                                  
 15556  2007-01-21 22:06:34 Geo.                               Re: Content protection                                                  
 15557  2007-01-21 22:08:20 Geo.                               Re: Is Internet Explorer 7 Explorer Too Locked Down for You?            
 15558  2007-01-21 22:30:14 Robert Comer                       Re: Is Internet Explorer 7 Explorer Too Locked Down for You?            
 15559  2007-01-21 19:57:52 Rich                               Re: Content protection                                                  
 15560  2007-01-21 23:12:24 Gary Britt                         Re: Is Internet Explorer 7 Explorer Too Locked Down for You?            
 15561  2007-01-21 20:18:36 Rich                               Re: Content protection                                                  
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 15562  2007-01-21 20:24:10 Rich                               Re: Content protection                                                  
 15563  2007-01-21 20:29:58 Rich                               Re: Search for file by name                                             
 15564  2007-01-21 23:54:36 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Content protection                                                  
 15565  2007-01-22 07:23:32 Antti Kurenniemi                   Re: Is Internet Explorer 7 Explorer Too Locked Down for You?            
 15566  2007-01-21 21:58:22 Rich                               Re: Xbox 360 HD DVD 1080p                                               
 15567  2007-01-22 01:15:32 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Xbox 360 HD DVD 1080p                                               
 15568  2007-01-22 07:15:54 Ad                                 Re: Content protection                                                  
 15569  2007-01-22 07:20:04 Ad                                 Re: Content protection                                                  
 15570  2007-01-21 23:20:30 Rich                               Re: Xbox 360 HD DVD 1080p                                               
 15571  2007-01-21 23:23:38 Rich                               Re: Content protection                                                  
 15572  2007-01-22 07:24:08 Ad                                 Re: Content protection                                                  
 15573  2007-01-22 07:28:40 Ad                                 Re: Content protection                                                  
 15574  2007-01-22 02:28:04 Ellen K.                           Re: Search for file by name                                             
 15575  2007-01-22 10:40:18 Adam                               MS DRM article 4 Geo                                                    
 15576  2007-01-22 07:24:24 Robert Comer                       Re: Is Internet Explorer 7 Explorer Too Locked Down for You?            
 15577  2007-01-22 07:26:10 Robert Comer                       Re: Search for file by name                                             
 15578  2007-01-23 01:42:20 Don Hills                          Re: Content protection                                                  
 15579  2007-01-22 13:10:20 Adam                               Now even the Music comps are starting to back off from DRM?             
 15580  2007-01-22 08:52:30 Robert Comer                       Re: Is Internet Explorer 7 Explorer Too Locked Down for You?            
 15581  2007-01-22 08:35:34 Robert G Lewis                     Re: Is Internet Explorer 7 Explorer Too Locked Down for You?            
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 15582  2007-01-22 11:10:52 Gary Britt                         Re: Is Internet Explorer 7 Explorer Too Locked Down for You?            
 15583  2007-01-22 11:24:10 Gary Britt                         Re: Is Internet Explorer 7 Explorer Too Locked Down for You?            
 15584  2007-01-22 10:20:38 Rich                               Re: Search for file by name                                             
 15585  2007-01-22 10:22:18 Rich                               Re: Search for file by name                                             
 15586  2007-01-22 10:25:20 Rich                               Re: Content protection                                                  
 15587  2007-01-22 13:30:52 Rich Gauszka                       Microsoft files patent for beyond-the-grave computing                   
 15588  2007-01-22 14:02:00 Robert Comer                       Re: Search for file by name                                             
 15589  2007-01-22 11:09:38 Rich                               Re: Search for file by name                                             
 15590  2007-01-22 17:41:20 mike                               Re: MS DRM article 4 Geo                                                
 15591  2007-01-22 18:44:56 Rich Gauszka                       Accountants Say Apple's $1.99 802.11n Tax is Bogus                      
 15592  2007-01-22 19:33:32 mike                               Re: Accountants Say Apple's $1.99 802.11n Tax is Bogus                  
 15593  2007-01-23 00:15:36 Randy                              Re: Content protection                                                  
 15594  2007-01-23 10:32:26 Adam                               Re: Content protection                                                  
 15595  2007-01-23 07:32:30 John Cuccia                        Re: Comodo firewall 2.4 released                                        
 15596  2007-01-23 11:02:04 Gary Britt                         Re: Comodo firewall 2.4 released                                        
 15597  2007-01-23 12:08:42 Rich Gauszka                       Vista laptops - neat features                                           
 15598  2007-01-23 19:37:12 Rich Gauszka                       802.11n approval timeline revised once again - Oct 2008?                
 15599  2007-01-23 22:34:06 Rich Gauszka                       Uh-Oh - Fox News is reporting theat MS snuck IE7 on their computer      
 15600  2007-01-23 23:15:20 Mark                               Re: Uh-Oh - Fox News is reporting theat MS snuck IE7 on their computer  
 15601  2007-01-23 23:28:50 Gary Britt                         Re: Uh-Oh - Fox News is reporting theat MS snuck IE7 on their computer  
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 15602  2007-01-23 23:40:38 Geo.                               Re: Content protection                                                  
 15603  2007-01-23 23:55:28 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Uh-Oh - Fox News is reporting theat MS snuck IE7 on their computer  
 15604  2007-01-23 21:07:52 Rich                               Re: eweek's john pallatto is claiming Monthly Microsoft Patch Hides Tri 
 15605  2007-01-24 00:23:58 Gary Britt                         Re: eweek's john pallatto is claiming Monthly Microsoft Patch Hides     
 15606  2007-01-23 21:32:10 Rich                               Re: eweek's john pallatto is claiming Monthly Microsoft Patch Hides Tri 
 15607  2007-01-24 00:38:20 Rich Gauszka                       Re: eweek's john pallatto is claiming Monthly Microsoft Patch Hides Tri 
 15608  2007-01-23 21:52:42 Ellen K                            Re: eweek's john pallatto is claiming Monthly Microsoft Patch Hides Tri 
 15609  2007-01-23 21:54:24 Ellen K                            Re: Microsoft files patent for beyond-the-grave computing               
 15610  2007-01-24 08:56:10 Ad                                 Dell do OS free PC'es                                                   
 15611  2007-01-24 06:20:36 Geo.                               Re: Xbox 360 HD DVD 1080p                                               
 15612  2007-01-24 07:15:46 Mike N.                            Re: Xbox 360 HD DVD 1080p                                               
 15613  2007-01-24 08:51:04 Robert Comer                       Re: Xbox 360 HD DVD 1080p                                               
 15614  2007-01-24 08:10:12 Glenn Meadows                      Re: Dell do OS free PC'es                                               
 15615  2007-01-24 10:06:34 Gary Britt                         Re: eweek's john pallatto is claiming Monthly Microsoft Patch Hides     
 15616  2007-01-24 10:18:42 Rich Gauszka                       Re: eweek's john pallatto is claiming Monthly Microsoft Patch Hides Tri 
 15617  2007-01-24 15:29:46 Adam                               Re: Dell do OS free PC'es                                               
 15618  2007-01-24 08:44:36 Rich                               Re: Dell do OS free PC'es                                               
 15619  2007-01-24 13:41:32 Gary Britt                         Re: Dell do OS free PC'es                                               
 15620  2007-01-24 14:49:06 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Dell do OS free PC'es                                               
 15621  2007-01-24 20:54:38 Rich Gauszka                       cell phones - cigarettes of the 21st century?                           
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 15622  2007-01-24 21:03:44 John Beamish                       Re: cell phones - cigarettes of the 21st century?                       
 15623  2007-01-24 20:07:12 Glenn Meadows                      Re: cell phones - cigarettes of the 21st century?                       
 15624  2007-01-24 21:24:14 John Beamish                       Re: cell phones - cigarettes of the 21st century?                       
 15625  2007-01-24 21:28:18 mike                               Re: cell phones - cigarettes of the 21st century?                       
 15626  2007-01-24 21:58:00 Rich Gauszka                       Re: cell phones - cigarettes of the 21st century?                       
 15627  2007-01-24 22:03:52 mike                               Re: cell phones - cigarettes of the 21st century?                       
 15628  2007-01-24 22:09:58 Mark                               Re: cell phones - cigarettes of the 21st century?                       
 15629  2007-01-24 21:13:48 Glenn Meadows                      Re: cell phones - cigarettes of the 21st century?                       
 15630  2007-01-24 22:41:32 Geo.                               Re: cell phones - cigarettes of the 21st century?                       
 15631  2007-01-24 22:59:08 Rich Gauszka                       Re: cell phones - cigarettes of the 21st century?                       
 15632  2007-01-24 23:27:20 Dave Ings                          Re: cell phones - cigarettes of the 21st century?                       
 15633  2007-01-24 21:14:08 Rich                               Re: Dell do OS free PC'es                                               
 15634  2007-01-24 21:53:36 Rich                               Re: Dell do OS free PC'es                                               
 15635  2007-01-24 23:38:56 Ellen K                            Re: Search for file by name                                             
 15636  2007-01-25 19:30:42 John Beckett                       Re: Is Internet Explorer 7 Explorer Too Locked Down for You?            
 15637  2007-01-25 12:21:28 Adam                               Re: cell phones - cigarettes of the 21st century?                       
 15638  2007-01-25 23:41:48 Don Hills                          Re: Content protection                                                  
 15639  2007-01-25 08:33:06 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Dell do OS free PC'es                                               
 15640  2007-01-25 08:56:02 Robert Comer                       Re: Is Internet Explorer 7 Explorer Too Locked Down for You?            
 15641  2007-01-25 10:11:52 Mike N.                            Anyone use PowerShell ?                                                 
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 15642  2007-01-25 10:16:58 Mike N.                            Re: cell phones - cigarettes of the 21st century?                       
 15643  2007-01-25 10:26:26 RobertB                            Re: cell phones - cigarettes of the 21st century?                       
 15644  2007-01-25 10:28:58 RobertB                            Re: cell phones - cigarettes of the 21st century?                       
 15645  2007-01-25 10:31:28 RobertB                            Re: cell phones - cigarettes of the 21st century?                       
 15646  2007-01-25 10:53:10 Gary Britt                         Re: Dell do OS free PC'es                                               
 15647  2007-01-25 08:17:14 Rich                               Re: Search for file by name                                             
 15648  2007-01-25 11:18:38 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Dell do OS free PC'es                                               
 15649  2007-01-25 08:20:26 Rich                               Re: Content protection                                                  
 15650  2007-01-25 13:16:28 Rich Gauszka                       XP home lifecycle extended till 2014                                    
 15651  2007-01-25 13:41:04 Rich Gauszka                        XBOX 360 as  TV set-top box?                                           
 15652  2007-01-25 19:04:04 Geo.                               Re: cell phones - cigarettes of the 21st century?                       
 15653  2007-01-25 19:10:48 Geo.                               Re: Is Internet Explorer 7 Explorer Too Locked Down for You?            
 15654  2007-01-25 19:18:14 Geo.                               Re: Search for file by name                                             
 15655  2007-01-25 19:32:56 Geo.                               Re: cell phones - cigarettes of the 21st century?                       
 15656  2007-01-25 21:37:02 Rich Gauszka                       Time on Vista  "an embarrassment to the good name of American innovatio 
 15657  2007-01-25 22:41:16 John Beamish                       Re: Time on Vista  "an embarrassment to the good name of American innov 
 15658  2007-01-25 22:51:10 Dave Ings                          Re: cell phones - cigarettes of the 21st century?                       
 15659  2007-01-25 23:47:20 Randy                              Re: cell phones - cigarettes of the 21st century?                       
 15660  2007-01-26 06:51:00 Antti Kurenniemi                   Re: cell phones - cigarettes of the 21st century?                       
 15661  2007-01-26 07:08:44 Ad                                 Re: cell phones - cigarettes of the 21st century?                       
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 15662  2007-01-26 07:30:46 Ad                                 Oil burning - cigarettes of the 21st century?                           
 15663  2007-01-26 07:32:06 Ad                                 Re: cell phones - cigarettes of the 21st century?                       
 15664  2007-01-26 07:43:26 Geo.                               Re: cell phones - cigarettes of the 21st century?                       
 15665  2007-01-27 01:43:52 Don Hills                          Re: Content protection                                                  
 15666  2007-01-26 08:43:12 Dave Ings                          Re: cell phones - cigarettes of the 21st century?                       
 15667  2007-01-26 08:46:36 John Beamish                       Re: cell phones - cigarettes of the 21st century?                       
 15668  2007-01-26 15:50:34 Ad                                 Re: cell phones - cigarettes of the 21st century?                       
 15669  2007-01-26 10:58:44 Robert Comer                       Re: Is Internet Explorer 7 Explorer Too Locked Down for You?            
 15670  2007-01-26 10:59:28 Robert Comer                       Re: Search for file by name                                             
 15671  2007-01-26 16:03:32 Ad                                 Re: cell phones - cigarettes of the 21st century?                       
 15672  2007-01-26 16:06:46 Ad                                 Re: Content protection                                                  
 15673  2007-01-26 11:26:16 Dave Ings                          Re: cell phones - cigarettes of the 21st century?                       
 15674  2007-01-26 16:35:30 Ad                                 Re: cell phones - cigarettes of the 21st century?                       
 15675  2007-01-26 08:40:42 Rich                               Re: Content protection                                                  
 15676  2007-01-26 12:20:30 RobertB                            Re: cell phones - cigarettes of the 21st century?                       
 15677  2007-01-26 12:24:54 RobertB                            Re: cell phones - cigarettes of the 21st century?                       
 15678  2007-01-26 14:20:10 Geo.                               Re: cell phones - cigarettes of the 21st century?                       
 15679  2007-01-26 19:39:42 mike                               Re: Time on Vista  "an embarrassment to the good name of American innov 
 15680  2007-01-26 19:50:42 mike                               Wait! Don't buy Windows Vista!                                          
 15681  2007-01-26 19:52:30 mike                               Windows firewalls                                                       
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 15682  2007-01-26 20:44:48 Rich Gauszka                       IBM, Nokia, Sun Microsystems, Adobe, Oracle and Red Hat  say Vista is i 
 15683  2007-01-26 19:58:00 Rich                               Re: Service packs                                                       
 15684  2007-01-26 20:01:38 Rich                               Re: ATI graphics cards and Vista                                        
 15685  2007-01-26 20:51:40 Rich                               Re: IBM, Nokia, Sun Microsystems, Adobe, Oracle and Red Hat  say Vista  
 15686  2007-01-27 00:40:06 Rich Gauszka                       Re: IBM, Nokia, Sun Microsystems, Adobe, Oracle and Red Hat  say Vista  
 15687  2007-01-26 22:00:16 Rich                               Re: IBM, Nokia, Sun Microsystems, Adobe, Oracle and Red Hat  say Vista  
 15688  2007-01-27 09:59:12 mike                               Microsoft blamed for AT&T TV hiccups                                    
 15689  2007-01-27 10:36:06 Rich Gauszka                       Re: IBM, Nokia, Sun Microsystems, Adobe, Oracle and Red Hat  say Vista  
 15690  2007-01-27 10:42:24 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Microsoft blamed for AT&T TV hiccups                                
 15691  2007-01-27 12:21:40 mike                               Re: Microsoft blamed for AT&T TV hiccups                                
 15692  2007-01-27 12:44:20 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Microsoft blamed for AT&T TV hiccups                                
 15693  2007-01-27 13:31:58 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Microsoft blamed for AT&T TV hiccups                                
 15694  2007-01-27 14:38:46 RobertB                            Re: cell phones - cigarettes of the 21st century?                       
 15695  2007-01-27 15:00:50 Jim Adams                          Re: Fuel Cells as Backup Generators                                     
 15696  2007-01-27 15:18:26 Jim Adams                          Re: cell phones - cigarettes of the 21st century?                       
 15697  2007-01-27 20:34:14 Adam                               Re: cell phones - cigarettes of the 21st century?                       
 15698  2007-01-27 20:36:26 Adam                               Re: Fuel Cells as Backup Generators                                     
 15699  2007-01-27 15:38:28 Jim Adams                          Re: Wait! Don't buy Windows Vista!                                      
 15700  2007-01-27 21:11:12 Adam                               How to sell advances when you're the monopolist...                      
 15701  2007-01-27 19:42:28 Geo.                               Re: cell phones - cigarettes of the 21st century?                       
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 15702  2007-01-27 19:48:16 Geo.                               Re: cell phones - cigarettes of the 21st century?                       
 15703  2007-01-27 22:13:08 Geo.                               Re: Windows firewalls                                                   
 15704  2007-01-27 19:22:24 Rich                               Re: Windows firewalls                                                   
 15705  2007-01-27 22:31:28 Geo.                               Re: Windows firewalls                                                   
 15706  2007-01-27 19:50:24 Rich                               Re: Software firewalls                                                  
 15707  2007-01-28 19:25:48 John Beckett                       Re: Windows firewalls                                                   
 15708  2007-01-28 09:10:18 Mike N.                            Google alert                                                            
 15709  2007-01-28 09:34:54 mike                               Re: Microsoft blamed for AT&T TV hiccups                                
 15710  2007-01-28 09:50:00 Monte Davis                        Re: Windows firewalls                                                   
 15711  2007-01-28 11:04:06 mike                               Re: Windows firewalls                                                   
 15712  2007-01-28 11:52:34 Geo.                               Re: Google alert                                                        
 15713  2007-01-28 14:26:24 Joe Bruchis                        Dropping internet                                                       
 15714  2007-01-28 11:59:02 Geo.                               Re: Microsoft blamed for AT&T TV hiccups                                
 15715  2007-01-28 12:02:16 Geo.                               Re: Software firewalls                                                  
 15716  2007-01-28 12:08:58 Geo.                               Re: Windows firewalls                                                   
 15717  2007-01-28 09:16:12 Rich                               Re: Software firewalls                                                  
 15718  2007-01-28 12:33:14 mike                               Re: Microsoft blamed for AT&T TV hiccups                                
 15719  2007-01-28 12:34:48 mike                               Re: Software firewalls                                                  
 15720  2007-01-28 13:00:08 Geo.                               Re: Software firewalls                                                  
 15721  2007-01-28 13:08:34 Geo.                               Re: Software firewalls                                                  
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 15722  2007-01-28 15:49:26 mike                               Re: Software firewalls                                                  
 15723  2007-01-28 15:51:50 mike                               Re: Software firewalls                                                  
 15724  2007-01-28 17:54:14 mike                               Re: Software firewalls                                                  
 15725  2007-01-28 18:09:18 Geo.                               Re: Software firewalls                                                  
 15726  2007-01-28 18:14:04 Geo.                               Re: Software firewalls                                                  
 15727  2007-01-28 21:32:00 mike                               Re: Software firewalls                                                  
 15728  2007-01-28 21:32:56 mike                               Re: Software firewalls                                                  
 15729  2007-01-29 12:15:38 Adam                               2/3 of devlopers use eclipse...                                         
 15730  2007-01-29 07:53:04 Mike N.                            Re: 2/3 of devlopers use eclipse...                                     
 15731  2007-01-29 19:16:40 Antti Kurenniemi                   Re: 2/3 of devlopers use eclipse...                                     
 15732  2007-01-29 15:12:50 Rich Gauszka                       D-Link abusing NTP servers?                                             
 15733  2007-01-29 16:35:08 RobertB                            Re: cell phones - cigarettes of the 21st century?                       
 15734  2007-01-29 17:38:52 Frank Haber                        Re: Anyone use PowerShell ?                                             
 15735  2007-01-29 17:43:56 mike                               Re: 2/3 of devlopers use eclipse...                                     
 15736  2007-01-29 18:05:48 Frank Haber                        Re: Dell do OS free PC'es                                               
 15737  2007-01-30 03:56:54 Antti Kurenniemi                   Re: 2/3 of devlopers use eclipse...                                     
 15738  2007-01-30 00:03:38 Mark                               Re: Dell do OS free PC'es                                               
 15739  2007-01-30 07:39:48 Ad                                 Re: 2/3 of devlopers use eclipse...                                     
 15740  2007-01-30 07:57:46 Ad                                 DVD palyers cheaper than the media...                                   
 15741  2007-01-30 10:58:22 Adam                               Finally a good use for MSIL                                             
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 15742  2007-01-30 11:43:26 Rich Gauszka                       Xbox 360's Seriously Flawed DVD Playback                                
 15743  2007-01-30 17:56:10 mike                               MS fast-tracks Vista service pack                                       
 15744  2007-01-30 17:57:30 mike                               Is Windows Vista ready for you?                                         
 15745  2007-01-30 17:59:06 mike                               Vista's legal fine print raises red flags                               
 15746  2007-01-30 18:00:30 mike                               Microsoft gets caught "innovating"                                      
 15747  2007-01-30 19:18:42 Frank Haber                        Re: Accountants Say Apple's $1.99 802.11n Tax is Bogus                  
 15748  2007-01-30 19:55:26 Rich Gauszka                       No wonder you need a bigger power supply                                
 15749  2007-01-30 20:41:14 Mike N.                            Re: MS fast-tracks Vista service pack                                   
 15750  2007-01-30 19:47:30 Glenn Meadows                      Re: MS fast-tracks Vista service pack                                   
 15751  2007-01-30 21:16:56 Geo.                               Re: 2/3 of devlopers use eclipse...                                     
 15752  2007-01-30 21:24:24 Geo.                               Re: cell phones - cigarettes of the 21st century?                       
 15753  2007-01-30 21:43:00 Geo.                               Re: Is Windows Vista ready for you?                                     
 15754  2007-01-30 22:16:44 Geo.                               Re: Vista's legal fine print raises red flags                           
 15755  2007-01-31 09:19:20 Ad                                 Bluetooth hdd                                                           
 15756  2007-01-31 18:14:58 Don Hills                          Re: Content protection                                                  
 15757  2007-01-31 17:55:34 Don Hills                          Re: cell phones - cigarettes of the 21st century?                       
 15758  2007-01-31 09:22:44 Robert Comer                       Re: 2/3 of devlopers use eclipse...                                     
 15759  2007-01-31 15:30:58 Adam                               Re: Content protection                                                  
 15760  2007-01-31 15:50:42 Adam                               Big Contract for Novell/Suse linux                                      
 15761  2007-01-31 10:58:32 RobertB                            Re: cell phones - cigarettes of the 21st century?                       
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 15762  2007-01-31 11:00:12 RobertB                            Re: cell phones - cigarettes of the 21st century?                       
 15763  2007-01-31 11:03:42 RobertB                            Re: cell phones - cigarettes of the 21st century?                       
 15764  2007-01-31 10:16:58 Glenn Meadows                      Re: cell phones - cigarettes of the 21st century?                       
 15765  2007-01-31 09:17:18 Mark                               Re: cell phones - cigarettes of the 21st century?                       
 15766  2007-01-31 12:26:56 Rich Gauszka                       Re: cell phones - cigarettes of the 21st century?                       
 15767  2007-01-31 12:34:50 Mark                               Re: cell phones - cigarettes of the 21st century?                       
 15768  2007-01-31 12:46:34 John Beamish                       For the Dr. Who fan who has everything ...                              
 15769  2007-01-31 13:39:52 Frank Haber                        Re: MS fast-tracks Vista service pack                                   
 15770  2007-01-31 13:58:08 Gary Britt                         Re: For the Dr. Who fan who has everything ...                          
 15771  2007-01-31 14:02:08 Rich Gauszka                       Re: For the Dr. Who fan who has everything ...                          
 15772  2007-01-31 14:14:48 Rich Gauszka                       Symantec Triumphs Against the Odds                                      
 15773  2007-01-31 14:22:16 David B                            Re: MS fast-tracks Vista service pack                                   
 15774  2007-01-31 14:23:24 David B                            Re: MS fast-tracks Vista service pack                                   
 15775  2007-01-31 15:06:34 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Big Contract for Novell/Suse linux                                  
 15776  2007-01-31 15:41:08 John Beamish                       Re: For the Dr. Who fan who has everything ...                          
 15777  2007-01-31 22:02:16 Adam                               Re: Big Contract for Novell/Suse linux                                  
 15778  2007-01-31 18:18:52 RobertB                            Re: cell phones - cigarettes of the 21st century?                       
 15779  2007-01-31 18:20:10 RobertB                            Re: cell phones - cigarettes of the 21st century?                       
 15780  2007-01-31 17:23:50 Glenn Meadows                      Re: cell phones - cigarettes of the 21st century?                       
 15781  2007-01-31 18:55:58 mike                               Re: Content protection                                                  
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 15782  2007-01-31 19:05:02 mike                               Microsoft Updates Vista Before Rollout                                  
 15783  2007-01-31 19:07:48 mike                               Users Upset at Outlook HTML Change                                      
 15784  2007-01-31 21:19:24 Tim Boyer                          Re: For the Dr. Who fan who has everything ...                          
 15785  2007-02-01 14:49:46 Don Hills                          Re: Users Upset at Outlook HTML Change                                  
 15786  2007-02-01 18:59:18 John Beckett                       Re: Symantec Triumphs Against the Odds                                  
 15787  2007-02-01 06:40:36 Mike N.                            Re: Users Upset at Outlook HTML Change                                  
 15788  2007-02-01 08:55:36 Ad                                 Vista musings                                                           
 15789  2007-02-01 11:55:36 Ad                                 Re: Users Upset at Outlook HTML Change                                  
 15790  2007-02-01 07:41:24 Bill Lucy                          Best coffee                                                             
 15791  2007-02-01 08:43:16 Mark                               Re: Best coffee                                                         
 15792  2007-02-01 10:51:06 RobertB                            Re: Best coffee                                                         
 15793  2007-02-01 10:53:02 RobertB                            Re: Best coffee                                                         
 15794  2007-02-01 11:56:34 Gary Britt                         Re: Users Upset at Outlook HTML Change                                  
 15795  2007-02-01 09:14:12 Rich                               Re: Users Upset at Outlook HTML Change                                  
 15796  2007-02-01 17:15:40 Adam                               ROFLMAO a new Attack vector 4 Vista                                     
 15797  2007-02-01 17:21:30 Adam                               Re: Users Upset at Outlook HTML Change                                  
 15798  2007-02-01 13:18:00 Gary Britt                         Re: Users Upset at Outlook HTML Change                                  
 15799  2007-02-01 14:00:52 Rich Gauszka                       A Dell at Dell                                                          
 15800  2007-02-01 14:43:30 Rich Gauszka                       Zune exec ousted?                                                       
 15801  2007-02-01 17:56:22 mike                               Re: Zune exec ousted?                                                   
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 15802  2007-02-01 17:57:28 mike                               Re: A Dell at Dell                                                      
 15803  2007-02-01 17:21:08 Glenn Meadows                      Re: Zune exec ousted?                                                   
 15804  2007-02-01 19:13:34 Geo.                               Re: cell phones - cigarettes of the 21st century?                       
 15805  2007-02-01 19:16:54 Geo.                               Re: cell phones - cigarettes of the 21st century?                       
 15806  2007-02-01 19:18:14 Geo.                               Re: cell phones - cigarettes of the 21st century?                       
 15807  2007-02-01 19:41:42 Rich Gauszka                       Romania: Software piracy made us what we are today                      
 15808  2007-02-01 17:03:00 Rich                               Re: class attribute and standard HTML                                   
 15809  2007-02-01 20:09:44 Mark                               Re: cell phones - cigarettes of the 21st century?                       
 15810  2007-02-01 20:11:44 Geo.                               Re: Best coffee                                                         
 15811  2007-02-01 20:27:02 Mark                               Re: Best coffee                                                         
 15812  2007-02-01 20:58:28 Monte Davis                        Re: Romania: Software piracy made us what we are today                  
 15813  2007-02-01 20:58:54 Geo.                               Re: Best coffee                                                         
 15814  2007-02-01 21:07:24 Geo.                               Re: cell phones - cigarettes of the 21st century?                       
 15815  2007-02-01 21:11:10 Mark                               Re: cell phones - cigarettes of the 21st century?                       
 15816  2007-02-01 21:19:04 Frank Haber                        Re: Windows Mail                                                        
 15817  2007-02-01 21:16:02 Geo.                               Re: Users Upset at Outlook HTML Change                                  
 15818  2007-02-01 21:34:46 John Beamish                       Re: ROFLMAO a new Attack vector 4 Vista                                 
 15819  2007-02-01 21:39:44 John Beamish                       Re: cell phones - cigarettes of the 21st century?                       
 15820  2007-02-01 21:40:46 Geo.                               Re: Zune exec ousted?                                                   
 15821  2007-02-01 21:47:40 Geo.                               Re: Windows Mail                                                        
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 15822  2007-02-02 07:21:20 Ad                                 Re: class attribute and standard HTML                                   
 15823  2007-02-02 20:39:00 Don Hills                          Re: Users Upset at Outlook HTML Change                                  
 15824  2007-02-02 07:20:02 Bill Lucy                          Re: Best coffee                                                         
 15825  2007-02-02 08:20:48 Rich                               Re: class attribute and standard HTML                                   
 15826  2007-02-02 15:20:24 Glenn Meadows                      Florida going back to paper ballots...                                  
 15827  2007-02-02 17:11:10 mike                               Re: Users Upset at Outlook HTML Change                                  
 15828  2007-02-02 17:12:02 mike                               This is cool...                                                         
 15829  2007-02-02 17:14:36 mike                               Microsoft lists Vista high points                                       
 15830  2007-02-02 17:16:14 mike                               Vista 'Family Discount' Bites Back                                      
 15831  2007-02-02 18:15:12 Gary Britt                         Re: Microsoft lists Vista high points                                   
 15832  2007-02-02 18:59:26 Mike N.                            Vista's not done 'til ....                                              
 15833  2007-02-02 19:10:24 mike                               Re: Microsoft lists Vista high points                                   
 15834  2007-02-02 19:22:00 RobertB                            Re: Best coffee                                                         
 15835  2007-02-02 19:25:02 RobertB                            Re: Florida going back to paper ballots...                              
 15836  2007-02-02 20:03:22 mike                               I always like it when...                                                
 15837  2007-02-03 23:41:24 Don Hills                          Re: Microsoft lists Vista high points                                   
 15838  2007-02-03 09:30:44 mike                               Nvidia facing possible lawsuit over Vista drivers                       
 15839  2007-02-03 17:14:58 Geo.                               Re: Best coffee                                                         
 15840  2007-02-03 20:07:30 Rich Gauszka                       British schools to shun Vista - too much risk, benefits unclear         
 15841  2007-02-03 20:09:08 Ellen K.                           Re: Search for file by name                                             
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 15842  2007-02-03 20:17:22 Ellen K.                           Re: Accountants Say Apple's $1.99 802.11n Tax is Bogus                  
 15843  2007-02-04 07:27:06 mike                               Re: British schools to shun Vista - too much risk, benefits unclear     
 15844  2007-02-04 07:31:16 mike                               Apple warns that it may lose select listing with Nasdaq                 
 15845  2007-02-04 07:33:28 mike                               Students are Mac-in' it                                                 
 15846  2007-02-04 08:08:14 Monte Davis                        Re: Students are Mac-in' it                                             
 15847  2007-02-04 10:38:14 mike                               Re: Students are Mac-in' it                                             
 15848  2007-02-04 12:06:12 RobertB                            Re: Students are Mac-in' it                                             
 15849  2007-02-04 13:14:46 John Beamish                       100Mbps internet                                                        
 15850  2007-02-04 13:40:46 Geo.                               Re: 100Mbps internet                                                    
 15851  2007-02-04 13:50:42 Geo.                               Re: Students are Mac-in' it                                             
 15852  2007-02-04 17:18:34 Mike N.                            Re: 100Mbps internet                                                    
 15853  2007-02-04 17:25:28 Geo.                               Re: 100Mbps internet                                                    
 15854  2007-02-04 21:00:38 Rich Gauszka                       Windows Vista: The 'huh?' starts now                                    
 15855  2007-02-05 09:53:10 Ad                                 Re: Users Upset at Outlook HTML Change                                  
 15856  2007-02-05 13:07:34 David B                            Re: Vista 'Family Discount' Bites Back                                  
 15857  2007-02-05 13:16:18 David B                            Re: 100Mbps internet                                                    
 15858  2007-02-05 13:18:30 David B                            Re: Windows Vista: The 'huh?' starts now                                
 15859  2007-02-05 11:40:30 Rich                               Re: class attribute and standard HTML                                   
 15860  2007-02-05 22:22:58 Adam                               Re: Vista musings                                                       
 15861  2007-02-05 22:39:48 Adam                               Some of the real costs of the IP madness                                
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 15862  2007-02-05 18:42:22 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Vista musings                                                       
 15863  2007-02-05 18:58:20 Geo.                               Re: 100Mbps internet                                                    
 15864  2007-02-05 19:01:20 Geo.                               Re: Some of the real costs of the IP madness                            
 15865  2007-02-05 19:45:50 mike                               Re: Some of the real costs of the IP madness                            
 15866  2007-02-05 20:28:34 Rich Gauszka                       Microsoft ups support fee for Vista, Office                             
 15867  2007-02-05 20:41:20 mike                               Re: Microsoft ups support fee for Vista, Office                         
 15868  2007-02-05 19:13:42 Rich                               Re: By the time ... Linux will be good enough....                       
 15869  2007-02-05 19:15:38 Rich                               Re: Some of the real costs of the IP madness                            
 15870  2007-02-05 22:16:12 Rich Gauszka                       Vista ain't done till Korean mp3 players won't run?                     
 15871  2007-02-05 19:28:56 Rich                               Re: Microsoft extends free support for Vista, Office                    
 15872  2007-02-05 22:53:42 Geo.                               Re: Microsoft ups support fee for Vista, Office                         
 15873  2007-02-05 22:57:24 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Microsoft extends free support for Vista, Office                    
 15874  2007-02-05 20:23:38 Rich                               Re: Microsoft extends free support for Vista, Office                    
 15875  2007-02-05 23:46:16 Mark                               Re: Some of the real costs of the IP madness                            
 15876  2007-02-06 07:38:52 Ad                                 Re: By the time ... Linux will be good enough....                       
 15877  2007-02-06 07:44:00 Ad                                 Is upgrading from XP to Vista only legal once?                          
 15878  2007-02-06 07:51:06 Ad                                 Re: Microsoft ups support fee for Vista, Office                         
 15879  2007-02-06 07:52:58 Ad                                 Re: Some of the real costs of the IP madness                            
 15880  2007-02-06 07:57:52 Ad                                 Re: Some of the real costs of the IP madness                            
 15881  2007-02-06 08:04:46 Ad                                 Re: Some of the real costs of the IP madness                            
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 15882  2007-02-06 20:35:34 Don Hills                          Re: Vista musings                                                       
 15883  2007-02-06 11:37:14 Adam                               Re: Vista musings                                                       
 15884  2007-02-06 11:45:58 Adam                               Re: Vista musings                                                       
 15885  2007-02-06 12:44:32 Thees Peereboom                    Re: Vista musings                                                       
 15886  2007-02-06 12:21:56 Adam                               Re: class attribute and standard HTML                                   
 15887  2007-02-06 08:00:42 Mike N.                            Re: Microsoft ups support fee for Vista, Office                         
 15888  2007-02-06 08:17:56 Mike N.                            Go Kodak!                                                               
 15889  2007-02-06 09:06:28 Robert Comer                       Re: Go Kodak!                                                           
 15890  2007-02-06 15:15:18 Adam                               Re: Microsoft ups support fee for Vista, Office                         
 15891  2007-02-06 10:41:28 Rich Gauszka                       Apple's new Vista security ad                                           
 15892  2007-02-06 16:40:16 Adam                               Re: Some of the real costs of the IP madness                            
 15893  2007-02-06 08:47:40 Rich                               Re: Some of the real costs of the IP madness                            
 15894  2007-02-06 08:51:42 Rich                               Re: class attribute and standard HTML                                   
 15895  2007-02-06 12:01:26 David B                            Dumb question...                                                        
 15896  2007-02-06 12:56:14 Mike N.                            Re: Dumb question...                                                    
 15897  2007-02-06 14:34:36 RobertB                            Re: Apple's new Vista security ad                                       
 15898  2007-02-06 14:53:02 Rich Gauszka                        An open letter to Bill Gates                                           
 15899  2007-02-06 15:04:00 Rich Gauszka                       Windows Vista hits shelves, students respond with yawn                  
 15900  2007-02-06 20:10:44 Adam                               Re: Some of the real costs of the IP madness                            
 15901  2007-02-06 21:23:20 Adam                               another day another gov heading 2 linux                                 
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 15902  2007-02-06 21:30:08 Adam                               Re: An open letter to Bill Gates                                        
 15903  2007-02-06 21:31:04 Adam                               Re: class attribute and standard HTML                                   
 15904  2007-02-06 17:16:52 mike                               Re: Windows Vista hits shelves, students respond with yawn              
 15905  2007-02-06 17:20:24 mike                               Re: Is upgrading from XP to Vista only legal once?                      
 15906  2007-02-06 17:33:00 mike                               Microsoft admits Vista's DRM is not to prevent piracy                   
 15907  2007-02-06 17:36:20 mike                               Sleep medication linked to bizarre behaviour                            
 15908  2007-02-06 23:17:44 Adam                               Jobs on Music DRM                                                       
 15909  2007-02-06 23:19:38 Adam                               Re: Is upgrading from XP to Vista only legal once?                      
 15910  2007-02-06 23:21:04 Adam                               Re: Microsoft admits Vista's DRM is not to prevent piracy               
 15911  2007-02-06 17:38:52 Glenn Meadows                      Re: Jobs on Music DRM                                                   
 15912  2007-02-06 19:01:40 Mark                               Re: Go Kodak!                                                           
 15913  2007-02-06 16:13:54 Rich                               Re: Some of the real costs of the IP madness                            
 15914  2007-02-06 16:17:22 Rich                               Re: class attribute and standard HTML                                   
 15915  2007-02-06 20:00:56 Mark                               Re: Go Kodak!                                                           
 15916  2007-02-06 20:57:16 mike                               Re: Microsoft admits Vista's DRM is not to prevent piracy               
 15917  2007-02-06 21:27:18 Mike N.                            CastleCops contest tools giveaway                                       
 15918  2007-02-06 21:29:22 Geo.                               Re: Apple's new Vista security ad                                       
 15919  2007-02-07 09:38:20 Adam                               Re: Jobs on Music DRM                                                   
 15920  2007-02-07 09:46:04 Adam                               Re: Some of the real costs of the IP madness                            
 15921  2007-02-07 09:50:56 Adam                               Re: Microsoft admits Vista's DRM is not to prevent piracy               
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 15922  2007-02-07 08:26:08 John Beamish                       Re: Microsoft admits Vista's DRM is not to prevent piracy               
 15923  2007-02-07 09:15:36 Robert Comer                       Re: Go Kodak!                                                           
 15924  2007-02-07 07:20:16 Rich                               Re: Some of the real costs of the IP madness                            
 15925  2007-02-07 09:26:04 Glenn Meadows                      Re: Jobs on Music DRM                                                   
 15926  2007-02-07 17:57:46 Antti Kurenniemi                   Re: ROFLMAO a new Attack vector 4 Vista                                 
 15927  2007-02-07 18:17:46 Antti Kurenniemi                   Re: Go Kodak!                                                           
 15928  2007-02-07 13:50:54 David B                            BIOS upgrade                                                            
 15929  2007-02-07 14:53:58 Mike N.                            Re: ROFLMAO a new Attack vector 4 Vista                                 
 15930  2007-02-07 15:05:02 Rich Gauszka                       Re: BIOS upgrade                                                        
 15931  2007-02-07 15:14:32 Rich Gauszka                       Microsoft's antivirus fails to secure Vista                             
 15932  2007-02-07 21:59:42 Adam                               Re: ROFLMAO a new Attack vector 4 Vista                                 
 15933  2007-02-07 18:04:46 David B                            Re: BIOS upgrade                                                        
 15934  2007-02-07 21:52:14 Mike N.                            Re: Microsoft's antivirus fails to secure Vista                         
 15935  2007-02-07 22:03:14 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Microsoft's antivirus fails to secure Vista                         
 15936  2007-02-07 23:02:24 Geo.                               Re: BIOS upgrade                                                        
 15937  2007-02-07 23:07:42 Geo.                               Re: Microsoft's antivirus fails to secure Vista                         
 15938  2007-02-08 00:24:42 Rich Gauszka                       Microsoft's Open XML Format Hits Roadblocks in U.S., Abroad             
 15939  2007-02-08 10:04:26 Adam                               Re: Microsoft's Open XML Format Hits Roadblocks in U.S., Abroad         
 15940  2007-02-08 09:43:46 David B                            Re: BIOS upgrade                                                        
 15941  2007-02-08 10:36:40 Rich Gauszka                       New PCI Express Cable Spec Allows External Graphics Cards               
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 15942  2007-02-08 19:45:46 mike                               Re: Microsoft's Open XML Format Hits Roadblocks in U.S., Abroad         
 15943  2007-02-08 19:48:00 mike                               Re: BIOS upgrade                                                        
 15944  2007-02-08 23:03:48 Geo.                               Re: BIOS upgrade                                                        
 15945  2007-02-08 23:04:50 Geo.                               Re: BIOS upgrade                                                        
 15946  2007-02-09 07:10:58 Ad                                 Re: Microsoft's Open XML Format Hits Roadblocks in U.S., Abroad         
 15947  2007-02-09 17:20:46 mike                               Re: BIOS upgrade                                                        
 15948  2007-02-09 18:48:28 mike                               Dim Vista                                                               
 15949  2007-02-09 23:32:04 Rich Gauszka                       Samsung Ultra Smart F700 Kicks iPhone Butt?                             
 15950  2007-02-09 23:45:50 Mark                               Re: Samsung Ultra Smart F700 Kicks iPhone Butt?                         
 15951  2007-02-09 23:52:00 Rich Gauszka                       NTFS read write plugin for OS X                                         
 15952  2007-02-10 00:12:04 Geo.                               Re: Dim Vista                                                           
 15953  2007-02-10 10:28:48 Adam                               Re: Samsung Ultra Smart F700 Kicks iPhone Butt?                         
 15954  2007-02-10 10:30:08 Adam                               Re: But ... but ... I *want* to quit                                    
 15955  2007-02-10 06:56:36 Mike N.                            Re: Samsung Ultra Smart F700 Kicks iPhone Butt?                         
 15956  2007-02-10 08:46:42 mike                               Nice UI into versioned files                                            
 15957  2007-02-10 13:10:12 John Beamish                       Re: But ... but ... I *want* to quit                                    
 15958  2007-02-10 16:55:36 Rich Gauszka                       Clippy R.I.P  (1997-2007)                                               
 15959  2007-02-11 00:43:26 Adam                               Another big mainframe-VM-linux win                                      
 15960  2007-02-11 00:47:58 Adam                               Re: Another big mainframe-VM-linux win                                  
 15961  2007-02-10 18:57:34 Ellen K.                           Re: Sleep medication linked to bizarre behaviour                        
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 15962  2007-02-10 22:11:36 John Beamish                       Re: Clippy R.I.P  (1997-2007)                                           
 15963  2007-02-10 22:44:18 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Clippy R.I.P  (1997-2007)                                           
 15964  2007-02-11 08:28:32 mike                               Re: Clippy R.I.P  (1997-2007)                                           
 15965  2007-02-11 08:37:12 mike                               A Windows expert opts for a Mac life                                    
 15966  2007-02-11 17:37:31 Richard Steiner                    Clippy R.I.P  (1997-2007)                                               
 15967  2007-02-11 10:37:48 mike                               Microsoft's new OS Vista spurs computer sales                           
 15968  2007-02-11 10:45:32 Gary Britt                         Re: A Windows expert opts for a Mac life                                
 15969  2007-02-11 11:44:42 Geo.                               Re: A Windows expert opts for a Mac life                                
 15970  2007-02-11 11:46:32 Geo.                               Re: Clippy R.I.P  (1997-2007)                                           
 15971  2007-02-11 11:52:20 Geo.                               Re: Microsoft's new OS Vista spurs computer sales                       
 15972  2007-02-11 12:07:06 Robert Comer                       Re: Microsoft's new OS Vista spurs computer sales                       
 15973  2007-02-11 12:37:04 Geo.                               Re: Microsoft's new OS Vista spurs computer sales                       
 15974  2007-02-11 13:48:14 Robert Comer                       Re: Microsoft's new OS Vista spurs computer sales                       
 15975  2007-02-11 16:51:36 Gary Britt                         Re: Microsoft's new OS Vista spurs computer sales                       
 15976  2007-02-11 22:37:34 Adam                               Re: Microsoft's new OS Vista spurs computer sales                       
 15977  2007-02-11 23:16:10 Adam                               Re: A Windows expert opts for a Mac life                                
 15978  2007-02-11 20:19:42 Geo.                               Re: Microsoft's new OS Vista spurs computer sales                       
 15979  2007-02-11 20:20:22 Geo.                               Re: Microsoft's new OS Vista spurs computer sales                       
 15980  2007-02-11 20:34:48 Richard Gauszka                    Re: Microsoft's new OS Vista spurs computer sales                       
 15981  2007-02-11 20:47:26 Mark                               Re: Microsoft's new OS Vista spurs computer sales                       
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 15982  2007-02-11 20:51:52 Geo.                               Re: Microsoft's new OS Vista spurs computer sales                       
 15983  2007-02-11 20:05:40 Glenn Meadows                      Re: Microsoft's new OS Vista spurs computer sales                       
 15984  2007-02-11 21:11:58 Richard Gauszka                    Re: Microsoft's new OS Vista spurs computer sales                       
 15985  2007-02-11 18:13:38 Rich                               Re: A Windows expert opts for a Mac life                                
 15986  2007-02-12 10:16:00 Ad                                 DRM bad for business                                                    
 15987  2007-02-12 10:57:12 Ad                                 Re: A Windows expert opts for a Mac life                                
 15988  2007-02-12 11:00:52 Ad                                 Re: A Windows expert opts for a Mac life                                
 15989  2007-02-12 15:06:06 Adam                               Watch Adverts or we disable yourr computer???                           
 15990  2007-02-13 05:35:10 Joe Bruchis                        Watch Adverts or we disable yourr computer???                           
 15991  2007-02-12 07:48:32 Rich                               Re: A Windows expert opts for a Mac life                                
 15992  2007-02-12 07:51:34 Rich                               Re: A Windows expert opts for a Mac life                                
 15993  2007-02-12 19:26:02 Ad                                 Prog in C on Nividia                                                    
 15994  2007-02-12 19:29:48 Ad                                 Re: A Windows expert opts for a Mac life                                
 15995  2007-02-12 19:31:04 Ad                                 Re: A Windows expert opts for a Mac life                                
 15996  2007-02-12 14:48:40 John Beamish                       XP WinExplorer                                                          
 15997  2007-02-12 11:52:40 Rich                               Re: A Windows expert opts for a Mac life                                
 15998  2007-02-12 11:54:18 Rich                               Re: A Windows expert opts for a Mac life                                
 15999  2007-02-12 11:55:02 Rich                               Re: XP WinExplorer                                                      
 16000  2007-02-12 15:17:16 John Beamish                       Re: XP WinExplorer                                                      
 16001  2007-02-12 20:47:06 Adam                               Re: A Windows expert opts for a Mac life                                
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 16002  2007-02-12 20:49:52 Adam                               Re: A Windows expert opts for a Mac life                                
 16003  2007-02-12 17:31:16 mike                               Re: Microsoft's new OS Vista spurs computer sales                       
 16004  2007-02-12 18:59:22 Geo.                               Re: DRM bad for business                                                
 16005  2007-02-12 20:49:06 mike                               Why Vista's DRM Is Bad For You                                          
 16006  2007-02-12 21:14:10 John Beamish                       Re: =?utf-8?Q?The_Great_Vista/Mac_Showdown=3A_Mac_migr?=                
 16007  2007-02-12 21:23:02 mike                               Re: The Great Vista/Mac Showdown: Mac migration a breeze, Vista?s migra 
 16008  2007-02-12 20:40:42 Glenn Meadows                      Re: The Great Vista/Mac Showdown: Mac migration a breeze, Vista?s migra 
 16009  2007-02-12 22:15:50 Richard Gauszka                    =?windows-1252?Q?Re=3A_The_Great_Vista/Mac_Showdown=3A_?=               
 16010  2007-02-12 22:21:40 John Beamish                       Re: The Great Vista/Mac Showdown: Mac migration a breeze, Vista?s migra 
 16011  2007-02-12 21:25:30 Glenn Meadows                      Re: The Great Vista/Mac Showdown: Mac migration a breeze, Vista?s migra 
 16012  2007-02-12 22:28:40 Richard Gauszka                    Re: The Great Vista/Mac Showdown: Mac migration a breeze, Vista?s       
 16013  2007-02-12 19:38:40 Rich                               Re: A Windows expert opts for a Mac life                                
 16014  2007-02-12 19:41:22 Rich                               Re: Why Vista's DRM Is Bad For You                                      
 16015  2007-02-12 22:43:54 Geo.                               Re: The Great Vista/Mac Showdown: Mac migration a breeze                
 16016  2007-02-12 22:57:00 Geo.                               Re: Why Vista's DRM Is Bad For You                                      
 16017  2007-02-12 20:50:18 Rich                               Re: DRM                                                                 
 16018  2007-02-12 23:53:50 Richard Gauszka                    Re: Why Vista's DRM Is Bad For You                                      
 16019  2007-02-13 00:23:32 Richard Gauszka                    teraflop chips                                                          
 16020  2007-02-13 18:17:32 Don Hills                          Re: Why Vista's DRM Is Bad For You                                      
 16021  2007-02-13 09:10:22 Adam                               Re: DRM bad for business                                                
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 16022  2007-02-13 06:22:44 Geo.                               where the hell is my global warming?                                    
 16023  2007-02-13 14:53:28 Ad                                 P2P no effect on CD sales...                                            
 16024  2007-02-13 19:03:22 George Sherwood                    Re: where the hell is my global warming?                                
 16025  2007-02-13 08:09:32 Rich                               Re: Why Vista's DRM Is Bad For You                                      
 16026  2007-02-13 11:16:36 Gary Britt                         Re: Why Vista's DRM Is Bad For You                                      
 16027  2007-02-13 11:19:24 Gary Britt                         Re: where the hell is my global warming?                                
 16028  2007-02-13 11:20:58 Mark                               Re: where the hell is my global warming?                                
 16029  2007-02-13 11:41:48 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Why Vista's DRM Is Bad For You                                      
 16030  2007-02-13 12:39:14 Robert Comer                       Re: where the hell is my global warming?                                
 16031  2007-02-13 14:10:38 Mike N.                            Re: where the hell is my global warming?                                
 16032  2007-02-13 21:34:24 Antti Kurenniemi                   Re: where the hell is my global warming?                                
 16033  2007-02-13 15:01:12 Robert Comer                       Re: where the hell is my global warming?                                
 16034  2007-02-13 15:14:58 Mark                               Re: where the hell is my global warming?                                
 16035  2007-02-13 15:22:46 Robert Comer                       Re: where the hell is my global warming?                                
 16036  2007-02-13 15:57:56 Mark                               Re: where the hell is my global warming?                                
 16037  2007-02-13 16:13:46 Richard Gauszka                    Re: where the hell is my global warming?                                
 16038  2007-02-13 16:18:30 Robert Comer                       Re: where the hell is my global warming?                                
 16039  2007-02-13 16:34:52 Mark                               Re: where the hell is my global warming?                                
 16040  2007-02-13 16:40:54 Mark                               Re: where the hell is my global warming?                                
 16041  2007-02-13 16:53:50 Robert Comer                       Re: where the hell is my global warming?                                
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 16042  2007-02-13 17:02:26 Mark                               Re: where the hell is my global warming?                                
 16043  2007-02-13 17:29:30 mike                               Re: Why Vista's DRM Is Bad For You                                      
 16044  2007-02-13 17:58:42 Gary Britt                         Re: Why Vista's DRM Is Bad For You                                      
 16045  2007-02-13 18:08:38 Gary Britt                         Re: where the hell is my global warming?                                
 16046  2007-02-13 18:27:12 Robert Comer                       Re: where the hell is my global warming?                                
 16047  2007-02-13 18:30:24 Robert Comer                       Re: Why Vista's DRM Is Bad For You                                      
 16048  2007-02-13 19:40:06 Richard Gauszka                    Re: Why Vista's DRM Is Bad For You                                      
 16049  2007-02-13 21:31:48 John Beamish                       Re: The Great Vista/Mac Showdown: Mac migration a breeze, Vista?s migra 
 16050  2007-02-13 22:07:04 Geo.                               Re: DRM bad for business                                                
 16051  2007-02-13 22:16:46 Geo.                               Re: P2P no effect on CD sales...                                        
 16052  2007-02-13 22:34:26 Geo.                               Re: where the hell is my global warming?                                
 16053  2007-02-13 22:37:04 Geo.                               Re: where the hell is my global warming?                                
 16054  2007-02-13 22:38:48 Geo.                               Re: where the hell is my global warming?                                
 16055  2007-02-13 22:47:16 Geo.                               Re: where the hell is my global warming?                                
 16056  2007-02-13 23:04:36 Geo.                               Re: Why Vista's DRM Is Bad For You                                      
 16057  2007-02-13 23:08:08 Geo.                               Re: Why Vista's DRM Is Bad For You                                      
 16058  2007-02-14 08:32:24 Antti Kurenniemi                   Re: where the hell is my global warming?                                
 16059  2007-02-14 08:33:22 Antti Kurenniemi                   Re: where the hell is my global warming?                                
 16060  2007-02-14 06:55:34 Ad                                 Re: DRM bad for business                                                
 16061  2007-02-14 06:59:52 Ad                                 Re: Why Vista's DRM Is Bad For You                                      
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 16062  2007-02-14 17:32:30 Don Hills                          Re: Why Vista's DRM Is Bad For You                                      
 16063  2007-02-14 07:27:48 Ad                                 Re: where the hell is my global warming?                                
 16064  2007-02-14 07:30:20 Ad                                 Re: where the hell is my global warming?                                
 16065  2007-02-14 07:31:42 Ad                                 Re: P2P no effect on CD sales...                                        
 16066  2007-02-14 19:49:46 John Beckett                       Re: Why Vista's DRM Is Bad For You                                      
 16067  2007-02-14 09:36:54 Ad                                 Re: A Windows expert opts for a Mac life                                
 16068  2007-02-15 00:49:48 Don Hills                          Re: Why Vista's DRM Is Bad For You                                      
 16069  2007-02-14 07:08:20 Tim Boyer                          Re: where the hell is my global warming?                                
 16070  2007-02-14 09:28:56 Robert Comer                       Re: where the hell is my global warming?                                
 16071  2007-02-14 09:30:04 Robert Comer                       Re: where the hell is my global warming?                                
 16072  2007-02-14 09:31:16 Robert Comer                       Re: where the hell is my global warming?                                
 16073  2007-02-14 10:37:02 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Why Vista's DRM Is Bad For You                                      
 16074  2007-02-14 08:14:08 Rich                               Re: Hand waving                                                         
 16075  2007-02-14 08:18:40 Rich                               Re: A Windows expert opts for a Mac life                                
 16076  2007-02-14 19:04:20 Antti Kurenniemi                   Re: where the hell is my global warming?                                
 16077  2007-02-14 13:19:18 Gary Britt                         Re: Why Vista's DRM Is Bad For You                                      
 16078  2007-02-14 13:22:38 Gary Britt                         Re: Why Vista's DRM Is Bad For You                                      
 16079  2007-02-14 13:28:18 Gary Britt                         Re: where the hell is my global warming?                                
 16080  2007-02-14 14:33:00 Rich Gauszka                       VMware converter free beta                                              
 16081  2007-02-14 22:37:14 Antti Kurenniemi                   Re: where the hell is my global warming?                                
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 16082  2007-02-14 15:50:04 RobertB                            Re: Watch Adverts or we disable yourr computer???                       
 16083  2007-02-14 15:52:10 RobertB                            Re: where the hell is my global warming?                                
 16084  2007-02-14 21:14:36 Adam                               Re: Watch Adverts or we disable yourr computer???                       
 16085  2007-02-14 21:16:06 Adam                               Re: A Windows expert opts for a Mac life                                
 16086  2007-02-14 21:17:20 Adam                               Re: where the hell is my global warming?                                
 16087  2007-02-14 16:37:58 Rich Gauszka                       Re: more IP madness backlash                                            
 16088  2007-02-14 21:54:56 Adam                               Re: more IP madness backlash                                            
 16089  2007-02-14 17:25:58 Gary Britt                         Re: where the hell is my global warming?                                
 16090  2007-02-14 17:27:28 Gary Britt                         Re: VMware converter free beta                                          
 16091  2007-02-14 17:42:20 mike                               Microsoft introduces Playready                                          
 16092  2007-02-14 17:52:00 mike                               Microsoft To Launch 'Vienna' In 2009                                    
 16093  2007-02-14 17:54:14 mike                               Vista first look: Bugs and confusion                                    
 16094  2007-02-14 17:56:26 mike                               Hacker, Microsoft duke it out over Vista design flaw                    
 16095  2007-02-15 10:18:32 Don Hills                          Re: Hand waving                                                         
 16096  2007-02-14 18:08:28 RobertB                            The first Help Desk                                                     
 16097  2007-02-14 18:09:20 RobertB                            Re: Watch Adverts or we disable yourr computer???                       
 16098  2007-02-14 18:11:48 Rich Gauszka                       Re: VMware converter free beta                                          
 16099  2007-02-14 18:15:38 Rich Gauszka                       Re: VMware for Intel OSx beta signup form                               
 16100  2007-02-14 18:55:42 Richard Gauszka                    Re: Microsoft To Launch 'Vienna' In 2009                                
 16101  2007-02-14 23:59:24 Adam                               Re: Vista first look: Bugs and confusion                                
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 16102  2007-02-15 00:05:48 Adam                               Re: Watch Adverts or we disable yourr computer???                       
 16103  2007-02-15 00:06:30 Adam                               Re: The first Help Desk                                                 
 16104  2007-02-14 22:49:42 Geo.                               Re: Hacker, Microsoft duke it out over Vista design flaw                
 16105  2007-02-14 22:51:10 Geo.                               Re: Microsoft To Launch 'Vienna' In 2009                                
 16106  2007-02-14 20:46:36 Rich                               Re: Hand waving                                                         
 16107  2007-02-17 05:52:50 Bob Ackley                         where the hell is my global warming?                                    
 16108  2007-02-15 07:03:52 Antti Kurenniemi                   Re: Microsoft To Launch 'Vienna' In 2009                                
 16109  2007-02-15 07:09:32 Antti Kurenniemi                   Re: Vista first look: Bugs and confusion                                
 16110  2007-02-15 07:13:28 Antti Kurenniemi                   Re: Hacker, Microsoft duke it out over Vista design flaw                
 16111  2007-02-14 21:33:50 Rich                               Re: Hacker, Microsoft duke it out over Vista design                     
 16112  2007-02-15 09:47:46 Adam                               Re: Microsoft To Launch 'Vienna' In 2009                                
 16113  2007-02-15 10:05:02 Adam                               The Joys of IT support                                                  
 16114  2007-02-15 10:32:40 Adam                               MS's lack of priorities....                                             
 16115  2007-02-15 10:35:02 Adam                               Rats leaving SCO                                                        
 16116  2007-02-15 10:40:46 Adam                               Re: The Joys of IT support                                              
 16117  2007-02-15 09:20:06 Dave Ings                          Re: The Joys of IT support                                              
 16118  2007-02-15 09:56:30 Gary Britt                         Re: where the hell is my global warming?                                
 16119  2007-02-15 10:05:36 Gary Britt                         Re: Vista first look: Bugs and confusion                                
 16120  2007-02-15 10:09:40 RobertB                            Re: The first Help Desk                                                 
 16121  2007-02-15 10:26:42 Dave Ings                          Re: Vista first look: Bugs and confusion                                
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 16122  2007-02-15 08:00:52 Rich                               Re: Adam's lack of ...                                                  
 16123  2007-02-15 11:01:16 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Vista first look: Bugs and confusion                                
 16124  2007-02-15 19:09:14 Antti Kurenniemi                   Re: where the hell is my global warming?                                
 16125  2007-02-15 18:02:10 Adam                               Re: MS's lack of priorities....                                         
 16126  2007-02-15 13:52:50 Gary Britt                         Re: where the hell is my global warming?                                
 16127  2007-02-15 14:03:30 Gary Britt                         Re: Vista first look: Bugs and confusion                                
 16128  2007-02-15 14:04:28 Gary Britt                         Re: Vista first look: Bugs and confusion                                
 16129  2007-02-15 21:56:40 Adam                               Re: Vista first look: Bugs and confusion                                
 16130  2007-02-15 18:00:38 mike                               Re: More join the DRM backlash                                          
 16131  2007-02-15 18:04:10 Gary Britt                         Re: Vista first look: Bugs and confusion                                
 16132  2007-02-15 18:05:38 mike                               Re: The Joys of IT support                                              
 16133  2007-02-15 23:28:46 Adam                               Re: Vista first look: Bugs and confusion                                
 16134  2007-02-15 23:33:02 Adam                               Re: More join the DRM backlash                                          
 16135  2007-02-15 17:02:16 Rich                               Re: Adam's lack of comprehension                                        
 16136  2007-02-15 19:17:06 Glenn Meadows                      Re: More join the DRM backlash                                          
 16137  2007-02-15 20:45:14 John Beamish                       Re: Vista first look: Bugs and confusion                                
 16138  2007-02-15 21:13:58 Rich Gauszka                       Apple TV - no DivX                                                      
 16139  2007-02-15 21:16:08 John Beamish                       RFID 'powder'                                                           
 16140  2007-02-15 22:44:24 Gary Britt                         Re: Vista first look: Bugs and confusion                                
 16141  2007-02-15 22:49:26 Gary Britt                         Re: Vista first look: Bugs and confusion                                
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 16142  2007-02-15 23:06:02 Rich Gauszka                       1.2 kilowatt PC power supply                                            
 16143  2007-02-15 23:13:52 Mark                               Re: Vista first look: Bugs and confusion                                
 16144  2007-02-15 23:41:40 Gary Britt                         Re: Vista first look: Bugs and confusion                                
 16145  2007-02-16 20:12:08 John Beckett                       Re: Hacker, Microsoft duke it out over Vista design                     
 16146  2007-02-16 09:25:02 Adam                               Re: MS's lack of priorities....                                         
 16147  2007-02-16 09:27:24 Adam                               Re: More join the DRM backlash                                          
 16148  2007-02-16 06:29:08 Geo.                               Re: RFID 'powder'                                                       
 16149  2007-02-16 08:40:42 Mike N.                            Re: RFID 'powder'                                                       
 16150  2007-02-16 09:08:16 John Beamish                       Re: Vista first look: Bugs and confusion                                
 16151  2007-02-16 09:22:02 John Beamish                       Re: More join the DRM backlash                                          
 16152  2007-02-16 09:23:44 John Beamish                       Re: RFID 'powder'                                                       
 16153  2007-02-16 09:41:58 Glenn Meadows                      Re: More join the DRM backlash                                          
 16154  2007-02-16 07:42:40 Rich                               Re: Hacker, Microsoft duke it out over Vista design                     
 16155  2007-02-16 11:00:28 John Beamish                       Re: More join the DRM backlash                                          
 16156  2007-02-16 12:21:56 Gary Britt                         Re: Vista first look: Bugs and confusion                                
 16157  2007-02-16 13:19:40 John Beamish                       Re: Vista first look: Bugs and confusion                                
 16158  2007-02-16 20:47:56 Antti Kurenniemi                   Re: Hacker, Microsoft duke it out over Vista design                     
 16159  2007-02-16 16:53:24 RobertB                            Re: More join the DRM backlash                                          
 16160  2007-02-16 16:57:26 RobertB                            Re: Watch Adverts or we disable yourr computer???                       
 16161  2007-02-16 16:16:54 Glenn Meadows                      Re: More join the DRM backlash                                          
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 16162  2007-02-16 16:18:40 Glenn Meadows                      Re: Watch Adverts or we disable yourr computer???                       
 16163  2007-02-16 17:23:28 Rich Gauszka                       75% of Vista's sales price profit?                                      
 16164  2007-02-16 18:04:04 mike                               Re: 1.2 kilowatt PC power supply                                        
 16165  2007-02-16 18:17:24 Gary Britt                         Re: Vista first look: Bugs and confusion                                
 16166  2007-02-16 18:19:24 Gary Britt                         Re: 75% of Vista's sales price profit?                                  
 16167  2007-02-17 12:07:36 John Beckett                       Re: Hacker, Microsoft duke it out over Vista design                     
 16168  2007-02-16 20:21:44 Geo.                               Re: 1.2 kilowatt PC power supply                                        
 16169  2007-02-16 20:23:32 Geo.                               Re: Apple TV - no DivX                                                  
 16170  2007-02-16 20:40:08 Geo.                               Re: More join the DRM backlash                                          
 16171  2007-02-16 20:52:04 Geo.                               Re: More join the DRM backlash                                          
 16172  2007-02-16 20:57:34 Geo.                               Re: More join the DRM backlash                                          
 16173  2007-02-16 21:24:44 Geo.                               Re: Vista first look: Bugs and confusion                                
 16174  2007-02-16 21:29:36 Geo.                               Re: where the hell is my global warming?                                
 16175  2007-02-16 21:52:24 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Apple TV - no DivX                                                  
 16176  2007-02-16 21:52:50 Geo.                               Re: where the hell is my global warming?                                
 16177  2007-02-16 21:57:22 Geo.                               Re: where the hell is my global warming?                                
 16178  2007-02-16 21:58:32 Geo.                               Re: where the hell is my global warming?                                
 16179  2007-02-16 21:59:58 Geo.                               Re: where the hell is my global warming?                                
 16180  2007-02-16 22:00:44 Geo.                               Re: where the hell is my global warming?                                
 16181  2007-02-16 22:17:58 Geo.                               Re: where the hell is my global warming?                                
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 16182  2007-02-16 22:33:28 Geo.                               Re: Why Vista's DRM Is Bad For You                                      
 16183  2007-02-16 22:40:18 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Why Vista's DRM Is Bad For You                                      
 16184  2007-02-16 22:40:30 Mark                               Re: where the hell is my global warming?                                
 16185  2007-02-16 22:44:46 Geo.                               Re: Why Vista's DRM Is Bad For You                                      
 16186  2007-02-16 22:46:38 Geo.                               Re: Apple TV - no DivX                                                  
 16187  2007-02-16 23:08:28 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Apple TV - no DivX                                                  
 16188  2007-02-16 23:10:00 Geo.                               Re: where the hell is my global warming?                                
 16189  2007-02-16 23:22:22 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Apple TV - no DivX                                                  
 16190  2007-02-16 23:44:54 Mark                               Re: where the hell is my global warming?                                
 16191  2007-02-16 23:48:48 Mark                               Re: where the hell is my global warming?                                
 16192  2007-02-21 05:17:06 Bob Ackley                         where the hell is my global warming?                                    
 16193  2007-02-17 07:07:22 Antti Kurenniemi                   Re: Vista first look: Bugs and confusion                                
 16194  2007-02-17 07:10:44 Antti Kurenniemi                   Re: where the hell is my global warming?                                
 16195  2007-02-17 07:15:42 Antti Kurenniemi                   Re: where the hell is my global warming?                                
 16196  2007-02-17 07:17:00 Antti Kurenniemi                   Re: where the hell is my global warming?                                
 16197  2007-02-17 07:18:40 Antti Kurenniemi                   Re: where the hell is my global warming?                                
 16198  2007-02-17 00:21:52 Mark                               Re: where the hell is my global warming?                                
 16199  2007-02-17 00:30:54 Gary Britt                         Re: Why Vista's DRM Is Bad For You                                      
 16200  2007-02-17 00:33:48 Mark                               Re: where the hell is my global warming?                                
 16201  2007-02-17 07:13:24 mike                               Re: 1.2 kilowatt PC power supply                                        
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 16202  2007-02-17 07:17:04 mike                               Re: Why Vista's DRM Is Bad For You                                      
 16203  2007-02-17 07:19:36 mike                               Microsoft dirty tricks that were never revealed                         
 16204  2007-02-17 07:23:24 mike                               Microsoft dirty tricks, part two                                        
 16205  2007-02-17 08:21:56 mike                               Re: Microsoft dirty tricks that were never revealed                     
 16206  2007-02-17 14:04:46 Geo.                               Re: 1.2 kilowatt PC power supply                                        
 16207  2007-02-17 14:07:08 Geo.                               Re: Apple TV - no DivX                                                  
 16208  2007-02-17 14:20:02 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Apple TV - no DivX                                                  
 16209  2007-02-17 14:39:32 Geo.                               Re: Vista first look: Bugs and confusion                                
 16210  2007-02-17 15:08:38 Geo.                               Re: where the hell is my global warming?                                
 16211  2007-02-17 15:41:16 Geo.                               Re: where the hell is my global warming?                                
 16212  2007-02-17 15:50:12 Geo.                               Re: where the hell is my global warming?                                
 16213  2007-02-17 16:02:02 Geo.                               Re: where the hell is my global warming?                                
 16214  2007-02-17 16:52:18 Geo.                               Re: Why Vista's DRM Is Bad For You                                      
 16215  2007-02-17 19:05:50 Gary Britt                         Re: Why Vista's DRM Is Bad For You                                      
 16216  2007-02-17 20:02:32 mike                               Suit: Intel paid Dell up to $1 billion a year not to use AMD chips      
 16217  2007-02-17 22:08:42 Robert Comer                       Re: where the hell is my global warming?                                
 16218  2007-02-17 23:48:58 Mark                               Re: where the hell is my global warming?                                
 16219  2007-02-18 01:40:24 Geo.                               Re: Why Vista's DRM Is Bad For You                                      
 16220  2007-02-18 10:08:30 Adam                               Re: Watch Adverts or we disable yourr computer???                       
 16221  2007-02-18 21:23:54 Don Hills                          Re: 1.2 kilowatt PC power supply                                        
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 16222  2007-02-18 13:20:52 Antti Kurenniemi                   Re: where the hell is my global warming?                                
 16223  2007-02-18 13:24:36 Antti Kurenniemi                   Re: where the hell is my global warming?                                
 16224  2007-02-18 08:16:14 Robert Comer                       Re: where the hell is my global warming?                                
 16225  2007-02-18 08:18:10 mike                               Looking at Technology: Caution is Warranted                             
 16226  2007-02-18 08:20:16 mike                               The Great Vista Inspired PC Boom (or not)                               
 16227  2007-02-18 08:46:12 mike                               Re: 1.2 kilowatt PC power supply                                        
 16228  2007-02-18 08:49:06 mike                               Re: Why Vista's DRM Is Bad For You                                      
 16229  2007-02-18 09:00:04 mike                               Quicken and Vista - weird error                                         
 16230  2007-02-18 09:20:18 mike                               Linus fires latest shot in GNOME Wars                                   
 16231  2007-02-18 09:36:16 John Beamish                       Robert Adler, RIP                                                       
 16232  2007-02-18 10:14:52 mike                               AnyDVD HD released                                                      
 16233  2007-02-18 11:38:30 Gary Britt                         Re: Why Vista's DRM Is Bad For You                                      
 16234  2007-02-18 11:38:46 Geo.                               Re: AnyDVD HD released                                                  
 16235  2007-02-18 11:44:54 Geo.                               Re: Linus fires latest shot in GNOME Wars                               
 16236  2007-02-18 11:53:14 Geo.                               Re: Looking at Technology: Caution is Warranted                         
 16237  2007-02-18 11:55:08 Geo.                               Re: Quicken and Vista - weird error                                     
 16238  2007-02-18 11:59:22 mike                               Re: AnyDVD HD released                                                  
 16239  2007-02-18 12:01:26 mike                               Re: Why Vista's DRM Is Bad For You                                      
 16240  2007-02-18 12:34:06 mike                               Re: Quicken and Vista - weird error                                     
 16241  2007-02-18 12:35:26 mike                               Re: Looking at Technology: Caution is Warranted                         
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 16242  2007-02-18 20:35:16 Adam                               Re: where the hell is my global warming?                                
 16243  2007-02-18 20:39:12 Adam                               Re: where the hell is my global warming?                                
 16244  2007-02-18 15:01:00 John Cuccia                        Re: Linus fires latest shot in GNOME Wars                               
 16245  2007-02-18 16:11:42 Mike N.                            Re: Quicken and Vista - weird error                                     
 16246  2007-02-18 16:46:24 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Quicken and Vista - weird error                                     
 16247  2007-02-18 17:13:58 Rich Gauszka                       Partners Report 10 Annoying Vista Problems As Conflicts Dampen Debut    
 16248  2007-02-18 19:53:06 Robert Comer                       Re: where the hell is my global warming?                                
 16249  2007-02-18 22:06:42 Geo.                               Re: AnyDVD HD released                                                  
 16250  2007-02-18 22:14:24 Geo.                               Re: Linus fires latest shot in GNOME Wars                               
 16251  2007-02-18 22:16:52 Geo.                               Re: Looking at Technology: Caution is Warranted                         
 16252  2007-02-18 22:19:58 Geo.                               Re: Partners Report 10 Annoying Vista Problems As Conflicts Dampen Debu 
 16253  2007-02-18 22:26:22 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Partners Report 10 Annoying Vista Problems As Conflicts Dampen Debu 
 16254  2007-02-18 22:25:54 Geo.                               Re: The Great Vista Inspired PC Boom (or not)                           
 16255  2007-02-18 22:28:54 Geo.                               Re: where the hell is my global warming?                                
 16256  2007-02-18 22:29:44 Geo.                               Re: where the hell is my global warming?                                
 16257  2007-02-18 22:31:10 Geo.                               Re: where the hell is my global warming?                                
 16258  2007-02-18 22:38:44 Geo.                               Re: where the hell is my global warming?                                
 16259  2007-02-18 22:45:10 Robert Comer                       Re: where the hell is my global warming?                                
 16260  2007-02-18 22:48:32 Rich Gauszka                       Re: where the hell is my global warming?                                
 16261  2007-02-18 22:55:52 Gary Britt                         Re: where the hell is my global warming?                                
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 16262  2007-02-18 23:07:32 Robert Comer                       Re: where the hell is my global warming?                                
 16263  2007-02-18 23:07:22 Rich Gauszka                       Re: where the hell is my global warming?                                
 16264  2007-02-18 23:54:28 Mark                               Re: where the hell is my global warming?                                
 16265  2007-02-19 07:27:02 Antti Kurenniemi                   Re: Quicken and Vista - weird error                                     
 16266  2007-02-19 07:32:56 Antti Kurenniemi                   Re: where the hell is my global warming?                                
 16267  2007-02-19 01:30:34 Gary Britt                         Re: where the hell is my global warming?                                
 16268  2007-02-19 19:33:50 John Beckett                       Re: where the hell is my global warming?                                
 16269  2007-02-19 07:54:54 mike                               Re: Partners Report 10 Annoying Vista Problems As Conflicts Dampen Debu 
 16270  2007-02-19 07:57:12 mike                               Re: Partners Report 10 Annoying Vista Problems As Conflicts Dampen Debu 
 16271  2007-02-19 08:00:36 mike                               Re: Gamers see red with Vista Problems                                  
 16272  2007-02-19 08:01:00 mike                               Re: AnyDVD HD released                                                  
 16273  2007-02-19 08:02:30 mike                               Re: Linus fires latest shot in GNOME Wars                               
 16274  2007-02-19 08:03:14 mike                               Re: Quicken and Vista - weird error                                     
 16275  2007-02-19 08:05:10 mike                               Re: Quicken and Vista - weird error                                     
 16276  2007-02-19 08:05:52 mike                               Re: The Great Vista Inspired PC Boom (or not)                           
 16277  2007-02-19 08:31:38 mike                               Microsoft lied about Novell deal                                        
 16278  2007-02-19 08:45:16 John Beamish                       Re: where the hell is my global warming?                                
 16279  2007-02-19 08:48:52 Glenn Meadows                      Re: Looking at Technology: Caution is Warranted                         
 16280  2007-02-19 10:09:58 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Quicken and Vista - weird error                                     
 16281  2007-02-19 11:03:28 David B                            Re: Partners Report 10 Annoying Vista Problems As Conflicts Dampen Debu 
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 16282  2007-02-19 11:22:46 RobertB                            Re: Watch Adverts or we disable yourr computer???                       
 16283  2007-02-19 18:21:54 Antti Kurenniemi                   Re: Partners Report 10 Annoying Vista Problems As Conflicts Dampen Debu 
 16284  2007-02-19 11:24:52 RobertB                            Re: Watch Adverts or we disable yourr computer???                       
 16285  2007-02-19 18:24:10 Antti Kurenniemi                   Re: Quicken and Vista - weird error                                     
 16286  2007-02-19 18:25:20 Antti Kurenniemi                   Re: where the hell is my global warming?                                
 16287  2007-02-19 11:42:10 John Beamish                       Re: Watch Adverts or we disable yourr computer???                       
 16288  2007-02-19 12:33:04 Mike N.                            Re: Partners Report 10 Annoying Vista Problems As Conflicts Dampen Debu 
 16289  2007-02-19 11:39:58 Joe Hunt                           Re: where the hell is my global warming?                                
 16290  2007-02-19 14:42:36 mike                               Re: Partners Report 10 Annoying Vista Problems As Conflicts Dampen Debu 
 16291  2007-02-19 14:44:02 Mike N.                            Vista, Barktopus, and google                                            
 16292  2007-02-19 14:59:36 Rich Gauszka                       Vista less secure than XP?                                              
 16293  2007-02-19 15:20:46 Gary Britt                         Re: Vista less secure than XP?                                          
 16294  2007-02-19 15:21:08 mike                               Ballmer blames pirates for poor Vista sales                             
 16295  2007-02-19 15:39:06 Robert Comer                       Re: where the hell is my global warming?                                
 16296  2007-02-19 15:37:06 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Ballmer blames pirates for poor Vista sales                         
 16297  2007-02-19 15:46:16 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Vista less secure than XP?                                          
 16298  2007-02-19 16:58:28 Gary Britt                         Re: Ballmer blames pirates for poor Vista sales                         
 16299  2007-02-19 17:25:30 John Beamish                       Re: Ballmer blames pirates for poor Vista sales                         
 16300  2007-02-19 17:25:40 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Ballmer blames pirates for poor Vista sales                         
 16301  2007-02-20 11:37:18 Don Hills                          Re: 1.2 kilowatt PC power supply                                        
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 16302  2007-02-19 20:23:58 mike                               Re: notebook cooler                                                     
 16303  2007-02-19 20:27:40 mike                               Re: Ballmer blames pirates for poor Vista sales                         
 16304  2007-02-19 20:29:22 mike                               Re: Ballmer blames pirates for poor Vista sales                         
 16305  2007-02-19 20:32:04 mike                               Re: Vista less secure than XP?                                          
 16306  2007-02-19 20:37:06 mike                               Re: 1.2 kilowatt PC power supply                                        
 16307  2007-02-19 21:06:16 Rich Gauszka                       Re: notebook cooler                                                     
 16308  2007-02-19 21:46:22 mike                               Re: Microsoft dirty tricks that were never revealed                     
 16309  2007-02-19 20:05:14 Rich                               Re: Legacy setup program behavior                                       
 16310  2007-02-19 23:05:40 Geo.                               Re: Vista, Barktopus, and google                                        
 16311  2007-02-19 23:08:04 Geo.                               Re: where the hell is my global warming?                                
 16312  2007-02-19 23:09:24 Geo.                               Re: where the hell is my global warming?                                
 16313  2007-02-19 23:18:18 Geo.                               Re: where the hell is my global warming?                                
 16314  2007-02-20 00:40:22 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Legacy setup program behavior                                       
 16315  2007-02-19 21:52:00 Rich                               Re: Legacy setup program behavior                                       
 16316  2007-02-20 19:14:06 John Beckett                       Re: Legacy setup program behavior                                       
 16317  2007-02-20 09:18:44 Ad                                 MPAA engages in Piracy                                                  
 16318  2007-02-20 19:15:44 Don Hills                          Re: 1.2 kilowatt PC power supply                                        
 16319  2007-02-20 06:47:40 Robert Comer                       Re: where the hell is my global warming?                                
 16320  2007-02-20 06:59:18 Robert Comer                       Re: where the hell is my global warming?                                
 16321  2007-02-12 16:18:52 Geo.                               Republican calls for email                                              
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 16322  2007-02-20 09:07:00 Robert Comer                       Re: global warming doesn't make sense                                   
 16323  2007-02-20 10:22:00 RobertB                            Re: Watch Adverts or we disable yourr computer???                       
 16324  2007-02-20 10:39:38 Mike N.                            Re: Republican calls for email                                          
 16325  2007-02-20 08:46:58 Rich                               Re: Legacy setup program behavior                                       
 16326  2007-03-18 13:30:00 WAYNE CHIRNSIDE                    Re: Republican calls for                                                
 16327  2007-02-20 11:50:34 Geo.                               html editors                                                            
 16328  2007-02-20 11:55:42 Rich Gauszka                       Re: html editors                                                        
 16329  2007-02-20 09:08:50 Rich                               Re: html editors                                                        
 16330  2007-02-20 14:11:38 Rich Gauszka                       Beware the Apple AirPort Extreme Update 2007-001                        
 16331  2007-02-20 14:17:04 Mike N.                            Re: html editors                                                        
 16332  2007-02-20 22:31:24 Adam                               Re: global warming doesn't make sense                                   
 16333  2007-02-20 22:34:08 Adam                               Re: html editors                                                        
 16334  2007-02-20 22:36:46 Adam                               Re: Partners Report 10 Annoying Vista Problems As Conflicts Dampen      
 16335  2007-02-20 22:39:10 Adam                               Re: Partners Report 10 Annoying Vista Problems As Conflicts Dampen      
 16336  2007-02-20 22:44:24 Adam                               Re: where the hell is my global warming?                                
 16337  2007-02-20 22:45:34 Adam                               Re: where the hell is my global warming?                                
 16338  2007-02-20 17:48:56 mike                               Re: 1.2 kilowatt PC power supply                                        
 16339  2007-02-20 17:50:00 mike                               Re: Republican calls for email                                          
 16340  2007-02-20 22:53:02 Adam                               Re: Watch Adverts or we disable yourr computer???                       
 16341  2007-02-20 23:40:20 Adam                               more US-UK exchange rate shenanigans                                    
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 16342  2007-02-20 19:06:22 RobertB                            Re: Watch Adverts or we disable yourr computer???                       
 16343  2007-02-20 19:08:12 RobertB                            Re: Beware the Apple AirPort Extreme Update 2007-001                    
 16344  2007-02-20 19:09:46 RobertB                            Re: html editors                                                        
 16345  2007-02-20 19:27:58 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Beware the Apple AirPort Extreme Update 2007-001                    
 16346  2007-02-20 16:55:12 Rich                               Re: html editors                                                        
 16347  2007-02-20 20:41:08 Robert Comer                       Re: where the hell is my global warming?                                
 16348  2007-02-20 22:57:50 Geo.                               Re: Ballmer blames pirates for poor Vista sales                         
 16349  2007-02-20 23:03:18 Geo.                               Re: Ballmer blames pirates for poor Vista sales                         
 16350  2007-02-20 23:04:42 Geo.                               Re: Ballmer blames pirates for poor Vista sales                         
 16351  2007-02-20 23:05:44 Geo.                               Re: Gamers see red with Vista Problems                                  
 16352  2007-02-20 23:13:22 Geo.                               Re: global warming doesn't make sense                                   
 16353  2007-02-20 23:13:52 Geo.                               Re: global warming doesn't make sense                                   
 16354  2007-02-20 23:14:42 Geo.                               Re: html editors                                                        
 16355  2007-02-20 23:18:38 Geo.                               Re: html editors                                                        
 16356  2007-02-20 23:19:08 Geo.                               Re: html editors                                                        
 16357  2007-02-20 23:33:02 Mark                               Re: where the hell is my global warming?                                
 16358  2007-02-20 20:48:46 Rich                               Re: html editors                                                        
 16359  2007-02-20 20:52:20 Rich                               Re: html editors                                                        
 16360  2007-02-21 07:34:44 Antti Kurenniemi                   Re: Partners Report 10 Annoying Vista Problems As Conflicts Dampen Debu 
 16361  2007-02-21 07:19:44 Ad                                 Re: Partners Report 10 Annoying Vista Problems As Conflicts Dampen      
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 16362  2007-02-21 07:21:36 Ad                                 Re: global warming doesn't make sense                                   
 16363  2007-02-21 07:22:38 Ad                                 Re: html editors                                                        
 16364  2007-02-21 19:48:28 John Beckett                       Re: Legacy setup program behavior                                       
 16365  2007-02-21 19:48:30 John Beckett                       Re: global warming doesn't make sense                                   
 16366  2007-02-21 09:50:00 Ad                                 Vista sales not good....                                                
 16367  2007-02-21 05:51:06 Geo.                               Re: html editors                                                        
 16368  2007-02-21 05:54:50 Geo.                               Re: html editors                                                        
 16369  2007-02-21 05:57:08 Geo.                               Re: Linus fires latest shot in GNOME Wars                               
 16370  2007-02-21 06:13:34 Geo.                               Re: global warming doesn't make sense                                   
 16371  2007-02-21 11:50:12 Ad                                 Re: global warming doesn't make sense                                   
 16372  2007-02-21 08:59:44 Robert Comer                       Re: where the hell is my global warming?                                
 16373  2007-02-21 10:26:34 RobertB                            Re: Beware the Apple AirPort Extreme Update 2007-001                    
 16374  2007-02-21 07:41:06 Rich                               Re: Legacy setup program behavior                                       
 16375  2007-02-21 11:15:40 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Beware the Apple AirPort Extreme Update 2007-001                    
 16376  2007-02-21 10:51:38 Ellen K.                           Re: Suit: Intel paid Dell up to $1 billion a year not to use AMD chips  
 16377  2007-02-21 10:53:58 Ellen K.                           Re: Quicken and Vista - weird error                                     
 16378  2007-02-21 21:57:40 Adam                               Re: Partners Report 10 Annoying Vista Problems As Conflicts Dampen      
 16379  2007-02-21 22:29:22 Adam                               linux on the ps3                                                        
 16380  2007-02-21 20:47:14 John Beamish                       Re: Vista, Barktopus, and google                                        
 16381  2007-02-21 20:52:32 John Beamish                       Re: Legacy setup program behavior                                       
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 16382  2007-02-21 21:34:56 Rich                               Re: Legacy setup program behavior                                       
 16383  2007-02-22 18:02:20 Don Hills                          Re: html editors                                                        
 16384  2007-02-22 18:49:02 John Beckett                       Re: Legacy setup program behavior                                       
 16385  2007-02-22 06:15:10 Geo.                               Re: global warming doesn't make sense                                   
 16386  2007-02-22 06:17:06 Geo.                               Re: html editors                                                        
 16387  2007-02-22 06:18:28 Geo.                               Re: linux on the ps3                                                    
 16388  2007-02-22 06:21:10 Geo.                               Re: Looking at Technology: Caution is Warranted                         
 16389  2007-02-22 10:19:36 RobertB                            Re: Beware the Apple AirPort Extreme Update 2007-001                    
 16390  2007-02-22 10:20:22 RobertB                            Re: Vista, Barktopus, and google                                        
 16391  2007-02-22 10:23:08 RobertB                            Re: Watch Adverts or we disable yourr computer???                       
 16392  2007-02-22 07:45:00 Rich                               Re: Legacy setup program behavior                                       
 16393  2007-02-22 15:48:48 Ad                                 Blimey "Is software patentable" reaches the SC                          
 16394  2007-02-22 15:52:18 Ad                                 Re: Watch Adverts or we disable yourr computer???                       
 16395  2007-02-22 16:02:12 Ad                                 SA 2 OSS                                                                
 16396  2007-02-22 11:03:22 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Beware the Apple AirPort Extreme Update 2007-001                    
 16397  2007-02-22 11:06:40 Rich Gauszka                       Re: linux on the ps3                                                    
 16398  2007-02-22 12:14:10 Mike N.                            Re: linux on the ps3                                                    
 16399  2007-02-22 12:17:24 Mike N.                            Re: SA 2 OSS                                                            
 16400  2007-02-22 12:31:50 Rich Gauszka                       Re: linux on the ps3                                                    
 16401  2007-02-22 17:30:00 mike                               Re: html editors                                                        
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 16402  2007-02-22 17:31:38 mike                               Re: html editors                                                        
 16403  2007-02-22 17:33:06 mike                               Re: Ballmer blames pirates for poor Vista sales                         
 16404  2007-02-22 17:34:32 mike                               Re: Gamers see red with Vista Problems                                  
 16405  2007-02-22 17:35:14 mike                               Re: Quicken and Vista - weird error                                     
 16406  2007-02-22 17:59:02 mike                               MSN punts 'scareware'                                                   
 16407  2007-02-22 18:00:10 mike                               MS dirty tricks archive trickles back to life                           
 16408  2007-02-22 18:14:46 RobertB                            Re: Beware the Apple AirPort Extreme Update 2007-001                    
 16409  2007-02-22 18:50:30 mike                               Limited choices for Windows XP holdouts                                 
 16410  2007-02-22 19:21:14 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Beware the Apple AirPort Extreme Update 2007-001                    
 16411  2007-02-22 21:29:52 John Beamish                       Re: Legacy setup program behavior                                       
 16412  2007-02-22 21:53:20 John Beamish                       MS VirtualPC is now a freebie                                           
 16413  2007-02-22 22:40:38 Geo.                               Re: Partners Report 10 Annoying Vista Problems As Conflicts Dampen Debu 
 16414  2007-02-22 22:52:26 Geo.                               Re: Ballmer blames pirates for poor Vista sales                         
 16415  2007-02-22 23:01:00 Geo.                               Re: Gamers see red with Vista Problems                                  
 16416  2007-02-22 20:23:40 Rich                               Re: Legacy setup program behavior                                       
 16417  2007-02-23 07:52:42 Antti Kurenniemi                   Re: MS VirtualPC is now a freebie                                       
 16418  2007-02-23 07:58:32 Antti Kurenniemi                   Re: Partners Report 10 Annoying Vista Problems As Conflicts Dampen Debu 
 16419  2007-02-23 07:00:58 Ad                                 Blimey wot is it with MS & stealing....                                 
 16420  2007-02-23 07:08:18 Ad                                 Re: linux on the ps3                                                    
 16421  2007-02-23 07:10:30 Ad                                 Good enough?                                                            
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 16422  2007-02-23 07:21:40 Ad                                 Re: Blimey wot is it with MS & stealing....                             
 16423  2007-02-23 07:22:36 Ad                                 Re: Partners Report 10 Annoying Vista Problems As Conflicts Dampen      
 16424  2007-02-23 07:13:32 Robert Comer                       Re: MS VirtualPC is now a freebie                                       
 16425  2007-02-23 08:24:44 John Beamish                       Re: MS VirtualPC is now a freebie                                       
 16426  2007-02-23 08:26:22 John Beamish                       Re: MS VirtualPC is now a freebie                                       
 16427  2007-02-23 08:35:50 John Beamish                       Re: Legacy setup program behavior                                       
 16428  2007-02-23 09:22:28 Robert Comer                       Re: MS VirtualPC is now a freebie                                       
 16429  2007-02-23 10:08:32 Rich Gauszka                       Re: MS VirtualPC is now a freebie                                       
 16430  2007-02-23 10:09:42 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Good enough?                                                        
 16431  2007-02-23 07:19:04 Rich                               Re: Legacy setup program behavior                                       
 16432  2007-02-23 09:19:56 Glenn Meadows                      Re: MS VirtualPC is now a freebie                                       
 16433  2007-02-23 10:45:42 RobertB                            Re: Beware the Apple AirPort Extreme Update 2007-001                    
 16434  2007-02-23 10:51:08 RobertB                            Re: Blimey "Is software patentable" reaches the SC                      
 16435  2007-02-23 11:04:40 Robert Comer                       Re: Good enough?                                                        
 16436  2007-02-23 11:06:12 Robert Comer                       Re: MS VirtualPC is now a freebie                                       
 16437  2007-02-23 11:09:02 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Beware the Apple AirPort Extreme Update 2007-001                    
 16438  2007-02-23 11:11:44 Rich Gauszka                       Re: MS VirtualPC is now a freebie                                       
 16439  2007-02-23 11:23:22 Rich Gauszka                       Re: MS VirtualPC is now a freebie                                       
 16440  2007-02-23 15:01:38 Rich Gauszka                       How to have your Mac Home Folder eaten or how NOT to sell software      
 16441  2007-02-23 19:08:44 Rich Gauszka                       Sony screws E.U. on PS3 backwards compatibility                         
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 16442  2007-02-23 19:16:00 mike                               Re: How to have your Mac Home Folder eaten or how NOT to sell software  
 16443  2007-02-23 19:19:42 Rich Gauszka                       Re: How to have your Mac Home Folder eaten or how NOT to sell software  
 16444  2007-02-23 19:22:00 mike                               Re: Good enough?                                                        
 16445  2007-02-23 19:26:08 mike                               Re: Good enough?                                                        
 16446  2007-02-23 19:27:58 mike                               Re: Blimey "Is software patentable" reaches the SC                      
 16447  2007-02-23 19:30:14 mike                               Re: Partners Report 10 Annoying Vista Problems As Conflicts Dampen Debu 
 16448  2007-02-24 11:31:06 John Beckett                       Re: Good enough?                                                        
 16449  2007-02-23 19:31:30 mike                               Re: Gamers see red with Vista Problems                                  
 16450  2007-02-23 19:36:02 mike                               Ballmer impugns the character of the free/open source world             
 16451  2007-02-23 19:38:52 mike                               Interoperability, Choice and Open XML                                   
 16452  2007-02-23 19:42:12 mike                               Microsoft Say Don't Buy Vista                                           
 16453  2007-02-23 20:09:14 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Good enough?                                                        
 16454  2007-02-23 20:22:04 Mike N.                            Re: Microsoft Say Don't Buy Vista                                       
 16455  2007-02-23 20:27:14 mike                               Re: How to have your Mac Home Folder eaten or how NOT to sell software  
 16456  2007-02-23 20:28:44 mike                               Re: Good enough?                                                        
 16457  2007-02-23 20:54:44 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Good enough?                                                        
 16458  2007-02-23 21:10:42 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Microsoft Say Don't Buy Vista                                       
 16459  2007-02-23 22:28:26 Gary Britt                         Re: Good enough?                                                        
 16460  2007-02-23 23:22:42 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Good enough?                                                        
 16461  2007-02-24 20:50:40 John Beckett                       Re: Good enough?                                                        
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 16462  2007-02-24 07:33:28 Mike N.                            Re: Microsoft Say Don't Buy Vista                                       
 16463  2007-02-24 07:49:56 Robert Comer                       Re: Good enough?                                                        
 16464  2007-02-24 07:52:04 Robert Comer                       Re: Good enough?                                                        
 16465  2007-02-24 08:22:46 Monte Davis                        Re: where the hell is my global warming?                                
 16466  2007-02-24 09:25:54 Robert Comer                       Re: where the hell is my global warming?                                
 16467  2007-02-24 09:26:40 mike                               Re: Microsoft Say Don't Buy Vista                                       
 16468  2007-02-24 09:37:08 mike                               Re: Good enough?                                                        
 16469  2007-02-24 09:43:02 mike                               Re: Good enough?                                                        
 16470  2007-02-24 09:50:26 mike                               Windows XP Media Center Edition vs Apple TV                             
 16471  2007-02-24 10:10:56 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Windows XP Media Center Edition vs Apple TV                         
 16472  2007-02-24 10:16:30 mike                               Microsoft tells some users no on Vista                                  
 16473  2007-02-24 10:24:36 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Good enough?                                                        
 16474  2007-02-24 10:41:44 mike                               Re: Windows XP Media Center Edition vs Apple TV                         
 16475  2007-02-24 11:28:44 Robert Comer                       Re: Good enough?                                                        
 16476  2007-03-18 12:46:10 Mike N.                            Bitlocker and debuggers                                                 
 16477  2007-03-18 13:07:42 Rich Gauszka                       Re: former MS evangelist Scoble: "Microsoft sucks"                      
 16478  2007-03-18 13:37:56 John Beamish                       Re: former MS evangelist Scoble: "Microsoft sucks"                      
 16479  2007-03-18 13:42:18 RobertB                            Re: U.S. Top Selling Computer Hardware for January 2007                 
 16480  2007-03-18 14:15:34 Rich Gauszka                       Re: former MS evangelist Scoble: "Microsoft sucks"                      
 16481  2007-03-18 14:22:38 Rich Gauszka                       Re: U.S. Top Selling Computer Hardware for January 2007                 
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 16482  2007-03-18 12:07:04 Rich                               Re: more mike miller lies about Daylight-Saving Time Woes               
 16483  2007-03-18 12:11:12 Rich                               Re: Bitlocker and debuggers                                             
 16484  2007-03-18 16:29:44 John Beamish                       Re: former MS evangelist Scoble: "Microsoft sucks"                      
 16485  2007-03-18 20:30:46 Adam                               Re: former MS evangelist Scoble: "Microsoft sucks"                      
 16486  2007-03-18 16:36:16 mike                               Climate change shifts sheep shape                                       
 16487  2007-03-18 16:39:10 mike                               Re: former MS evangelist Scoble: "Microsoft sucks"                      
 16488  2007-03-18 17:00:10 Robert Comer                       Re: Bitlocker and debuggers                                             
 16489  2007-03-18 17:04:50 Mike N.                            Re: Bitlocker and debuggers                                             
 16490  2007-03-18 17:07:20 Mike N.                            Re: more mike miller lies about Daylight-Saving Time Woes               
 16491  2007-03-18 17:10:36 John Beamish                       Re: former MS evangelist Scoble: "Microsoft sucks"                      
 16492  2007-03-18 17:15:08 John Beamish                       Re: former MS evangelist Scoble: "Microsoft sucks"                      
 16493  2007-03-18 17:24:40 mike                               Re: Bitlocker and debuggers                                             
 16494  2007-03-18 17:26:22 mike                               Re: more mike miller lies about Daylight-Saving Time Woes               
 16495  2007-03-18 17:45:12 David B                            Re: Mandriva on VPC                                                     
 16496  2007-03-18 17:45:40 David B                            Re: Mandriva on VPC                                                     
 16497  2007-03-18 15:23:48 Rich                               Re: more mike miller lies about Daylight-Saving Time Woes               
 16498  2007-03-18 18:40:38 Frank Haber                        OSX Update Systemic Bug                                                 
 16499  2007-03-18 19:26:14 Rich Gauszka                       Re: OSX Update Systemic Bug                                             
 16500  2007-03-18 20:04:48 Mike N.                            Re: Bitlocker and debuggers                                             
 16501  2007-03-18 20:15:18 mike                               Re: Bitlocker and debuggers                                             
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 16502  2007-03-18 21:27:56 Robert Comer                       Re: Bitlocker and debuggers                                             
 16503  2007-03-19 07:05:02 Antti Kurenniemi                   Re: former MS evangelist Scoble: "Microsoft sucks"                      
 16504  2007-03-19 09:11:30 Rich Gauszka                       Competition driving down price of stolen financial info?                
 16505  2007-03-19 09:24:18 mike                               Microsoft's lack of Quality Assurance for Outlook?                      
 16506  2007-03-19 16:08:34 Adam                               Re: former MS evangelist Scoble: "Microsoft sucks"                      
 16507  2007-03-19 12:17:38 John Beamish                       Re: former MS evangelist Scoble: "Microsoft sucks"                      
 16508  2007-03-19 12:40:02 RobertB                            Re: OSX Update Systemic Bug                                             
 16509  2007-03-19 12:41:48 RobertB                            Re: U.S. Top Selling Computer Hardware for January 2007                 
 16510  2007-03-19 13:04:26 Rich Gauszka                       Re: U.S. Top Selling Computer Hardware for January 2007                 
 16511  2007-03-19 14:53:10 mike                               Vista: Slow And Dangerous                                               
 16512  2007-03-19 14:55:30 mike                               Cisco Ups Ante in War with Microsoft                                    
 16513  2007-03-19 22:52:06 Antti Kurenniemi                   Re: former MS evangelist Scoble: "Microsoft sucks"                      
 16514  2007-03-19 21:54:02 Geo.                               Re: 4 drives in a 5.25 bay                                              
 16515  2007-03-19 22:00:34 Geo.                               Re: Apple May Use Flash Memory For Notebooks                            
 16516  2007-03-20 06:14:42 Geo.                               Re: Cisco Ups Ante in War with Microsoft                                
 16517  2007-03-20 06:17:22 Geo.                               Re: Climate change shifts sheep shape                                   
 16518  2007-03-20 09:52:20 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Cisco Ups Ante in War with Microsoft                                
 16519  2007-03-20 12:48:00 RobertB                            CPU temp in a Mac                                                       
 16520  2007-03-20 13:31:20 Rich Gauszka                       Re: CPU temp in a Mac                                                   
 16521  2007-03-20 14:40:44 Frank Haber                        Re: CPU temp in a Mac                                                   
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 16522  2007-03-20 14:43:26 Rich Gauszka                       USB only connected monitor?                                             
 16523  2007-03-20 21:00:12 Adam                               Re: USB only connected monitor?                                         
 16524  2007-03-20 16:17:40 Glenn Meadows                      Jet Direct Admin software                                               
 16525  2007-03-20 22:34:10 Geo.                               Re: Cisco Ups Ante in War with Microsoft                                
 16526  2007-03-20 22:25:28 Douglas Smith                      Re: Jet Direct Admin software                                           
 16527  2007-03-21 06:48:36 Antti Kurenniemi                   Re: USB only connected monitor?                                         
 16528  2007-03-21 06:50:20 Antti Kurenniemi                   Re: Jet Direct Admin software                                           
 16529  2007-03-21 06:16:08 Geo.                               Re: Daylight-Saving Time Woes                                           
 16530  2007-03-21 06:19:26 Geo.                               Re: Daylight-Saving Time Woes                                           
 16531  2007-03-21 07:16:08 Mike N.                            Re: Daylight-Saving Time Woes                                           
 16532  2007-03-21 14:33:54 Adam                               Re: USB only connected monitor?                                         
 16533  2007-03-21 14:34:38 Adam                               Re: former MS evangelist Scoble: "Microsoft sucks"                      
 16534  2007-03-21 10:51:16 Frank Haber                        Re: Daylight-Saving Time Woes                                           
 16535  2007-03-21 11:14:46 RobertB                            Re: CPU temp in a Mac                                                   
 16536  2007-03-21 11:22:02 RobertB                            Re: CPU temp in a Mac                                                   
 16537  2007-03-21 11:24:14 RobertB                            Re: CPU temp in a Mac                                                   
 16538  2007-03-21 11:40:36 Glenn Meadows                      Re: Jet Direct Admin software                                           
 16539  2007-03-21 19:27:08 Antti Kurenniemi                   Re: Jet Direct Admin software                                           
 16540  2007-03-21 12:35:22 Glenn Meadows                      Re: Jet Direct Admin software                                           
 16541  2007-03-21 14:04:06 Frank Haber                        Re: Jet Direct Admin software                                           
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 16542  2007-03-21 14:09:16 Frank Haber                        Re: Apple May Use Flash Memory For Notebooks                            
 16543  2007-03-21 14:12:44 Frank Haber                        Re: Jet Direct Admin software                                           
 16544  2007-03-21 14:16:40 Frank Haber                        Re: CPU temp in a Mac                                                   
 16545  2007-03-21 13:18:12 Glenn Meadows                      Re: Jet Direct Admin software                                           
 16546  2007-03-21 13:23:32 Glenn Meadows                      Re: Jet Direct Admin software                                           
 16547  2007-03-21 15:05:58 Rich Gauszka                       How Apple orchestrated web attack on researchers                        
 16548  2007-03-21 19:41:24 Adam                               Re: How Apple orchestrated web attack on researchers                    
 16549  2007-03-21 19:44:42 Adam                               Pity MS never did this soon after they'd bought Fox Pro                 
 16550  2007-03-21 15:55:08 Rich Gauszka                       Re: How Apple orchestrated web attack on researchers                    
 16551  2007-03-21 17:23:42 Frank Haber                        Re: USB only connected monitor?                                         
 16552  2007-03-21 17:48:58 mike                               Re: 4 drives in a 5.25 bay                                              
 16553  2007-03-21 17:56:02 mike                               Apple of Our Eye: Macs Save Money                                       
 16554  2007-03-21 17:58:22 mike                               Microsoft Security Programs Create Risk                                 
 16555  2007-03-21 18:26:38 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Apple of Our Eye: Macs Save Money                                   
 16556  2007-03-21 18:35:16 Geo.                               Re: Dell Linux Survey                                                   
 16557  2007-03-21 18:43:16 Geo.                               Re: former MS evangelist Scoble: "Microsoft sucks"                      
 16558  2007-03-21 18:52:46 Geo.                               Re: How to run Vista legally without activation ... for at least a year 
 16559  2007-03-21 18:57:52 Geo.                               Re: Lighting, fluorescents and LEDs                                     
 16560  2007-03-21 19:05:08 Rich Gauszka                       Microsoft account theft                                                 
 16561  2007-03-21 19:03:06 Geo.                               Re: Linksys KiSS 1600 networked media player                            
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 16562  2007-03-21 19:10:22 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Lighting, fluorescents and LEDs                                     
 16563  2007-03-21 19:14:00 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Linksys KiSS 1600 networked media player                            
 16564  2007-03-21 19:13:48 Geo.                               Re: Microsoft: OneCare should not have been rolled out                  
 16565  2007-03-21 19:34:44 Mark                               Re: Lighting, fluorescents and LEDs                                     
 16566  2007-03-21 18:39:44 Glenn Meadows                      Re: Lighting, fluorescents and LEDs                                     
 16567  2007-03-21 18:43:00 Glenn Meadows                      Field Trip Teaser                                                       
 16568  2007-03-21 20:07:00 mike                               Re: Apple of Our Eye: Macs Save Money                                   
 16569  2007-03-21 20:08:48 mike                               Re: How to run Vista legally without activation ... for at least a year 
 16570  2007-03-21 20:09:28 mike                               Re: Microsoft: OneCare should not have been rolled out                  
 16571  2007-03-21 20:10:42 mike                               Re: Lighting, fluorescents and LEDs                                     
 16572  2007-03-21 19:26:40 Glenn Meadows                      Re: Lighting, fluorescents and LEDs                                     
 16573  2007-03-21 20:42:02 John Beamish                       Re: Microsoft: OneCare should not have been rolled out                  
 16574  2007-03-21 21:18:34 John Beamish                       One thing Microsoft does WAY better than Google:  research              
 16575  2007-03-21 21:22:44 John Beamish                       Nextgen of SneakerNet                                                   
 16576  2007-03-21 21:28:28 Mark                               Skyhook                                                                 
 16577  2007-03-21 21:49:26 RobertB                            Re: CPU temp in a Mac                                                   
 16578  2007-03-21 22:37:06 Randy                              Re: Nextgen of SneakerNet                                               
 16579  2007-03-22 09:50:00 Ad                                 Desktop PC will be a server.....                                        
 16580  2007-03-22 07:15:14 Mike N.                            Re: Lighting, fluorescents and LEDs                                     
 16581  2007-03-22 14:10:56 Frank Haber                        Re: CPU temp in a Mac                                                   
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 16582  2007-03-22 17:12:50 mike                               Zune update taking longer than expected                                 
 16583  2007-03-22 17:14:10 mike                               Re: Bitlocker and debuggers                                             
 16584  2007-03-22 19:05:58 Frank Haber                        Pogue's Petard                                                          
 16585  2007-03-22 19:21:44 Mike N.                            Re: Pogue's Petard                                                      
 16586  2007-03-22 19:25:44 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Pogue's Petard                                                      
 16587  2007-03-23 06:52:42 Antti Kurenniemi                   Re: Zune update taking longer than expected                             
 16588  2007-03-23 11:33:42 RobertB                            Re: Pogue's Petard                                                      
 16589  2007-03-23 11:46:26 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Pogue's Petard                                                      
 16590  2007-03-23 11:46:16 Robert Comer                       Re: Pogue's Petard                                                      
 16591  2007-03-23 11:57:56 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Pogue's Petard                                                      
 16592  2007-03-23 12:03:26 Robert Comer                       Re: Pogue's Petard                                                      
 16593  2007-03-23 12:59:58 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Pogue's Petard                                                      
 16594  2007-03-23 13:45:34 Frank Haber                        Re: Pogue's Petard                                                      
 16595  2007-03-24 00:42:22 Adam                               x86 emulator in java                                                    
 16596  2007-03-24 11:01:00 Robert Comer                       Re: Pogue's Petard                                                      
 16597  2007-03-24 11:02:04 Robert Comer                       Re: x86 emulator in java                                                
 16598  2007-03-24 11:21:30 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Pogue's Petard                                                      
 16599  2007-03-24 12:44:16 Robert Comer                       Re: Pogue's Petard                                                      
 16600  2007-02-28 21:31:12 Don Hills                          Re: OS eye candy                                                        
 16601  2007-02-28 21:43:50 Don Hills                          Re: Microsoft tells some users no on Vista                              
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 16602  2007-02-28 21:52:44 Don Hills                          Re: Microsoft tells some users no on Vista                              
 16603  2007-02-28 09:48:44 Ad                                 Re: Good enough?                                                        
 16604  2007-02-28 11:07:38 Ad                                 Re: OS eye candy                                                        
 16605  2007-02-28 11:10:08 Ad                                 Re: This one look sinteresting...                                       
 16606  2007-02-28 07:13:52 Mike N.                            Re: HDMI 1.3 Cable Lengths / I'm Nearly Famous                          
 16607  2007-02-28 09:51:14 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Adobe 8 Activation  nightmare                                       
 16608  2007-02-28 07:08:34 Rich                               Re: OS eye candy                                                        
 16609  2007-02-28 17:32:18 mike                               Re: This one look sinteresting...                                       
 16610  2007-02-28 17:34:50 mike                               Re: Microsoft tells some users no on Vista                              
 16611  2007-02-28 17:44:06 mike                               Re: Limited choices for Windows XP holdouts                             
 16612  2007-02-28 17:53:06 John Beamish                       Looking for a coding job?  Bid on this one.                             
 16613  2007-02-28 18:30:48 RobertB                            Re: Firefox Loses Browser Share, Safari Gains                           
 16614  2007-02-28 20:02:40 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Firefox Loses Browser Share, Safari Gains                           
 16615  2007-02-28 23:49:22 Robert Comer                       Re: Limited choices for Windows XP holdouts                             
 16616  2007-03-01 00:05:40 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Limited choices for Windows XP holdouts                             
 16617  2007-03-01 17:38:20 Don Hills                          Re: OS eye candy                                                        
 16618  2007-02-28 21:43:16 Rich                               Re: OS eye candy                                                        
 16619  2007-03-01 22:30:20 Don Hills                          Re: OS eye candy                                                        
 16620  2007-03-01 09:59:56 RobertB                            Re: Firefox Loses Browser Share, Safari Gains                           
 16621  2007-03-01 07:35:16 Rich                               Re: OS eye candy                                                        
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 16622  2007-03-01 13:04:28 Rich Gauszka                       Apple ads bomb in Britain                                               
 16623  2007-03-01 19:26:16 Adam                               Re: OS eye candy                                                        
 16624  2007-03-01 19:38:26 Adam                               Re: Apple ads bomb in Britain                                           
 16625  2007-03-01 15:02:34 Frank Haber                        All Browsers Stink                                                      
 16626  2007-03-01 14:21:08 Rich                               Re: OS eye candy                                                        
 16627  2007-03-01 18:19:34 Rich Gauszka                       XP Home supported longer than Vista?                                    
 16628  2007-03-01 18:29:20 mike                               Re: Limited choices for Windows XP holdouts                             
 16629  2007-03-01 18:33:58 mike                               Vista Download Disaster                                                 
 16630  2007-03-01 19:23:12 John Beamish                       Re: Apple ads bomb in Britain                                           
 16631  2007-03-01 19:32:40 Geo.                               Re: Microsoft tells some users no on Vista                              
 16632  2007-03-01 19:36:18 Geo.                               Re: Sony Blue-ray pricing?                                              
 16633  2007-03-01 19:43:34 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Sony Blue-ray pricing?                                              
 16634  2007-03-01 19:45:40 mike                               Re: Sony Blue-ray pricing?                                              
 16635  2007-03-01 21:37:26 Randy                              Re: Vista Download Disaster                                             
 16636  2007-03-01 22:20:54 Mark                               Re: Sony Blue-ray pricing?                                              
 16637  2007-03-01 22:25:18 John Beamish                       Re: Sony Blue-ray pricing?                                              
 16638  2007-03-01 22:32:04 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Sony Blue-ray pricing?                                              
 16639  2007-03-01 22:48:32 Mike N.                            Re: Vista Download Disaster                                             
 16640  2007-03-01 22:57:58 Geo.                               Re: Sony Blue-ray pricing?                                              
 16641  2007-03-01 22:57:32 Mark                               Re: Sony Blue-ray pricing?                                              
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 16642  2007-03-01 23:01:28 Geo.                               Re: XP Home supported longer than Vista?                                
 16643  2007-03-02 09:32:32 Adam                               Re: Apple ads bomb in Britain                                           
 16644  2007-03-02 09:40:52 Adam                               Re: OS eye candy                                                        
 16645  2007-03-02 14:26:06 Adam                               Blimey even Enderle is starting to turn against MS                      
 16646  2007-03-02 09:28:52 Mike N.                            The DST fiasco                                                          
 16647  2007-03-02 12:08:38 David B                            Re: Vista Download Disaster                                             
 16648  2007-03-02 16:22:48 Mike N.                            Re: Vista Download Disaster                                             
 16649  2007-03-02 17:45:58 mike                               Re: Blimey even Enderle is starting to turn against MS                  
 16650  2007-03-02 17:47:36 mike                               Re: Sony Blue-ray pricing?                                              
 16651  2007-03-02 23:20:28 Adam                               It's not just the NHS                                                   
 16652  2007-03-02 23:37:40 Adam                               A perfect linux 4 Gary B                                                
 16653  2007-03-02 18:53:52 Gary Britt                         Re: A perfect linux 4 Gary B                                            
 16654  2007-03-02 19:03:12 Rich Gauszka                       Vista WGA 'fasle positives' - continue                                  
 16655  2007-03-02 19:52:12 Rich Gauszka                       Brute force Keygen cracks Vista                                         
 16656  2007-03-02 20:54:28 Rich Gauszka                       Re: A perfect linux 4 Gary B                                            
 16657  2007-03-02 21:22:24 Gary Britt                         Re: A perfect linux 4 Gary B                                            
 16658  2007-03-03 08:22:16 mike                               Office 2007 bug delights Francophiles everywhere                        
 16659  2007-03-03 08:28:10 mike                               Re: It's not just the NHS                                               
 16660  2007-03-03 09:19:06 mike                               Best Buy Confirms It Has Secret Website                                 
 16661  2007-03-03 10:30:24 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Best Buy Confirms It Has Secret Website                             
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 16662  2007-03-03 11:56:32 Jim Adams                          Re: The DST fiasco                                                      
 16663  2007-03-03 17:59:56 Adam                               Re: It's not just the NHS                                               
 16664  2007-03-03 18:00:42 Adam                               Re: Office 2007 bug delights Francophiles everywhere                    
 16665  2007-03-03 14:43:44 RobertB                            Re: All Browsers Stink                                                  
 16666  2007-03-03 16:27:00 Geo.                               Re: A perfect linux 4 Gary B                                            
 16667  2007-03-03 16:32:56 Geo.                               Re: Best Buy Confirms It Has Secret Website                             
 16668  2007-03-03 17:20:26 Geo.                               Re: It's not just the NHS                                               
 16669  2007-03-03 17:22:00 Geo.                               Re: Sony Blue-ray pricing?                                              
 16670  2007-03-03 17:25:08 Geo.                               Re: The DST fiasco                                                      
 16671  2007-03-03 17:27:18 Geo.                               Re: The DST fiasco                                                      
 16672  2007-03-03 17:28:26 Geo.                               Re: Vista Download Disaster                                             
 16673  2007-03-03 18:40:02 Gary Britt                         Re: The DST fiasco                                                      
 16674  2007-03-03 18:47:04 Gary Britt                         Make Thunderbird Mark Newsgroups Read Upon Exit                         
 16675  2007-03-03 19:15:36 Rich Gauszka                       Re: The DST fiasco                                                      
 16676  2007-03-03 16:36:36 John Stoff                         Re: The DST fiasco                                                      
 16677  2007-03-03 19:37:20 Tim Boyer                          Re: The DST fiasco                                                      
 16678  2007-03-03 21:59:34 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Brute force Keygen cracks Vista - a hoax?                           
 16679  2007-03-03 22:04:54 Rich Gauszka                       Re: The DST fiasco                                                      
 16680  2007-03-04 01:22:52 Geo.                               Re: The DST fiasco                                                      
 16681  2007-03-04 01:24:22 Geo.                               Re: The DST fiasco                                                      
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 16682  2007-03-04 01:26:48 Geo.                               Re: The DST fiasco                                                      
 16683  2007-03-04 12:52:34 Antti Kurenniemi                   Re: The DST fiasco                                                      
 16684  2007-03-04 07:16:58 Mike N.                            Re: The DST fiasco                                                      
 16685  2007-03-04 08:37:44 mike                               Re: Best Buy Confirms It Has Secret Website                             
 16686  2007-03-04 08:55:40 mike                               Re: Office 2007 bug delights Francophiles everywhere                    
 16687  2007-03-04 08:56:42 mike                               Re: Brute force Keygen cracks Vista - a hoax?                           
 16688  2007-03-04 09:01:00 mike                               Re: The DST fiasco                                                      
 16689  2007-03-04 09:02:04 mike                               Re: The DST fiasco                                                      
 16690  2007-03-04 09:04:04 mike                               Re: The DST fiasco                                                      
 16691  2007-03-04 09:26:16 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Brute force Keygen cracks Vista - a hoax?                           
 16692  2007-03-04 10:02:06 Robert Comer                       Re: The DST fiasco                                                      
 16693  2007-03-04 10:14:34 Rich Gauszka                       Re: The DST fiasco                                                      
 16694  2007-03-04 11:06:26 Tim Boyer                          Re: The DST fiasco                                                      
 16695  2007-03-04 11:05:08 Geo.                               Re: Office 2007 bug delights Francophiles everywhere                    
 16696  2007-03-04 11:06:30 Geo.                               Re: The DST fiasco                                                      
 16697  2007-03-04 11:08:12 Geo.                               Re: The DST fiasco                                                      
 16698  2007-03-04 11:10:32 Geo.                               Re: The DST fiasco                                                      
 16699  2007-03-04 11:11:30 Geo.                               Re: The DST fiasco                                                      
 16700  2007-03-04 11:40:34 Geo.                               Re: The DST fiasco                                                      
 16701  2007-03-04 18:49:24 Antti Kurenniemi                   Re: The DST fiasco                                                      
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 16702  2007-03-04 11:52:34 Robert Comer                       Re: The DST fiasco                                                      
 16703  2007-03-04 12:30:06 Tim Boyer                          Re: The DST fiasco                                                      
 16704  2007-03-04 13:00:32 mike                               Re: Office 2007 bug delights Francophiles everywhere                    
 16705  2007-03-04 13:06:18 mike                               Re: The DST fiasco                                                      
 16706  2007-03-04 13:10:28 mike                               Re: The DST fiasco                                                      
 16707  2007-03-04 10:40:04 Rich                               Re: linux/bsd and clock standards                                       
 16708  2007-03-04 14:01:16 John Beamish                       Re: Office 2007 bug delights Francophiles everywhere                    
 16709  2007-03-04 14:22:44 Gary Britt                         Re: The DST fiasco                                                      
 16710  2007-03-04 14:25:12 RobertB                            Re: Office 2007 bug delights Francophiles everywhere                    
 16711  2007-03-04 14:46:16 Jim Adams                          Re: The DST fiasco                                                      
 16712  2007-03-04 15:53:00 Geo.                               Re: Office 2007 bug delights Francophiles everywhere                    
 16713  2007-03-04 15:55:12 Geo.                               Re: The DST fiasco                                                      
 16714  2007-03-04 15:58:40 Geo.                               Re: The DST fiasco                                                      
 16715  2007-03-04 16:01:14 Geo.                               Re: The DST fiasco                                                      
 16716  2007-03-04 16:02:20 Geo.                               Re: The DST fiasco                                                      
 16717  2007-03-04 16:14:04 Geo.                               Re: The DST fiasco                                                      
 16718  2007-03-04 16:15:36 Geo.                               Re: The DST fiasco                                                      
 16719  2007-03-04 21:51:22 Adam                               Chattin wi'a machead                                                    
 16720  2007-03-04 16:02:38 Glenn Meadows                      Re: Chattin wi'a machead                                                
 16721  2007-03-04 16:15:24 John Cuccia                        Re: The DST fiasco                                                      
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 16722  2007-03-04 19:31:58 Tim Boyer                          Re: The DST fiasco                                                      
 16723  2007-03-04 20:07:14 Robert Comer                       Re: The DST fiasco                                                      
 16724  2007-03-04 22:42:40 Geo.                               Re: The DST fiasco                                                      
 16725  2007-03-04 22:43:48 Geo.                               Re: The DST fiasco                                                      
 16726  2007-03-04 22:19:06 Glenn Meadows                      New Comcast Speed                                                       
 16727  2007-03-05 09:46:34 Antti Kurenniemi                   Re: The DST fiasco                                                      
 16728  2007-03-05 09:49:44 Antti Kurenniemi                   Re: The DST fiasco                                                      
 16729  2007-03-05 22:00:16 Don Hills                          Re: linux/bsd and clock standards                                       
 16730  2007-03-05 22:11:44 Don Hills                          Re: The DST fiasco                                                      
 16731  2007-03-05 06:14:44 Geo.                               Re: linux/bsd and clock standards                                       
 16732  2007-03-05 06:19:06 Geo.                               Re: The DST fiasco                                                      
 16733  2007-03-05 06:21:16 Geo.                               Re: The DST fiasco                                                      
 16734  2007-03-05 06:22:28 Geo.                               Re: The DST fiasco                                                      
 16735  2007-03-05 06:50:48 Tim Boyer                          Re: The DST fiasco                                                      
 16736  2007-03-05 07:01:42 Mike N.                            Re: The DST fiasco                                                      
 16737  2007-03-05 08:13:08 John Beamish                       Re: The DST fiasco                                                      
 16738  2007-03-05 08:48:04 Robert Comer                       Re: The DST fiasco                                                      
 16739  2007-03-05 08:50:08 Robert Comer                       Re: New Comcast Speed                                                   
 16740  2007-03-05 08:52:46 Robert Comer                       Re: The DST fiasco                                                      
 16741  2007-03-05 08:53:34 Robert Comer                       Re: The DST fiasco                                                      
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 16742  2007-03-05 16:20:26 Antti Kurenniemi                   Re: The DST fiasco                                                      
 16743  2007-03-05 10:11:56 RobertB                            Re: Chattin wi'a machead                                                
 16744  2007-03-05 10:18:52 RobertB                            Re: The DST fiasco                                                      
 16745  2007-03-05 11:30:02 David B                            Re: New Comcast Speed                                                   
 16746  2007-03-05 11:30:36 David B                            Re: Best Buy Confirms It Has Secret Website                             
 16747  2007-03-05 08:49:46 Rich                               Re: linux/bsd and clock standards                                       
 16748  2007-03-05 12:30:36 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Best Buy Confirms It Has Secret Website                             
 16749  2007-03-05 14:19:00 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Best Buy Confirms It Has Secret Website                             
 16750  2007-03-05 17:55:52 mike                               Re: Office 2007 bug delights Francophiles everywhere                    
 16751  2007-03-05 17:58:18 mike                               Re: Office 2007 bug delights Francophiles everywhere                    
 16752  2007-03-05 17:59:16 mike                               Re: The DST fiasco                                                      
 16753  2007-03-05 18:00:46 mike                               Re: The DST fiasco                                                      
 16754  2007-03-05 18:01:20 mike                               Re: The DST fiasco                                                      
 16755  2007-03-05 18:11:06 mike                               Re: linux/bsd and clock standards                                       
 16756  2007-03-05 18:12:44 mike                               Re: The DST fiasco                                                      
 16757  2007-03-05 18:19:20 mike                               Re: Brute force Keygen cracks Vista - a hoax?                           
 16758  2007-03-05 18:35:04 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Brute force Keygen cracks Vista - a hoax?                           
 16759  2007-03-05 15:50:54 Rich                               Re: linux/bsd and clock standards                                       
 16760  2007-03-05 19:00:42 Rich Gauszka                       Mac Office users were Microsoft 'guinea pigs'                           
 16761  2007-03-05 20:13:18 Rich Gauszka                       Microsoft stole OS X code for Vista?                                    
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 16762  2007-03-05 20:34:22 John Beamish                       Re: Office 2007 bug delights Francophiles everywhere                    
 16763  2007-03-05 21:20:50 Gary Britt                         Re: The DST fiasco                                                      
 16764  2007-03-05 21:24:00 Geo.                               Re: Brute force Keygen cracks Vista - a hoax?                           
 16765  2007-03-05 21:30:04 Gary Britt                         Re: Microsoft stole OS X code for Vista?                                
 16766  2007-03-05 21:29:26 Geo.                               Re: linux/bsd and clock standards                                       
 16767  2007-03-05 21:35:24 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Microsoft stole OS X code for Vista?                                
 16768  2007-03-05 21:38:54 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Microsoft stole OS X code for Vista?                                
 16769  2007-03-05 21:41:04 Geo.                               Re: The DST fiasco                                                      
 16770  2007-03-06 06:50:00 George Sherwood                    Re: Brute force Keygen cracks Vista - a hoax?                           
 16771  2007-03-05 22:32:16 Gary Britt                         Re: Microsoft stole OS X code for Vista?                                
 16772  2007-03-05 22:33:54 Gary Britt                         Re: Microsoft stole OS X code for Vista?                                
 16773  2007-03-05 23:24:04 Mike N.                            Re: Microsoft stole OS X code for Vista?                                
 16774  2007-03-05 23:47:00 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Microsoft stole OS X code for Vista?  humor and fiction             
 16775  2007-03-06 23:55:58 Don Hills                          Re: linux/bsd and clock standards                                       
 16776  2007-03-07 00:02:58 Don Hills                          Re: linux/bsd and clock standards                                       
 16777  2007-03-06 08:29:56 Robert Comer                       Re: Microsoft stole OS X code for Vista?  humor and fiction             
 16778  2007-03-06 08:16:44 Rich                               Re: linux/bsd and clock standards                                       
 16779  2007-03-06 11:34:08 RobertB                            Re: Office 2007 bug delights Francophiles everywhere                    
 16780  2007-03-06 12:55:34 Mike N.                            Run Vista Legally Without Activation (For Awhile)                       
 16781  2007-03-06 13:21:00 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Run Vista Legally Without Activation (For Awhile)                   
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 16782  2007-03-06 16:12:34 Rich Gauszka                       Mandriva Linux pre-configured on a flash drive                          
 16783  2007-03-06 17:11:16 mike                               Re: Microsoft stole OS X code for Vista?                                
 16784  2007-03-06 17:12:44 mike                               Re: Office 2007 bug delights Francophiles everywhere                    
 16785  2007-03-06 17:16:12 mike                               Re: Brute force Keygen cracks Vista - a hoax?                           
 16786  2007-03-06 17:18:38 mike                               Re: The DST fiasco                                                      
 16787  2007-03-06 17:19:54 mike                               Re: linux/bsd and clock standards                                       
 16788  2007-03-06 17:43:16 mike                               Hello, I'm a Mac. And Bill's a PC                                       
 16789  2007-03-06 17:43:58 mike                               Re: Run Vista Legally Without Activation (For Awhile)                   
 16790  2007-03-06 17:45:40 mike                               Re: The DST fiasco                                                      
 16791  2007-03-06 19:32:02 Geo.                               Re: Brute force Keygen cracks Vista - a hoax?                           
 16792  2007-03-06 19:34:06 Geo.                               Re: Hello, I'm a Mac. And Bill's a PC                                   
 16793  2007-03-06 21:44:48 Geo.                               Re: linux/bsd and clock standards                                       
 16794  2007-03-06 21:47:38 Geo.                               Re: linux/bsd and clock standards                                       
 16795  2007-03-06 21:48:42 Geo.                               Re: linux/bsd and clock standards                                       
 16796  2007-03-06 21:54:12 Geo.                               Re: Run Vista Legally Without Activation (For Awhile)                   
 16797  2007-03-06 22:03:02 Geo.                               Re: The DST fiasco                                                      
 16798  2007-03-06 22:04:28 Geo.                               Re: The DST fiasco                                                      
 16799  2007-03-06 19:25:02 Rich                               Re: linux/bsd and clock standards                                       
 16800  2007-03-07 07:09:24 Adam                               Re: linux/bsd and clock standards                                       
 16801  2007-03-07 06:19:12 Geo.                               Re: linux/bsd and clock standards                                       
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 16802  2007-03-07 08:31:50 John Beamish                       Re: The DST fiasco                                                      
 16803  2007-03-07 11:07:08 RobertB                            Re: Hello, I'm a Mac. And Bill's a PC                                   
 16804  2007-03-07 11:09:10 RobertB                            Re: Hello, I'm a Mac. And Bill's a PC                                   
 16805  2007-03-07 12:12:24 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Hello, I'm a Mac. And Bill's a PC                                   
 16806  2007-03-07 12:30:34 Rich Gauszka                       Samsung battery powers laptop for a month                               
 16807  2007-03-07 16:58:44 Ad                                 & now Japan 2 go 2 linux?                                               
 16808  2007-03-07 17:01:22 Ad                                 HP Sees Huge Linux Desktop Deals                                        
 16809  2007-03-07 14:17:26 Rich Gauszka                       Re: HP Sees Huge Linux Desktop Deals                                    
 16810  2007-03-07 17:03:02 Bill Lucy                          Re: Hello, I'm a Mac. And Bill's a PC                                   
 16811  2007-03-07 18:01:12 Geo.                               Re: & now Japan 2 go 2 linux?                                           
 16812  2007-03-07 18:02:54 Geo.                               Re: Hello, I'm a Mac. And Bill's a PC                                   
 16813  2007-03-07 18:05:22 Geo.                               Re: Hello, I'm a Mac. And Bill's a PC                                   
 16814  2007-03-07 18:07:54 Geo.                               Re: HP Sees Huge Linux Desktop Deals                                    
 16815  2007-03-07 18:43:24 John Beamish                       Re: Hello, I'm a Mac. And Bill's a PC                                   
 16816  2007-03-07 18:52:02 Geo.                               Re: Hello, I'm a Mac. And Bill's a PC                                   
 16817  2007-03-07 19:12:42 John Beamish                       Re: Hello, I'm a Mac. And Bill's a PC                                   
 16818  2007-03-07 20:18:50 Tim Boyer                          Re: Microsoft stole OS X code for Vista?                                
 16819  2007-03-07 21:08:56 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Microsoft stole OS X code for Vista?                                
 16820  2007-03-07 21:56:36 Dave Ings                          European (Airport) Mobile Phone Rental ?                                
 16821  2007-03-07 21:27:26 Glenn Meadows                      Re: European (Airport) Mobile Phone Rental ?                            
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 16822  2007-03-07 23:01:26 John Beamish                       Re: European (Airport) Mobile Phone Rental ?                            
 16823  2007-03-08 06:39:34 Antti Kurenniemi                   Re: Hello, I'm a Mac. And Bill's a PC                                   
 16824  2007-03-08 06:44:28 Antti Kurenniemi                   Re: European (Airport) Mobile Phone Rental ?                            
 16825  2007-03-08 06:59:26 Adam                               Re: European (Airport) Mobile Phone Rental ?                            
 16826  2007-03-08 07:01:02 Adam                               Re: HP Sees Huge Linux Desktop Deals                                    
 16827  2007-03-08 07:09:38 Adam                               Re: HP Sees Huge Linux Desktop Deals                                    
 16828  2007-03-08 21:12:12 Don Hills                          Re: linux/bsd and clock standards                                       
 16829  2007-03-08 21:32:00 Don Hills                          Re: linux/bsd and clock standards                                       
 16830  2007-03-08 09:28:00 Adam                               A web menu for maccies                                                  
 16831  2007-03-08 07:47:28 Mike N.                            Re: European (Airport) Mobile Phone Rental ?                            
 16832  2007-03-08 09:23:00 Dave Ings                          Re: European (Airport) Mobile Phone Rental ?                            
 16833  2007-03-08 10:37:46 Rich Gauszka                       Re: A web menu for maccies                                              
 16834  2007-03-08 10:38:28 RobertB                            Re: Hello, I'm a Mac. And Bill's a PC                                   
 16835  2007-03-08 10:39:22 RobertB                            Re: Hello, I'm a Mac. And Bill's a PC                                   
 16836  2007-03-08 13:56:18 Rich Gauszka                       Apple - Microsoft - twisty demographics?                                
 16837  2007-03-08 17:02:14 Ad                                 & now the uk 2 oss?                                                     
 16838  2007-03-08 19:10:40 mike                               Re: Hello, I'm a Mac. And Bill's a PC                                   
 16839  2007-03-08 19:15:38 mike                               Re: The DST fiasco                                                      
 16840  2007-03-08 19:17:30 mike                               Re: The DST fiasco                                                      
 16841  2007-03-08 19:28:18 mike                               Re: linux/bsd and clock standards                                       
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 16842  2007-03-08 20:26:18 Geo.                               Re: linux/bsd and clock standards                                       
 16843  2007-03-08 20:26:50 Geo.                               Re: linux/bsd and clock standards                                       
 16844  2007-03-08 20:34:08 Geo.                               Re: The DST fiasco                                                      
 16845  2007-03-08 21:23:48 Rich Gauszka                       Can you trust Microsoft with your pics as they seek to exterminate jpeg 
 16846  2007-03-08 21:03:26 Rich                               Re: linux/bsd and clock standards                                       
 16847  2007-03-09 08:45:06 Adam                               Re: Can you trust Microsoft with your pics as they seek to exterminate  
 16848  2007-03-09 10:02:22 Dave Ings                          Re: Can you trust Microsoft with your pics as they seek to exterminate  
 16849  2007-03-09 10:11:56 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Can you trust Microsoft with your pics as they seek to exterminate  
 16850  2007-03-09 11:48:04 Frank Haber                        Re: A web menu for maccies                                              
 16851  2007-03-10 21:36:58 Don Hills                          Re: linux/bsd and clock standards                                       
 16852  2007-03-10 06:44:06 Geo.                               Re: A web menu for maccies                                              
 16853  2007-03-10 06:59:20 Geo.                               Re: linux/bsd and clock standards                                       
 16854  2007-03-10 07:31:24 Bill Lucy                          Re: linux/bsd and clock standards                                       
 16855  2007-03-10 08:59:34 Frank Haber                        Re: A web menu for maccies                                              
 16856  2007-03-10 09:05:42 mike                               Re: Can you trust Microsoft with your pics as they seek to exterminate  
 16857  2007-03-10 09:08:32 mike                               Re: The DST fiasco                                                      
 16858  2007-03-10 09:10:22 mike                               Re: linux/bsd and clock standards                                       
 16859  2007-03-10 09:10:46 mike                               Re: linux/bsd and clock standards                                       
 16860  2007-03-10 09:17:02 mike                               FAA May Ditch Microsoft's Windows Vista And Office                      
 16861  2007-03-10 09:20:32 mike                               Partners in Punjab unite against Microsoft                              
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 16862  2007-03-10 09:22:48 mike                               Re: Vista WGA 'fasle positives' - continue                              
 16863  2007-03-10 10:02:02 mike                               Microsoft Customers Irate over Daylight-Saving Time Woes                
 16864  2007-03-10 10:10:52 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Microsoft Customers Irate over Daylight-Saving Time Woes            
 16865  2007-02-27 22:52:18 Dave Ings                          Re: HDMI 1.3 Cable Lengths / I'm Nearly Famous                          
 16866  2007-02-27 23:17:06 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Adobe 8 Activation  nightmare                                       
 16867  2007-02-27 23:21:48 Randy                              Re: This one look sinteresting...                                       
 16868  2007-02-27 21:32:12 Rich                               Re: Adobe 8 Activation  nightmare                                       
 16869  2007-03-24 12:04:06 Geo.                               Re: Field Trip Teaser                                                   
 16870  2007-03-24 12:09:34 Geo.                               Re: Linksys KiSS 1600 networked media player                            
 16871  2007-03-24 12:11:30 Geo.                               Re: Microsoft: OneCare should not have been rolled out                  
 16872  2007-03-24 12:14:40 Mike N.                            Re: Pogue's Petard                                                      
 16873  2007-03-24 12:18:52 Geo.                               Re: Nextgen of SneakerNet                                               
 16874  2007-03-24 12:46:50 John Beamish                       Re: Pogue's Petard                                                      
 16875  2007-03-24 12:59:40 Geo.                               Re: One thing Microsoft does WAY better than Google:  research          
 16876  2007-03-24 13:08:26 Geo.                               Re: Pogue's Petard                                                      
 16877  2007-03-24 13:14:58 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Linksys KiSS 1600 networked media player                            
 16878  2007-03-24 13:13:10 Geo.                               Re: Rare flaw sighted in OpenBSD kernel                                 
 16879  2007-03-24 13:19:44 Geo.                               Re: Skyhook                                                             
 16880  2007-03-24 13:22:10 Geo.                               Re: The DST fiasco                                                      
 16881  2007-03-24 13:26:12 Geo.                               Re: The Emperor's New Security Indicators                               
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 16882  2007-03-24 13:31:34 RobertB                            Re: Pogue's Petard                                                      
 16883  2007-03-24 14:41:10 Robert Comer                       Re: Pogue's Petard                                                      
 16884  2007-03-24 14:45:02 Robert Comer                       Re: Pogue's Petard                                                      
 16885  2007-03-24 14:24:26 Mike N.                            Re: The Emperor's New Security Indicators                               
 16886  2007-03-24 14:43:42 Geo.                               Re: Vista, Barktopus, and google                                        
 16887  2007-03-24 14:48:18 Geo.                               Re: Vista: Slow And Dangerous                                           
 16888  2007-03-24 14:53:44 Geo.                               Re: Linksys KiSS 1600 networked media player                            
 16889  2007-03-24 15:15:02 John Beamish                       Re: Pogue's Petard                                                      
 16890  2007-03-24 15:37:18 Robert Comer                       Re: Pogue's Petard                                                      
 16891  2007-03-24 15:38:20 Rich Gauszka                       LEDs - Plasmonics                                                       
 16892  2007-03-24 16:31:18 Frank Haber                        Re: Pogue's Petard                                                      
 16893  2007-03-24 16:45:20 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Pogue's Petard                                                      
 16894  2007-03-24 17:56:32 Robert Comer                       Re: Pogue's Petard                                                      
 16895  2007-03-25 10:49:06 Adam                               Re: x86 emulator in java                                                
 16896  2007-03-25 14:51:42 mike                               Re: Pogue's Petard                                                      
 16897  2007-03-25 14:56:00 mike                               Re: Microsoft: OneCare should not have been rolled out                  
 16898  2007-03-25 19:38:18 Geo.                               Re: Microsoft: OneCare should not have been rolled out                  
 16899  2007-03-25 20:57:16 Rich Gauszka                       But will it run Vista?                                                  
 16900  2007-03-25 21:49:18 mike                               Re: Microsoft: OneCare should not have been rolled out                  
 16901  2007-03-25 23:07:34 Geo.                               Re: But will it run Vista?                                              
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 16902  2007-03-26 07:58:12 mike                               Windows weakness can lead to network traffic hijacks                    
 16903  2007-03-26 08:49:36 Mike N.                            Re: Windows weakness can lead to network traffic hijacks                
 16904  2007-03-26 09:04:42 mike                               Linux makes for greener computing                                       
 16905  2007-03-26 09:06:04 mike                               Re: Windows weakness can lead to network traffic hijacks                
 16906  2007-03-26 08:40:58 Glenn Meadows                      Re: Field Trip Teaser                                                   
 16907  2007-03-26 11:03:50 Rich Gauszka                       Run Apache on Apple TV?                                                 
 16908  2007-03-26 18:11:34 mike                               Where Is Microsoft Search?                                              
 16909  2007-03-27 06:23:06 Geo.                               Re: Field Trip Teaser                                                   
 16910  2007-03-27 06:28:34 Geo.                               Re: Where Is Microsoft Search?                                          
 16911  2007-03-27 09:06:10 Rich Gauszka                       Vista sales boost or just PC market growth?                             
 16912  2007-03-27 14:55:24 Rich Gauszka                       Infoworld folds print magazine                                          
 16913  2007-03-27 15:15:14 Gary Britt                         Re: Infoworld folds print magazine                                      
 16914  2007-03-27 15:30:42 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Infoworld folds print magazine                                      
 16915  2007-03-27 16:48:32 Gary Britt                         Re: Infoworld folds print magazine                                      
 16916  2007-03-27 19:12:58 Geo.                               Re: Windows weakness can lead to network traffic hijacks                
 16917  2007-03-27 19:50:50 mike                               Re: Vista sales boost or just PC market growth?                         
 16918  2007-03-27 19:51:28 mike                               Re: Where Is Microsoft Search?                                          
 16919  2007-03-27 19:57:14 mike                               Vista's honeymoon is over                                               
 16920  2007-03-27 20:27:04 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Vista's honeymoon is over                                           
 16921  2007-03-27 21:27:34 Geo.                               Re: Vista sales boost or just PC market growth?                         
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 16922  2007-03-27 20:50:26 Glenn Meadows                      Re: Field Trip Teaser                                                   
 16923  2007-03-28 09:41:22 Ad                                 Anti-Riaa form letter.....                                              
 16924  2007-03-28 08:49:34 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Vista sales boost or just PC market growth?                         
 16925  2007-03-28 09:39:14 Frank Haber                        Re: Vista's honeymoon is over                                           
 16926  2007-03-28 10:11:58 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Vista's honeymoon is over                                           
 16927  2007-03-28 09:48:22 Robert G Lewis                     Re: Anti-Riaa form letter.....                                          
 16928  2007-03-28 21:18:20 Adam                               Re: Anti-Riaa form letter.....                                          
 16929  2007-02-26 22:15:54 Geo.                               Re: where the hell is my global warming?                                
 16930  2007-02-26 22:20:04 Mike N.                            Re: Anyone seen anything like this before?                              
 16931  2007-02-27 07:24:10 Antti Kurenniemi                   Re: Anyone seen anything like this before?                              
 16932  2007-02-27 07:29:00 Antti Kurenniemi                   Re: Partners Report 10 Annoying Vista Problems As Conflicts Dampen Debu 
 16933  2007-02-27 17:55:16 Don Hills                          Re: Microsoft tells some users no on Vista                              
 16934  2007-02-27 07:22:52 Robert Comer                       Re: Microsoft Say Don't Buy Vista                                       
 16935  2007-02-27 07:28:36 Robert Comer                       Re: where the hell is my global warming?                                
 16936  2007-02-27 08:33:12 Dave Ings                          Re: HDMI 1.3 Cable Lengths / I'm Nearly Famous                          
 16937  2007-02-27 08:41:06 John Cuccia                        Re: OS eye candy                                                        
 16938  2007-02-27 13:29:46 Rich Gauszka                       Adobe 8 DRM nightmare                                                   
 16939  2007-02-27 14:01:42 Frank Haber                        Re: Firefox Loses Browser Share, Safari Gains                           
 16940  2007-02-27 14:08:20 Frank Haber                        Re: HDMI 1.3 Cable Lengths / I'm Nearly Famous                          
 16941  2007-02-27 14:10:22 Frank Haber                        Re: Microsoft tells some users no on Vista                              
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 16942  2007-02-27 14:10:16 Dave Ings                          Re: HDMI 1.3 Cable Lengths / I'm Nearly Famous                          
 16943  2007-02-27 14:50:28 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Firefox Loses Browser Share, Safari Gains                           
 16944  2007-02-27 13:57:56 Rich                               Re: Adobe 8 DRM nightmare                                               
 16945  2007-02-27 17:25:30 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Adobe 8 Activation  nightmare                                       
 16946  2007-02-27 17:45:56 RobertB                            Re: Firefox Loses Browser Share, Safari Gains                           
 16947  2007-02-27 14:49:20 Rich                               Re: Adobe 8 Activation  nightmare                                       
 16948  2007-02-27 17:49:30 RobertB                            Re: Firefox Loses Browser Share, Safari Gains                           
 16949  2007-02-27 18:00:38 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Adobe 8 Activation  nightmare                                       
 16950  2007-02-27 18:10:04 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Firefox Loses Browser Share, Safari Gains                           
 16951  2007-02-27 18:13:46 mike                               Re: OS eye candy                                                        
 16952  2007-02-27 18:14:48 mike                               Re: Microsoft tells some users no on Vista                              
 16953  2007-02-27 18:18:50 mike                               Re: Good enough?                                                        
 16954  2007-02-27 17:47:58 Rich                               Re: Adobe 8 Activation  nightmare                                       
 16955  2007-02-27 17:50:42 Rich                               Re: OS eye candy                                                        
 16956  2007-02-27 20:54:22 mike                               This one look sinteresting...                                           
 16957  2007-02-27 20:59:18 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Adobe 8 Activation  nightmare                                       
 16958  2007-02-27 21:23:06 Geo.                               Re: Adobe 8 Activation  nightmare                                       
 16959  2007-02-27 21:26:00 Geo.                               Re: HDMI 1.3 Cable Lengths / I'm Nearly Famous                          
 16960  2007-02-27 21:27:34 Geo.                               Re: HDMI 1.3 Cable Lengths / I'm Nearly Famous                          
 16961  2007-02-27 18:32:48 Rich                               Re: Adobe 8 Activation  nightmare                                       
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 16962  2007-02-27 21:34:46 Geo.                               Re: Microsoft tells some users no on Vista                              
 16963  2007-02-27 22:02:48 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Adobe 8 Activation  nightmare                                       
 16964  2007-02-27 22:35:02 Rich Gauszka                       Sony Blue-ray pricing?                                                  
 16965  2007-02-27 19:49:08 Rich                               Re: Adobe 8 Activation  nightmare                                       
 16966  2007-03-10 10:59:04 Geo.                               Re: A web menu for maccies                                              
 16967  2007-03-10 11:05:04 Geo.                               Re: FAA May Ditch Microsoft's Windows Vista And Office                  
 16968  2007-03-10 11:07:36 Geo.                               Re: linux/bsd and clock standards                                       
 16969  2007-03-10 11:09:50 Geo.                               Re: linux/bsd and clock standards                                       
 16970  2007-03-10 11:23:02 Geo.                               Re: Microsoft Customers Irate over Daylight-Saving Time Woes            
 16971  2007-03-10 08:31:16 Rich                               Re: linux/bsd and clock standards                                       
 16972  2007-03-10 11:33:14 Geo.                               Re: The DST fiasco                                                      
 16973  2007-03-10 16:45:26 Adam                               Re: FAA May Ditch Microsoft's Windows Vista And Office                  
 16974  2007-03-10 16:46:48 Adam                               Re: A web menu for maccies                                              
 16975  2007-03-10 16:49:08 Adam                               Re: Vista WGA 'fasle positives' - continue                              
 16976  2007-03-10 11:49:44 Geo.                               Re: Vista WGA 'fasle positives' - continue                              
 16977  2007-03-10 12:00:18 Robert Comer                       Re: Microsoft Customers Irate over Daylight-Saving Time Woes            
 16978  2007-03-10 12:01:06 Robert Comer                       Re: Microsoft Customers Irate over Daylight-Saving Time Woes            
 16979  2007-03-10 12:17:42 Geo.                               Re: FAA May Ditch Microsoft's Windows Vista And Office                  
 16980  2007-03-10 16:39:22 RobertB.                           e-mail server borked?                                                   
 16981  2007-03-10 15:09:10 Rich                               Re: Daylight-Saving Time Woes                                           
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 16982  2007-03-10 19:03:20 Frank Haber                        Re: The DST fiasco                                                      
 16983  2007-03-10 20:24:22 John Cuccia                        Re: FAA May Ditch Microsoft's Windows Vista And Office                  
 16984  2007-03-10 20:28:44 John Cuccia                        Re: Daylight-Saving Time Woes                                           
 16985  2007-03-10 19:21:20 Rich                               Re: Daylight-Saving Time Woes                                           
 16986  2007-03-10 22:39:18 RobertB                            Re: e-mail server borked?                                               
 16987  2007-03-10 22:49:32 Geo.                               Re: FAA May Ditch Microsoft's Windows Vista And Office                  
 16988  2007-03-11 23:11:16 Don Hills                          Re: linux/bsd and clock standards                                       
 16989  2007-03-11 07:38:02 Mike N.                            Re: The DST fiasco                                                      
 16990  2007-03-11 08:27:40 mike                               Re: Microsoft Customers Irate over Daylight-Saving Time Woes            
 16991  2007-03-11 08:31:24 mike                               Re: FAA May Ditch Microsoft's Windows Vista And Office                  
 16992  2007-03-11 08:33:36 mike                               Re: FAA May Ditch Microsoft's Windows Vista And Office                  
 16993  2007-03-11 08:34:52 mike                               Re: A web menu for maccies                                              
 16994  2007-03-11 08:44:18 mike                               Re: The DST fiasco                                                      
 16995  2007-03-11 08:51:04 mike                               Re: linux/bsd and clock standards                                       
 16996  2007-03-11 08:53:06 mike                               Re: Vista WGA 'fasle positives' - continue                              
 16997  2007-03-11 10:50:42 John Beamish                       Re: A web menu for maccies                                              
 16998  2007-03-11 10:49:52 Geo.                               Re: linux/bsd and clock standards                                       
 16999  2007-03-11 10:57:52 mike                               Re: A web menu for maccies                                              
 17000  2007-03-11 10:58:52 mike                               Re: linux/bsd and clock standards                                       
 17001  2007-03-11 11:08:12 mike                               Motorola Euro exec tired of Apple iPhone questions                      
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 17002  2007-03-11 11:11:56 mike                               Apple May Use Flash Memory For Notebooks                                
 17003  2007-03-11 11:15:48 mike                               Apple RFID networking in the works                                      
 17004  2007-03-11 11:21:34 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Apple May Use Flash Memory For Notebooks                            
 17005  2007-03-11 08:26:20 Rich                               Re: Daylight-Saving Time Woes                                           
 17006  2007-03-11 17:59:28 Antti Kurenniemi                   Re: Microsoft Customers Irate over Daylight-Saving Time Woes            
 17007  2007-03-11 12:17:56 Frank Haber                        Re: Daylight-Saving Time Woes                                           
 17008  2007-03-11 11:27:38 Glenn Meadows                      Re: Microsoft Customers Irate over Daylight-Saving Time Woes            
 17009  2007-03-11 12:39:24 John Beamish                       Re: A web menu for maccies                                              
 17010  2007-03-11 12:45:54 John Beamish                       Re: Microsoft Customers Irate over Daylight-Saving Time Woes            
 17011  2007-03-11 12:45:28 Geo.                               Re: linux/bsd and clock standards                                       
 17012  2007-03-11 12:49:44 Geo.                               Re: Motorola Euro exec tired of Apple iPhone questions                  
 17013  2007-03-11 13:45:32 mike                               Re: Apple May Use Flash Memory For Notebooks                            
 17014  2007-03-11 13:46:56 mike                               Re: Motorola Euro exec tired of Apple iPhone questions                  
 17015  2007-03-11 13:53:16 mike                               Re: Microsoft Customers Irate over Daylight-Saving Time Woes            
 17016  2007-03-11 13:56:54 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Apple May Use Flash Memory For Notebooks                            
 17017  2007-03-11 14:35:46 mike                               Re: Apple May Use Flash Memory For Notebooks                            
 17018  2007-03-11 13:44:14 John Cuccia                        Re: Daylight-Saving Time Woes                                           
 17019  2007-03-11 13:47:52 John Cuccia                        Re: Microsoft Customers Irate over Daylight-Saving Time Woes            
 17020  2007-03-11 11:54:34 Rich                               Re: mike miller lies regarding Daylight-Saving Time Woes                
 17021  2007-03-11 15:01:52 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Apple May Use Flash Memory For Notebooks                            
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 17022  2007-03-11 15:39:36 mike                               Re: Motorola Euro exec tired of Apple iPhone questions                  
 17023  2007-03-11 15:51:42 mike                               Re: Microsoft Customers Irate over Daylight-Saving Time Woes            
 17024  2007-03-11 12:54:32 Rich                               Re: Daylight-Saving Time Woes                                           
 17025  2007-03-11 12:55:52 Rich                               Re: Daylight-Saving Time Woes                                           
 17026  2007-03-11 16:22:20 mike                               Re: Apple May Use Flash Memory For Notebooks                            
 17027  2007-03-11 17:11:30 Rich Gauszka                       Microsoft antivirus deletes users emails                                
 17028  2007-03-11 17:23:34 Geo.                               Re: Motorola Euro exec tired of Apple iPhone questions                  
 17029  2007-03-11 17:25:50 Geo.                               Re: Motorola Euro exec tired of Apple iPhone questions                  
 17030  2007-03-11 16:30:50 John Cuccia                        Re: Daylight-Saving Time Woes                                           
 17031  2007-03-11 17:40:34 mike                               Re: Motorola Euro exec tired of Apple iPhone questions                  
 17032  2007-03-11 17:46:58 mike                               Re: Motorola Euro exec tired of Apple iPhone questions                  
 17033  2007-03-11 17:50:28 mike                               Re: Daylight-Saving Time Woes                                           
 17034  2007-03-11 18:47:00 Randy                              Re: Motorola Euro exec tired of Apple iPhone questions                  
 17035  2007-03-11 19:43:32 John Cuccia                        Re: Motorola Euro exec tired of Apple iPhone questions                  
 17036  2007-03-11 20:29:16 Randy                              Re: Motorola Euro exec tired of Apple iPhone questions                  
 17037  2007-03-11 21:32:32 Mike N.                            Re: The DST fiasco                                                      
 17038  2007-03-11 18:40:20 Rich                               Re: Daylight-Saving Time Woes                                           
 17039  2007-03-11 18:41:52 Rich                               Re: Mike miller lies regarding Daylight-Saving Time Woes                
 17040  2007-03-11 23:00:16 mike                               Welcome to the OS/2 Tutorial...                                         
 17041  2007-03-11 23:02:58 Geo.                               Re: Daylight-Saving Time Woes                                           
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 17042  2007-03-11 23:07:28 Geo.                               Re: Motorola Euro exec tired of Apple iPhone questions                  
 17043  2007-03-11 23:10:00 Geo.                               Re: Motorola Euro exec tired of Apple iPhone questions                  
 17044  2007-03-11 22:11:16 John Cuccia                        Re: Daylight-Saving Time Woes                                           
 17045  2007-03-11 23:12:32 Geo.                               Re: Motorola Euro exec tired of Apple iPhone questions                  
 17046  2007-03-11 20:33:28 Rich                               Re: Daylight-Saving Time Woes                                           
 17047  2007-03-12 09:07:20 Adam                               Re: FAA May Ditch Microsoft's Windows Vista And Office                  
 17048  2007-03-12 09:12:08 Adam                               Re: Motorola Euro exec tired of Apple iPhone questions                  
 17049  2007-03-12 07:19:30 Mike N.                            Re: Welcome to the OS/2 Tutorial...                                     
 17050  2007-03-12 09:50:06 John Cuccia                        Re: Daylight-Saving Time Woes                                           
 17051  2007-03-12 10:15:36 Glenn Meadows                      Re: Motorola Euro exec tired of Apple iPhone questions                  
 17052  2007-03-12 12:38:26 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Motorola Euro exec tired of Apple iPhone questions                  
 17053  2007-03-12 19:48:18 RobertB                            Re: Motorola Euro exec tired of Apple iPhone questions                  
 17054  2007-03-12 20:08:08 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Motorola Euro exec tired of Apple iPhone questions                  
 17055  2007-03-12 21:34:42 John Beamish                       Vista and Rogers/Yahoo                                                  
 17056  2007-03-12 18:38:16 John Stoff                         Re: Microsoft Customers Irate over Daylight-Saving Time Woes            
 17057  2007-03-12 21:45:22 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Vista and Rogers/Yahoo                                              
 17058  2007-03-13 12:22:26 Rich Gauszka                       802.11n ratified by Sep 2008?                                           
 17059  2007-03-13 13:10:24 David B                            Re: Welcome to the OS/2 Tutorial...                                     
 17060  2007-03-13 14:39:30 Mike N.                            Re: Welcome to the OS/2 Tutorial...                                     
 17061  2007-03-13 14:55:30 Frank Haber                        Re: 802.11n ratified by Sep 2008?                                       
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 17062  2007-03-13 15:00:20 Frank Haber                        Re: Welcome to the OS/2 Tutorial...                                     
 17063  2007-03-13 15:04:26 Frank Haber                        Re: Microsoft Customers Irate over Daylight-Saving Time Woes            
 17064  2007-03-13 15:29:12 Rich Gauszka                       Adobe disables ALM ( sort of )                                          
 17065  2007-03-13 16:29:08 Rich Gauszka                       Dell Linux Survey                                                       
 17066  2007-03-13 17:36:40 mike                               Re: Dell Linux Survey                                                   
 17067  2007-03-13 17:38:48 mike                               Re: Motorola Euro exec tired of Apple iPhone questions                  
 17068  2007-03-13 17:43:04 mike                               Re: FAA May Ditch Microsoft's Windows Vista And Office                  
 17069  2007-03-13 17:46:42 mike                               Re: The DST fiasco                                                      
 17070  2007-03-13 17:49:32 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Dell Linux Survey                                                   
 17071  2007-03-13 17:51:50 mike                               Re: Daylight-Saving Time Woes                                           
 17072  2007-03-13 18:20:16 RobertB                            Re: Welcome to the OS/2 Tutorial...                                     
 17073  2007-03-13 18:29:28 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Dell Linux Survey                                                   
 17074  2007-03-13 19:29:00 mike                               Re: Dell Linux Survey                                                   
 17075  2007-03-13 19:36:00 Rich Gauszka                       Mac OS X 10.4.9 released                                                
 17076  2007-03-13 20:03:38 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Mac OS X 10.4.9 released                                            
 17077  2007-03-13 22:11:26 John Cuccia                        Re: Daylight-Saving Time Woes                                           
 17078  2007-03-13 23:30:22 John Beamish                       Re: Dell Linux Survey                                                   
 17079  2007-03-13 23:44:04 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Dell Linux Survey                                                   
 17080  2007-03-14 09:22:46 Adam                               Re: Dell Linux Survey                                                   
 17081  2007-03-14 22:57:06 Don Hills                          Re: Welcome to the OS/2 Tutorial...                                     
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 17082  2007-03-14 08:17:42 John Beamish                       Re: Welcome to the OS/2 Tutorial...                                     
 17083  2007-03-14 08:20:32 John Beamish                       Re: Dell Linux Survey                                                   
 17084  2007-03-14 08:21:52 John Beamish                       Re: Dell Linux Survey                                                   
 17085  2007-03-14 09:47:30 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Dell Linux Survey                                                   
 17086  2007-03-14 09:56:40 RobertB                            Re: Mac OS X 10.4.9 released                                            
 17087  2007-03-14 09:56:54 RobertB                            Re: Mac OS X 10.4.9 released                                            
 17088  2007-03-14 10:11:30 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Mac OS X 10.4.9 released                                            
 17089  2007-03-14 12:31:02 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Mac OS X 10.4.9 released                                            
 17090  2007-03-14 14:23:12 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Mac OS X 10.4.9 released                                            
 17091  2007-03-14 19:22:50 Adam                               Re: Dell Linux Survey                                                   
 17092  2007-03-14 17:41:20 mike                               4 drives in a 5.25 bay                                                  
 17093  2007-03-14 17:57:18 mike                               Advantage for whom?                                                     
 17094  2007-03-14 18:14:14 Frank Haber                        Re: Mac OS X 10.4.9 released                                            
 17095  2007-03-14 18:16:12 Frank Haber                        Re: The DST fiasco                                                      
 17096  2007-03-14 18:34:32 John Stoff                         Re: Microsoft Customers Irate over Daylight-Saving Time Woes            
 17097  2007-03-14 23:14:34 Randy                              Re: 4 drives in a 5.25 bay                                              
 17098  2007-03-15 09:45:50 Frank Haber                        Re: Microsoft Customers Irate over Daylight-Saving Time Woes            
 17099  2007-03-15 09:57:24 John Cuccia                        Re: Microsoft Customers Irate over Daylight-Saving Time Woes            
 17100  2007-03-15 14:18:30 Mike N.                            Microsoft Watch Out - One Deactivation Too Many                         
 17101  2007-03-15 14:37:14 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Microsoft Watch Out - One Deactivation Too Many                     
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 17102  2007-03-15 15:16:16 Gary Britt                         Re: Microsoft Watch Out - One Deactivation Too Many                     
 17103  2007-03-15 17:24:50 mike                               Re: 4 drives in a 5.25 bay                                              
 17104  2007-03-15 17:25:58 mike                               Re: Mac OS X 10.4.9 released                                            
 17105  2007-03-15 17:29:34 mike                               Re: The DST fiasco                                                      
 17106  2007-03-15 17:37:24 mike                               Rare flaw sighted in OpenBSD kernel                                     
 17107  2007-03-15 17:38:58 Frank Haber                        Re: The DST fiasco                                                      
 17108  2007-03-15 17:41:34 Rich Gauszka                       Linksys KiSS 1600 networked media player                                
 17109  2007-03-15 18:43:18 mike                               Re: The DST fiasco                                                      
 17110  2007-03-15 18:38:38 Randy                              For Phil                                                                
 17111  2007-03-15 20:39:02 RobertB                            Re: Mac OS X 10.4.9 released                                            
 17112  2007-03-15 20:39:52 RobertB                            Re: Mac OS X 10.4.9 released                                            
 17113  2007-03-15 21:12:26 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Mac OS X 10.4.9 released                                            
 17114  2007-03-15 19:38:54 Robert Comer                       Re: Welcome to the OS/2 Tutorial...                                     
 17115  2007-03-16 10:23:00 Adam                               Blimey wot a USP                                                        
 17116  2007-03-16 08:13:42 Mike N.                            The Emperor’s New Security Indicators                                   
 17117  2007-03-16 09:57:06 Frank Haber                        Re: Mac OS X 10.4.9 released                                            
 17118  2007-03-16 11:02:28 John Beamish                       Lighting, fluorescents and LEDs                                         
 17119  2007-03-16 12:01:24 Mike N.                            Re: Lighting, fluorescents and LEDs                                     
 17120  2007-03-16 12:48:14 RobertB                            Re: Mac OS X 10.4.9 released                                            
 17121  2007-03-16 13:23:32 mike                               Microsoft: OneCare should not have been rolled out                      
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 17122  2007-03-16 13:24:48 mike                               How to run Vista legally without activation ... for at least a year     
 17123  2007-03-16 13:41:36 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Mac OS X 10.4.9 released                                            
 17124  2007-03-16 14:57:12 Frank Haber                        Re: Mac OS X 10.4.9 released                                            
 17125  2007-03-16 16:25:08 Mike N                             Re: Vista, Barktopus, and google                                        
 17126  2007-03-16 16:32:14 mike                               Re: Apple May Use Flash Memory For Notebooks                            
 17127  2007-03-16 16:37:10 mike                               Re: Mac OS X 10.4.9 released                                            
 17128  2007-03-16 16:39:42 mike                               U.S. Top Selling Computer Hardware for January 2007                     
 17129  2007-03-16 17:10:12 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Apple May Use Flash Memory For Notebooks                            
 17130  2007-03-16 17:40:42 RobertB                            Re: Mac OS X 10.4.9 released                                            
 17131  2007-03-16 17:41:48 RobertB                            Re: Mac OS X 10.4.9 released                                            
 17132  2007-03-16 17:55:06 mike                               Re: Apple May Use Flash Memory For Notebooks                            
 17133  2007-03-16 19:00:58 Frank Haber                        Re: Mac OS X 10.4.9 released                                            
 17134  2007-03-16 19:07:00 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Apple May Use Flash Memory For Notebooks                            
 17135  2007-03-16 19:47:38 mike                               Microsoft: Use our search and we'll pay you                             
 17136  2007-03-16 21:53:18 mike                               Top five PC manufacturers fail naked PC test                            
 17137  2007-03-16 22:01:16 Mike N.                            Re: Microsoft: Use our search and we'll pay you                         
 17138  2007-03-16 22:15:52 mike                               Re: Microsoft: Use our search and we'll pay you                         
 17139  2007-03-17 09:36:08 mike                               Microsoft convicted of software piracy                                  
 17140  2007-03-17 08:54:00 Glenn Meadows                      Re: Apple May Use Flash Memory For Notebooks                            
 17141  2007-03-17 10:22:20 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Apple May Use Flash Memory For Notebooks                            
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 17142  2007-03-17 13:24:36 Mike N.                            Re: The DST fiasco                                                      
 17143  2007-03-17 14:18:16 RobertB                            Re: Mac OS X 10.4.9 released                                            
 17144  2007-03-17 16:16:10 Robert Comer                       Re: Mandriva on VPC                                                     
 17145  2007-03-17 16:30:08 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Mandriva on VPC                                                     
 17146  2007-03-17 16:40:20 Robert Comer                       Re: Mandriva on VPC                                                     
 17147  2007-03-17 17:45:14 RobertB                            Re: Mac OS X 10.4.9 released                                            
 17148  2007-03-17 17:45:32 Mike N.                            Re: Mandriva on VPC                                                     
 17149  2007-03-17 19:05:18 Robert Comer                       Re: Mandriva on VPC                                                     
 17150  2007-03-18 09:30:08 Rich Gauszka                       former MS evangelist Scoble: "Microsoft sucks"                          
 17151  2007-03-18 09:50:24 mike                               Re: Daylight-Saving Time Woes                                           
 17152  2007-03-18 12:23:28 mike                               Re: Daylight-Saving Time Woes                                           
 17153  2007-03-18 12:44:38 John Beamish                       Re: former MS evangelist Scoble: "Microsoft sucks"                      
 17154  2007-03-29 11:50:50 Ad                                 Oh joy...MS to buy DOubleClick?                                         
 17155  2007-03-29 06:56:14 Mike N.                            Re: Oh joy...MS to buy DOubleClick?                                     
 17156  2007-03-29 11:56:50 Ad                                 Drone tech spinoff?                                                     
 17157  2007-03-29 12:30:32 David B                            Re: Vista's honeymoon is over                                           
 17158  2007-03-29 17:31:36 RobertB                            Re: Vista's honeymoon is over                                           
 17159  2007-03-29 17:32:36 RobertB                            Re: Vista's honeymoon is over                                           
 17160  2007-03-29 17:33:50 RobertB                            Re: Vista's honeymoon is over                                           
 17161  2007-03-29 17:49:58 Rich Gauszka                       Dell claims overwhelming demand for Linux                               
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 17162  2007-03-29 17:57:44 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Vista's honeymoon is over                                           
 17163  2007-03-29 18:08:30 mike                               Re: Dell claims overwhelming demand for Linux                           
 17164  2007-03-29 18:13:52 mike                               Linux to help the Library of Congress save American history             
 17165  2007-03-29 18:19:10 mike                               Re: Vista sales boost or just PC market growth?                         
 17166  2007-03-29 18:45:44 mike                               Apple TV hacks hackers                                                  
 17167  2007-03-29 18:47:08 mike                               NPD data shows Mac sales growing 5x market growth rate in February      
 17168  2007-03-29 18:50:20 mike                               Microsoft’s Linux Woes                                                  
 17169  2007-03-29 18:51:06 Geo.                               Re: Linux to help the Library of Congress save American history         
 17170  2007-03-29 18:52:08 Geo.                               Re: Oh joy...MS to buy DOubleClick?                                     
 17171  2007-03-29 21:21:12 David B                            Re: Vista's honeymoon is over                                           
 17172  2007-03-29 21:29:26 John Beamish                       Re: Dell claims overwhelming demand for Linux                           
 17173  2007-03-29 21:33:36 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Vista's honeymoon is over                                           
 17174  2007-03-29 21:41:20 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Vista's honeymoon is over                                           
 17175  2007-03-29 22:45:48 Geo.                               Re: Vista's honeymoon is over                                           
 17176  2007-03-29 05:30:18 Bob Ackley                         x86 emulator in java                                                    
 17177  2007-03-29 06:08:10 Bob Ackley                         where the hell is my global warming?                                    
 17178  2007-03-30 06:16:50 Geo.                               Re: Microsoft's Linux Woes                                              
 17179  2007-03-30 15:59:50 Adam                               Re: Microsoft's Linux Woes                                              
 17180  2007-03-30 17:03:26 mike                               Re: Microsoft's Linux Woes                                              
 17181  2007-03-30 17:05:40 mike                               Re: Vista's honeymoon is over                                           
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 17182  2007-03-30 17:10:30 mike                               Microsoft shareholder: Ballmer must go                                  
 17183  2007-03-30 18:45:02 RobertB                            Re: Vista's honeymoon is over                                           
 17184  2007-03-30 18:46:22 RobertB                            Re: Vista's honeymoon is over                                           
 17185  2007-03-30 18:48:46 RobertB                            Re: Vista's honeymoon is over                                           
 17186  2007-03-30 19:15:12 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Vista's honeymoon is over                                           
 17187  2007-03-30 19:40:00 Geo.                               Re: Microsoft's Linux Woes                                              
 17188  2007-03-30 19:42:06 Geo.                               Re: Vista's honeymoon is over                                           
 17189  2007-03-30 19:44:30 Geo.                               Re: where the hell is my global warming?                                
 17190  2007-03-31 14:52:58 RobertB                            Re: Vista's honeymoon is over                                           
 17191  2007-03-31 23:28:52 Adam                               Re: x86 emulator in java                                                
 17192  2007-04-01 01:02:26 Adam                               Timing of Sailor grab.                                                  
 17193  2007-03-31 05:42:44 Bob Ackley                         where the hell is my global warming?                                    
 17194  2007-04-01 07:37:24 mike                               PC Makers to Microsoft: "Vista Is Not a Seller. You Suck"               
 17195  2007-04-01 23:21:22 Doug Bryce                         Re: where the hell is my global warming?                                
 17196  2007-04-01 22:52:18 Geo.                               Re: where the hell is my global warming?                                
 17197  2007-04-02 08:40:30 Rich Gauszka                       EMI drops DRM on iTunes                                                 
 17198  2007-04-02 11:17:18 Gary Britt                         Re: EMI drops DRM on iTunes                                             
 17199  2007-04-02 11:37:42 Frank Haber                        Re: Vista's honeymoon is over                                           
 17200  2007-04-02 11:41:54 Rich Gauszka                       Re: EMI drops DRM on iTunes                                             
 17201  2007-04-02 12:04:00 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Vista's honeymoon is over                                           
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 17202  2007-04-02 14:24:50 Frank Haber                        Re: Vista's honeymoon is over                                           
 17203  2007-04-02 15:04:08 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Vista's honeymoon is over                                           
 17204  2007-04-02 16:24:06 Rich Gauszka                       PSP Players Get Free Wi-Fi at Starbucks                                 
 17205  2007-04-02 17:31:34 mike                               Re: Vista's honeymoon is over                                           
 17206  2007-04-02 19:41:30 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Vista's honeymoon is over                                           
 17207  2007-04-02 20:10:00 Rich Gauszka                       DST change for naught                                                   
 17208  2007-04-02 21:31:40 Mike N.                            Re: DST change for naught                                               
 17209  2007-04-02 21:42:50 Robert Comer                       Re: DST change for naught                                               
 17210  2007-04-02 21:43:34 Robert Comer                       Re: DST change for naught                                               
 17211  2007-04-02 21:53:14 Rich Gauszka                       Re: DST change for naught                                               
 17212  2007-04-02 20:58:28 Glenn Meadows                      Re: DST change for naught                                               
 17213  2007-04-02 22:19:52 Geo.                               Re: DST change for naught                                               
 17214  2007-04-02 22:21:16 Geo.                               Re: DST change for naught                                               
 17215  2007-04-02 22:25:00 Robert Comer                       Re: DST change for naught                                               
 17216  2007-04-02 22:34:02 Mark                               Re: DST change for naught                                               
 17217  2007-04-02 22:50:30 John Beamish                       Re: DST change for naught                                               
 17218  2007-04-02 22:56:26 Dave Ings                          Re: DST change for naught                                               
 17219  2007-04-03 05:59:20 Geo.                               Welcome to Cleveland                                                    
 17220  2007-04-03 06:00:22 Geo.                               Re: DST change for naught                                               
 17221  2007-04-03 06:01:06 Geo.                               Re: DST change for naught                                               
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 17222  2007-04-03 08:38:50 Robert Comer                       Re: DST change for naught                                               
 17223  2007-04-03 08:39:54 Robert Comer                       Re: Welcome to Cleveland                                                
 17224  2007-04-03 08:42:10 Dave Ings                          Re: DST change for naught                                               
 17225  2007-04-03 20:26:42 Adam                               1 4 Geo                                                                 
 17226  2007-04-03 18:16:38 RobertB                            Re: DST change for naught                                               
 17227  2007-04-03 19:17:24 Tim Boyer                          Re: Welcome to Cleveland                                                
 17228  2007-04-03 19:38:34 JaneL                              Re: DST change for naught                                               
 17229  2007-04-03 21:51:14 Geo.                               Re: DST change for naught                                               
 17230  2007-04-03 21:53:20 Geo.                               Re: Welcome to Cleveland                                                
 17231  2007-04-04 06:57:00 Ad                                 Re: Welcome to Cleveland                                                
 17232  2007-04-04 06:19:18 Geo.                               Re: Welcome to Cleveland                                                
 17233  2007-04-04 11:41:46 Ad                                 Re: Welcome to Cleveland                                                
 17234  2007-04-04 08:35:02 John Beamish                       Re: DST change for naught                                               
 17235  2007-04-04 08:53:38 Robert Comer                       Re: DST change for naught                                               
 17236  2007-04-04 09:55:42 RobertB                            Re: Welcome to Cleveland                                                
 17237  2007-04-04 11:07:40 John Beamish                       Re: DST change for naught                                               
 17238  2007-04-04 11:16:02 Robert Comer                       Re: DST change for naught                                               
 17239  2007-04-04 10:50:26 Glenn Meadows                      Re: Welcome to Cleveland                                                
 17240  2007-04-04 13:12:00 John Beamish                       Re: DST change for naught                                               
 17241  2007-04-04 20:43:54 Antti Kurenniemi                   Re: Welcome to Cleveland                                                
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 17242  2007-04-04 13:44:50 Robert Comer                       Re: DST change for naught                                               
 17243  2007-04-04 14:09:02 Rich Gauszka                       I can learn to hate FedEx                                               
 17244  2007-04-04 15:22:30 Mark                               Re: I can learn to hate FedEx                                           
 17245  2007-04-04 15:41:42 Rich Gauszka                       Re: I can learn to hate FedEx                                           
 17246  2007-04-04 16:59:42 Ad                                 Linux UAV                                                               
 17247  2007-04-04 21:10:08 Ad                                 Re: I can learn to hate FedEx                                           
 17248  2007-04-04 21:11:26 Ad                                 Re: Welcome to Cleveland                                                
 17249  2007-04-04 21:13:10 Ad                                 Re: Welcome to Cleveland                                                
 17250  2007-04-04 21:17:50 Ad                                 Re: Welcome to Cleveland                                                
 17251  2007-04-04 23:23:46 Antti Kurenniemi                   Re: Welcome to Cleveland                                                
 17252  2007-04-04 23:26:04 Antti Kurenniemi                   Re: Welcome to Cleveland                                                
 17253  2007-04-04 17:32:02 mike                               Re: I can learn to hate FedEx                                           
 17254  2007-04-04 17:33:30 mike                               Re: DST change for naught                                               
 17255  2007-04-04 17:35:04 mike                               Re: Vista's honeymoon is over                                           
 17256  2007-04-04 18:04:38 Geo.                               Re: DST change for naught                                               
 17257  2007-04-04 18:06:08 Geo.                               Re: I can learn to hate FedEx                                           
 17258  2007-04-04 18:25:00 John Beamish                       Re: DST change for naught                                               
 17259  2007-04-04 18:42:18 John Cuccia                        Re: I can learn to hate FedEx                                           
 17260  2007-04-04 20:18:06 Robert Comer                       Re: DST change for naught                                               
 17261  2007-04-04 21:13:24 mike                               Re: I can learn to hate FedEx                                           
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 17262  2007-04-03 06:04:58 Bob Ackley                         DST change for naught                                                   
 17263  2007-04-05 07:12:05 Roger Nelson                       DST change for naught                                                   
 17264  2007-04-05 17:15:06 mike                               Survey: most people know about Vista but few intend to upgrade          
 17265  2007-04-05 17:24:26 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Survey: most people know about Vista but few intend to upgrade      
 17266  2007-04-05 18:55:24 Frank Haber                        Re: Welcome to Cleveland                                                
 17267  2007-04-05 19:16:18 RobertB                            Re: Welcome to Cleveland                                                
 17268  2007-04-05 19:20:00 RobertB                            Re: I can learn to hate FedEx                                           
 17269  2007-04-05 21:20:14 Glenn Meadows                      Re: I can learn to hate FedEx                                           
 17270  2007-04-05 06:21:56 Bob Ackley                         I can learn to hate FedEx                                               
 17271  2007-04-06 00:00:32 Gary Britt                         Solved - Faster cursor and key repeat rate in Windows XP !!!!!!!!!!!!   
 17272  2007-04-06 00:46:32 John Cuccia                        Re: I can learn to hate FedEx                                           
 17273  2007-04-06 12:10:32 Antti Kurenniemi                   Re: Welcome to Cleveland                                                
 17274  2007-04-06 06:02:54 Geo.                               Re: Survey: most people know about Vista but few intend to upgrade      
 17275  2007-04-06 09:49:16 Frank Haber                        Re: Solved - Faster cursor and key repeat rate in Windows XP !!!!!!!!!! 
 17276  2007-04-06 11:16:24 Gary Britt                         Re: Solved - Faster cursor and key repeat rate in Windows XP !!!!!!!!!! 
 17277  2007-04-06 11:33:12 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Solved - Faster cursor and key repeat rate in Windows XP !!!!!!!!!! 
 17278  2007-04-06 12:25:30 waldo kitty                        webserver attack??                                                      
 17279  2007-04-06 12:32:28 Mike N.                            Re: webserver attack??                                                  
 17280  2007-04-06 12:45:36 Gary Britt                         Re: Solved - Faster cursor and key repeat rate in Windows XP !!!!!!!!!! 
 17281  2007-04-06 15:02:04 waldo kitty                        Re: Clippy R.I.P  (1997-2007)                                           
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 17282  2007-04-06 15:50:42 Frank Haber                        Re: Solved - Faster cursor and key repeat rate in Windows XP !!!!!!!!!! 
 17283  2007-04-06 16:07:22 Gary Britt                         Re: Solved - Faster cursor and key repeat rate in Windows XP !!!!!!!!!! 
 17284  2007-04-06 16:11:38 waldo kitty                        Re: where the hell is my global warming?                                
 17285  2007-04-06 16:15:26 waldo kitty                        Re: where the hell is my global warming?                                
 17286  2007-04-06 16:26:06 Robert Comer                       Re: where the hell is my global warming?                                
 17287  2007-04-06 16:38:14 waldo kitty                        Re: The first Help Desk                                                 
 17288  2007-04-06 17:03:18 Gary Britt                         1 for Rich and anyoone else                                             
 17289  2007-04-06 22:14:26 Adam                               Re: Welcome to Cleveland                                                
 17290  2007-04-06 22:14:46 Adam                               Re: Welcome to Cleveland                                                
 17291  2007-04-06 17:47:10 mike                               The iPhone Wannabes                                                     
 17292  2007-04-06 20:54:52 waldo kitty                        Re: OS eye candy                                                        
 17293  2007-04-06 21:49:46 Rich Gauszka                       Microsoft in spin mode on Zune DRM                                      
 17294  2007-04-07 06:50:18 mike                               Re: Microsoft in spin mode on Zune DRM                                  
 17295  2007-04-07 07:17:00 mike                               Google Voice Local Search                                               
 17296  2007-04-07 10:14:20 Rich Gauszka                       Microsoft can't sell the Zune - give it away?                           
 17297  2007-04-07 11:41:02 mike                               Need drives?                                                            
 17298  2007-04-07 14:50:18 waldo kitty                        Re: linux/bsd and clock standards                                       
 17299  2007-04-07 15:00:26 waldo kitty                        Re: The DST fiasco                                                      
 17300  2007-04-07 21:32:58 mike                               Introducting D-Pin Purr v1.0                                            
 17301  2007-04-07 21:44:44 mike                               Microsoft Threatens Poster of Vista SP1 Info                            
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 17302  2007-04-07 21:54:12 mike                               Cursor flaw gives Vista security a black eye                            
 17303  2007-04-07 22:44:18 Mike N.                            Re: Microsoft Threatens Poster of Vista SP1 Info                        
 17304  2007-04-07 22:47:28 Mike N.                            Re: Introducting D-Pin Purr v1.0                                        
 17305  2007-04-08 07:52:58 Mike N.                            Re: Introducting D-Pin Purr v1.0                                        
 17306  2007-04-08 08:59:56 mike                               Re: Introducting D-Pin Purr v1.0                                        
 17307  2007-04-08 09:21:34 Mike N.                            Re: Introducting D-Pin Purr v1.0                                        
 17308  2007-04-08 11:45:26 mike                               Re: Introducting D-Pin Purr v1.0                                        
 17309  2007-04-08 11:54:54 mike                               Re: Introducting D-Pin Purr v1.0                                        
 17310  2007-04-08 14:01:52 mike                               Microsoft is dead                                                       
 17311  2007-04-08 11:22:08 Tony Williams                      Saturn                                                                  
 17312  2007-04-09 08:27:14 Geo.                               Re: Microsoft is dead                                                   
 17313  2007-04-09 08:59:16 Geo.                               Re: Need drives?                                                        
 17314  2007-04-09 09:06:52 Geo.                               Re: where the hell is my global warming?                                
 17315  2007-04-09 09:27:56 Robert Comer                       Re: where the hell is my global warming?                                
 17316  2007-04-09 10:03:16 John Beamish                       Re: Need drives?                                                        
 17317  2007-04-09 12:26:26 Mike N.                            Re: Need drives?                                                        
 17318  2007-04-09 12:33:22 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Need drives?                                                        
 17319  2007-04-09 14:19:08 John Beamish                       DiD NASA nuke Jupiter?                                                  
 17320  2007-04-09 13:29:06 Glenn Meadows                      ExtraMon Software                                                       
 17321  2007-04-09 14:29:08 Rich Gauszka                       Re: DiD NASA nuke Jupiter?                                              
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 17322  2007-04-09 14:39:58 John Beamish                       Re: DiD NASA nuke Jupiter?                                              
 17323  2007-04-09 12:42:48 Tony Williams                      Re: DiD NASA nuke Jupiter?                                              
 17324  2007-04-09 17:34:14 mike                               Re: Microsoft is dead                                                   
 17325  2007-04-09 17:35:52 mike                               Re: Need drives?                                                        
 17326  2007-04-09 21:10:48 Rich Gauszka                       Dell cans PDA - no one cares                                            
 17327  2007-04-10 09:12:46 Robert Comer                       Re: Dell cans PDA - no one cares                                        
 17328  2007-04-10 09:49:40 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Dell cans PDA - no one cares                                        
 17329  2007-04-10 10:36:50 Robert Comer                       Re: Dell cans PDA - no one cares                                        
 17330  2007-04-10 11:51:06 Gary Britt                         Re: Solved - Faster cursor and key repeat rate in Windows XP !!!!!!!!!! 
 17331  2007-04-10 14:22:28 Glenn Meadows                      "Green" server farms                                                    
 17332  2007-04-10 15:35:22 Rich Gauszka                       Re: "Green" server farms                                                
 17333  2007-04-10 15:43:32 Rich Gauszka                       Macrovision DRM  + DVD movie  + PC = 'Macrovision distribution failed'  
 17334  2007-04-10 16:30:52 Gary Britt                         Re: Macrovision DRM  + DVD movie  + PC = 'Macrovision distribution      
 17335  2007-04-10 16:34:08 Geo.                               Re: Macrovision DRM  + DVD movie  + PC = 'Macrovision distribution fail 
 17336  2007-04-10 16:35:26 Geo.                               Re: Need drives?                                                        
 17337  2007-04-10 16:37:14 Geo.                               Re: Need drives?                                                        
 17338  2007-04-10 16:38:08 Geo.                               Re: Need drives?                                                        
 17339  2007-04-10 16:40:38 Geo.                               Re: where the hell is my global warming?                                
 17340  2007-04-10 16:50:38 Robert Comer                       Re: where the hell is my global warming?                                
 17341  2007-04-10 17:15:08 Gary Britt                         Re: Macrovision DRM  + DVD movie  + PC = 'Macrovision distribution      
Textnr: Datum:     Tid:     Skrivet av:                        Ärende:
 17342  2007-04-10 17:19:38 mike                               Re: Macrovision DRM  + DVD movie  + PC = 'Macrovision distribution fail 
 17343  2007-04-10 17:21:40 mike                               Re: Macrovision DRM  + DVD movie  + PC = 'Macrovision distribution fail 
 17344  2007-04-10 17:25:10 mike                               Re: Need drives?                                                        
 17345  2007-04-10 17:45:12 mike                               Better Hope That the ANI Attacks Pass over Your Computer                
 17346  2007-04-10 17:48:32 mike                               Stop me before I run this macro! (0/1)                                  
 17347  2007-04-10 15:05:06 Rich                               Re: /GS                                                                 
 17348  2007-04-10 18:05:42 Geo.                               Re: Need drives?                                                        
 17349  2007-04-10 18:11:18 Geo.                               Re: where the hell is my global warming?                                
 17350  2007-04-10 19:04:28 Rich Gauszka                       Re: where the hell is my global warming?                                
 17351  2007-04-10 20:51:14 Robert Comer                       Re: where the hell is my global warming?                                
 17352  2007-04-10 22:48:06 Rich Gauszka                       Hitachi 1TB drive reviewed                                              
 17353  2007-04-11 13:05:36 John Beckett                       Re: where the hell is my global warming?                                
 17354  2007-04-11 13:05:36 John Beckett                       Re: Macrovision DRM  + DVD movie  + PC = 'Macrovision distribution fail 
 17355  2007-04-10 23:39:50 Gary Britt                         Re: Macrovision DRM  + DVD movie  + PC = 'Macrovision distribution      
 17356  2007-04-11 08:15:30 Ad                                 Re: where the hell is my global warming?                                
 17357  2007-04-11 22:04:20 John Beckett                       Re: Macrovision DRM  + DVD movie  + PC = 'Macrovision distribution fail 
 17358  2007-04-11 13:27:46 Geo.                               Re: Hitachi 1TB drive reviewed                                          
 17359  2007-04-11 13:30:40 Geo.                               Re: where the hell is my global warming?                                
 17360  2007-04-11 13:35:44 Geo.                               Re: where the hell is my global warming?                                
 17361  2007-04-11 13:41:12 Rich Gauszka                       Re: Hitachi 1TB drive reviewed                                          